MLB 2K10 News Post

Check out the very first gameplay video from Major League Baseball 2K10. Post your thoughts here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 nld230 @ 02/18/10 09:59 PM
And the bottom half of the inning....

Soriano first pitch single. Hittable pitch.

Theriot...sigh. He is not an elite hitter. He isn't even an elite SS. He sees every pitch with the batters eye. Again, hoping this is because of difficulty settings.

Would have drawn a 4 pitch walk had the user been realistically patient, which is nice. The hit and run works on a slow grounder which basically is a seeing eye single. Multiple hits in an inning is fine, but it has to be balanced out by innings with no hits. Hard to judge when you only get 1 inning of play. The range of hits per game was 8-10 last season; hopefully they used this statistic. A big problem with 2k9 was that it was too easy to get 20 hits a game (edit) and you never had games with only 5 or 6 hits. The end result was averaging 13 hits a game, which is way to high (edit)

Okay, I would have swung at that slider to Derrek Lee. 2nd pitch shows up on the batters eye out of the zone. a 4 pitch walk. Perez is pretty wild, and to have him get rattled with runners on is pretty true to life. And had it been me, I might have swiped at the first pitch.

User falls behind in the count with A-Ram and eventually GIDP. Very nice. CPU is smart enough to go 6-4-3 for the 2 outs and let the run score.

Marlon Byrd chases a pitch for a single. 3 hits and a walk in the inning.

User chases with Fukudome.

Batters eye is showing up a lot.

Not a lot we can go on from such a small sample, but as far as GAMEPLAY goes, I can already tell it's going to need sliders. But I figured as much.
# 42 Wavebird99 @ 02/18/10 09:59 PM
I came away with really mixed feelings about the video. The pitcher/batter matchup DOES look great, you can tell they really worked on that. Like alot. Huge improvement.

- The animations... some are good, some are awful. The Double-play looked nice, but a regular ground ball to the SS had the "sped up" animation thing happen. That looks awful.
- Soriano pickoffs/diving back - WTF? That looked really, really bad.
- The hitting camera is atrocious, but adjustable so thats fine. I thought they said it would be easier to judge if the ball is low or high in the zone... yeah thats not true at all.
- The numbers are gigantic.

Overall, I'm going to rent from Gamefly first and decide if I want to buy or not.
# 43 BrianFifaFan @ 02/18/10 10:00 PM
Can you mod uni's on the PC version? I saw a lot of good, but that really bugs me. I'm actually liking the batting camera. It could go up just a little bit, though. I'm pretty sure that can be moved with a mod. The oversped up fielding animations are something that they really need to see if they can patch. They are unnatural looking. All in all, looks pretty good. Haven't seen anything that really turns me off, save the uni's....
# 44 Blzer @ 02/18/10 10:03 PM
Game looks miles ahead of 2K9, but still has that "rough around the edges" feel to it, almost like it's in beta form or something. I have so much to say both about the good and the bad (more bad than good on a non-comparative level), but I think the best thing that comes out of this is you can really tell that VC did a lot in a year-long development cycle, and it shows. I think this series is finally going in the right direction.
# 45 DR Russell @ 02/18/10 10:04 PM
I liked the stats, broken down to counts after each pitch.
# 46 Wavebird99 @ 02/18/10 10:05 PM
Actually, a 2nd time watching this.. the animations dont look that bad. Maybe its the video player?
# 47 nld230 @ 02/18/10 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bahnzo
Hitters eye activates WAY too much. They said it would only happen with the best hitters, and only a couple times during an at bat at most....but it happened every single pitch with one guy, and half the time with Fukodome (who didn't exactly have a great rating against lefties).

User pitching seems still too easy. Look at his ball/strike count...through 3 innings he's only thrown 4 balls.

I like the overall presentation, and as long as that weird batting view can be zoomed in some, things look good.

But again, I still get the feeling that 2K didn't spend enough time getting the gameplay basics correct.

This concerns me, too. But, if you read Andrew's blog, he says that he found "all-star" too hard, and went back to pro. On "all-star" he was having trouble with pitching, at least in my player mode.

