MLB 11 The Show News Post

ESPN's Jon Robinson has just posted his MLB 11 The Show first look. Plenty of information here!

"Before each swing, you can also try to guess the pitch and location just like last year, as well as choose whether you want to take a normal swing, swing for power, or hit for contact. Hitting for contact is what's new here, as this is more about simply trying to put the bat on the ball and advancing the runners than anything else -- your batter will take a severe power penalty when selecting this option. On top of that, if gamers want an additional challenge at the plate, Sony has also added true zone hitting into the game. Here, hitters can select the option of not only needing to fine-tune the timing of the stride and swing, but will also need to move a cursor onto the ball as it reaches the plate in order to make contact. According to Gill, this is an option the hardcore fans have been wanting for years. "Again, if we were going to do it, we wanted to make sure we did it right," he explains.

In terms of pitching, the meter the game has been using for years has been revamped a bit to incorporate the new controls. Once pitch and location are selected, gamers will pull back on the right analog stick. This causes the ball on the meter to drop toward a line about three-quarters of the way down. As soon as the ball hits the line, the pitcher will then press up on the right stick, but here's the twist -- if your location is on the outside part of the plate to a right handed batter, you'll need to press up and to the right in order to guide the ball into the target that will appear at the top of the meter. This is all about mastering the stick as you'll need to not only time the movements right, but hit your spot. This really adds to the pressure of each pitch. One mistake and you might fire the ball right down the middle, then watch it fly by your head so fast you get virtual whiplash."

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 401 Russell_SCEA @ 12/17/10 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Bondsfan
I didn't see anywhere that the zone hitting was based on the PCI. The PCI does change between batters, but not as much as I'd like. Hopefully this gets tweaked.

The PCI was already kind of cursor/zone hitting, but you could still make ineffective contact even if the ball was outside the PCI. Is this all that is being changed to the PCI to make the zone system?

Yes its been tweaked a lot. The major change is you can no longer make contact with the ball when its outside the PCI. Some batters can foul balls this way but you will never again see solid contact when your PCI isn't on the ball.
# 402 AtlBraves09 @ 12/17/10 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Even if it's a replay with camera editing possible we can make whatever we like.
- I thought camera editing was only for hitting and pitching cams...
# 403 Blzer @ 12/17/10 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by AtlBraves09
- I thought camera editing was only for hitting and pitching cams...
I'm sure it probably is because fielding is a dynamic camera of sorts which probably has an entire algorithm behind it to make it track the ball and field boundaries properly, but I wouldn't put it behind them if they found a way around this obstacle.
# 404 Chef Matt @ 12/17/10 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Yes its been tweaked a lot. The major change is you can no longer make contact with the ball when its outside the PCI. Some batters can foul balls this way but you will never again see solid contact when your PCI isn't on the ball.

# 405 Skyboxer @ 12/17/10 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by AtlBraves09
- I thought camera editing was only for hitting and pitching cams...
You are correct. According to first look... I'm more concerned with the pitching/batting cam so I got confused.... Lol
# 406 AtlBraves09 @ 12/17/10 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I'm sure it probably is because fielding is a dynamic camera of sorts which probably has an entire algorithm behind it to make it track the ball and field boundaries properly, but I wouldn't put it behind them if they found a way around this obstacle.
-thats what I was thinking. I see how the hitting and pitching cameras are fully editable because they only focus on two locations, pitcher and/or batter. The fielding camera is far different because it has to scan the entire field in real-time as the ball is moving. I would be floored if they were able to get each team's television broadcast camera into the game but if not, that screen looked to be adjusted to me which would be great.
# 407 AtlBraves09 @ 12/17/10 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
You are correct. According to first look... I'm more concerned with the pitching/batting cam so I got confused.... Lol
Its all good! I understand, I use the offset camera now because it seems to work best for me with timing and pitch recognition, but it still isn't what I really want to play with, it's just what I play best with. Iv'e had a hard time finding a happy medium with hitting cameras thus far. I cant wait to tinker with this hitting and pitching camera.
# 408 OhDaesu19 @ 12/17/10 04:56 PM
Hey Russell,

