MLB 11 The Show News Post

ESPN's Jon Robinson has just posted his MLB 11 The Show first look. Plenty of information here!

"Before each swing, you can also try to guess the pitch and location just like last year, as well as choose whether you want to take a normal swing, swing for power, or hit for contact. Hitting for contact is what's new here, as this is more about simply trying to put the bat on the ball and advancing the runners than anything else -- your batter will take a severe power penalty when selecting this option. On top of that, if gamers want an additional challenge at the plate, Sony has also added true zone hitting into the game. Here, hitters can select the option of not only needing to fine-tune the timing of the stride and swing, but will also need to move a cursor onto the ball as it reaches the plate in order to make contact. According to Gill, this is an option the hardcore fans have been wanting for years. "Again, if we were going to do it, we wanted to make sure we did it right," he explains.

In terms of pitching, the meter the game has been using for years has been revamped a bit to incorporate the new controls. Once pitch and location are selected, gamers will pull back on the right analog stick. This causes the ball on the meter to drop toward a line about three-quarters of the way down. As soon as the ball hits the line, the pitcher will then press up on the right stick, but here's the twist -- if your location is on the outside part of the plate to a right handed batter, you'll need to press up and to the right in order to guide the ball into the target that will appear at the top of the meter. This is all about mastering the stick as you'll need to not only time the movements right, but hit your spot. This really adds to the pressure of each pitch. One mistake and you might fire the ball right down the middle, then watch it fly by your head so fast you get virtual whiplash."

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 241 Blzer @ 12/15/10 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Well, having been to two Pirates games, I can't agree with that. With the way the lighting is inside the stadium the city backdrop is very visible. Im wondering if they could cheat a little bit..It is a videogame afterall
Oh the backdrop will definitely be visible, but what I meant was there is so much light trapped inside of the stadium that it seems to suck a lot of light from outside of the stadium. It's the same reason you can't see things like stars, and it's why the sky appears "pitch black" even though we all know it's really not.

Do an at-home example right now: go to a room with a window where you can turn off the light and at least be able to see something outside, maybe your car and mailbox, the street etc. even in the dark. Now turn the light on, and try the same thing. You might be able to see it a little bit or you might not be able to see it at all, but the point is the ambient light entrapment creates the illusion that everything outside of the lit area is much darker happens to be in effect here as well.

I can't really show any stadium examples with all of the lights turned off, but chances are the things that you see the most with downtown PNC Park are due to some lights being on in the distance.
# 242 ty5oke @ 12/15/10 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
With true zone, in order to make contact the ball will need to be within the PCI. Currently you can have your PCI in one location, the ball in another outside the PCI and contact still being made. Basically you need to be right on with your left stick aiming to hit successfully.
This sounds so tasty, reminds me of the old ASB days.
# 243 countryboy @ 12/15/10 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by ty5oke
This sounds so tasty, reminds me of the old ASB days.
my thoughts exactly. Time to pop ASB '05 into the system and work out the kinks.
# 244 Blzer @ 12/15/10 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by ty5oke
This sounds so tasty, reminds me of the old ASB days.
Perhaps, but that's why I inquired whether the cursor is a snap-back kind of cursor or if it's a free-roaming kind.

Basically, the difference is if you move your cursor to the left and then let go, the snap-back kind will do just that, it will snap back to the center of the strike zone. The free-roam cursor will not do that, it will stay right where you last left it.

I personally prefer the free-roaming kind. It was employed in the ASB games and WSB 2K3, and like I said Power Pros had the option for either (and this is where I figured out the snap-back kind was difficult to handle because of the pressure sensitivity). But for true zone hitting, the kind that High Heat used to have which doesn't involve a physical cursor, is my favorite kind of hitting system. It's similar, but again it doesn't have that pressure sensitivity issue.
# 245 NJ2NC @ 12/15/10 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by Rob_NYY
This is truly the best time of the year! I love the months leading up to release and then the few days before when everyone is looking for an early copy. December starts the months of anticipation and then months of enjoying the game. I love The Show!!
I agree 100%.
# 246 Skyboxer @ 12/15/10 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Perhaps, but that's why I inquired whether the cursor is a snap-back kind of cursor or if it's a free-roaming kind.

Basically, the difference is if you move your cursor to the left and then let go, the snap-back kind will do just that, it will snap back to the center of the strike zone. The free-roam cursor will not do that, it will stay right where you last left it.

