MLB 11 The Show News Post

Baseball's pennant push is in full swing, and several teams are feverishly trying to claw their way to a division title. For those of us whose teams have already been eliminated from postseason consideration (my beloved Tigers included), the only baseball we really have to look forward to right now is next season's entry of Sony's stellar MLB: The Show franchise. While this year's title was an excellent addition to the series, there are definitely some nagging issues holding the game back from the elusive "GOAT" status.

With plenty of time still left in this year's development cycle, I figured I would put together a couple critical aspects of the game that should be altered for the upcoming season.

Read More - Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Game: MLB 11 The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 57 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 pberardi @ 11/04/10 11:16 AM
Just do something about the confidence meter please. Especially with relief pitchers at higher levels. Too many relievers come in with super human late slider movement and get strikeouts with relative ease. After one strikeout, the reliever's confidence is maxed out and the no hit robo pitcher is well on his way. Very arcade if you ask me.

If anything, relief pitchers blow a tremendous amount of games with leads in real life. Also, since when do relievers have 5 pitches they can throw for strikes! Make it real. They have 3 pitches and can throw 2 for strikes.

There are far too many swing and misses on sliders and changeups. The timing definitely needs to be tweaked so that foul tips are better represented. Sliders don't prevail on this. Professional hitters can foul off tons of pitches to get one they can make decent contact. This should not add to hits but more groundouts and popups.

Also, I will lower a cpu's fastball from 95 to 92 because that's what he throws in real life and he'll still throw 95 in the game! Make the attributes show up in the game! Too many pitchers with high walk meters show incredible control. This again is driven by the confidence meter.

95% of the game plays perfect. This year's game has some real arcade like gameplay. I can pretty much tell if I'm going to win or lose by the 2nd inning. The game should have more surprises and exciting finishes which I don't see this year.

Read More - Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show[/quote]
# 182 Armor and Sword @ 11/04/10 12:30 PM
I went back and read this entire thread and found lot's of great points. While I do not own 2010 (playing 2009) the improvements I would like to see are pretty simple as I think this game is almost perfect.

1) Fielding and running controls - I don't think these are great at all. Clunky would be the word I would use. I was an MVP 2005 player (PS2) before getting the show 2009 and their fielding and baserunning was and is still the best ever. I don't field or baserun on The Show. It is all set to auto which I have had no problem with, I feel it is much more sim playing that way. But if they were to improve the tightness of the controls in that area I would love to play the field and run again. Right now for me it is too frustrating to try. Plus I am a ballplayer so it really get's me upset when the wrong fielder is chosen etc on hot liners etc. And the baserunning can really be a cluster **** sometimes IMO.

2) Presentation - Just keep adding to this. The game is beautiful and all it needs are some tweaks like a weekly show, highlights, rumors etc. Baseball tonight or MLB network type of stuff.

That's it. This game to me is one of the crown jewels of sports games (NBA2K11,NCAA2011 and NHL 2011 being the others).

I love the hitting. It truly gives me the feeling I am battling and fighting for every hit, HR that I get.

I love Classic pitching. I love the fact it is a feel based method, and that some days my guys have great stuff and some days they don't.

While I loved the meter on MVP, I found that once you got your timing down it was too easy. Now the meter on The Show is different, as you still will miss the strike zone even if you time it perfect....so with that happening I felt classic pitching worked better for me and visually looks much better as I use no visual aids for pitching or hitting other than 1/4 guess pitch for hitting.

Not much needs to be done IMO with gameplay other than more window dressing. and improved controls.

On the AI front this is where things can really be tweaked better so you don't have to control all 30 teams to play commisoner for the purpose of vetoing a trade that is stupid, or resigning guys you know would not be out on the market etc. So I hope they do a nice scrub of the franchise AI and improve that like 2K11 has managed to do for Association.

I hope 2011 tempts me to upgrade from 2009!
# 183 Heroesandvillains @ 11/04/10 05:25 PM

By any chance do you play in HD?

