Madden NFL 11 News Post

IGN has posted the first Madden NFL 11 screenshots, as well as the first details on the game.

"Not only will players recognize the boundaries of the field, but Cummings also said that they'd be fully aware of the location of first down markers. "We have specifically tuned and added support to make it so receivers wait for the ball on a curl and have awareness for the first down. Also, receivers will now be working to catch the ball in stride on crossing routes so they don't end up slowing down or losing yardage," said Cummings. He later conceded that receivers will occasionally lose yardage if it means coming back to the ball and avoiding an interception. I, for one, can live with that.

But what about defense? It seems with all this newfound firepower for the offense, the defensive guys might have fallen by the wayside. Cummings assured us that wasn't the case, saying, "We never want to make it so the offense is too powerful, so we have really focused on giving the defenders the ability to go up and also knock the ball out in mid-air. We've added all new animations for mid-air collisions so defenders have an even better ability to get up with a receiver and fight for the ball. With recent changes, players will definitely play the ball more aggressively, but the elite guys are the ones who are going to be able to hang on to it." So while you'll see wide receivers like Larry Fitzgerald going up in traffic and coming down with an astounding grab, there's certainly the opportunity for defenders like Ed Reed to make you sorry you ever tried working the ball into the middle of the field."

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 kjcheezhead @ 03/25/10 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by roadman
I think negativity is too strong of a word.

I don't blame people for being skeptical and having a show me don't tell me attitude, especially if they feel that they were intentionally lied to. (which sounds like that's what you are saying)

I really don't think people are being negative when they are saying the above.
True. Skeptical is the better word. The guys posting positive responses seem to feel skeptical and negative are the same and I started switiching those two out as well.
# 182 Only1LT @ 03/25/10 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by Hova57
your right but my point is you have a director who is trying to put the game right, he may have gotten to excited in his expresson of information. But he is on the right track, alot of this should have been in the game, and i think the game will be ok.
I truly believe that Ian is passionate about putting the game right. I have always believed that. Who goes into game development without wanting to create the greatest game of all time? He isn't a mail room clerk or a janitor (no offense to mail room clerks or janitors intended lol). Just saying that he is in a creative field and that tends to cater to individuals that are self motivated more than other fields.

To say he is on the right or wrong track is premature at this point I think. Obviously what they are trying to address is something that needs addressing, and they have gone to greater lengths this year to address it, creating a tool dedicated to tooling that specific issue, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. We, and they as well, have no idea at this point whether this will make things better or worse.

Just trying to be fair.
# 183 vatechfan44 @ 03/25/10 10:59 PM
The screen shots are not anything special.
# 184 Bgamer90 @ 03/26/10 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by Only1LT
I hear what you're saying. I really do, but the fact of the matter is that there is an imbalance, not just with you, but with many people on this, or any forum.

I'm not even saying that you are making a conscious effort to try and engender goodwill for the game. That's not what I'm saying at all. Look, there have definitely been a few crazy comments based off of very little info. I get that, but the overwhelming majority of the posts are just stating that they heard this before and that they are skeptical. And I don't believe you have a problem with those types of comments either, nor should you.

The comments that you seem to have a problem with, based off of the types of comments that you replied to, are the ones that said that the game is gonna be horrible in a nutshell. So you responded to them saying you can't know that from 2 screens and the little info that was given, in a nutshell. Which is perfectly logical and I have no problem with it. The thing of it is, there have also been a few, not many but a few comments that said that the game is gonna be awesome, based off of the same 2 screens and a little info, yet you did not reply to a single one of them and say that it was too early to form an opinion.
I see what you're saying but I personally haven't really seen any posts like that in this thread.

But honestly, the ""F' Ian"" comments stand out much more than people saying that "This game is going to be awesome!!!!!"... well at least to me so I could have just skimmed the latter over just by accident. Maybe it's because the people at the positive side of the spectrum are more likely to have a good discussion and talk about helping the game instead of the ones at the other side of the spectrum that really do nothing but bash, never really stating their problems in a way that's mature (I know, I've been on sports gaming forums for a while).


That is the imbalance that I am talking about. And again, it isn't just you, it's pervasive.

