MLB 10 News Post

Here is our list of the current known issues that we're looking into for immediate attention:

Attendance is not correctly getting reported. In talking with Jeff, he has a fix in mind that is fairly safe but would end up in the actual attendance not mirroring the paid attendance you get in franchise. It would fix the issue where you have 50k+ people attending Spring Training games. This will also fix issues with playoff games and games played in any stadium that isn't your own.
* UPDATE - This was caused by the stadium select screen being added to franchise, causing the attendance to be reset using the non-franchise logic. The stadium select was previously never used for playoff games, so it didn't handle that situation. This is fixed and it also fixes the issue with spring training games showing the attendance as if they were in their home stadium.

Trade Waivers:
Users can claim anyone off of trade waivers - CPU teams will never pull them back.
* UPDATE - fixed this one - a simple fix that will prevent user teams from simply claiming everyone that was passed through trade waivers.

No Contract:
Players can get into a state where they have no contract.
* UPDATE - As soon as a player was placed on release waivers, his contract was cleared. Then if he was claimed, he didn't have a contract. It was also clearing his 40-man roster status, which is what was causing him to go to AAA instead of the MLB team. Have a fix for this.

Player Potential:
Looks like a fairly bad miscommunication ended up with us having some seriously out of whack potentials. This will be corrected with the next roster download (Monday)
* UPDATE - Lorne is taking care of this - will be fixed with a roster update.

Multi Closer issue:
If a CPU team has 2 closers (one acquired in a trade) - they will always send one down to AAA.
* UPDATE - It would just look at the closers and see that they had more than they needed so they'd send one down, but they wouldn't look to see if they could send down a reliever instead and keep the 2nd closer in the bullpen. Have a fix for this.

Multi Trade players:
Not even sure what the details are on this one, but it looks like sometimes a player is traded and then re-traded or waived. Currently investigating.
* UPDATE - I have a fix for the trades. I'll not allow a player to be placed on the trading block by the CPU if he has been acquired by a trade recently.

Manual Trade issue:
I've seen a few reports of users having trades set to Manual and still having trades done by the CPU. Again, no idea how this is happening and we're looking for more information.
* UPDATE - Not sure what's happening here, we can not get this one to reproduce. Whoever is getting this, please make sure that you don't have your profile option set to something different than your global setting. If you need to talk to me via PM or IM for further info, please just say the word!
* UPDATE 2 Thanks to tabarnes19 and a couple hours of debugging we have found the issue and have a fix in the works.

If you respond, please please PLEASE do not be noise. We need clear help or silence - we want these things cleared up as much as you do!


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Member Comments
# 201 thinkblue_09 @ 03/04/10 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by mjarz02
yeah this years franchise mode has some serious flaws and may be a deal breaker for some. However, from following these boards the devs are working on a fix and we will get a patch in the near future. It sucks that it shipped with these flaws but there is nothing any of us can do about it now except try use the workarounds. Maybe for those of you who cant wait til the patch comes out, trade in the show and get 2k10
I was very happy that the developers were working on a fix so quickly. Something some developers would never dream of doing. I am waiting for the patch and hopefully it comes before opening day. I am feeling ripped off, and disappointed at the same time; they took something that was not broke, and broke it
# 202 thinkblue_09 @ 03/04/10 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
its not a reasonable workaround, lets think harder here and maybe we can come up with something.
I don't think there is another one. The workarounds work, but are a pain to do. It's like having a leaking roof and having a bucket catching the drip, and you have to empty the bucket every hour so as to not have it overflow. There is no fix other than a patch.
# 203 countryboy @ 03/04/10 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
its not a reasonable workaround, lets think harder here and maybe we can come up with something.
Not reasonable? Think harder? LOL

Like I said, your mind is made up. Just go ahead and trade in the game and lets all move on.
# 204 Knight165 @ 03/04/10 03:25 PM
Well so far....every time I've heard that YOUR team trades a player...it's been someone who use AUTO FIX for a lineup or rotation....or the DL.
I keep trying...and have only gotten trades like that if I used AUTO FIX.
I'm still testing though.

Now...onto the "crazy" trades particularly the Red Sox trading Lester, Beckett, Buc and Ortiz.
Here is what I did....I've only had a chance to try for two seasons and in both seasons...the Red Sox were in 1st(so never went into rebuilding mode as they might if they were in 3rd and out of it)..
I moved all the fake A and B potential players off the roster....and NONE of those guys got traded. They were even on the block. Granted...only twice I tried it....but maybe the game is seeing those A/B guys waiting in the wings and starts looking to cut payroll.
I need to have them start losing and see what happens then.
I'll try later.
I need a nap.

# 205 mjarz02 @ 03/04/10 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
its not a reasonable workaround, lets think harder here and maybe we can come up with something.
well its not a resonable workaround for you but for me its great! Keep them coming!
# 206 thinkblue_09 @ 03/04/10 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Well so far....every time I've heard that YOUR team trades a player...it's been someone who use AUTO FIX for a lineup or rotation....or the DL.
I keep trying...and have only gotten trades like that if I used AUTO FIX.

