Madden NFL 11 News Post

IGN has posted the first Madden NFL 11 screenshots, as well as the first details on the game.

"Not only will players recognize the boundaries of the field, but Cummings also said that they'd be fully aware of the location of first down markers. "We have specifically tuned and added support to make it so receivers wait for the ball on a curl and have awareness for the first down. Also, receivers will now be working to catch the ball in stride on crossing routes so they don't end up slowing down or losing yardage," said Cummings. He later conceded that receivers will occasionally lose yardage if it means coming back to the ball and avoiding an interception. I, for one, can live with that.

But what about defense? It seems with all this newfound firepower for the offense, the defensive guys might have fallen by the wayside. Cummings assured us that wasn't the case, saying, "We never want to make it so the offense is too powerful, so we have really focused on giving the defenders the ability to go up and also knock the ball out in mid-air. We've added all new animations for mid-air collisions so defenders have an even better ability to get up with a receiver and fight for the ball. With recent changes, players will definitely play the ball more aggressively, but the elite guys are the ones who are going to be able to hang on to it." So while you'll see wide receivers like Larry Fitzgerald going up in traffic and coming down with an astounding grab, there's certainly the opportunity for defenders like Ed Reed to make you sorry you ever tried working the ball into the middle of the field."

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 dmick4324 @ 03/24/10 12:32 AM
I asked my girlfriend to check OS for me to checkout the madden forums. She read to me Madden 11 Screenshots and I got so excited I ripped my laptop out of her hands and pushed her off my bed. This feeling of excitement quickly subsided as I saw the screenshots.

The Miles Austin animation happened about once every 4000 catches near the sideline (for me at least). I now expect this animation to trigger when a receiver is within 10 yards of the sideline.. I'm invisioning Miles Austin tiptoeing the sideline at the hashes. Austin's face does look pretty cool though.

The second screenshot really ruined my excitement. I cringed thinking about a DB jumping to knock the ball out of my WRs hands, climbing on his back, and then gathering enough force in mid air to hit my WR so hard that it sounds like a head to head collision of 2 Toyotas.

Sorry in advance about this.. lol
# 122 PantherBeast_OS @ 03/24/10 12:45 AM
Thanks for the heads of Ian. Just please let it be more indepth please.
# 123 Bgamer90 @ 03/24/10 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by LoostheMoos

Madden 11 will satisfy some and disappoint others, but what personally disappoints me is that Backbreaker shows a real attempt to change the perspective of how we play video football and introduces Euphoria-based unique tackles (in place of canned animations) and the only talk out of Orlando is about superficial and following the usual script. It will be enough to trounce Backbreaker in sales for certain, but not in originality and that counts for a lot.

Another year and another Madden that gets incrementally better when most people want something revolutionary every 12 months.
How can you (and others) make such statements when there's WAAY more info to come about Madden 11 in these upcoming weeks/months?

I don't get it.
# 124 thor-17 @ 03/24/10 12:55 AM
Do you guys remember last year? Ian and Co talked about qb's being able to branch out of the sack animation in M10. Sacks were way down, at least in my game, because everytime I'd hit the qb, he would throw d#$% the ball away. I hope it's not gonna be the same thing this year with the catch animations. Watching the same few new animations over and over and over.....

It seems like whatever the team is working to improve is run into the ground by the game. Instead of just being a part of the flow of the game, it's almost like they are saying," Look at me, I'm the new animation. Didn't see me, ok, here I go again. Still not enough, ok here I am again." I can remember this as far back as the Sega Genesis.
# 125 davep @ 03/24/10 12:56 AM
I dunno...I think the CDT (Catch Debugging Tool) will be the answer to everyone's prayers!
# 126 lgxjames @ 03/24/10 12:57 AM
tomorrow looks like a interesting day, wonder how much ign paid for that exclusive (if anything)
# 127 Mr_Riddick @ 03/24/10 12:58 AM
To me the new Ncaa 11 screenshots look 100x better.
# 128 PantherBeast_OS @ 03/24/10 01:26 AM
Originally Posted by womalee23
To me the new Ncaa 11 screenshots look 100x better.
Umm I wouldn't say that my friend. Both games are still in production right now. I wouldn't judge madden11 off photos. People are judging way to soon. I think people really need to take a step back and just chill out some. First info a few photos and people are suddenly jumping the gun.
# 129 cdon2k @ 03/24/10 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by womalee23
To me the new Ncaa 11 screenshots look 100x better.
Well, if Madden as slightly lesser graphics with a more animate sideline than i'll take that any day over perfect player models with dead sidelines. A previous poster noticed the hit in graphics as well. Hopefully, resources have been used elsewhere.

