MLB 10 News Post

Here is our list of the current known issues that we're looking into for immediate attention:

Attendance is not correctly getting reported. In talking with Jeff, he has a fix in mind that is fairly safe but would end up in the actual attendance not mirroring the paid attendance you get in franchise. It would fix the issue where you have 50k+ people attending Spring Training games. This will also fix issues with playoff games and games played in any stadium that isn't your own.
* UPDATE - This was caused by the stadium select screen being added to franchise, causing the attendance to be reset using the non-franchise logic. The stadium select was previously never used for playoff games, so it didn't handle that situation. This is fixed and it also fixes the issue with spring training games showing the attendance as if they were in their home stadium.

Trade Waivers:
Users can claim anyone off of trade waivers - CPU teams will never pull them back.
* UPDATE - fixed this one - a simple fix that will prevent user teams from simply claiming everyone that was passed through trade waivers.

No Contract:
Players can get into a state where they have no contract.
* UPDATE - As soon as a player was placed on release waivers, his contract was cleared. Then if he was claimed, he didn't have a contract. It was also clearing his 40-man roster status, which is what was causing him to go to AAA instead of the MLB team. Have a fix for this.

Player Potential:
Looks like a fairly bad miscommunication ended up with us having some seriously out of whack potentials. This will be corrected with the next roster download (Monday)
* UPDATE - Lorne is taking care of this - will be fixed with a roster update.

Multi Closer issue:
If a CPU team has 2 closers (one acquired in a trade) - they will always send one down to AAA.
* UPDATE - It would just look at the closers and see that they had more than they needed so they'd send one down, but they wouldn't look to see if they could send down a reliever instead and keep the 2nd closer in the bullpen. Have a fix for this.

Multi Trade players:
Not even sure what the details are on this one, but it looks like sometimes a player is traded and then re-traded or waived. Currently investigating.
* UPDATE - I have a fix for the trades. I'll not allow a player to be placed on the trading block by the CPU if he has been acquired by a trade recently.

Manual Trade issue:
I've seen a few reports of users having trades set to Manual and still having trades done by the CPU. Again, no idea how this is happening and we're looking for more information.
* UPDATE - Not sure what's happening here, we can not get this one to reproduce. Whoever is getting this, please make sure that you don't have your profile option set to something different than your global setting. If you need to talk to me via PM or IM for further info, please just say the word!
* UPDATE 2 Thanks to tabarnes19 and a couple hours of debugging we have found the issue and have a fix in the works.

If you respond, please please PLEASE do not be noise. We need clear help or silence - we want these things cleared up as much as you do!


Game: MLB '10: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 Mike Lowe @ 03/04/10 10:41 AM
Can somone confirm whether or not AI teams call players up because of performance and NOT just injuries?

Was there a fix yet for the multiple closers not being on a MLB roster?

Sounds like a while before a waiver fix...how are people dealing with this to start a franchise without having to wait 1-2 months to do so? I've read some of this thread but not all of it and am wondering what people are doing to combat some of the wackiness.

Last question, do the quirky franchise transactions affect RTTS at all?

Looking for confirmation on these issues before buying tonight after work! Thank you fellow MLB Show'ers!
# 162 lackofoxygen @ 03/04/10 10:55 AM
I don't know if this is a bug, but after simulating the first Spring Training only my original pitching rotation and bullpen seem to stick (this is using a custom roster). My lineup is changed to account for MLB options so I end up with 3 catches on my 25-man roster (all major leaguers, Humberto Quintero has the lowest rating, but no ML options).
# 163 Knight165 @ 03/04/10 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by Grydnt Vektr211
Is there anyway possible to override computer trading! while there are deals being done, I didn't see a ton of them while i was playing in my franchise. I saw about 8 deals done some that where good and some that where questionable( like albert pujols for 3 prospects).

If you select all 30 teams at the team control screen...set everything to AUTO(CPU)...you will be playing as if it was a one team franchise BUT...if you see anything you don't like.....you can then go into the profile assigned to whatever team you see something weird...take control....change it...then give control back.
I would suggest this as in the off season....you might want to "nudge" teams into signing FA's and such.
The only time you will be given the opportunity to "control"(basically like an overlord option...you are not really controlling anything UNLESS you choose to...and you can go back and forth) all 30 teams is when you BEGIN a franchise.
Seriously....I don't see a downside to "controlling" all 30 teams. You can have the league play out any way you like....including giving every task to the CPU.

