MLB 10 News Post

MLB '10: The Show patch #2 is available now. Please post your impressions here.

You can find all the patch notes right here.

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Member Comments
# 221 Matt Bug @ 03/22/10 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by SA1NT401
Slider tweaks help alot....But i have never experienced guys stealing who DONT usually steal.
Yeah, I suppose I could adjust the Slider. But I would prefer the game to be more realistic by default. Plus - and this could completely be my imagination - but it seems every time I adjust Sliders, the CPU takes revenge in some other area. My "luck" always seems to be better when the Sliders are unmolested.
# 222 JMack @ 03/23/10 01:50 AM
I signed up just to comment I updated the patch and there still are errors for dropped 3rd strikes. There better be a 3rd patch before the regular season starts and also another roster update. I hope the people at sony actually read the comments.
# 223 Cantgetright69 @ 03/23/10 01:51 AM
Did this fix all the franchise issues?
# 224 joker232 @ 03/23/10 11:52 AM
Okay...had my thread closed understandably. New to this forum, but not other forums, but I guess I forgot the protocol. So, that "overlooked needs for 3rd patch" can be deleted if you want. I will post what I said here and hopefully it can be commented on.

"There definitely needs to be a 3rd patch.

Three things that need to addressed that not too many of you are mentioning at all is:

*TOO MANY TRADES!!!! Okay. Its good that players cannot be traded more than once in a season anymore, but that is not enough. There are way too many trades and I know something can be done to decrease the amount of trades (at least a little), especially the waiver trades.

*In franchise, the lineups for the CPU controlled teams are a little out of wack. It seems that almost every team has a power hitter batting 2nd in the order and a light hitter batting 5th or 6th. Example: Though he did not hit many HRs last year, the CPU has David Wright batting 2nd and Luis Castillo batting 5th or 6th, depending on lefty vs righty. For the most part, the 2nd and 5th or 6th hitters need to be flip flopped. Is this a bug?

*Also ignored: Way too many injuries. Don't care to create my own injuries, as I am not trying to play my franchise at the same speed as real life (example: I usually try to play 2 or 3 games in one day to speed up season)

Of course there are other issues, but they have already been over-mentioned many times that the points should have been already made.

Please comment."

# 225 jeremym480 @ 03/23/10 12:09 PM
Joker, here's my suggestions for workarounds.

Issue 1: Too many trades- You can turn/trades off or on at your will. So, what I'm doing is waiting for one or two trades to happen in April or May. Then, I going to turn trades off til June 1st. I'm only 6 games in to my franchise so, I haven't experienced this yet however, if at any point if I feel the trades are to excessive then I will turn them back off for a while and maybe use some sort of system like a week on a week off.

Issue 2: Lineups: You can select a 30 team franchise and only control one team. However, with this setting you are able to adjust the lineups for other teams and those lineups should stick. From what I've been told, the CPU will adjust on their own for tired players, injury's, etc. I used CBSSportsline.com's projected lineups and fixed all teams and haven't seen any issues thus far.

Issue 3: Way too many injury's: I believe turning the injury slider down to 1 will help with that problem. Other's who have ran test franchise's may want to chime in on this as well but, from what I've seen it helps.

You may want to check out the workaround thread (if you haven't already) theres some really good info in there. Good luck and remember it's just a game so, try to have fun!!
# 226 joker232 @ 03/23/10 12:41 PM
Jeremy...thx a bunch for your response. Really helpful information.

I did read a lot through the workarounds, and am very familiar with doing these kinda things. I did it with the Show 09, and was hoping to not do too much of this for this year's version. However, looks like we still have to do at least some.

I like your idea on the trades. It looks like I will incorporate that for sure.

Regarding lineups, I figured I would have to do what your saying while I wrote my first post, but I did not have to do that in last year's version and was hoping that would remain the same. I can never understand how something that works well one year cannot work well the following year. I really think it is a bug, and hope one of upper powers can comment on it.

Regarding injuries, I actually decided to do what you suggested with the trades. I will turn the injuries off and on every other week or two weeks, but I will try a test run with the injury slider down to 1 to see how that works for me. Interestingly though, I though I saw someone mention that that may cause there to be no injuries during a franchise season game, and that would not be cool.

Thanks again
# 227 blscots6 @ 03/23/10 04:38 PM
When turning two up the middle my IF flips a floater to second. it rarely costs me the second out, just a weird animation since the 2nd patch. Is anybody else having the same issue?
# 228 countryboy @ 03/23/10 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by blscots6
When turning two up the middle my IF flips a floater to second. it rarely costs me the second out, just a weird animation since the 2nd patch. Is anybody else having the same issue?
it was there pre-patch as well and in last year's game. I've seen it, haven't had it hurt me in any way, but I have seen it.