I just upgraded, and before HustlinOwl sent me some TV tweaks to help with lag, I swear; for about three days, I thought I was you!!!

Hang in there buddy. Increase fouls and you'll be fine. CPU strike frequency to 3 fixed my CPU reliever issues, BTW. I think we were in the same boat there for awhile.
# 184 MarinersVsDodgers @ 11/06/10 08:41 PM
What really hurts my eyes is the swinging motion after getting a hit. Nothing seems natural about this movement - everytime I see it I cringe at how awkward the batter twists and turns. The only fluid hit is a 400 ft. home run that was made by a power player that he pulled. Opposite-field home runs are weird to see also. For example, whenever I see Ryan Howard, on ESPN for example, hit a ball the opposite way, it seems so fluid. In MLB the Show it seems like the batter had a tough time with the pitch.
# 185 EnigmaNemesis @ 11/10/10 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by cardsleadtheway
Haha. I had a revelation the other day when I was wondering why so many of the physics in the game were out of whack. I then realized that there are no physics in the game. There is no 94 mph ball coming my way, and there is no piece of lumber making contact with the no existing ball. There are pixels that get larger based upon a perceived speed that another set of pixels will "make contact" with. You are not going to get perfect physics when there are no physics to begin with. After realizing this, I have been able to play my games in absolute bliss without worrying about why a ball did a certain thing.
That is a good way of looking at it. By bringing things into perspective.

I do thing they do a great job at it, and it is something they will be improving every generation, also something that takes YEARS to refine, since there is so many variables, objects to collide with and tangibles.
# 186 mlblover15 @ 11/11/10 01:28 PM
pm'd this to Kolbe but thought you all might want to see what i was thinking and even add to some of it or whatever...

1. opening day in your home park have all the pre game stuff going on. as in if any of your players on your roster won awards have them handed out.

2. have the starting lineups and entire rosters done how they would in real life. have all the coaches, manager, players announced and walked out to the base lines how they are in real life. (this can also be used in the post season as well)

3. world series celebration depth - after the on field celebration go into the club house and show the players with the champane and the trophy being given out and the mvp one as well. (again this could be applied to each level of the playoffs as well)

4. a pre-season show episode that has analysts that predict who will win each division and wild card slots. then do a mid season version that they can follow up on their predictions.

5. among the awards (post season) you have missed one big one, manager of the year.

6. oh how could i forget this, the singing of the national anthem before the first game of the season, your first home game, all star game, home run derby, each post season game by different pho person or persons. oh and don't forget the American flag in the outfield along with the color guard standing out there.

7. first pitch being thrown out by some pho celebrity person or ex team player.
# 187 EnigmaNemesis @ 11/11/10 01:29 PM
Very interesting list.

I can not wait for information to start rolling out. I have so much confidence in SCEA San Diego.
# 188 mlblover15 @ 11/11/10 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by cardsleadtheway
You want a celebrity that makes Vietnamese soup to throw the first pitch?
lol sorry never did spell that before lol... ooops!
# 189 EnigmaNemesis @ 11/11/10 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by cardsleadtheway
You want a celebrity that makes Vietnamese soup to throw the first pitch?
Iron Chef!
# 190 mlblover15 @ 11/11/10 02:26 PM
dont think i have ever seen the word in writing just heard it in conversation.. so really had no idea, and it just sounds like it is spelled that way. english was one of my word and most hated subjets in school for every year i had it. well at least now i know...
# 191 Knight165 @ 11/11/10 04:01 PM
I think he meant this version.

# 192 mlblover15 @ 11/11/10 08:37 PM
the more things we can add visually to bring this game as close to aa real time broadcast from tv as possible the better. this includes commentary to cut scenes to stats, etc. etc.
# 193 Comduklakis @ 11/11/10 11:51 PM
I think the gameplay is pretty darn solid. My major concerns with the game are more with the Franchise system and the statistical record keeping. CPU logic for trades and free agents signinings needs to be improved. Obviously the training mode and subsequent glitch needs to be fixed. I figure the training option will remain as all sports video games seem fascinated by the idea of letting players improve by leaps and bounds with training or rewards points or whatnot. They just need to make it so it doesn't skew the contract and free agent system like it did with this year's game.

