Madden NFL 11 News Post

IGN has posted the first Madden NFL 11 screenshots, as well as the first details on the game.

"Not only will players recognize the boundaries of the field, but Cummings also said that they'd be fully aware of the location of first down markers. "We have specifically tuned and added support to make it so receivers wait for the ball on a curl and have awareness for the first down. Also, receivers will now be working to catch the ball in stride on crossing routes so they don't end up slowing down or losing yardage," said Cummings. He later conceded that receivers will occasionally lose yardage if it means coming back to the ball and avoiding an interception. I, for one, can live with that.

But what about defense? It seems with all this newfound firepower for the offense, the defensive guys might have fallen by the wayside. Cummings assured us that wasn't the case, saying, "We never want to make it so the offense is too powerful, so we have really focused on giving the defenders the ability to go up and also knock the ball out in mid-air. We've added all new animations for mid-air collisions so defenders have an even better ability to get up with a receiver and fight for the ball. With recent changes, players will definitely play the ball more aggressively, but the elite guys are the ones who are going to be able to hang on to it." So while you'll see wide receivers like Larry Fitzgerald going up in traffic and coming down with an astounding grab, there's certainly the opportunity for defenders like Ed Reed to make you sorry you ever tried working the ball into the middle of the field."

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Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 61 PantherBeast_OS @ 03/23/10 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by adub88
Ditto, I don't care if they're just screens or not. That looks like same ugly animation that is in Madden '10. I'm not even buying the game until I see some fluid animations and not robotic looking animations. 2k5 still has better animations, why can't we do better in 2010? I just don't understand.
Am I one of the few people here that is not judging madden 11 already on the first bit of info we just got today. Why do I get the feeling that Ian and Phil be finshed with posting here this year around before they get started. I'm sure Ian is already scanning OS post and deciding wheather to post here this year are avoid OS altogether and just post on twitter instead. I wouldn't blame him one bit. People need to layoff and relax and allow Ian to come on here and interact with us without been mobbed by people who are unhappy about madden and the info we are getting. Please people chill out and don't judge on the first bit of info you see please.
# 62 Bgamer90 @ 03/23/10 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by swiftychampleone
Not to encourage negativity, but I feel where he's coming from. The last good Madden was 05 and I haven't bought one since then. It's like waiting on a person that's running late and when they show up it's like, "About time!" You know how it is, man.

While 05 was good, I don't get how ones could say "I'm sick of suction issues, sick of super DB's, etc." when 05 had these issues much worse than 10 does.

Originally Posted by green94

Graphics look like they took a hit to me, hopefully that means the sidelines and crowds got some much needed attention this year.

Any info in March is good for me.
Really? Graphics actually look the same to me. No real improvement but we'll see how things really are once more pics start to pop up.

Originally Posted by adub88
Ditto, I don't care if they're just screens or not. That looks like same ugly animation that is in Madden '10.
Were those pics .gifs?

Originally Posted by Pringles
if that is what madden 11 is going to look like i am not impressed
first the field still looks washed out ? were are the dark colors ? or the different types of fields and there own unique look.

both madden and ncaa suffer from cartoonish look with washed out colors and too dark. pop in all pro that is what the uniforms and dynamic lighting should look like.

the ball still looks off too big and plastic looking
the bodies look the same and by the animation they showed us my guess is the running mechanics will not be improved.
.00001 chance i buy it.
lol ::facepalm::

::walks away from computer::
# 63 CardsFan52 @ 03/23/10 07:14 PM
Really don't get why people are jumping ship and bad mouthing, its the firs bit of real info folks so chill. Looking forward to the blog tomorrow.
# 64 splff3000 @ 03/23/10 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Pantherbeast
Why do I get the feeling that Ian and Phil be finshed with posting here this year around before they get started. (
Umm, maybe because they haven't posted here since October or something like that.
# 65 lolfalconsbeatu @ 03/23/10 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by Pantherbeast
Am I one of the few people here that is not judging madden 11 already on the first bit of info we just got today. Why do I get the feeling that Ian and Phil be finshed with posting here this year around before they get started. I'm sure Ian is already scanning OS post and deciding wheather to post here this year are avoid OS altogether and just post on twitter instead. I wouldn't blame him one bit. People need to layoff and relax and allow Ian to come on here and interact with us without been mobbed by people who are unhappy about madden and the info we are getting. Please people chill out and don't judge on the first bit of info you see please.
I'm with you panther. I definitely see the direction madden is going in and Im excited. So far they have already started to address a couple things I've wanted them to check out already just with this little bit of info we've got.
# 66 splff3000 @ 03/23/10 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by lolfalconsbeatu
I'm with you panther. I definitely see the direction madden is going in and Im excited. So far they have already started to address a couple things I've wanted them to check out already just with this little bit of info we've got.
WTF? lol, I'm not trying to pick on you, man. I promise I'm not, but C'mon lol. They said almost the exact same thing last year. Oh and for the record, there's a 91.354% chance that I'm going to buy the game.
# 67 lolfalconsbeatu @ 03/23/10 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by splff3000
WTF? lol, I'm not trying to pick on you, man. I promise I'm not, but C'mon lol. They said almost the exact same thing last year. Oh and for the record, there's a 91.354% chance that I'm going to buy the game.
lol honestly, with there no other real football games with actual real player names on their back, and the positive direction I definitely see that they are heading toward..Its 100% I'll be getting the game. But Nah, I know your not picking on me lol, i just wanted to make sure I was clear in my post lol.

