MLB 11 The Show News Post

ESPN's Jon Robinson has just posted his MLB 11 The Show first look. Plenty of information here!

"Before each swing, you can also try to guess the pitch and location just like last year, as well as choose whether you want to take a normal swing, swing for power, or hit for contact. Hitting for contact is what's new here, as this is more about simply trying to put the bat on the ball and advancing the runners than anything else -- your batter will take a severe power penalty when selecting this option. On top of that, if gamers want an additional challenge at the plate, Sony has also added true zone hitting into the game. Here, hitters can select the option of not only needing to fine-tune the timing of the stride and swing, but will also need to move a cursor onto the ball as it reaches the plate in order to make contact. According to Gill, this is an option the hardcore fans have been wanting for years. "Again, if we were going to do it, we wanted to make sure we did it right," he explains.

In terms of pitching, the meter the game has been using for years has been revamped a bit to incorporate the new controls. Once pitch and location are selected, gamers will pull back on the right analog stick. This causes the ball on the meter to drop toward a line about three-quarters of the way down. As soon as the ball hits the line, the pitcher will then press up on the right stick, but here's the twist -- if your location is on the outside part of the plate to a right handed batter, you'll need to press up and to the right in order to guide the ball into the target that will appear at the top of the meter. This is all about mastering the stick as you'll need to not only time the movements right, but hit your spot. This really adds to the pressure of each pitch. One mistake and you might fire the ball right down the middle, then watch it fly by your head so fast you get virtual whiplash."

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 301 nemesis04 @ 12/16/10 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
Well according to IGN preview the new analog swing is timed based only. The batter will automatically adjust to the height of the pitch, you just have to dictate whether your swinging in or away.
MVP NCAA was the same way as they described in the article. If you played that you would probably have a head start on the system.
# 302 artdog5110 @ 12/16/10 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by capa
"improvements include flexible divisions in leagues (2, 4 or 6), custom roster support for league play"

Hmmm...this is something I want to hear much more about!! I hope it is available for those not playing online as well. This hints at the ability to create custom leagues just like the good old days of the 50's, 60's, 70's, etc. I know Knight is listening!

I do hope that since they have included this option that they also have a way to make Knight's job that much easier with the creation of classic teams...because I'd love to replay a season from the 1960's when 1 division in both leagues!! Please say there is a way to make classic teams much faster than current functionality/editor allows...

Great job as always SCEA!! Above and beyond...

I took it to mean only online but I really hope im wrong.
# 303 Joey @ 12/16/10 11:09 AM
I really enjoyed hitting on that game, so it would suit me fine if it's like that.

Originally Posted by nemesis04
MVP NCAA was the same way as they described in the article. If you played that you would probably have a head start on the system.
# 304 BravesBoy @ 12/16/10 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by green94
LMAO - first the cow, now the flashing sign!
oh God, please do not bring up the cow!!!!!
# 305 Knight165 @ 12/16/10 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
I want to know if you can trade in the online leagues w/ custom rosters? Was this how it was in the leagues in the past? I never played online, but this might make me play. I always hated editing players accessories, to only go online and have generic accessories.

Now all the work that Knight puts in, and the little tweaks I make on accessories afterward can translate online.

So again, can anyone confirm if you can trade among users in online leagues?
I don't know how the online portion works El M....
I'll try and find out.
I'm thinking custom rosters are going to be AWESOME this year.

# 306 El_MaYiMbE @ 12/16/10 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Joey
I really enjoyed hitting on that game, so it would suit me fine if it's like that.
Never played MVP college versions. I was one of those silly people playing MLB 2K series (insert joke/pitty here).

But I am excited about trying out the new hitting on my favorite series of all time!
# 307 Pared @ 12/16/10 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
I want to know if you can trade in the online leagues w/ custom rosters? Was this how it was in the leagues in the past? I never played online, but this might make me play. I always hated editing players accessories, to only go online and have generic accessories.

Now all the work that Knight puts in, and the little tweaks I make on accessories afterward can translate online.

So again, can anyone confirm if you can trade among users in online leagues?
What makes you think you wouldn't be able to?
# 308 El_MaYiMbE @ 12/16/10 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
What makes you think you wouldn't be able to?
I have never played online leagues, so don't know limits or restrictions. I don't take anything for granted or assume.

I made the mistake assuming '09-'10 that the runners would have batting gloves on basepaths, and we saw how that worked out. By far less complicated then adding live trading to a shared roster file among 30 users.
# 309 NYYanks26 @ 12/16/10 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Openroad_7
Russell, when playing online, does each opponent have to use the same control scheme (Analog or Buttons) like base running and guess pitch in previous games?
Curious about this as well.. Also if we are able to use the pitching meter from this year (and previous years) online as well. I'm assuming we are until told otherwise.