A detailed player model isn't even that important as most times we are seeing the game from that bird's eye view. I hope they understand this for next gen Madden.
# 130 splff3000 @ 03/24/10 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by LoostheMoos

The game is at a crossroads this year in many ways.

I am sure that Ian is expected to produce a product that INCREASES sales year-over-year and that alone creates an enormous amount of inertia that is tough to overcome in any corporate setting (for the youngsters on this forum, pray you never have to learn the inner working of a large conglomerate/corporation like EA). I feel badly for him because it really is the ultimate no-win scenario. Change too much and alienate the "base" of customers and casual game buyers who routinely buy Madden every year. Change too little and you piss off the hard core crowd who always buys the game and always complains about its lack of depth and changes by October 1st each year. Its like trying to make porridge for Goldie-locks without any idea of what she would define as "just right".

On the other hand, a lot of the quotes are starting to sound canned and repeated year after year. This has been true for a long time, but it becomes jarringly so when it is the same person making the annual statements and promising the same fixes as the previous 2 games. Ian is in year 3 of a job that really should not have more than a 2-year public shelf-life.

David Ortiz suffered from many personal attacks and some that were partially justified, but the visceral hate he engendered at the end of his tenure was IMO due to staying on too long in a stagnant franchise.

Madden is going to be Madden. There will be a few things done better, a few things left 100% the same from games as old as 2006 and a few things promised that don't "get into the game though we REALLY wanted that one this year". This is all part of the annual cycle, nearly as predictable as spring thunderstorms and summer sun.

A brief recap:

2006 --> crap game, should have been killed and did so much harm to the series in terms of not meeting even basic expectations that it truly has poisoned the well for the entire series on current gen hardware...

2007 --> better than 2006, but still FAR short of "next-gen" expectations. EA got some credit for making the game playable initially, but glitches came in torrents and the game was generally a big disappointment on the 360 and in its PS3 debut.

2008 --> still progressing over 2006 and 2007, but not at a pace that satisfied many of the game's hardcore fans...worth noting - the 2006 game was done on a very compressed timeline to coincide with the release of the XB360 (November 2005) and THAT decision led to a similar compressed timeline on 2007 (released August 2006). Madden 2008 was truly the first game on this generation to get a full 12 months in development - from September 2006 to August 2007.

2009 --> anger was already boiling over in the fan base for not having a "classic" Madden to play on the PS3 and XB360. In the previous generations, by the 4th title - say Madden NFL 2004 on PS2 or Madden NFL '94 on PS1 - Madden had hit new series highs and won a ton of approval. To date that is still missing this time around...

2010 --> a truly decent Madden in many, many respects; but by this time the "Hate-Madden-is-cool" bandwagon was at full speed and circling the building with sign-waving zealots.

The common thread though all of these releases has been a carefully controlled media circus that starts in the spring and hits a peak with the release of NCAA in July and 4 weeks later culminates in the "new" Madden. Between now and then, about 5,000 times people will say "its still early...wait until 'x,y,z' " and another 5,000 retorts will say "yeah, but what about 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 or 2010?" The long and the short of it is that if you expect too much change in any single Madden then you simply have not been paying attention to the Madden Cycle very well or you are still new to the series.

Madden 11 will satisfy some and disappoint others, but what personally disappoints me is that Backbreaker shows a real attempt to change the perspective of how we play video football and introduces Euphoria-based unique tackles (in place of canned animations) and the only talk out of Orlando is about superficial and following the usual script. It will be enough to trounce Backbreaker in sales for certain, but not in originality and that counts for a lot.

