Fight Night Champion News Post

The Fight Night Champion demo is available now for the 360 and later tonight (roughly 9 P.M. EST) for the PS3. Please post your impressions here.

Game: Fight Night ChampionReader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 17 - View All
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Member Comments
# 141 JayBee74 @ 02/02/11 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by vision
Yeah.. Garbage might sound harsh, but I guess that just exemplifies my disappointment.

Change a few things like.. input lag, stamina, and the effects of getting hit by power punches, and I might drink the cool-aid. For now the game is one step forward two steps back.
I hear ya', but.............

Stamina will not be an issue. I've seen many instances where fighters slowed within the 3 round limit. Besides all that's customizable even online.
# 142 Hova57 @ 02/02/11 05:01 PM
Who's playing ps3. try to get some in once the wife and kids go to bed. Can't wait for retail get all the rounds three rounds is such a tease. I can't bring myself to brawl in the third, but i must if i feel i'm down in the cards
# 143 vision @ 02/02/11 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by JayBee74
I hear ya', but.............

Stamina will not be an issue. I've seen many instances where fighters slowed within the 3 round limit. Besides all that's customizable even online.
Are you sure about stamina? Maybe you're right. But that's only half the battle for me. What about the punch/move lag? I can do without the auto blocking. Don't get me wrong I want to like this game. I just don't have faith in the dev team frankly. As it stands, It's just too casual and arcady for my tastes at the moment..
# 144 japlear @ 02/02/11 05:47 PM
its a decent game, it can turn into a slugfest if you want it too. But i used Ali last night, and i utilized my jab, and it actually controlled tyson a bit,, he (tyson) started punching at a farther distance and he started to through haymakers from a further distance, i used the buttons not really a joystick guy, but i was kiling him with my combos, hitting him with 1-2's, then stepping to the side hitting with 1-2-3, and then finally was able to add the uppercut for a 4 punch combo, if you take your time and dissect the game it really turns into a good boxing match, you can counter effectively, at the same time leading with your offense.

# 145 DaveDQ @ 02/02/11 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by vision
Are you sure about stamina? Maybe you're right. But that's only half the battle for me. What about the punch/move lag? I can do without the auto blocking. Don't get me wrong I want to like this game. I just don't have faith in the dev team frankly. As it stands, It's just too casual and arcady for my tastes at the moment..
I'm beginning to trust that stamina is fixed. First because you can evade punches now and the missed punch hit on your stamina really takes a lot out of your fighter. Second, if you throw consecutive punches with the same arm, you will immediately slow down.

This is in just 3 rounds. When I see a guy wants to trade punches, I get a feel for him in the first round and start to counter his punches. Round 2 is all countering and jabs. Round three is where I open up and start hitting him where he's exposed, and they do get exposed. So, this is in just 3 rounds. Can you imagine going 3 more rounds with this mentality? They'll be a mess.

That's not to say there won't be exploits. There will be. Right now I don't see anything major though.
# 146 JayBee74 @ 02/02/11 05:57 PM
Originally Posted by japlear
its a decent game, it can turn into a slugfest if you want it too. But i used Ali last night, and i utilized my jab, and it actually controlled tyson a bit,, he (tyson) started punching at a farther distance and he started to through haymakers from a further distance, i used the buttons not really a joystick guy, but i was kiling him with my combos, hitting him with 1-2's, then stepping to the side hitting with 1-2-3, and then finally was able to add the uppercut for a 4 punch combo, if you take your time and dissect the game it really turns into a good boxing match, you can counter effectively, at the same time leading with your offense.

The distance between your boxer and your opponents is so critical in utilization of the jab. A longer reached boxer is of little use to you if you can't maintain the proper spacing.
# 147 vito100 @ 02/02/11 06:04 PM
I have a question??? Where are the left/right arm stamina and torso stamina... Thought they were going to be stamina bars for these as well.
# 148 vision @ 02/02/11 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
I'm beginning to trust that stamina is fixed. First because you can evade punches now and the missed punch hit on your stamina really takes a lot out of your fighter. Second, if you throw consecutive punches with the same arm, you will immediately slow down.

This is in just 3 rounds. When I see a guy wants to trade punches, I get a feel for him in the first round and start to counter his punches. Round 2 is all countering and jabs. Round three is where I open up and start hitting him where he's exposed, and they do get exposed. So, this is in just 3 rounds. Can you imagine going 3 more rounds with this mentality? They'll be a mess.

