MLB 11 The Show News Post

ESPN's Jon Robinson has just posted his MLB 11 The Show first look. Plenty of information here!

"Before each swing, you can also try to guess the pitch and location just like last year, as well as choose whether you want to take a normal swing, swing for power, or hit for contact. Hitting for contact is what's new here, as this is more about simply trying to put the bat on the ball and advancing the runners than anything else -- your batter will take a severe power penalty when selecting this option. On top of that, if gamers want an additional challenge at the plate, Sony has also added true zone hitting into the game. Here, hitters can select the option of not only needing to fine-tune the timing of the stride and swing, but will also need to move a cursor onto the ball as it reaches the plate in order to make contact. According to Gill, this is an option the hardcore fans have been wanting for years. "Again, if we were going to do it, we wanted to make sure we did it right," he explains.

In terms of pitching, the meter the game has been using for years has been revamped a bit to incorporate the new controls. Once pitch and location are selected, gamers will pull back on the right analog stick. This causes the ball on the meter to drop toward a line about three-quarters of the way down. As soon as the ball hits the line, the pitcher will then press up on the right stick, but here's the twist -- if your location is on the outside part of the plate to a right handed batter, you'll need to press up and to the right in order to guide the ball into the target that will appear at the top of the meter. This is all about mastering the stick as you'll need to not only time the movements right, but hit your spot. This really adds to the pressure of each pitch. One mistake and you might fire the ball right down the middle, then watch it fly by your head so fast you get virtual whiplash."

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 281 nemesis04 @ 12/16/10 07:45 AM
Originally Posted by TN - BRAVES FAN
I hope they make the flashing tomahawk sign at Turner Field work during the right times this year...Last year, it worked during home runs...which was incorrect...it's suppose to work during rallies when the Braves are batting in clutch situations, or after a RBI, Triple etc....

Glad to see they have the boxscore on the bottom of the jumbotron though in the picture....
"They're baaack!"

# 282 Willis135 @ 12/16/10 07:55 AM
Is timing based hitting still in the game. I'm excited to try the new hitting, but am concerned it may be too difficult for me. So hopefully timing based hitting is still in the game
# 283 nemesis04 @ 12/16/10 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by Willis135
Is timing based hitting still in the game. I'm excited to try the new hitting, but am concerned it may be too difficult for me. So hopefully timing based hitting is still in the game
I would not worry, I am sure it is still in!
# 284 Willis135 @ 12/16/10 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
I would not worry, I am sure it is still in!
Yeah i figured as much... it's rare if ever they take something out of the game. But thought I would ask anyways.
# 285 cnelly4 @ 12/16/10 08:31 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
"They're baaack!"

Haha, was thinking the same exact thing!!
# 286 cnelly4 @ 12/16/10 08:47 AM
This game is going to be amazing once again. All this info. on the first day and you know from previous experience that SCEA does not give out all of the new things until closer to release date. I can't wait to hear what else is coming.

I am a franchise only guy myself, so anxiously waiting for that info to drop.
# 287 Willis135 @ 12/16/10 08:52 AM
Seems like only yesterday we were all running all over town looking for the Best Buy that had the mlb 10 kiosk set up. Now with this info on MLB 11, I have this urge to check my local Best Buy just to make sure they don't have a MLB 11 Kiosk set up, even tho I know they don't. SCREW IT, IM RUNNING UP THERE TO CHECK ANYWAY PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
# 288 nemesis04 @ 12/16/10 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Willis135
Seems like only yesterday we were all running all over town looking for the Best Buy that had the mlb 10 kiosk set up. Now with this info on MLB 11, I have this urge to check my local Best Buy just to make sure they don't have a MLB 11 Kiosk set up, even tho I know they don't. SCREW IT, IM RUNNING UP THERE TO CHECK ANYWAY
LOL, I think you may be a little early with that one!
# 289 NYYanks26 @ 12/16/10 09:06 AM
Looks good.. Just a quick question, I briefly searched through the thread but couldn't find a definite answer. I know Russ said we have the option of using all the old controls online, but does that include the pitching meter? Will I be able to use the same pitching meter from MLB 10 in MLB 11?
# 290 mikesapienza @ 12/16/10 09:13 AM
The one thing I hope they change this year in the presentation, is when there is a foul ball by the batter the screen swipes back to the pitcher and catcher view. Why can't they just let it play out. No swipes. And why can't the batters step out of the batters box on ever pitch to setup for the next pitch on both CPU and Player control side like they do in real life that would be great. EVerything I am hearing about MLB11 sounds great. And in regards to the addition of Eric Karros in the booth, they better atleast do something like 2k did and not have one liners and make funny or stupid statements that has nothing to do with the game like last year. I hope they have rainouts this year and have double headers and also a playoff mode where we can pit any team up against eatch other...Will see
# 291 LastActionHero @ 12/16/10 09:20 AM
I'm also hoping for a playoff mode!
Besides that there's allready so much crossed of my wishlist...and it's only the first batch of info!
# 292 Skyboxer @ 12/16/10 09:41 AM
First I have a very busy day at work and so I won't be on much but wanted to pop in to ask this:
With the adjustible cams: Will I be able to get a view like a hybrid of the high cam and broadcast cam? I'm assuming yes...