In the franchise offseason they need to improve the information available. Currently minor league stats disappear, so you can no longer view the type of season a young player may have had. Just going by potential rating is dicy. Also contract info disappears. It would be nice to see how much the player made the previous year at all points in the offseason process.

I'd also think there is a need for more statistics and career stat tracking.

As far as gameplay the only real issues I have are fairly minor. Poor positioning by the 3b which results in many down the line extra base hits. I think there are too many on the button line drives hit for outs and not enough gap hits. I'm comfortable with both the pitching and hitting systems, although I'm always open to a few tweaks that might improve them. I wouldn't want to see a return to the MVP style hitting system due to the insane stats that could be compiled with mastery of that system. Even with the so-called lefty power glitch, by holding the stick up and right until two strikes with Garret Anderson (just as an example since I played the Angels) I was good for 50 HRs plus a year. That said I still love that game.
# 194 Woodweaver @ 11/12/10 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by daflyboys
I've always been an Xbox guy and almost pulled the plug on a PS3 last year, but couldn't. Now I'm leaning in that direction and after selling a bunch of components and borrowing a unit and this year's game, I can see what all the hub-bub (bub) is about. But I need 3 corrections for "11" (start the Spinal Tap jokes now!)....

1. Fielding cams.... need the option for something more subtle. Some type of view that pans back and give you more of what's happening on the field at the same time. Cams following the ball around might be good for some golf shots, but not in a baseball game.

2. Better motion/momentum .... movement going to a ball in play or coming off the bag after a catch is way too abrupt, last gen-like in a way. People don't move like that. That includes makes directional changes/cuts.

3. Throwing motions .... I know I had this question answered about pre-determining where you're going to throw, but that's not always realistic. I should have the option to do that or to stop, set and throw, without it looking like a hornet just crawled into my cup! The off-balance, wrong-footed throw should be programmed into certain types of situations and angles, not when I purposely stop and push the button to throw to a base.

*additional minor* I'm not overly concerned about cut scenes, but the constant helmet taps, whether rounding the bag during a HR or when going back to the dugout after striking out should be minimized.

----now I have to learn how to not strike out so much!
1 and 3 are already in the game.

-High and/or broadcast camera

-Wait for the ball to get into the fielder's glove when catching before hitting the throw button, and he'll come to a set position and throw.
# 195 Knight165 @ 11/12/10 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by cardsleadtheway
I am not busting your chops here. I really want to know how you would go about this? I hear "improve trade logic" all the time, but no one ever suggests how; therefore, I wouldn't expect the developers to improve it. So how would you, or anyone that feel this way, go about improving it?
I actually see both sides of this...and thankfully, so do the guys at SCEA.
They are CONSTANTLY trying/testing/tweaking the trade logic.
Here is the problem with games that have both real players and generated ones....the "name" players such as Joe Mauer, we see as guys who wouldn't get traded...because he just signed a 10 year 155 gazillion dollar deal IRL.We freak if he gets moved.
In the game however, if his name was Joe Blow....and had just one year left on his contract with a team that has 10 holes to fill and just 25 million a year to do that....won't be able to keep such a player...so trades him, we would be fine with that.
That's just one aspect.

The guys on the dev team have to try and juggle both of those things and yet still make it interesting enough to a player that he feels like it's not locked in(and I don't mean that you often see the same trades in simming a season multiple times to test...obviously a team is filling the same need every time you are simming that year over and over each time)....

I give grief where it is due and props where it is due and I give a little bit of both to Kolbe and the guys on this part of the game. It's tough for certain.

