MLB 2K10 News Post

Check out the very first gameplay video from Major League Baseball 2K10. Post your thoughts here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 121 Pared @ 02/19/10 12:12 PM
I don't disagree with you, trevy. Just pointing something out.
# 122 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/19/10 12:12 PM
I really liked what I saw. I'm could care less if the numbers were big and are going to be like that for every team. I don't care but, so of you guys do.

From what it looked like, they really made strides to make it a better playing game. Maybe the crowd doesn't up and moving around (again, I don't care about that) but, what do some of you guys want them to do? Eat hot dogs and start fights in the stands?

I think they did a great job so far. I'll wait and see how it plays before I start bashing them.

My .02
# 123 Blzer @ 02/19/10 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by DirtyJerz32
Maybe the crowd doesn't up and moving around (again, I don't care about that) but, what do some of you guys want them to do? Eat hot dogs and start fights in the stands?
Probably not, but if you noticed they lower the resolution of the outfield crowd when you're in the batting camera view. In fact, there's an actual line that is drawn where you see the high-res crowd separate from the low-res crowd (see the Morneau single in the hitting instruction video). Cheap parlor tricks like this to increase the framerate makes me wish that someday they scrap what they have to make sure they can have both high resolution and 60 FPS.
# 124 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/19/10 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Probably not, but if you noticed they lower the resolution of the outfield crowd when you're in the batting camera view. In fact, there's an actual line that is drawn where you see the high-res crowd separate from the low-res crowd (see the Morneau single in the hitting instruction video). Cheap parlor tricks like this to increase the framerate makes me wish that someday they scrap what they have to make sure they can have both high resolution and 60 FPS.

I didn't notice that. To be honest I've really cared one way or another what the crowds look like. As long as the gameplay is smooth, that's all I care about.

If the crowds looks good than that's just extra icing.
# 125 WarDawg58 @ 02/19/10 12:27 PM
I liked what I saw. Sure there is room for improvements. The size of the numbers did bother me. I hope we have a solid baseball game.
# 126 Jistic @ 02/19/10 12:46 PM
I thought it looked like it had some potential.

I'm Gameflying it like I do everything so if it sucks...oh well, I send it back.

I have a feeling I'll be keeping it for a little while though.
# 127 jake44np @ 02/19/10 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by 500Feet
I don't consider that icing since it's 2010 now. I'm sorry. I'm not tryin' to start an argument with you. I'm being serious.

In my opinion, the MLB 2K graphics / physics engine needs a lot of work or to be completely recreated.
I too could care less if the crowd was a bunch of stick figures.
What the crowd looks like has no bearing on wether I will play a game or not.
# 128 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/19/10 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Padgoi
You don't consider that icing? So in your opinion, having a crowd eating hot dogs, drinking beer, and having distinguishable fingerprints is something they should have focused on this year rather than . . . ya know, fixing the outfielders catching fly balls? I see your logic.

IMO the crowd looks fine and this is extremely nitpicky.
Agreed, the crowd looks fine the way it is, and I would rather have them focus on things that mattered when you play the game. Get that right, and the fluff things that get added later to build atmosphere can be worked on down the road.
# 129 Splitter77 @ 02/19/10 12:54 PM
i liked it. can't wait to try out the demo.
Glad the bat sounds alot better.
I love how you can see the ball coming off the bat after contact with the behind the pitcher camera. The Show doesnt show that this year. It switches to the fielding camera a bit too quiyck this year.
# 130 jeffy777 @ 02/19/10 12:55 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Agreed, the crowd looks fine the way it is, and I would rather have them focus on things that mattered when you play the game. Get that right, and the fluff things that get added later to build atmosphere can be worked on down the road.
# 131 Pared @ 02/19/10 01:06 PM
No one is crucifying you. Stop overreacting.
# 132 Jistic @ 02/19/10 01:44 PM
The numbers do suck, however I remember back in the MVP days the numbers were too small. Oh well, I'll live.
# 133 DirtyJerz32 @ 02/19/10 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by 500Feet
I don't consider that icing since it's 2010 now. I'm sorry. I'm not tryin' to start an argument with you. I'm being serious.

In my opinion, the MLB 2K graphics / physics engine needs a lot of work or to be completely recreated.
I don't argue on a forum. I've been here long enough to know when to end a conversation. People have opinions and sometimes they're not the same as others. That's to be expected.

IMO, I could care less about crowds, vendors, score boards up****** in real time, active bull pens, etc... That stuff IMO is just icing on the cake.

All I care about is what happens on the field. And, IMO that vid showed that they're making the progress they need to. From what they had last year to this is year is really, really, amazing.

As far as engines go, they're like our opinions. Everyone has one and not everyone is going to like the other. We has this kind of debate with every sports game that has competition.

Me, I'm old enough to only worry about game play. All the other stuff, like I said before, is icing on the cake!
# 134 Tomba @ 02/19/10 01:49 PM
Intial reaction from the video is that it's very similar to 2k9 animationwise and lookwise.

I see that the adboard are more varied even though they are not actual sponsors just decent mimics which is ok.

I'll be honest though nothing stands out other than maybe smoother player models and overall graphical polish for THIS engine.

Gameplay looks the same so an edit is in order
# 135 VDusen04 @ 02/19/10 01:52 PM
Yeah those numbers do look a little wonky. And might that pick-off situation with Soriano be correctable? It's kind of funny to watch as it stands now. In terms of the whole video, I can't say I was altogether dissapointed. The game looks fair enough overall.

And I will say this: after the 3rd Cubs run is scored, the runner bumps into the umpire on his way back to the dugout. Granted, it wasn't an animated "whoops, I hit you" type of deal (he really did just kind of bump off him like electric football) but if I remember correctly that would have been a prime opportunity last year for the player to run directly through the umpire like a ghost, so it's a welcomed step in the right direction.
# 136 Spaced Ace @ 02/19/10 01:52 PM
Wow, Ramirez grounds into a double play.... yes, Lee scores on the play. However, Gary Thorne yells something about it possibly being the "play of the week." Really? Ummm.... no. It was a fairly routine double play turn. Overall, it looked much better than 2K9, and the ball to strike ratios were good.
# 137 NINJAK2 @ 02/19/10 01:58 PM
That video looks miles ahead of 2k9 imo and I guess I may be in the minority that really likes that batting camera.
# 138 johnnyg83 @ 02/19/10 02:02 PM
The thing I don't like about that batting camera is you lose perspective and some feel for the park and its surroundings. Everything looks so far away.
# 139 Pared @ 02/19/10 02:03 PM
I'm sure that's done on purpose. Notice how you can see both bases without the need for "runner windows."
# 140 Rocky @ 02/19/10 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by johnnyg83
The thing I don't like about that batting camera is you lose perspective and some feel for the park and its surroundings. Everything looks so far away.
Yeah man, I HATE that. I think the view has some potential, it needs to be tweaked though..

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