If someone came on here and wrote "those screens were so awesome that I'm jizzing all over my monitor, Madden 11 is gonna be epic baby", that person is jumping to conclusions just as much as someone who says "those screens suck Madden 11 fail" at this point, and they too, are adding absolutely nothing to the thread, but I guarantee you that the person that made the first statement need not fear any reprimand from Pared or any other mod. Anyone that doubts this, hasn't been paying attention.
True but again, wouldn't you agree that the one that made the first statement are more prone to contributing to good discussions than the ones that bash the developers childishly?
# 185 Bgamer90 @ 03/26/10 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by MJenness
No, I don't agreethat the people that percieve Madden as good are more prone to posting better discussions....they'll obviously post more POSITIVE posts, but does that mean they're contributing more?? Not in my opinion, because then this allows Madden the leeway to be trash again.
People that post positive posts from my experience give more posts that are of a critical feedback nature then people that just bash stating things that are mostly exaggerated.

Critical feedback is much better at making something better than bashing and it makes for better discussions. You can not be pleased with madden and still give good posts... I've seen it from a decent amount of people. It's just that again, from my experience, people that post positive messages seem to want to help the game more than people that do nothing but bash having a "this game will never be good" attitude.

Yeah, trash is my opinion, even of Madden 10 because of all the mysterious "missing" things and the patches needed just to UN break the basics of the game.
I have been VERY critical of Madden, yet told Ian in very specific terms WHAT I thought was wrong and what he needed to fix to make the game good....yet none of those things was addressed in 10, even though he basically laughed at my suggestion that they wouldn't be. And HE was much more negative in his responses to me than I was in my complaints...and nothing I wrote could possibly be construed as a personal attack on him, yet his replies were very personal.....the main reasons I don't even bother posting here much anymore.
Really? Ian doesn't seem like the type that would laugh at someone's suggestions.

Maybe you misunderstood what he said?
# 186 ImReady77 @ 03/26/10 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
And I guess it's impossible for it to be removed right?
well then how come they never removed it???
# 187 Only1LT @ 03/26/10 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
I see what you're saying but I personally haven't really seen any posts like that in this thread.

But honestly, the ""F' Ian"" comments stand out much more than people saying that "This game is going to be awesome!!!!!"... well at least to me so I could have just skimmed the latter over just by accident. Maybe it's because the people at the positive side of the spectrum are more likely to have a good discussion and talk about helping the game instead of the ones at the other side of the spectrum that really do nothing but bash, never really stating their problems in a way that's mature (I know, I've been on sports gaming forums for a while).

True but again, wouldn't you agree that the one that made the first statement are more prone to contributing to good discussions than the ones that bash the developers childishly?
Like the poster above said, no I don't agree with that at all. I think that people with favorable views on Madden or any other game can be just as immature and unhelpful as someone with a negative view. It depends on the individual.

I have seen plenty of people with negative views, offer constructive criticism in a mature fashion, and have someone with a positive view tell them that if they don't like the game, don't play it, or say that the game game is obviously good, look how many copies it sold, or any number of inane, ridiculous statements. It depends on the individual, not what side of the fence they are on with regards to a specific topic.

You seem to have positive view of Madden, that might be why it seems that it's skewed to you the number of helpful posts from pro Madden vs con Madden posters. I can assure you though, that that isn't the case.

I don't love Madden like I used to, though I don't hate it either. In my opinion Madden 10 is a decent game. Does somethings right, does a lot others that I absolutely can't stand. In essence, it's just there. Unlike most people though who criticize Madden, I don't really think that it is because it was better back in the day. I think that it is largely the same as it has been since probably 2000 and stagnating, which in some ways, to me, is even worse.
# 188 Bgamer90 @ 03/26/10 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by Only1LT
Like the poster above said, no I don't agree with that at all. I think that people with favorable views on Madden or any other game can be just as immature and unhelpful as someone with a negative view. It depends on the individual.
Yeah I agree but all I'm saying is that in my time at sports gaming forums, the ones that have more favorable views are more prone to give feedback while the ones that bash on the other hand make insults and over exaggerate.
# 189 Bgamer90 @ 03/26/10 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by ImReady77
well then how come they never removed it???
I don't know lol.

all I'm saying is that there are still making the game and that it can be removed.

There has been things removed in the past there were problems with the game for multiple years.

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