That's not to say there won't be exploits. There will be. Right now I don't see anything major though.
I just played a few rounds today.. did seem a bit more controlled pace. But the guy I played was more sim like. I was able to exploit his wild swinging at points and connected on some heavy counters. I won with cotto two rounds to one. 70% hit total vs my opponents 56%. 88% counter, 69% Power.

Problem is I should've knocked him on his butt like 5 or 6 times with as many power counter punches I hit him with. Also.. this input delay needs to be fixed before final release. Maybe I'm the only one who is bothered by this? It just doesn't make any sense to me.
# 149 davis420 @ 02/02/11 06:10 PM
So far after 2 matches, both times I was Paq against Cotto(cpu) I don't feel this is a MUST buy. I love boxing games but I hope it's just this is a demo and the final product will be better. With the Show coming out a week after this I think this game is a rent first before a buy.
# 150 breakitdown @ 02/02/11 06:23 PM
-love the feel of the game specifically the fighting.
-the ref should call brakes on holds and you should be able to punch on holds
-don't like the first person view for getting up from knock downs, it should be 3rd person
-there should be right trigger and right stick blocking and not just up and down but all around

other then that cant pick out much wrong with the game at all its great but these things need to be changed for it to be a true boxing sim. i could see myself be dissatisfied with the game very quickly like i was with round 4

if anyone agrees pls make reference to breakitdown. id would prefer the game to that little bit longer to come out just to fix some of these things, its not much
# 151 breakitdown @ 02/02/11 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by breakitdown
-love the feel of the game specifically the fighting.
-the ref should call brakes on holds and you should be able to punch on holds
-don't like the first person view for getting up from knock downs, it should be 3rd person
-there should be right trigger and right stick blocking and not just up and down but all around

other then that cant pick out much wrong with the game at all its great but these things need to be changed for it to be a true boxing sim. i could see myself be dissatisfied with the game very quickly like i was with round 4

if anyone agrees pls make reference to breakitdown. id would prefer the game to that little bit longer to come out just to fix some of these things, its not much
^ forgot to mention the camera is good also would like the option for the camera to sit behind the player
# 152 Sausage @ 02/02/11 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
That's it for me, no problem with the story mode having the swearing, but the soundtrack is excessive.
Originally Posted by DaveDQ
That's a good point.

I'm also highly impressed with this demo's load times. It's within seconds that you are in the ring fighting.

On another note, I know this is an M rated game, but the soundtrack is blatantly out of hand. It's like a tall glass of profanity along side an enjoyable demo.
Just a heads up for you guys and anybody else who has kids around. You will be able to turn the in-game music off from the options menu (assuming b/c of R4). What I do when I have little ears around is I put the TV on mute until I get into a match, and then unmute. I guess I have grown up with music that is sometimes laced with profanity so I am a little oblivious to the profanity.

Story mode different story though, gotta put the kids to bed; even during the day, lol.
# 153 Po Pimp @ 02/02/11 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by acarrero
One thing that needs to be re-worked, and I think can still be improved before the release, is that aside from flash KO's, it seems that getting up from a knockdown is always the same pattern - the first time it's easy, second time not as easy, third time is hard. I would like more variety. If you get caught with a flurry of hard punches and go down early in the fight, it shouldn't always be equally easy to get up from. This pattern is unrealistic and has gotten old.
The game would be so much better if they changed this, automatic clinching when fighting too close with no space (in addition to manual clinching), random headbutts (instead of random flash KOs), and better presentation. That's really all that's needed!
# 154 [Icy] @ 02/02/11 07:18 PM
After reading the whole thread, I guess most has been said already.

Imho the game is fun, I would say that the word that defines it is "Furious" and that is probably what makes it so fun for a few fights, but... on the other hand, i find FN4 more tactical and maybe more sim, with the slower speed.

I have not tried it online but i can see why it's being reported as Street Fighter for Boxing with the increased speed. As with every version, I guess it will depend on the humans you face, if button mashing kids or sim guys from places like OS.

Fighter models are really incredible, not any other PS3 game comes close, but on the other hand, presentation is so unimpressive, looking like EA's MMA game, that was not that bad for a first attempt in a new series, but for FNC that is like the 5th iteration, it should be way way better.

