Madden NFL 11 News Post

IGN has posted the first Madden NFL 11 screenshots, as well as the first details on the game.

"Not only will players recognize the boundaries of the field, but Cummings also said that they'd be fully aware of the location of first down markers. "We have specifically tuned and added support to make it so receivers wait for the ball on a curl and have awareness for the first down. Also, receivers will now be working to catch the ball in stride on crossing routes so they don't end up slowing down or losing yardage," said Cummings. He later conceded that receivers will occasionally lose yardage if it means coming back to the ball and avoiding an interception. I, for one, can live with that.

But what about defense? It seems with all this newfound firepower for the offense, the defensive guys might have fallen by the wayside. Cummings assured us that wasn't the case, saying, "We never want to make it so the offense is too powerful, so we have really focused on giving the defenders the ability to go up and also knock the ball out in mid-air. We've added all new animations for mid-air collisions so defenders have an even better ability to get up with a receiver and fight for the ball. With recent changes, players will definitely play the ball more aggressively, but the elite guys are the ones who are going to be able to hang on to it." So while you'll see wide receivers like Larry Fitzgerald going up in traffic and coming down with an astounding grab, there's certainly the opportunity for defenders like Ed Reed to make you sorry you ever tried working the ball into the middle of the field."

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 huskerwr38 @ 03/23/10 08:41 PM
the blog tomorrow will probably just be a rehash of what that article was.
# 82 hobbes2d @ 03/23/10 08:43 PM
Same crap every year. Promises of these great advances and we get the same crappy product every year. The only reason people even continue to buy this game is because it's the only one in town. Hey Ian, how about making REAL improvements to the gameplay?

Last year's game had major issues with contact between the defender and receiver that caused many a dropped pass when there shouldn't have been one. My 99 ovr receiver shouldn't be dropping 5 passes a game because I play on a high difficulty level. Where is the realism?

And how about fixing the awful dynamic between the Oline and Dline. I shouldn't have to use specific plays just to have a CHANCE of getting a sack on the QB. Or to have a sack and then have the QB magically throw the ball into the ground for an incomplete pass, which in reality should be a fumble or intentional grounding.

And for crying out loud make some more believable draft classes. And include the ability to KEEP the same team colors and logo if I move my franchise to another city, or allow teams to rebuild a new stadium WITHOUT having to relocate. Is it really THAT hard to make normal improvements to your franchise mode and to the actual gameplay? And I thought the idea of last year's ratings disparities was supposed to make the star players play like stars? That didn't exactly happen did it?
# 83 HolyCrap @ 03/23/10 08:48 PM
We cant trust the blogs or the footage we just have to play the demo as much as possible then make a decision on whether to get the game.

all the blogs allow us to do is speculate if these "upgrades" are gonna be in the game or not.
# 84 Bgamer90 @ 03/23/10 08:53 PM

What was the point in so many of you guys saying you all wanted info about M11 for the past few weeks when now a lot of you are saying that you aren't going to believe any info before you get to see it in the final game?
# 85 splff3000 @ 03/23/10 08:54 PM
lol, read the comments. It looks like OS up there. I guess we're not the only ones........
# 86 Bgamer90 @ 03/23/10 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by splff3000
lol, read the comments. It looks like OS up there. I guess we're not the only ones........
A comment box for anything dealing with EA (especially Madden) on IGN usually looks like that.

Not really that surprising lol. Heck, wouldn't be surprised if people who posted there are ones that also post here.
# 87 splff3000 @ 03/23/10 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90

What was the point in so many of you guys saying you all wanted info about M11 for the past few weeks when now a lot of you are saying that you aren't going to believe any info before you get to see it in the final game?
To be honest, I didn't see a whole bunch of people asking for info. I know there were some, but as a whole, there wasn't a whole lot of people asking for info.

Also, people may just be saying that because they are disappointed or maybe they're saying that because this sounds almost exactly like it did when they said it for Madden 10. I don't know. I'm just guessing.
# 88 roadman @ 03/23/10 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by HolyCrap
We cant trust the blogs or the footage we just have to play the demo as much as possible then make a decision on whether to get the game.

all the blogs allow us to do is speculate if these "upgrades" are gonna be in the game or not.
I don't know if you were privy to this last month, but Ian came out and apologized to those who felt mislead for things falling off the development wheel.