Thanks so much for making the best game better! Is there any chance that a robust website will be incorporated? Something like a typical fantasy football/baseball website where you can modify line ups, make trades, create schedules for an online league, do a fantasy draft online, look at league stats, standings, etc.
# 409 Skyboxer @ 12/17/10 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by AtlBraves09
Its all good! I understand, I use the offset camera now because it seems to work best for me with timing and pitch recognition, but it still isn't what I really want to play with, it's just what I play best with. Iv'e had a hard time finding a happy medium with hitting cameras thus far. I cant wait to tinker with this hitting and pitching camera.
Same here man! Can't wait to make one that helps these old eyes. 3d may be my answer to me having a hard time with the depth perception. We'll see..
# 410 AtlBraves09 @ 12/17/10 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Same here man! Can't wait to make one that helps these old eyes. 3d may be my answer to me having a hard time with the depth perception. We'll see..
haha, my wife and I just upgraded to LED so it would be very hard to explain a fresh new 3D tv! I'm sure I'll be able to find something to give me a nice view of the stadium and funtionality as well.
# 411 Russell_SCEA @ 12/17/10 05:25 PM
To clarify you can only create camera angles for pitching and batting.
# 412 AtlBraves09 @ 12/17/10 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
To clarify you can only create camera angles for pitching and batting.
-Thank you sir
# 413 davis420 @ 12/17/10 05:29 PM
I'm just wondering, I swore in '09 the Billboards were dynamic as in showing promos for TV shows but I didn't see this in '10. Will this be back for '11?
# 414 CMH @ 12/17/10 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by Chris_SCEA_Sports
Allow me to explain...

Prior to last year (or was it the year before) all of our pitchers acted exactly as you describe, but we began re-doing all of our pitchers (a multi-year process) so that they have personal step-ups, nods, etc...we have not finished this process, however, so some "legacy" pitchers remain. These personal step-ups are most obvious from the stretch..where the pitcher will be bent at the waist, etc waiting for signs...but your example of Lincecum is correct, he had not been re-done in the new way.

I am sure Pettitte has a "personal step-up" with his hands up high before he takes his signs. It is possible his hands are not exactly where they should be, and I will look into that, and correct it before we ship.

And this is why you guys are amazing. The Pettitte example was a poor one and I didn't check to see if I was right but I was certain this animation "issue" was present.

It doesn't matter. It seems like you guys were already attacking this before I even cared enough to comment on it.

Thank you.

Sent from my mobile device.
# 415 CoreyMac @ 12/17/10 06:24 PM
A very small nitpick, but a nitpick for me......when batting, and you foul a ball straight back to the backstop is that sound effect still present where it sounds like the ball is being thrown against a chain link fence? Unless it's supposed to sound like that (never sat behind home plate, but I dont think it does), I dont know about anyone else but its really silly to hear that. I'd rather hear nothing in the background or a thud off the back wall
# 416 Eman5805 @ 12/17/10 06:28 PM
And this new management in RTTS, this it mean they won't do things like call you up to the big leagues just to make you sit on the bench waiting for Albert Pujols to get hurt or something? And I really hope there's something that can be done about them calling you up just before you get to play in the minor league All-Star games to get those 300 skill points. I find myself having to tank objectives that end just before the game so I don't get called up premature.
# 417 jdmsi7 @ 12/17/10 06:42 PM
I hope the scoreboard news includes the standings on the green monster along with rest of the board. If not no biggy but it would be sweet
# 418 jdmsi7 @ 12/17/10 06:52 PM
I hope the scoreboard news includes the standings on the green monster along with rest of the board. If not no biggy but it would be sweet
# 419 Rwings832 @ 12/17/10 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
To clarify you can only create camera angles for pitching and batting.
Can you zoom in and out with the camera?
# 420 Russell_SCEA @ 12/17/10 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Rwings832
Can you zoom in and out with the camera?

You can do pretty much anything you want in the confines of the camera creator.

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