The league stuff all sounds great.. Interested to hear more about this weather situation too. Will we have real rain delays where you are possibly forced to remove your starting pitcher?!
# 310 El_MaYiMbE @ 12/16/10 11:54 AM
I was also wondering, if you can use custom rosters when playing a quick match online?

For example I have friends that live in different towns/cities, but we never get to hang out much. But I would like to play pick up (non-league) games with custom rosters.
# 311 nemesis04 @ 12/16/10 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by NYYanks26
Curious about this as well.. Also if we are able to use the pitching meter from this year (and previous years) online as well. I'm assuming we are until told otherwise.
Just remember nothing gets taken away from you when new things are added. You would still be able to use the pitching meter.
# 312 nemesis04 @ 12/16/10 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by El_MaYiMbE
I was also wondering, if you can use custom rosters when playing a quick match online?

For example I have friends that live in different towns/cities, but we never get to hang out much. But I would like to play pick up (non-league) games with custom rosters.
I am sure at some point there will be a blog specifically about online, so I would save all your questions until then.
# 313 Openroad_7 @ 12/16/10 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by NYYanks26
Curious about this as well.. Also if we are able to use the pitching meter from this year (and previous years) online as well. I'm assuming we are until told otherwise.

The league stuff all sounds great.. Interested to hear more about this weather situation too. Will we have real rain delays where you are possibly forced to remove your starting pitcher?!
I am wondering what will differ between offline and online. For instance camera angles will probably not make it online, do we finally get the behind the pitcher view for online?
# 314 NYYanks26 @ 12/16/10 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Just remember nothing gets taken away from you when new things are added. You would still be able to use the pitching meter.
Figured as much, they are very good with keeping stuff in. Just wanted to make sure we can still use them in an online league if we wanted to. I'm sure more info will continue to pour out but I love how they gave the leagues so much more control now.
# 315 rick10 @ 12/16/10 12:02 PM
Has anyone notices that in the screen shot looking out into McCovey Cove with the Giants due up, it says San Diego behind each player due up?
# 316 CMH @ 12/16/10 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by rick10
Has anyone notices that in the screen shot looking out into McCovey Cove with the Giants due up, it says San Diego behind each player due up?
Probably just placeholder graphic for that build.

Those SCEA guys like to convince people that San Diego is the best place to watch a baseball game.
# 317 Bigsheen @ 12/16/10 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Well, having been to two Pirates games, I can't agree with that. With the way the lighting is inside the stadium the city backdrop is very visible. Im wondering if they could cheat a little bit..It is a videogame afterall
Ya seriously the view of the city is amazing inside PNC because the outfield walls are short except for the clemente wall or in modern terms. . .pedros porch.
# 318 Blzer @ 12/16/10 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Bigsheen
Ya seriously the view of the city is amazing inside PNC because the outfield walls are short except for the clemente wall or in modern terms. . .pedros porch.
Well that's true, but the point is that the light from the inside ends up nearly sucking all of the light from the outside of the stadium that it becomes not as easy to see stuff that you normally would if none of the lights were on. This includes stars, the dark blue/purple sky (depending on cloud cover), and yes, even far away objects.

Consider this wonky night transition that I will show you of PNC Park. Maybe this is around the start of a game (beautiful look by the way):

Then maybe you'll get the third inning right here:

But then once you hit the 5th inning and on, all of the sudden you get that "pitch black" look and the ambient light kicks in. While you can still see the buildings, it's not quite as clear anymore:

Now remember, this has more to do with the fact that you are inside the lit up stadium and less to do with because it's just night time. Look at any other night time downtown Pittsburgh shot without lights in your face:

But that's neither here nor there, they capture the ambient light thing rather well already, before they had wonky transition issues though (going to a strange grayish sky then suddenly shooting to black). It looks like they might be going a different route this year though, and if that's true that means they are currently batting 1.000 with every improvement that I might have brought up. These guys are on fire! There's a reason to nitpick you know.
# 319 CoreyMac @ 12/16/10 01:21 PM
I wonder if that sound effect when you foul a ball straight back is gone. I know its small but its really annoying to hear what sounds like the baseball hitting a chain link fence when you foul it straight back into the backstop
# 320 KingV2k3 @ 12/16/10 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by Djwlfpack
I'm in support of the new hitting mechanic, I'm just not sure that I will be very good at it, especially if I have to move both the left (for PCI) and right sticks.

Knowing the MLB devs, there will be plenty of options so I can either go back to the old way of doing things, or find a happy middle ground.

Adjustable cameras is awesome. Hopefully someone will post settings for all 30 teams in terms of pitching views.
I read that you can use the new controls or the old ones...they're all included as options...

I'm probably going to stick to classic pitching, because I'm always really, really happy with the results, but I'd like to try this new hitting system, although I'm kind of wondering if it's going to be a steep 'adjustment curve' after so many years with the previous system...

Anyway...game looks like it's going to 'set the bar' again for sports titles...


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