MLB 11 The Show News Post

ESPN's Jon Robinson has just posted his MLB 11 The Show first look. Plenty of information here!

"Before each swing, you can also try to guess the pitch and location just like last year, as well as choose whether you want to take a normal swing, swing for power, or hit for contact. Hitting for contact is what's new here, as this is more about simply trying to put the bat on the ball and advancing the runners than anything else -- your batter will take a severe power penalty when selecting this option. On top of that, if gamers want an additional challenge at the plate, Sony has also added true zone hitting into the game. Here, hitters can select the option of not only needing to fine-tune the timing of the stride and swing, but will also need to move a cursor onto the ball as it reaches the plate in order to make contact. According to Gill, this is an option the hardcore fans have been wanting for years. "Again, if we were going to do it, we wanted to make sure we did it right," he explains.

In terms of pitching, the meter the game has been using for years has been revamped a bit to incorporate the new controls. Once pitch and location are selected, gamers will pull back on the right analog stick. This causes the ball on the meter to drop toward a line about three-quarters of the way down. As soon as the ball hits the line, the pitcher will then press up on the right stick, but here's the twist -- if your location is on the outside part of the plate to a right handed batter, you'll need to press up and to the right in order to guide the ball into the target that will appear at the top of the meter. This is all about mastering the stick as you'll need to not only time the movements right, but hit your spot. This really adds to the pressure of each pitch. One mistake and you might fire the ball right down the middle, then watch it fly by your head so fast you get virtual whiplash."

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 481 ltw0303cavs @ 12/22/10 11:19 AM
I didnt mean the Lincecum windup as a slight against the developers, i just think his motion esecially from the stretch seemed off but thanks Chris for the explanation ! To be honest most of the motions were pretty good, the only other one i thought was way off was Josh Johnson's. I still hope one day 2011 or not, that winning the world series gets you more than a video. I mean can you imagine, if you could have be able to add a pennant to your stadium, I would think that would add to the longevity to the game. I understand , if the designers could do it, they probably would have already done it, but a guy can hope.
# 482 DR Russell @ 12/22/10 12:54 PM
Is Lincecum's hair really gonna flap in the wind???

One thing that would make the game even more realistic is to have the jerseys and players long hair move and flow with the wind direction. My oh my, just imagining this is very very nice.
# 483 yankeesandre @ 12/22/10 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by ltw0303cavs
I didnt mean the Lincecum windup as a slight against the developers, i just think his motion esecially from the stretch seemed off but thanks Chris for the explanation ! To be honest most of the motions were pretty good, the only other one i thought was way off was Josh Johnson's. I still hope one day 2011 or not, that winning the world series gets you more than a video. I mean can you imagine, if you could have be able to add a pennant to your stadium, I would think that would add to the longevity to the game. I understand , if the designers could do it, they probably would have already done it, but a guy can hope.

They should do like they did with the NHL games, if you win the world series in the next season on your first home game you see like a presentation they could show the trophy on the field and the banner, and if they can do a little glimpse at some players getting rings it would be cool too.
# 484 ltw0303cavs @ 12/22/10 04:22 PM
What will be interesting with the analog controls for batting, will be that combined with guess pitch. think a lot of people laid off guess pitch because they thought it was too easy. If you combine it with the analog controls, might be a nice mix for the non expert hitters out there (like me) lol. I was never a big meter fan, i felt it was more sim like to just pitch the pitch (classic) and location, plus in 2010 walks were more authentic with classic as opposed to meter. The analog controls will be very interesting. My only concern is between the new controls, 3D, Move intregation, what development time was left to tweak Franchise ? I guess the Blogs and Knight will be able to tell us in a few weeks.
# 485 Tyler4 @ 12/22/10 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by Rod_Carew29
Not a bad idea...MVP 2005 had that. I loved it....the quickest way to find a particular player....
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Some good stuff here

Sent from the dugout using Tapatalk

Originally Posted by Splitter77
yup- high heat 01 had that one too.
Come to think of it, that game had everything for a stat junkie. I wish somebody would update that game like they did nhl 2004.

I mean i still like mlb the shows gameplay and graphics better, but all the other aspects of high heats franchise (stats, boxscores, ability to select special boxscores to save, editing, etc) was amazing. I dont think anyone will ever come close to that again unless a baseball game is released for pc only.
Originally Posted by Pared
Keep your fingers crossed!
I would love to see this in 2011. I personally think it's very useful especially for people who use rosters such as Knight's and haven't kept up with the transactions and need players to move. If not then it's easier to find a specific player if you don't know what team they're on in franchise, etc. Making blockbuster trades like 2 players for 5 players would be very amazing as well would also be a plus.
# 486 DodgerFanatic2K3 @ 12/23/10 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Pared
Keep your fingers crossed!
If I remember correctly Knight has been strongly campaigning for a player search feature the last few years so I'm confident that this was a higher priority to get in this year

After his Full Minors roster is released it almost becomes a must have feature LOL
# 487 Polo Bandit @ 12/24/10 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Tyler4
I wish that The Show would have a player search option. Where you can search players by; first and last names, left or right handed throw, left or right handed hitter, position, and player's abilities. To make it easier find specific players.
I love this idea. I was looking for a left handed 1B to trade for and thought it would be much better if I could search for a certain type of player rather than having to go through each teams minor league roster.

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