MLB 10 News Post

Overall, Defense, Pitching, Batting

Yankees--------1st, 6th, 1st, 1st
Red Sox--------2nd, 1st, 3rd, 2nd
Phillies---------3rd, 5th, 7th, 3rd
Dodgers-------4th, 4th, 2nd, 10th
Rays----------5th, 8th, 12th, 5th
Braves--------6th, 22nd, 4th, 9th
Angels-------7th, 16th, 10th, 7th
Rockies------8th, 24th, 16th, 6th
Cubs----------9th, 26th, 9th, 8th
Rangers-----10th, 11th, 23rd, 4th
D’Backs-----11th, 27th, 5th, 13th
Twins------12th, 23rd, 11th, 11th
W.Sox--------13th, 7th, 6th, 18th
Giants-----14th, 21st, 13th, 16th
B.Jays-----15th, 10th, 25th, 12th
Cardinals--16th, 13th, 15th, 20th
Mets--------17th, 2nd, 22nd, 15th
Brewers----18th, 28th, 17th, 19th
Reds-------19th, 19th, 21st, 17th
Orioles----20th, 12th, 29th, 14th
Mariners----21st, 3rd, 19th, 22nd
Astros------22nd, 9th, 24th, 24th
Athletics---23rd, 17th, 8th, 30th
Tigers-----24th, 14th, 14th, 29th
Padres-----25th, 30th, 18th, 26th
Marlins----26th, 29th, 30th, 21st
Royals-----27th, 15th, 20th, 27th
Nationals--28th, 18th, 26th, 23rd
Pirates----29th, 20th, 27th, 25th
Indians----30th, 25th, 28th, 28th

These are some of my favorite threads every year because we all get to debate on why so and so is rated this and that. It's all arbitrary and opinions when you think about it though (which is why I enjoy these threads so much), but for the sake of understanding I'm game lets dig a little deeper.

The Cardinals batting being ranked 20th in the game, but before I talk about their rating let me shed some light on how the game determines this.

1. It's an avg. of your starters and your bench and that's for your starting pitching and lineup. Kolbe gave me a number around 60% to 40% with your starters making up 60% of that rating.

2. Player ratings are not done by human hands its all done by a program that looks at the players past three years with the most recent year weighing in the highest.

Now that we have that out the way back to the Cardinals and this 20th batting ranking which made me scratch my head a little when I first saw it. As most of you and I'm guilty of this myself I think Pujols and Holliday that has to at least make them better than 20th. Not so fast

The Mets are ranked 15th a good 5 spots ahead of them I've uploaded some images to help make this easier.

Image #1

Image #2

If you notice the Cardinals bench is relatively weak compared to the Mets. This is a very important factor in the Cardinals current 20th batting rating. For the sake of science I swaped F.Tatis for S.Robinson on these two teams and their batting rankings changed. This one player swap propelled the Cardinals to 13th overall in batting and dropped the Mets to 21st in batting. What you have to remember is your starting lineup is only half of the story (about 60% give or take) you have to take into consideration your bench and your bullpen for pitching. Hope this helps.


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Member Comments
# 181 ParisB @ 02/19/10 02:45 AM
Originally Posted by Jason_19
I don't need more than one season before saying things like that. When it comes to scouting players and making projections, I'm hardly ever more than slightly off. In this case, I wasn't making a projection. As far as projected stats and performance goes, I'm not fully confident in saying that they will statistically be the best in baseball. As far as potential and "stuff" goes, I am very confident in what I said. I was simply saying that I think that Lowe, White, Fields and Aardsma would comprise what I would consider to be the best late inning relievers in baseball.

I couldn't agree more.
Give me a break. Every major leaguer has "potential" and "stuff", that's why they're in the major leagues to begin with.