Question...do you play with the throwing meter on? I do and I have feeling that is what is triggering this "slo-mo" animation.
# 229 ChiCubs @ 03/23/10 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by Matt Bug
Yes, my TV is fine. No color adjustment needed. Large flat panel with HDMI connection and all other colors are superb. If I adjusted to accommodate the flaw, the rest of the game would look horrible. I'm certain it's a software issue, because colors in other portions of the Pitcher/Batter Status Window are bright and beautiful.

Maybe I'll import it into Photoshop, bring the colors forward to the front layer where they belong, then load it back onto the PS3. Sounds easy enough.
it is indeed a software issue....it looks as if a "filter" code was left out...the hot/cold zone colors are affected just as much as the "pitches thrown" colors. all colors are dark and all those colors use the same "filter" i am guessing,......should be fixable with a patch. i am still lovin 09....and still playin 09 until more bugs are fixed, especially the lineup bug.
# 230 MustangMan @ 03/23/10 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by kcroyals76
I agree with you. Only because it has cost me me an out more than once. Ichiro hit a slow chopper to my ss and he threw it underhand to my second baseman and second baseman threw it and just barely missed getting ichiro out.
Speaking of Ichiro, how come he doesn't do his running swing? I think he should be faster out of the box than this game has portrayed.
# 231 JMack @ 03/23/10 11:57 PM
Does anyone notice when a catch is made from the outfield on a fly ball, how the fielder throws it directly to the catcher?? its not a big deal, but it kinda bugs me.
# 232 nomarhits400 @ 03/24/10 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by JMack
Does anyone notice when a catch is made from the outfield on a fly ball, how the fielder throws it directly to the catcher?? its not a big deal, but it kinda bugs me.
I have never had this happen...You aren't hitting "X" after the catch are you? On auto fielding if you don't hit anything, the OF will almost always hit the cut-off man....At least in my game.
# 233 joker232 @ 03/24/10 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by rondoman
Whats the lineup bug???
Someone correct me if Im wrong. I believe the lineup bug involved the 2nd and 5th/6th hitters. Notice guys who should be batting 2nd i.e. slap/spray/light hitters are batting 5th or 6th instead. The usual 5th/6th power hitters are hitting 2nd. Mentioned this a few posts back. Sure, it can be worked around, but I really hope it can be fixed.

# 234 ChiCubs @ 03/24/10 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by joker232
Someone correct me if Im wrong. I believe the lineup bug involved the 2nd and 5th/6th hitters. Notice guys who should be batting 2nd i.e. slap/spray/light hitters are batting 5th or 6th instead. The usual 5th/6th power hitters are hitting 2nd. Mentioned this a few posts back. Sure, it can be worked around, but I really hope it can be fixed.

yeah, it can be worked around...some guys are going in and fixing every team lineup....i mean, sure that's a solution but good lord, do i want to actually do that to every freakin lineup for every freakin team? ugh. i might not have a choice....
# 235 joker232 @ 03/24/10 01:38 PM
15 minutes? Are counting all the lineups ex. vs L & vs R (DH & no DH). 4 lineups per team. When I think about it, its not that bad, but again we did not have to do that for last year's version. Actually, we couldn't even if we wanted to because there was no choice of 30 users.

Anyways, I can't imagine the lineup bugs not being corrected at some point.

# 236 Seahawk76 @ 03/24/10 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by MustangMan
Speaking of Ichiro, how come he doesn't do his running swing? I think he should be faster out of the box than this game has portrayed.
Ichiro is at least a step faster to 1b than he's depicted in this game. In RL infielders have to make a quick throw even on routine grounders to get him. In this game he's thrown out fairly easily. It may be because they can't model his running swing and quick break out of the box.
# 237 jeremym480 @ 03/24/10 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by metsman8669
I'm partial because I plan on doing it...but it would only take you about 15 minutes.

Wow that's fast.

I do it as well. But, it took me about 45 minutes to an hour to do all the lineups for each Major League team. It was well worth it though.
# 238 HustlinOwl @ 03/24/10 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by jeremym480
Wow that's fast.

I do it as well. But, it took me about 45 minutes to an hour to do all the lineups for each Major League team. It was well worth it though.
Not only that, but you must set up the entire system up correctly with 25 men for each class
# 239 jeremym480 @ 03/24/10 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by metsman8669
Well...it may take me a bit longer than 15 minutes...but I do go through them fairly quickly.
It took me awhile because I used CBSSportsline's Projected line-up's to try to get them as realistic as possible. The CPU for the most part will start who has the best rating's for certain positions so, I would leave in the player the CPU suggests if their ratings are better than CBSs' line-ups. So, it did take some time but, like I said it was well worth it.

However, if I just went in a changed them to what I thought they should be (without using other resourses) then I could do it in considerably less time.
# 240 countryboy @ 03/24/10 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by flute_316
I have been on a military mission for 2 weeks now so I am unable to download the patch yet. My question is if I start my franchise now without the patch will the patch affect my game when I do download the patch? Will I have to start over or will it make the changes with limited issues?
you will not have to start over. The patch will work with your existing franchise.

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