I really want to be able to pitch from that type view. I'm sure some will wonder "How are you going to pitch from that view??"
Same as I can't hit from the pitcher view..I'm confident I can pitch from the High or broadcast view just using feel etc... And it will be just another challenge to overcome.
# 293 Qb @ 12/16/10 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
And I believe, depending on what part of the PCI makes contact, will be the effect on the ball. Center obviously most solid, top edge underneath the ball will more than likely pop it up, same for getting on top for a grounder, etc.
I hope that's how it works. I know a lot of people not only griped about the lack of whiffs when the PCI wasn't over the ball, but also solid contact when it was poorly aligned. Hopefully the changes alleviate both issues and give us top-notch bat/ball interaction.

And my excitement is despite the fact that I struggled to align the PCI in '10. Never imagined my offense could be even worse in '11...
# 294 DJ @ 12/16/10 10:02 AM
I'm in support of the new hitting mechanic, I'm just not sure that I will be very good at it, especially if I have to move both the left (for PCI) and right sticks.

Knowing the MLB devs, there will be plenty of options so I can either go back to the old way of doing things, or find a happy middle ground.

Adjustable cameras is awesome. Hopefully someone will post settings for all 30 teams in terms of pitching views.
# 295 johnprestonevans @ 12/16/10 10:08 AM
Sounds great. Im always anxious to hear about the presentation improvements - not that The Show needs too many when you set it next to other sports games of the day. I like the dynamic weather and cloud coverage thing. I like the additional camera controls. And of course the new analogue stick controls could be a lot of fun.

I would still LOVE to see a weekly (or nightly) wrap-up show in Franchise mode. Much like NBA2K11 does, a nice slick highlight show with news from around the league would be very cool. I wonder if this will happen?
# 296 Openroad_7 @ 12/16/10 10:12 AM
Would like to hear what online mode would specifically get vs the single player game. Last year some of the views weren't available for online. Also, are we going to get specific rooms for Guess Pitch off like we had in MLB09.

Hope the Scout now is fixed, it was a rare occasion that you searched and connected to someone to play.
# 297 Openroad_7 @ 12/16/10 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Always we would never force you to play the game a certain way.
Russell, when playing online, does each opponent have to use the same control scheme (Analog or Buttons) like base running and guess pitch in previous games?
# 298 green94 @ 12/16/10 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
"They're baaack!"

LMAO - first the cow, now the flashing sign!
# 299 El_MaYiMbE @ 12/16/10 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by capa
"improvements include flexible divisions in leagues (2, 4 or 6), custom roster support for league play"

Hmmm...this is something I want to hear much more about!! I hope it is available for those not playing online as well. This hints at the ability to create custom leagues just like the good old days of the 50's, 60's, 70's, etc. I know Knight is listening!

I do hope that since they have included this option that they also have a way to make Knight's job that much easier with the creation of classic teams...because I'd love to replay a season from the 1960's when 1 division in both leagues!! Please say there is a way to make classic teams much faster than current functionality/editor allows...

Great job as always SCEA!! Above and beyond...

I want to know if you can trade in the online leagues w/ custom rosters? Was this how it was in the leagues in the past? I never played online, but this might make me play. I always hated editing players accessories, to only go online and have generic accessories.

Now all the work that Knight puts in, and the little tweaks I make on accessories afterward can translate online.

So again, can anyone confirm if you can trade among users in online leagues?
# 300 El_MaYiMbE @ 12/16/10 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Willis135
Is timing based hitting still in the game. I'm excited to try the new hitting, but am concerned it may be too difficult for me. So hopefully timing based hitting is still in the game
Well according to IGN preview the new analog swing is timed based only. The batter will automatically adjust to the height of the pitch, you just have to dictate whether your swinging in or away.

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