I stand by my comments I've been hearing the same things every offseason by Mariners fans. They're simply not on the same level as the Angels over a 162 game stretch. Simple as that.
# 182 ParisB @ 02/19/10 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by SoMiss2000
offensively, Angels only lost Figgins and Vlad. They have a solid offense and nice rotation. I'm surprised they're ranked so low defensively.
Because most people twitch and react, but don't understand what is happening. The top tier organizations (like Boston, Anaheim etc.) have an endless supply of talent coming from their deep farm systems, to go along with shrewd management. It's not a coincidence that the Angels can lose a Glaus, K-Rod, and Teixeira in successive offseasons yet remain a top 3 AL team every year.

The Angels MASHED the ball last season, had the 2nd best offense behind the Yanks, and upgraded with Matsui over the aging Vlad. People focus on the players they lose, but not the players they gained. They lost Lackey, but their rotation still has the potential of being dominant, as usual.
# 183 Jason_19 @ 02/19/10 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by ParisB
Give me a break.
There's no need to get defensive.

Originally Posted by ParisB
Every major leaguer has "potential" and "stuff", that's why they're in the major leagues to begin with.
That's correct, but every player has a different skill set and a different amount of skill and potential.

Originally Posted by ParisB
I stand by my comments I've been hearing the same things every offseason by Mariners fans. They're simply not on the same level as the Angels over a 162 game stretch. Simple as that.
I couldn't agree more. It sounds like you think that I'm a Mariners fan. For the record, if I had to rank my favorite teams, the Mariners would be pretty far down on the list. Just because someone says something about a team or a player, it doesn't mean that they're a fan of that team or player. I follow every team, including the minor leagues, very closely. My opinion on this subject has nothing to do with being a "homer".
# 184 ps3veron @ 02/19/10 03:23 AM
Stupid question: Been playing this since MLB 07 and I still dont know what attributes constitute "Defense"? Does this mean fielding?
# 185 BatsareBugs @ 02/19/10 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by ps3veron
Stupid question: Been playing this since MLB 07 and I still dont know what attributes constitute "Defense"? Does this mean fielding?
Perhaps it is mainly tied to fielding ability, but I think all four attributes (arm strength/accuracy, reaction, and fielding ability + blocking for catchers) are averaged. It is possible that one rating may be weighted more than others though. I don't have any other explanation.
# 186 BatsareBugs @ 02/19/10 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by osubeavs721
How are the yanks first in Pitching? the sox have better starters and bullpen. are you kidding me? no one is doubting the sox pitching this year its by far the best in the mlb and really not close with all the depth we have.
Debatable, and I'm assuming that the teams at the top of pitching rankings are very close to each other. It all comes down to overall for all pitchers in the pen and rotation.

Originally Posted by NFCBeast55
How is the Red Sox offense better than the Phillies? Their offense is a MAJOR LIABILITY for them. No one with over 30 HR...Beltre, Scutaro, Cameron are all below average hitters at this point in their careers.

What a joke. Finally, MLB the show does something really stupid.
Mentioning only a couple of players gets you nowhere. You should be aware all position players on the 25-man roster are factored in.
# 187 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/19/10 03:50 AM
Originally Posted by NFCBeast55
How is the Red Sox offense better than the Phillies? Their offense is a MAJOR LIABILITY for them. No one with over 30 HR...Beltre, Scutaro, Cameron are all below average hitters at this point in their careers.

What a joke. Finally, MLB the show does something really stupid.

Where do you get your information? Every saber metrics system will disagree with you ten fold.

They were 4th in all of baseball last year in runs scored, and metrics has them improved in that category. Runs scored is your offensive production, and they are projected to score over 800 runs this year.

Not to mention 6 out of the 9 hitters in their lineup have averages of 20 or more HRs the last few years. With at least two more in the mid teens. That is pretty darn good. They have average or above hitters at every position that can play serious defense and a solid bench, most teams can't say that.
# 188 Clarityman @ 02/19/10 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by NFCBeast55
How is the Red Sox offense better than the Phillies? Their offense is a MAJOR LIABILITY for them. No one with over 30 HR...Beltre, Scutaro, Cameron are all below average hitters at this point in their careers.

