Madden NFL 11 News Post

IGN has posted the first Madden NFL 11 screenshots, as well as the first details on the game.

"Not only will players recognize the boundaries of the field, but Cummings also said that they'd be fully aware of the location of first down markers. "We have specifically tuned and added support to make it so receivers wait for the ball on a curl and have awareness for the first down. Also, receivers will now be working to catch the ball in stride on crossing routes so they don't end up slowing down or losing yardage," said Cummings. He later conceded that receivers will occasionally lose yardage if it means coming back to the ball and avoiding an interception. I, for one, can live with that.

But what about defense? It seems with all this newfound firepower for the offense, the defensive guys might have fallen by the wayside. Cummings assured us that wasn't the case, saying, "We never want to make it so the offense is too powerful, so we have really focused on giving the defenders the ability to go up and also knock the ball out in mid-air. We've added all new animations for mid-air collisions so defenders have an even better ability to get up with a receiver and fight for the ball. With recent changes, players will definitely play the ball more aggressively, but the elite guys are the ones who are going to be able to hang on to it." So while you'll see wide receivers like Larry Fitzgerald going up in traffic and coming down with an astounding grab, there's certainly the opportunity for defenders like Ed Reed to make you sorry you ever tried working the ball into the middle of the field."

Game: Madden NFL 11Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 96 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 Jamin23 @ 03/23/10 04:29 PM
I wasn't expecting this today.
# 2 lolfalconsbeatu @ 03/23/10 04:30 PM
very nice, thanks for posting! This first animation looks great -- I have seen that second one before tho...but i hope EA is serious about improving the defense and making it harder for the WRs to come down with the ball more than not...can wait to hear more info
# 3 Lava @ 03/23/10 04:50 PM
Dang, you beat me to it by a few minutes.

Anyways, the info. is great, I can't wait to hear more.
# 4 rsoxguy12 @ 03/23/10 04:52 PM
Sounds good....it's something Madden has needed for years.
# 5 lgxjames @ 03/23/10 04:53 PM
Good stuff, I wonder if in any way shape or form you can suggest they might have added lead passing?
# 6 ZoneKIller @ 03/23/10 04:54 PM
This must be the info Ian was talking about on his Twitter
# 7 Only1LT @ 03/23/10 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by lolfalconsbeatu
very nice, thanks for posting! This first animation looks great -- I have seen that second one before tho...but i hope EA is serious about improving the defense and making it harder for the WRs to come down with the ball more than not...can wait to hear more info
Harder for the receiver to come down with ball?

Pretty much any deep pass you threw, no matter how badly the DB was beat, the defender would take the receiver's legs out from behind, make him do a back flip, and dislodge the ball. How many more dropped balls do you want lol?
# 8 oneamongthefence @ 03/23/10 05:04 PM
Its off to a promising start. Better than last years first details about situational awareness that kinda didn't exist. Just make sure to add smooth transitional animations. Damn I'm excited already. No matter how hard I don't get my hopes up I always do when the first news hits. August is such a long way off once again.
# 9 Valdarez @ 03/23/10 05:05 PM
From the latest blog...

"The Madden Lingo "Labbing" is going into practice mode by yourself or with someone else and practicing different plays over and over until you master your "Craft". In order to be very competitive you must do this."

I didn't realize that labbing was Madden Lingo. I thought it just gaming lingo. I know I read about it on the 2K Sports forums long before I visited the OS. Anyhow, looks like they have a link where you can sign up for labbing sessions with Madden GameChangers. --> http://maddennfl.easports.com/blog.a...gers_maddenlab
# 10 MrE_Gamer @ 03/23/10 05:06 PM
I see Boldin has a different sock length
# 11 Mr. Franchise @ 03/23/10 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by MrE_Gamer
I see Boldin has a different sock length
THIS is what you notice? /facepalm
# 12 bpac55 @ 03/23/10 05:10 PM
yep first thing i noticed was boldin has a ton of white on his socks...looks like u can finally adjust the length. for equipment nerds like myself that is great news
# 13 BigD @ 03/23/10 05:11 PM
Miles looks great. They have his eyes and smile almost down to a "T".
# 14 jmood88 @ 03/23/10 05:12 PM
I hope they fix the horrible route running animations.
# 15 Manbearpig @ 03/23/10 05:13 PM
the words and features sound good, but the screens look like crap
# 16 Kevin26385 @ 03/23/10 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Manbearpig
the words and features sound good, but the screens look like crap
Screens don't look like crap, they just look identical to Madden 10
# 17 Valdarez @ 03/23/10 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by Manbearpig
the words and features sound good, but the screens look like crap
Really? Looks the same pretty much as M10 to me (and no, I'm not a socks guy), which looked really good when freeze framed.
# 18 Mr. Franchise @ 03/23/10 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Kev5890
Screens don't look like crap, they just look identical to Madden 10
Not really liking it. Players have this shiny "barbie doll" look to their skin. Take a page from The Show's book. Player skin in that is perfect IMO.
# 19 Manbearpig @ 03/23/10 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Valdarez
Really? Looks the same pretty much as M10 to me (and no, I'm not a socks guy), which looked really good when freeze framed.
I thought Madden 10 was a great improvement in the graphics department, but there were many problems such especially poor looking player models (very poorly proportioned) and uniforms, and that second screen? YUCK. It shows that stupid mid air collision animation that was SAID to have been taken out last year, which it was not, and now they are saying that the DB play has been enhanced and become more realistic and I see that animation? Fairly disappointed
# 20 RGiles36 @ 03/23/10 05:24 PM
and while better catching is something that we've heard before from EA Sports, it sounds as though they're finally putting an adequate amount of development resources behind one of finer points of football.
I think the above is key. We can't pretend we didn't hear about better sideline awareness last year and years before. But it sounds like it's more of a focus this year as opposed to a quick fix.

P.S. I hope that Ian's blog hits on a different topic and doesn't just elaborate more on the IGN stuff. That's probably being a bit greedy, but so what .

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