# 196 Rwings832 @ 11/12/10 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I actually see both sides of this...and thankfully, so do the guys at SCEA.
They are CONSTANTLY trying/testing/tweaking the trade logic.
Here is the problem with games that have both real players and generated ones....the "name" players such as Joe Mauer, we see as guys who wouldn't get traded...because he just signed a 10 year 155 gazillion dollar deal IRL.We freak if he gets moved.
In the game however, if his name was Joe Blow....and had just one year left on his contract with a team that has 10 holes to fill and just 25 million a year to do that....won't be able to keep such a player...so trades him, we would be fine with that.
That's just one aspect.

The guys on the dev team have to try and juggle both of those things and yet still make it interesting enough to a player that he feels like it's not locked in(and I don't mean that you often see the same trades in simming a season multiple times to test...obviously a team is filling the same need every time you are simming that year over and over each time)....

I give grief where it is due and props where it is due and I give a little bit of both to Kolbe and the guys on this part of the game. It's tough for certain.

Thank Knight, and its always good to hear from someone who has an insight for how the developers are trying to improved the game.

I guess I would just be happy with some more classic stadiums, and could always work to improve the sim part of the game. I do really like the game how it is.
# 197 Artman22 @ 11/12/10 09:26 PM
This is a great game. To me the most important missing spark is presentation, especially the commentary team. New commentators is in desperate need at this point for the franchise. It needs to seem like they're talking to each other. More stat overlays during games. A nice weekly show. A lot more active jumbotron screens like in real games. Better bench interactions with the real players on the bench. Ability to argue calls with some type of reward or punishment. The possibility of hearing the players voices while arguing with umps. I believe these things would bring some new excitment to this good game of baseball. They're other things that can be improved in this game, but presentation to me is slacking a bit and could use some work..
# 198 Comduklakis @ 11/12/10 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I actually see both sides of this...and thankfully, so do the guys at SCEA.
They are CONSTANTLY trying/testing/tweaking the trade logic.
Here is the problem with games that have both real players and generated ones....the "name" players such as Joe Mauer, we see as guys who wouldn't get traded...because he just signed a 10 year 155 gazillion dollar deal IRL.We freak if he gets moved.
In the game however, if his name was Joe Blow....and had just one year left on his contract with a team that has 10 holes to fill and just 25 million a year to do that....won't be able to keep such a player...so trades him, we would be fine with that.
That's just one aspect.

The guys on the dev team have to try and juggle both of those things and yet still make it interesting enough to a player that he feels like it's not locked in(and I don't mean that you often see the same trades in simming a season multiple times to test...obviously a team is filling the same need every time you are simming that year over and over each time)....

I give grief where it is due and props where it is due and I give a little bit of both to Kolbe and the guys on this part of the game. It's tough for certain.