Heres to a great madden '11
# 68 PantherBeast_OS @ 03/23/10 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by splff3000
Umm, maybe because they haven't posted here since October or something like that.
Really!!! I could swear in the past 2 weeks I saw a few posts on here by Ian lol. But yea bro I understand what you are saying. They have not post on any madden news since madden 10 came out last august. But the thing is Ian said on his twitter sometime back about wheather he would come bout to OS after some these people on here getting to personal with him. I think there is a fine line between complaining about things in the game that need to get fixed and all. And then people on here going beyond that and attacking Ian on a personal level and all. It seems from some of these post I have seen so far. It would seem some of these people could get to personal on Ian and Phil if they was to post on here and all. That is my guess and opinion. But I am sure Ian this year is going to be more careful to when he will and interact with us to avoid people who want to go to far with their comments and all about his work. I wouldn't blame him one bit if he decided not to post here at all. Who knows.
# 69 jdr4693 @ 03/23/10 07:30 PM
meh... I just don't seem to care as much about this franchise anymore
# 70 roadman @ 03/23/10 07:32 PM
1) This was a total surprise that information was released. I was waiting for a blog, now, surprise me again with the contents of the blog.

2) I'm not going to comment one way or another on a few pics released in March.

3) I don't blame some people for being skeptical at all. If they felt they were intentionally lied to over the years, then they have a right to feel that way. For me, some things didn't make it into Madden last year, but I don't feel I was intentionally lied to. For those that are skeptical, they'll need to rent it or read reviews before purchasing.

4) I need more information on physics and locomotion.

Let the fun times begin.
# 71 Joborule @ 03/23/10 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by splff3000
Huh? How did you get that, from this
I implied that they would be more aggressive at going for the ball when I saw this:
He later conceded that receivers will occasionally lose yardage if it means coming back to the ball and avoiding an interception. I, for one, can live with that.
I take it they would be more aggressive in getting back to get the ball instead of the defender, so they'll be more aggressive in general. Plus how is that a bad thing like the article implies?
Also, I don't think I like the idea of the receivers running their route to the first down marker on their own. Each play has a certain design and should be followed. If the play calls for a 5yd curl, then I want the receiver to run a 5 yd curl. If I want him to run it to the first down marker, I will play maker him to run his route to the first down marker. The only time I wouldn't mind this is on option routes. I can assume that route based passing isn't in this years version either since receivers routes are gonna be varied, that means you're gonna have to wait until they make their break before you can throw the ball.
If I were to guess, it would be based on situation and they'll be more aggressive to get the first down on 3rd downs. Like you said most plays are designed for players to run the route in a specific way and they should be run that way.
# 72 PantherBeast_OS @ 03/23/10 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by foolish813
If everyone was posting about how awesome this info was there would be no problem. That's just not the case though. We learned from the past and we feel we know where this is headed. We have all been loyal fans who invest our hard earned cash every year. We have the RIGHT to call it as we see it. We have wowed EA and the gaming industry for years with our dedication. We deserve the same in return. That's all we want. We feel we are the unappreciated wives, that have ironed EA's clothes and put food in their mouths only to be shunned, called fat, told to loose weight, cheated on, and told that we could never find anyone else to love us.
Yes and I understand that and all. I have been a madden fan for 20+ years now. I want to the same thing as every other fan wants. But going to personal with and Ian and crew is not going to help any. But overall I'm just saying that we people on OS need to treat Ian and Phil and the rest of the madden crew with more respect on here then other people did last year. But sorry for going off topic here. But the first little bit of info and photos look good. Can't wait until tommorrow for Ian blog.
# 73 davjaffe @ 03/23/10 07:49 PM
The new info sounds cool, but I must say I'm a bit disappointed with the screenshots. I was hoping for some added graphical polish, particularly when it comes to the player models. I will admit, though, some of the faces do look great (I noticed, in particular, that Boldin looks very true-to-life). Something about that first NCAA 11 screenshot had me hyped for improved graphics, and I guess now I'm just underwhelmed here. Well, I can still hope for improved running animations and locomotion - it's still early in development season.
# 74 swiftychampleone @ 03/23/10 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90

While 05 was good, I don't get how ones could say "I'm sick of suction issues, sick of super DB's, etc." when 05 had these issues much worse than 10 does.
Man, don't get me started on suction issues from last-gen. Those were huge killers in the 01-06 games. The only thing that helps that is better physics, which this current-gen can provide if EA dedicates themselves to it. I think that after 5 years, suction issues and super DBs shouldn't be present anymore.
# 75 HolyCrap @ 03/23/10 07:54 PM
Hopefully that animation in the second pic doesn't find its way into Madden 2011 that looks terrible and defies physics
# 76 green94 @ 03/23/10 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by green94

Graphics look like they took a hit to me, hopefully that means the sidelines and crowds got some much needed attention this year.
After looking at the Boldin picture a little closer, looks like sidelines are much of the same, coaches look to be animating though.
# 77 splff3000 @ 03/23/10 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by green94
After looking at the Boldin picture a little closer, looks like sidelines are much of the same, coaches look to be animating though.
How can you see the sideline in that pic?
# 78 davep @ 03/23/10 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by jdr4693
meh... I just don't seem to care as much about this franchise anymore

Go back a year and look how excited everyone was about the first pix that came out...and then look at the product that was delivered. I guess I'm getting older but screenshots and hype just don't do much for me anymore....and except for replays, you'll never see those facial expressions.
# 79 carnalnirvana @ 03/23/10 08:20 PM
the second pic so funny, lol......

that animation is the piggy back from 09 & 10
# 80 jyoung @ 03/23/10 08:28 PM
I really hope they take that stupid piggy back animation out of the game.

Worst defensive animation in Madden by far.

Only thing that comes close to being as annoying as the piggyback breakups are the constant shoestring tackles.

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