Another year and another Madden that gets incrementally better when most people want something revolutionary every 12 months.
Great first post!! Welcome to OS!!
# 131 splff3000 @ 03/24/10 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
How can you (and others) make such statements when there's WAAY more info to come about Madden 11 in these upcoming weeks/months?

I don't get it.
Because it's been like that for the last 5 yrs. I actually think his whole post was spot on.
# 132 cdon2k @ 03/24/10 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by splff3000
Because it's been like that for the last 5 yrs. I actually think his whole post was spot on.
Not to be negative, but I thought the post by "loosthemoos" was common knowledge. If you're here at OS, and have been following Madden on next gen, then most of this stuff is obvious.
# 133 Bgamer90 @ 03/24/10 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by splff3000
Because it's been like that for the last 5 yrs. I actually think his whole post was spot on.
I actually liked his post too but again, how can you tell the direction that madden 11 will go in when all we've heard so far is the new pass debug system and other details that were minor?

Also, if anything, if you feel that the features said about madden 10 didn't work 100% like they were stated and/or were minor, I don't know how you feel like it has been that way just for the last 5 years.

If anything, I think one would feel the same about the last gen versions too during their time.
# 134 Rocky @ 03/24/10 02:29 AM
A minor gripe.

The football is still way too big. Really hurts the game aesthetically, imo.
# 135 Bgamer90 @ 03/24/10 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by Rocky
A minor gripe.

The football is still way too big. Really hurts the game aesthetically, imo.
If it's the same issue as before, it's either have the ball too big or have very noticeable clipping.

I'll take the former.
# 136 Rocky @ 03/24/10 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
If it's the same issue as before, it's either have the ball too big or have very noticeable clipping.

I'll take the former.
I know that...it still would be nice if they looked into alleviating the issue however.
# 137 Bgamer90 @ 03/24/10 02:44 AM
Originally Posted by Rocky
I know that...it still would be nice if they looked into alleviating the issue however.
Yeah it would be though I personally don't really notice it when playing.

It would make for better pics.
# 138 Nadal @ 03/24/10 03:02 AM
Pretty much looks like Madden NFL 10 to me. I don't like the way the players seem to be moving in the second picture or Austin's glee-stricken face in the first.

IGN's way of describing "The Catch Debugging Tool" sounds awfully like how they talked about Madden NFL 10's gimmick, "Pro-Tak".

Also - what the hell is up with the ball, guys? Seriously? I mean, I don't like to look like a negative Nancy, but these dev guys told us that they would definitely tweak the ball for Madden NFL 11 and that they couldn't with Madden NFL 10 because they'd have to re-do a lot of animations.

Well, at this point in time it seems that they may have gotten lazy, kept the ball the same, and then piled on new animations on top of a fat, fuzzy, bland looking ball. There should be no excuses as to why the ball is too big this time, because it has been a known issue since the first screens of Madden NFL 10 (more than a year ago) were given to us.

But, I pretty much agree with everything that has been said. Yes, it is early, however it's never too early to be worried - ESPECIALLY about a game with Madden's track record.

If the animations look the same or even only fractionally improved over last year's game, as well as presentation and graphics, then this will be the most disappointing Madden since Madden NFL 06 for the 360. And damn, that was disappointing.
# 139 prettyrik @ 03/24/10 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by bigjake62505
Anyone want to place a bet on #33 for the colts just defied gravity by jumping in the air then turning while air born and defending the pass?
I was thinking the samething when I seen that screenshot. Honestly I feel this is the same promise year after year after year after year. It gets redundant seriously. I think some heavy game testing needs to be done on Madden by all types of gamers. Hardcore, casual players, die heart nfl fans, kids, newbies, and etc. To see if this game is honestly is playing the way it was intended to be played out of the box. Patches/Upddates should be for minor cosmetic issues and roster changes not essential core gameplay function/issues. Gameplay should be PRIORITY #1!
# 140 Bgamer90 @ 03/24/10 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by Nadal

IGN's way of describing "The Catch Debugging Tool" sounds awfully like how they talked about Madden NFL 10's gimmick, "Pro-Tak".
Am I the only one that felt that pro-tak wasn't a gimmick?

Tackles felt much different compared to how they did previously in Madden games to me.

Am I just different lol?

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