I could be wrong, but I'm thinking this year Ian and the blog makers will make sure if they blog something, it will be in the game.

I hope I'm not wrong on that gut feeling. If I am, then shame on me.
# 89 splff3000 @ 03/23/10 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
A comment box for anything dealing with EA (especially Madden) on IGN usually looks like that.

Not really that surprising lol. Heck, wouldn't be surprised if people who posted there are ones that also post here.
What about here too?

# 90 roadman @ 03/23/10 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by splff3000
To be honest, I didn't see a whole bunch of people asking for info. I know there were some, but as a whole, there wasn't a whole lot of people asking for info.

Also, people may just be saying that because they are disappointed or maybe their saying that because this sounds almost exactly like it did when they said it for Madden 10. I don't know. I'm just guessing.
There have been a lot of people dying for info in the forums. They rolled out info last year a month earlier and people were asking all the time, where is the info?
# 91 Bgamer90 @ 03/23/10 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by splff3000
That comment box is waaay better than the one on IGN lol.
# 92 Jamin23 @ 03/23/10 09:02 PM
Before we make comments we should all remember that this is only the first piece of info. The game isn't finished yet and they aren't finished giving us all the info yet. They have yet to give us the real meat and for most of you I suggest renting the game first if you feel that this is going to be a roster update. We are in March and the game comes out in August. That's a lot of time before the game releases.
# 93 leo2k2ndc @ 03/23/10 09:06 PM

Wat makes it better also is the fact that the screen for the game doesn't look super edited. YESSS, actually happy with the news
# 94 SteelerSpartan @ 03/23/10 09:09 PM
Well I fall into the

"Prove It"........crowd

Im not getting all worked up over this stuff like I did last year.

They'll have to show me with game footage that all the AI advancements are working.......and that still won't mean much to me if they don't fix.........

The Physics/Locomotion

^^^Thats about the only thing that would change my attitude, is if they show some serious, and I mean serious improvements in those areas
# 95 ch46647 @ 03/23/10 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by SteelerSpartan
Well I fall into the

"Prove It"........crowd

Im not getting all worked up over this stuff like I did last year.

They'll have to show me with game footage that all the AI advancements are working.......and that still won't mean much to me if they don't fix.........

The Physics/Locomotion

^^^Thats about the only thing that would change my attitude, is if they show some serious, and I mean serious improvements in those areas
I feel the exact same way
# 96 tooldude79 @ 03/23/10 09:44 PM
if you wouldve told me in 2005, when the 360 launched, that we wouldnt have decent sidleline catches til M'11... i wouldve called you crazy, laughed in your face and told you how great Madden '05 on the PS2 was....my, how times have changed

and i still have to see these sideline catches, first hand, to believe it...we've heard it every year!

so much for innovation
# 97 z4ckdabeast @ 03/23/10 09:53 PM
First I saw this pic:

And I was giddy. Then I saw this screenshot:

And I threw up. Same awful animation of the safety levitating, making out with the receiver's helmet. Horrendous.
# 98 nyj721 @ 03/23/10 09:54 PM
so does this mean receivers will jump in "goal line jump ball" situations because last year they kept doing that stupid over the shoulder/no look catch animation
# 99 nyj721 @ 03/23/10 10:00 PM
does that 2nd picture look like pass intrference to any one else and what is number 33s vertical because he got up high as hell
# 100 jclentzthadon @ 03/23/10 10:12 PM
1. Melvin Bullet's neck is all jacked up and that picture with he and Boldin I pray was a mistake

2. I'm a wait and see physics/animation/gameplay dude

3. Screw the damn graphics. Fix the game.

Much like NCAA, Madden needs more, more, more and more gameplay enhancements. No more cosmetics, wind socks, handwarmers, long sleeves and anything else. Fix the game. I think the graphics are well above average. It's the gameplay and animations, AI and such that need to be improved.

Sure they said this before about the sideline catches but you know what? I'm banking they get it in AND I'm banking they leave the graphics alone because they know they are fine and want to really spend time and effort on gameplay.

We'll see...

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