I personally prefer the free-roaming kind. It was employed in the ASB games and WSB 2K3, and like I said Power Pros had the option for either (and this is where I figured out the snap-back kind was difficult to handle because of the pressure sensitivity). But for true zone hitting, the kind that High Heat used to have which doesn't involve a physical cursor, is my favorite kind of hitting system. It's similar, but again it doesn't have that pressure sensitivity issue.
I also like thr free roaming but whichever it is I'll just be glad it's there.
# 247 Speedy @ 12/15/10 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by BlackBetty15
Hey russ is there new player batting ratings for these new hitting features or is it the same?
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Can't answer this particular question right now.

Originally Posted by countryboy
Ramone, can you speak as to whether there are different levels of rain? Meaning, light, moderate, heavy?
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Sorry you will have to wait until the lighting and stadium ambiance blog.
# 248 green94 @ 12/15/10 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Sorry you will have to wait until the lighting and stadium ambiance blog.
Can't effing wait.
# 249 Blzer @ 12/15/10 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
I also like thr free roaming but whichever it is I'll just be glad it's there.
Me too, for sure. I wonder which I'll prefer though, classic swinging or right stick swinging.

I wonder if it was incorporated as I suggested it should have been last year for 2K10 (do I dare link my video to that? ).
# 250 Skyboxer @ 12/15/10 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Me too, for sure. I wonder which I'll prefer though, classic swinging or right stick swinging.

I wonder if it was incorporated as I suggested it should have been last year for 2K10 (do I dare link my video to that? ).
For me since zone hitting is only in classic button swinging I'll probably use that for hitting but for sure will use analog pitching.

I just can't wait to start testing things out and getting settings ready before rosters are done.... I simply LOVE analyzing the stats, player speeds etc..
# 251 green94 @ 12/15/10 09:48 PM
Stoked with the amount of info they gave us... seems earlier than normal.

Individual stadium cameras are sooo sick.

Weather and player models were the least of my concerns but both have me very excited, candidly.
# 252 Heroesandvillains @ 12/15/10 09:51 PM
The ESPN article mentioned, in RTTS Mode, that stats will have more of an impact on promotions/demotions.

Is it too early to ask whether or not the CPU will be using this same logic during season/franchise mode? Or is this a RTTS only feature?
# 253 green94 @ 12/15/10 09:53 PM
Oh yeah, forgot about the RTTS stuff. Great to hear stats will play more of a role. Awesome!
# 254 green94 @ 12/15/10 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I can not believe nobody noticed this yet...

NIGHT GAME WITH CLOUDS ... and the sky has a pinkish "summer like hue" to it in the lighter areas and clouds...

Lights coming on!!!

Blzer man, you be slacking and sleeping... you of all should have got this one!
WOW, completely overlooked this. This was a huge gripe of mine last year! Nice catch!
# 255 mjh91 @ 12/15/10 09:59 PM
Russell, do you or anyone else on the team have Twitter in which you frequently tweet about the game?

Thanks for everything you guys do. It's an honor to play the game. Makes me love baseball even more than I do.
# 256 Heroesandvillains @ 12/15/10 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by green94
WOW, completely overlooked this. This was a huge gripe of mine last year! Nice catch!
Man, that screenshot of Mauer, with the lights coming on...

It feels so baseball!

(Like that Sam Adams commercial. The summer ale one)

"Totally reminds me of Summer...."
# 257 green94 @ 12/15/10 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by heroesandvillians
Man, that screenshot of Mauer, with the lights coming on...

It feels so baseball!

(Like that Sam Adams commercial. The summer ale one)

"Totally reminds me of Summer...."
I know right? Clouds during night games is HUGE! The pink hue is gorgeous... the light blue sky... dusk.

# 258 SgtDillznick @ 12/15/10 10:10 PM
This sounds absolutely fantastic. I'm officially super-pumped for a game that doesn't come out for another 3 months. I love the news about the analog controls.


Do you hear that? The collective group of EA MVP NCAA Baseball 07 devs ripping their hair out. "Hey, that was my idea!"
# 259 Shaffer26 @ 12/15/10 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by mjh91
Russell, do you or anyone else on the team have Twitter in which you frequently tweet about the game?
Was wondering this too...
# 260 BatsareBugs @ 12/15/10 10:30 PM
I bet there are a lot of people wishing that life had a "Sim to Ramone's next Blog" option.

Haha, I can't wait for more information to come out on this one.

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