Well I have no knowledge whatsoever of video game development. I just play em'. So I have no idea how to answer the question of how to improve trade logic other than to say to make it realistic. Obviously in the case of a situation like NBA2k where guys are being traded four and five times during the season, often for the same guys and back to original teams, the logic is flat broken. Thankfully The Show isn't that bad. However, to take Mauer as an example, the Twins just opened up a new stadium. They are title contenders. Mauer is a hometown kid who is the face and heart of the franchise and he signed a big contract. One month into the season, you trade him??? That to me seems pretty basic. And whether it's joe blow the CPU created player or Mauer, don't stockpile guys at the same positions and don't trade stars if you are contending and have the budget. So again I don't know the programming side of it, I just ask for a more logical system. How they do that is up to the smart people that make the game.
# 199 Knight165 @ 11/13/10 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by Comduklakis
Well I have no knowledge whatsoever of video game development. I just play em'. So I have no idea how to answer the question of how to improve trade logic other than to say to make it realistic. Obviously in the case of a situation like NBA2k where guys are being traded four and five times during the season, often for the same guys and back to original teams, the logic is flat broken. Thankfully The Show isn't that bad. However, to take Mauer as an example, the Twins just opened up a new stadium. They are title contenders. Mauer is a hometown kid who is the face and heart of the franchise and he signed a big contract. One month into the season, you trade him??? That to me seems pretty basic. And whether it's joe blow the CPU created player or Mauer, don't stockpile guys at the same positions and don't trade stars if you are contending and have the budget. So again I don't know the programming side of it, I just ask for a more logical system. How they do that is up to the smart people that make the game.
You seem to be answering to another poster as well in your reply here, but quoting my reply....so I'll just stick to what I was trying to get across.
Your reply here confirms what I thought and that is ...that you are absolutely falling into the trap of "the name". You are taking real life situations...ie...."they are in contention"(they may or may not be in the game...so this is absolutely irrelevant to what the CPU should be looking at..."he is the face of the franchise" and "he is a hometown kid"(the game does not recognize this.....and ironically enough, I've argued for some sort of "star system" or "franchise tag" to be implemented in the game to remedy this situation in some way...but considering right now that the game looks at every player the same way in regards to it's budget/importance to team/contract/age/potential.....you can only really look at this in terms of logic...and "the new stadium" angle(would be cool...but c'mon)
So...let's look at the game and the way it looks at the Twins.
In my roster set....Mauer(player A) has a 5(1/5) year contract. He never gets dealed in the first few years....so I'm guessing with the set you are using he is in the last year of his contract and coming up for free agency.(1/1)
He is already making 12.6 million a year and is by far their best player.
In most sets I've seen....the Twins have 20 or 21 or their best rated players also in 1/1 contracts meaning they need to resign quite a bit of them or grab other players off the FA market.
More than half of those guys are making less than 1 million, I believe and the next closest guy to Mauer is making half his salary. I believe it's Mauer at 12.6......Hudson at 6 mil.....Thome at 5.8...and then a big dropoff...so there isn't really a lot of money coming off their current payroll.
Most of those low money players, I don't believe are arbitration eligible...so I'm guessing it's going to be FA money.
They usually have between 23 and 26 mil in excess to start season 1, so it's probably a little less than that at FA time.
You can see the quandary that the CPU is in.
At least it has enough sense at this point to realize it's not going to resign Player A at the 20 mil per he's going to ask and looks to shed contract for prospect.
Now....I know it sounds like I'm defending the CPU logic to the hilt...but I'm not...trust me...that's why I have a PS3 that I have just patch #1 on...where I put the CPU trades to AUTO...but with 30 team control, it brings the trade offer up on the screen and I allow it or reject it. But with the "Mauer" scenario as you put it...especially dragging real life points into it...just doesn't fly. Sorry.
Ways I think the trade logic can be improved?
-Star system...a player with 9 or 10 stars(editable in the editor) would be nearly impossible to pry from a team in contention...and would ask for the moon and stars if they are rebuilding.(this would be a Jeter, Rivera, MAUER) type player
-Tighten up the trade period...I agree...I think the big trades start too early...and there should be a flurry and a lot of talk at the deadline
-Have current performance(stats) play a bigger role in trades(and FA)
-Have a GM "smartphone" in place...where you would receive messages when a team is shopping a player...perhaps with a list of players the CPU GM is interested in from your team. This would serve multiple purposes....cause the CPU GM of the third team the CPU is looking at for trade to perhaps try and up it's offers and it's less "in your face" when a big trade comes down......you kind of know it's coming down the pike.

I'm sure there are plenty of others...and again...I'm not defending the CPU all the way...but when guys start involving names with the current system, it just doesn't make sense to me.

With the stockpiling...yes...I see it...but I believe it might have something to do with secondary positions and the CPU wanting to try and convert one player to somewhere else...but then never does!
I know they added this with CP and wanting the CPU to use one or more as a RP.

# 200 Heroesandvillains @ 11/13/10 03:49 PM
Knight, if my mind were as complex as yours, you would have just read my mind!!!

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