I'm on the fence, i know i'll buy it, but not sure if on release or after a few months with a price drop. The deciding factor would be the story mode, but i need to read more about it to know if it is as scripted as it sounds or if you can also play it like in FN4, starting as amateur and climbing the ranks, choosing your fights etc.
# 155 BlueNGold @ 02/02/11 07:28 PM
Soooo, last night I played some more online and some dude using Ali threw over 500 punches, while barely getting fatigued. Fun times.....
# 156 Vast @ 02/02/11 07:50 PM
So I played the demo on PS3 and I like it. Its definitely an improvement over round 4... I think.

The variety of punches look amazing. I like the power modifier. I like the 1 button blocking.

The movement is an improvement. i like the step backs and side moves, but why the hell is there a delay after a step move?
The same way you can hopstep in and punch you should be able to hop back and punch as well. You can move back and punch but you can't hop back and punch, at least not fluidly.

Its very weird when i fight as tyson against Ali. I'm more than happy to just stay inside and bang with ali in a phonebooth, but I'm rarely rewarded for doing so. My hooks and uppercuts from in close miss often and when they land flush don't seem to phase him much.

In the demo at least, I feel that the difference in a terrible player and a great player is less in FNC compared to FN4. I drop people in the 3 rounds the demo provides but they still land from 45%-65% and end up winning some rounds.

So even though the punch % are high, when i get inside with Tyson i feel like i miss way too much. Its very strange.
# 157 Stormyhog @ 02/02/11 08:09 PM
I really like the demo and the 1 button blocking is a great addition. Their is a bit of a framerate drop at times on the PS3 version but isn't really an issue to me. Once you can customize the game with sliders when it comes out it should play even better. The announcing has always been a sore spot and looks like that will continue. It took a awhile but the addition of a ref makes it feel even more authentic. Looking forward to the final product.
# 158 TreyIM2 @ 02/02/11 09:28 PM
I would hate to judge this game by this demo. Fighting against the CPU using Ali against Tyson is not fun. Just a punch fest and even just letting the CPU fight against itself is ugly. No AI implementation seems to be, uhh, implemented. I can only say this is just to give us a taste til we get the retail version but, to me, this is not a good representation of what I would want people to think of my game.

Graphically - BEAUTIFUL!! Seems like they are using different lighting effect than the last, perhaps ala NCAA 11, so it looks even better than FN4, which I think they could do. If I were much younger and more gullible, I would probably think this demo is the bees knees, with the subconscious effect the graphics could have on such a mind...
# 159 Tengo Juego @ 02/02/11 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by ExtremeGamer
That's it for me, no problem with the story mode having the swearing, but the soundtrack is excessive.
Well, like most EA games, the soundtrack can be disabled. If you've really got a problem with it. IIRC, FNR4 allowed you to use your own music for the menus if you were connected to you PC or were using playlists saved on your HDD.
# 160 steelernut @ 02/02/11 10:28 PM
I have no idea what people are talking about in this game. I've been playing the Fight Night series since the first installment and I've always have ranked pretty high I'm also an amateur fighter. I'm not trying bost or anything like that trust me, I'm as critical in the games that I purchase as anybody else. I believe that allot you guys that are complaining are spoiled, EA makes such high quality games you guys find things to nick pick at. You guys have to be honest with yourself and say that this is a really good DEMO, and we all know that the polished version will be even better. I hear guys complaining about foot work and the blocking scheme ... oh and the connect rate.. I've played guys online and the foot work is fine. The connect rate is kool if guys would play the game right then you wouldn't get hit so much, I've had online players only hit me 19% plenty of times or say even 35% I've also have been on the other end were my connect rate was low. The blocking scheme is great too it makes you become more judicious with your punching. I believe allot of players are mad because there used to FN4 and the "HYPER" punching that was in it no more throwing a million punches and cornering your opponent because in this version you can actually circle around the ropes, fatigue plays a big role in this one ( Thank you EA I got tired of almost breaking my controller to get out of the corner and away from the ropes against Hyper punchers in FN4) sorry guys you actually have to box this time around. So pleas EA keep it how it is Im already knowing that the finished product will be way better then the already "classic demo" u guys have put out, good JOB EA. The complaint I may have is I did hit Ali with a right uppercut and a Left hook, I don't care who u R, Tyson would murDa anybody with that combo.. oh and I have to wait a month for this GAME to come out!!! lol once again EA job well done.

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