What a joke. Finally, MLB the show does something really stupid.
What the flip? Scutaro, below average "at this point in his career"? He had the best year of his entire career last year!

Beltre was injured last season, but aside from that he's hit over 20 bombs every year in Safeco, a huge pitcher's park. Even with a two month HR drought, Ortiz hit 29, just one shy of 30.

As for the rest of the offense? Youkilis? Pedroia? Martinez? I think you're buying into some negative hype. Let's see what happens, but don't blame The Show for being accurate.
# 189 brunnoce @ 02/19/10 05:59 AM
Everything seems accurate to me(after reading russel's explanations)
We've got the worst bat in the league and a very good picthing staff....hopefully our youngsters can live up to it.
# 190 scooteristkai @ 02/19/10 06:46 AM
Speaking of youngsters:

I understand that ratings are based of the last 3 seasons with the last season weighing more than the other two (Knight said like 50-25-25...).

My question is: How does this translate to a player say....whose last year was his Rookie season? So there´s no 2 years, 3 years from now that he has been in the majors.

That might explain why so many feel their team is underrated because the young guns on their respective team don´t have that file record compared to a player with a 8 year MLB Service.
# 191 tommyjesus @ 02/19/10 07:14 AM
i don't understand why they even do a three year analysis. it makes no sense. logically, a game should be representative of how a player plays most recently; if a player gets injured and never pitches the same, why should he be better in the game because of the weights from his previous two years? i'm sure it's to lessen the impact of an "uncharacteristically" good or bad year, but then the game fails to accurately capture how the player is performing most recently. but anyway, the ratings will be adjusted when the season updates anyway...

as for the ratings themselves, they look...terrible. sorry, that's just my opinion.
# 192 johnprestonevans @ 02/19/10 07:16 AM
Nice to see that $200+ million can not only buy you a World Series, but the #1 ranking in MLB The Show too.

Im surprised to see my Blue Jays as high as they are.
# 193 brewersfan84 @ 02/19/10 07:20 AM
Instead of complaining like others, I say THANKS for releasing this info to us!
# 194 risky @ 02/19/10 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by Bigworm
lets face it, there will never be team ratings of any kind that everyone will be perfectly happy with. Like many have said though, these seem to be a bit 'odd' to say the least. Personally I think the Twins should be higher up (at least top 10) - but hey, the Twins never get any 'love'. Also, with the Twins the defensive rating should be higher then it is (23rd???) and pitching should probably be slightly lower. The batting should probably be moved up slightly as well. Oh well, still can't wait for the game.
I'm Happy with the Yanks rating
# 195 boomhauertjs @ 02/19/10 08:53 AM
Indians last? Sounds about right to me.
# 196 Ckhoss29 @ 02/19/10 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by boomhauertjs
Indians last? Sounds about right to me.
LOL yep and good to see they are targeting another left handed hitter than someone who could have actually helped like Wang.
# 197 bp4baseball @ 02/19/10 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by Ckhoss29
LOL yep and good to see they are targeting another left handed hitter than someone who could have actually helped like Wang.
Don't want to give up that title of being ranked 30th
# 198 bp4baseball @ 02/19/10 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by papache885
that such friends can tell when someone is going to launch the psn demo mlb10 this waiting forever it seems absurd when 3 weeks before leaving the game and this demo available
Huh? If you're complaining about the demo... I wouldn't
# 199 Openroad_7 @ 02/19/10 09:55 AM
Not sure if this was asked/answered, wanted to know if the team rankings change throughout the year with player moves and attribute changes, as Russell stated the a bench factors into the hitting rating, what happens if a team at the July deadline picks up a better hitter to come off the bench, would we see that team improve their hitting rating? Or are these rankings set one time as a snapshot in time and will not change throughout the year.
# 200 ltw0303cavs @ 02/19/10 10:05 AM
Interesting the Marlins pitching is rated below the Indians. I think the Indians would trade any one of their 5 for one of the Marlins. Kerry Wood or Leo Nunez is a push, bullpens are similiar. interesting

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