# 164 ComfortablyLomb @ 03/04/10 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
If you select all 30 teams at the team control screen...set everything to AUTO(CPU)...you will be playing as if it was a one team franchise BUT...if you see anything you don't like.....you can then go into the profile assigned to whatever team you see something weird...take control....change it...then give control back.
I would suggest this as in the off season....you might want to "nudge" teams into signing FA's and such.
The only time you will be given the opportunity to "control"(basically like an overlord option...you are not really controlling anything UNLESS you choose to...and you can go back and forth) all 30 teams is when you BEGIN a franchise.
Seriously....I don't see a downside to "controlling" all 30 teams. You can have the league play out any way you like....including giving every task to the CPU.

Yup, by controlling all 30 teams you act as a safety net. If you have a strong enough feeling that a team should be acting a certain way (like re-signing their ace) then simply do it for them. There's no need to rely on the AI to do what you think it should be doing. 95% it's fine but it's the glaring mistakes with star players and prospects that make us flip out. Since no game has figured that out a work-around is about all that can be hoped for and we got it.
# 165 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/04/10 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
If you select all 30 teams at the team control screen...set everything to AUTO(CPU)...you will be playing as if it was a one team franchise BUT...if you see anything you don't like.....you can then go into the profile assigned to whatever team you see something weird...take control....change it...then give control back.
I would suggest this as in the off season....you might want to "nudge" teams into signing FA's and such.
The only time you will be given the opportunity to "control"(basically like an overlord option...you are not really controlling anything UNLESS you choose to...and you can go back and forth) all 30 teams is when you BEGIN a franchise.
Seriously....I don't see a downside to "controlling" all 30 teams. You can have the league play out any way you like....including giving every task to the CPU.

Also as an addition to this I think it makes it easier to see when trades occur and such. there is a prompt now that comes up on screen saying player x was traded for player x. So instead of looking through all transactions or seeing the big trades in email feature you get the heads up right away.

i don't understand the my injuries email though. I never have anything in there. So unless it's not working or a feature they didn't have time to implement...I'm not sure. Has anyone gotten an email for My injuries yet?

Also to play this game is simply amazing....gameplay wise what an improvement. I cannot wait to these franchise bugs get worked out because this will be the gold standard!!!
# 166 JYakubowski @ 03/04/10 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by FearTheTurtle
Thanks for the quick reply.

Two other people have posted with the same problem since I made my post. I don't think there will be a ton of Orioles franchise guys out there, but if 3 of us are all having the same freezing issue, maybe there is some kind of glitch.

Just for the heck of it I'm going to exchange my game for a new copy, we'll see if it happens again.
Please let me know what you figure out.
# 167 tabarnes19_SDS @ 03/04/10 11:14 AM
Another thing thing that I love that they started to incorporated is the trades of stars for prospects. We now see stars get traded for 2-3 A level prospects. I think this is a huge PLUS!!! Along with mid season signings.

With some tweaks to the logic so teams in races do not ship off their stars and teams that make a signing utilize them on the MLB roster I think it will be perfect.

One thing that was posted in a review was how Jeter was traded. Now I would not have a problem with that if it was Aug., he slipped through trdae waivers and the Yankees were 10 games out....Good baseball decision.....as fans we have loyalty, but as far as a baseball decision good move.
# 168 oREo 10 @ 03/04/10 11:50 AM
Two things I have noticed and not sure if they are being addressed. I saw something saying a patch for the pitcher/batter windows, but nothing specific.

I have noticed in the pitcher/batter window that if there is a runner on base, it does not show the speed of the runner like it did last year. Instead it requires to push start to see the runner speed, requiring an extra step.

Another thing noticed with the pitcher/batter window is after closing it, the game does not display the pitch types to guess the pitch type. It does come up from the batter's perspective in the bottom right/left corner but sometimes does not come up on the first time pressing R2. Instead, I have had to press R2 2x really quick to bring up the pitch types, sometimes resulting in not allowing me to guess the pitch type in time before the windup.

Hopefully this will be read and addressed please. Thnx.
# 169 FearTheTurtle @ 03/04/10 11:55 AM
Franchise mode is broken in regards to playing as the Orioles. I have played the first game of the season five times without getting past the 7th before freezing. I have simmed ahead and played a game, only to have it freeze in the 7th.

I tried a franchise with the Nats and played the first game. No issues. I played three exhibition games. No problem.

And I've exchanged my game for a new one. Same issues.

I'm in a very small minority here, but not being able to play as the Orioles in franchise mode completely ruins the game for me. I'm sad.
# 170 Dimplenuts @ 03/04/10 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by FearTheTurtle
Franchise mode is broken in regards to playing as the Orioles. I have played the first game of the season five times without getting past the 7th before freezing. I have simmed ahead and played a game, only to have it freeze in the 7th.

I tried a franchise with the Nats and played the first game. No issues. I played three exhibition games. No problem.

And I've exchanged my game for a new one. Same issues.