If this game was played at the default difficulty, and the batter's eye is lessened on harder settings, then I'm really happy with this game.
# 48 cubsfan203 @ 02/18/10 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Wavebird99
Actually, a 2nd time watching this.. the animations dont look that bad. Maybe its the video player?
The video was choppy for me, so it was really hard to judge framerate and some of the animations.
# 49 nld230 @ 02/18/10 10:09 PM
One more thing (my eyes aren't that great). I noticed that the first 0-2 pitch to Fukudome was a defensive swing. Seemed to work really well.

Got me to thinking. We didn't see any homers, but I couldn't tell if he used the contact swing exclusively or the power swing.
# 50 Wavebird99 @ 02/18/10 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by cubsfan203
The video was choppy for me, so it was really hard to judge framerate and some of the animations.
Yeah, even with the video fully buffered it still had framerate issues/animation things but whatever. Maybe this game wont be so bad.

If it has good Manager AI, then that seals the deal for me.
# 51 natsfan93 @ 02/18/10 10:14 PM
I think the batters eye appears more for hitters that are better at getting on base

Fukudome is a bad contact and power hitter, but he gets on base more often (walks)

Just a thought
# 52 Simp @ 02/18/10 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by Flaxseed Oil

1. Wrigley looks great. So do the fans and the animations. Seems to be smoother transitions.

2. Bat sounds...FINALLY!

3. Commentary sounds good.

Bat sounds seemed exactly the same as last year to me... am I wrong?
# 53 thornie @ 02/18/10 10:21 PM
LOOOOOOOVE how Perez was up to close to 50 pitches by the end of that 3rd inning. The Pitcher/Batter interface looks MASSIVELY improved, anyone who cant see otherwise is fooling themselves. Not to mention the CPU taking pitches as well.
# 54 BrianFifaFan @ 02/18/10 10:29 PM
I figured out what's weird about the throwing animations to me. It's the same animation as before, they just sped everything up. The arm movements aren't different and the players don't throw with anymore urgency than before, they just made it all quicker. It just looks weird. I just hope that this isn't a cut and paste job. Things like this have me worried if real work was done on gameplay or tricks.
# 55 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/18/10 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Simp
Bat sounds seemed exactly the same as last year to me... am I wrong?
Sound identical to me too. I don't get what others are hearing.

Originally Posted by BrianFifaFan
I figured out what's weird about the throwing animations to me. It's the same animation as before, they just sped everything up. The arm movements aren't different and the players don't throw with anymore urgency than before, they just made it all quicker. It just looks weird. I just hope that this isn't a cut and paste job. Things like this have me worried if real work was done on gameplay or tricks.
I am glad I wasn't the only that noticed this. I am not going crazy then.
# 56 tmac55 @ 02/18/10 10:33 PM
I think the stadium environment and lighting is excellent. The crowd noise is generally good, along with the stadium design and they followed through with that aspect.

The dirt, grass, and player models look nice as well. Yes the jersey numbers are a big too big, but honestly, that doesn't spoil a game for me by any means.

The hitting and pitching interface looks pretty solid actually. It was encouraging to see AI hitters taking pitches and to top it off, that annoying dust trail is gone on the dirt. It's a short offering, but anyone who doesn't think this is somewhat encouraging, is probably fooling themselves.

I am looking forward to this 2k9/2k10 comparison video. In the meantime, that was encouraging and could be improved, I am sure of it.
# 57 gdavis2570 @ 02/18/10 10:35 PM
Do you guys think you can save the camera settings this year. Just wondering if anybody has herd
# 58 jagsfan82 @ 02/18/10 10:39 PM
What determines if the player can see the pitch location and type?
# 59 King Gro23 @ 02/18/10 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by jagsfan82
What determines if the player can see the pitch location and type?
A players eye rating in the roster
# 60 BrianFifaFan @ 02/18/10 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Sound identical to me too. I don't get what others are hearing.

I am glad I wasn't the only that noticed this. I am not going crazy then.
Yeah, you aren't seeing things. But maybe it's really noticeable because of the choppy framerate on the vid. To me, it's like the new animations didn't match up with the old, so they sped up the old ones to give the sense of urgency the new ones have. It's kinda like an "Alvin and the Chipmunks" effect. It's just not fluid. Maybe Chase or someone who has played the game live can say if it's a vid problem or if we are seeing it right.... It's still not gonna turn me off, but it's weird...

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