Well that is not the case for me. Like I said, I turned injuries off and DID NOT AUTO FIX a single thing and they still traded away my players. As far as crazy trades I see those happening too (another flaw) but if at the very least it didn't involve me I might be able to ignore the computer trading Scott Kazmir and Brian Fuentes for A.J Nobody!!
# 207 stormshadow1 @ 03/04/10 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by thinkblue_09
Well that is not the case for me. Like I said, I turned injuries off and DID NOT AUTO FIX a single thing and they still traded away my players. As far as crazy trade I see those happening too (another flaw) but if at the very least it didn't involve me I might be able to ignore the computer trading Scott Kazmir and Brian Fuentes for A.J Nobody!!
Are you controlling all 30 teams?

I beleive Knight stated to control all 30 teams. one profile for your team, and 1 profile for all other 29 teams.
# 208 mjarz02 @ 03/04/10 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by thinkblue_09
Well that is not the case for me. Like I said, I turned injuries off and DID NOT AUTO FIX a single thing and they still traded away my players. As far as crazy trades I see those happening too (another flaw) but if at the very least it didn't involve me I might be able to ignore the computer trading Scott Kazmir and Brian Fuentes for A.J Nobody!!
yeah the trade logic is poor, but im hoping the roster update on monday, with potential being fixed, will have quite an impact.
# 209 countryboy @ 03/04/10 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
ok, so you think what you are proposing is reasonable to do for 10-15 seasons? Please video tape you doing this and put it on youtube, after seeing that you did it I will use it.
You've been provided workarounds and you don't think they are reasonable...well KingSeyton, there isn't much else to offer, except for a patch. And that won't be available, providing there is indeed one, for a significant amount of time.

So either deal with the issues and use the workarounds or don't and trade in the game, I really don't care. But I'll be damned if I'm going to be mocked by you for simply trying to provide you with a workaround so that you could enjoy the game.
# 210 thinkblue_09 @ 03/04/10 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
if you control all other teams and then set the other 29 to auto trade will the other 29 teams still trade with each other without you having to do anything (and not trading any of your players)? If so, that may be a fix to the problem.
Good question, from my understand of what Knight said was to control all 30 teams and basically turn trades off on the other 29 teams resulting in no trades being done without me manually doing it myself.
# 211 jtott @ 03/04/10 03:36 PM
In all game modes......
With auto fielding on, both fly ball fielding indicators (dark circle and baseball) remain on screen even though they are turned off in the settings, and Profile
They appear every time there's a fly ball and my team's in the field.
I know that this has been posted in other threads, but do you / or anyone know if this is going to be fixed?
# 212 countryboy @ 03/04/10 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
if you control all other teams and then set the other 29 to auto trade will the other 29 teams still trade with each other without you having to do anything (and not trading any of your players)? If so, that may be a fix to the problem.
if you put the other teams on auto trade, they will trade with each other, but you will still have the issue of the the cpu trading for you. And then you'd have to go through and "undo" all those trades.
# 213 thinkblue_09 @ 03/04/10 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
if you put the other teams on auto trade, they will trade with each other, but you will still have the issue of the the cpu trading for you. And then you'd have to go through and "undo" all those trades.
That's what I was afraid of
# 214 stormshadow1 @ 03/04/10 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by thinkblue_09
Good question, from my understand of what Knight said was to control all 30 teams and basically turn trades off on the other 29 teams resulting in no trades being done without me manually doing it myself.

That also means no trade requests by the CPU to you, I would assume.

Or not, lol. This is ugly.
# 215 mjarz02 @ 03/04/10 03:43 PM
do you guys think trade logic will be better once player potential is fixed on monday??
# 216 stormshadow1 @ 03/04/10 03:44 PM
The quality of trades "should" be better but the "overriding" manual settings will prob. not change.

I really think this is more of a patch issue than a roster fix issue.
# 217 xcef2005 @ 03/04/10 03:52 PM
Sorry for being lazy and not being able to find it. I know its maybe somewheres else but can someone quickly explain the problem with potentials. I know some are messed up like Cano for the Yankees being a "D" but how much of a difference does it make? I say this because I simmed a season just to see and he actually had a better season then last year, with a "D" potential?

How does potential affect a season? Is it for simming or is it for when you play the games? I know Madden has potentials too and I only noticed them for rookies that would start off with low overall and would progress slower. Is it just kinda the same thing? Cause again in Madden you could have a "D" Potential but still have a Hall of Fame season if you knew how to play the game right.
# 218 thinkblue_09 @ 03/04/10 03:54 PM
I may have found a workaround, still testing it

stay posted
# 219 thinkblue_09 @ 03/04/10 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by metsman8669
What about those of us who will do control all 30 times (yet just play with one) but follow real-life scenarios?? Since injuries, CPU trades, etc will be shut off...this isn't a problem for me, correct???
Correct, I don't see this as being a problem for you as you will follow Real life and everything will be controlled by you.
# 220 countryboy @ 03/04/10 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by KingSeyton
Well, quit acting like your work around solves the problem. I said it works for people doing 1 or 2 seasons but not for 10-15, if you dont have anything else to offer beyond that then stop posting about it. you keep saying 'you've made up your mind' when you keep replying with the same thing and we are trying to come up with other ways around it.
your problem is that you want to simulate a bunch of seasons at once correct? There is no possible way to do that without the cpu trading for you unless you use the workaround methods. None. You're either going to have to:

a) watch the pending transactions page and back out any trade the cpu proposes for your team

b) Control all 30 teams and then undo any trades the cpu makes for your team

c) control all 30 teams and set the trading to manual and do trades yourself

d) turn off trades.

e) wait for the patch before playing franchise

f) trade in the game

There are your options...

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