I'm in a very small minority here, but not being able to play as the Orioles in franchise mode completely ruins the game for me. I'm sad.
Wow......O's fan here too........havent started my franchise yet I guess there goes that. That blows....
# 171 JYakubowski @ 03/04/10 12:12 PM
Not going to lie, that bums me out a lot. I was going to go home after work and sim opening day, and start with the second game. There went that option. The O's are the only team I want to do a franchise with, so, guess I have to wait. Hopefully Sony will have a fix for this sooner, rather than later.
# 172 FearTheTurtle @ 03/04/10 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by JYakubowski
Not going to lie, that bums me out a lot. I was going to go home after work and sim opening day, and start with the second game. There went that option. The O's are the only team I want to do a franchise with, so, guess I have to wait. Hopefully Sony will have a fix for this sooner, rather than later.
I think it will get fixed. It just sucks to have to wait again after all the anticipation...

I'm also willing to just go ahead and play season mode as long as I can, you know, actually play.
# 173 Dimplenuts @ 03/04/10 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by JYakubowski
Not going to lie, that bums me out a lot. I was going to go home after work and sim opening day, and start with the second game. There went that option. The O's are the only team I want to do a franchise with, so, guess I have to wait. Hopefully Sony will have a fix for this sooner, rather than later.
I was going to wait till monday for that roster update.....hopefully there will be a fix/workaround before then....
# 174 cardsfan2222 @ 03/04/10 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by FearTheTurtle
Franchise mode is broken in regards to playing as the Orioles. I have played the first game of the season five times without getting past the 7th before freezing. I have simmed ahead and played a game, only to have it freeze in the 7th.

I tried a franchise with the Nats and played the first game. No issues. I played three exhibition games. No problem.

And I've exchanged my game for a new one. Same issues.

I'm in a very small minority here, but not being able to play as the Orioles in franchise mode completely ruins the game for me. I'm sad.
If you haven't already, make sure you post it in the bugs and glitches thread. It's wierd that this only happens with the O's.
# 175 RogueHominid @ 03/04/10 12:42 PM
I'm not all that knowledgeable about The Show's workings, and I'm seeing that part of the issue might be when your profile and global settings are not the same. Can someone condescend to explain what this means? I'm a little dense.

And when it comes to MK's suggestion about assigning a profile to every team, how is this done?

Thanks in advance for the help!
# 176 Knight165 @ 03/04/10 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Trojan Man
I'm not all that knowledgeable about The Show's workings, and I'm seeing that part of the issue might be when your profile and global settings are not the same. Can someone condescend to explain what this means? I'm a little dense.

And when it comes to MK's suggestion about assigning a profile to every team, how is this done?

Thanks in advance for the help!
If you make 2 profiles....
One Trojan Man...the other CPU....
If you want to assign it to all the other teams except yours.....when you select all 30 teams...yours will come up for your team....CPU will come up for the team associated with it....the others will say NO PROFILE.
Go through each team and use the R stick to change through the profile assignments and choose CPU.
You can change it at any time in the PROFILE section(change the assignments through the season if you like)...you can also edit the profiles through that page(VIEW...then you can change them)

# 177 RogueHominid @ 03/04/10 12:48 PM
Thank you so much, Knight. Yeoman's work being you!
# 178 texbuk84 @ 03/04/10 01:07 PM
Someone else try this please. I just simluated a whole season and i didn't see any stupid trades or people claiming guys off of waiver or anything of the sort. When I selected my team I put my psn as or profile name under the team control screen( i'm playing with the brewers) and I didn't have any problems. Also I am playing with the DEFAULT rosters. It seem like evertime I load the rosters for the season, all that other mess start to happen. I want someone else to see if this works. ok

1: Select team and put in your profile name as the user controlled team( i.e whatever team you pick activate your profile for them)

2. Make sure you are using the DEFAULT ROSTERS!!!!



# 179 superjew887 @ 03/04/10 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Trojan Man
Thank you so much, Knight. Yeoman's work being you!
As dave "soup" campbell would say "that's yoemans work out of the bullpen"

sorry that should belong in the little things thread
# 180 cardsfan2222 @ 03/04/10 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by FearTheTurtle
Franchise mode is broken in regards to playing as the Orioles. I have played the first game of the season five times without getting past the 7th before freezing. I have simmed ahead and played a game, only to have it freeze in the 7th.

I tried a franchise with the Nats and played the first game. No issues. I played three exhibition games. No problem.

And I've exchanged my game for a new one. Same issues.

I'm in a very small minority here, but not being able to play as the Orioles in franchise mode completely ruins the game for me. I'm sad.
I saw in the bugs and glitches thread people complaining about playing as Tampa Bay and the game freezing in the 7th. Have you tried simming past the opening series against TB and seeing if the freeze happens against other teams? You could try playing the TB games at a different stadium to see if that helped as well.

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