MLB 10 News Post

Overall, Defense, Pitching, Batting

Yankees--------1st, 6th, 1st, 1st
Red Sox--------2nd, 1st, 3rd, 2nd
Phillies---------3rd, 5th, 7th, 3rd
Dodgers-------4th, 4th, 2nd, 10th
Rays----------5th, 8th, 12th, 5th
Braves--------6th, 22nd, 4th, 9th
Angels-------7th, 16th, 10th, 7th
Rockies------8th, 24th, 16th, 6th
Cubs----------9th, 26th, 9th, 8th
Rangers-----10th, 11th, 23rd, 4th
D’Backs-----11th, 27th, 5th, 13th
Twins------12th, 23rd, 11th, 11th
W.Sox--------13th, 7th, 6th, 18th
Giants-----14th, 21st, 13th, 16th
B.Jays-----15th, 10th, 25th, 12th
Cardinals--16th, 13th, 15th, 20th
Mets--------17th, 2nd, 22nd, 15th
Brewers----18th, 28th, 17th, 19th
Reds-------19th, 19th, 21st, 17th
Orioles----20th, 12th, 29th, 14th
Mariners----21st, 3rd, 19th, 22nd
Astros------22nd, 9th, 24th, 24th
Athletics---23rd, 17th, 8th, 30th
Tigers-----24th, 14th, 14th, 29th
Padres-----25th, 30th, 18th, 26th
Marlins----26th, 29th, 30th, 21st
Royals-----27th, 15th, 20th, 27th
Nationals--28th, 18th, 26th, 23rd
Pirates----29th, 20th, 27th, 25th
Indians----30th, 25th, 28th, 28th

These are some of my favorite threads every year because we all get to debate on why so and so is rated this and that. It's all arbitrary and opinions when you think about it though (which is why I enjoy these threads so much), but for the sake of understanding I'm game lets dig a little deeper.

The Cardinals batting being ranked 20th in the game, but before I talk about their rating let me shed some light on how the game determines this.

1. It's an avg. of your starters and your bench and that's for your starting pitching and lineup. Kolbe gave me a number around 60% to 40% with your starters making up 60% of that rating.

2. Player ratings are not done by human hands its all done by a program that looks at the players past three years with the most recent year weighing in the highest.

Now that we have that out the way back to the Cardinals and this 20th batting ranking which made me scratch my head a little when I first saw it. As most of you and I'm guilty of this myself I think Pujols and Holliday that has to at least make them better than 20th. Not so fast

The Mets are ranked 15th a good 5 spots ahead of them I've uploaded some images to help make this easier.

Image #1

Image #2

If you notice the Cardinals bench is relatively weak compared to the Mets. This is a very important factor in the Cardinals current 20th batting rating. For the sake of science I swaped F.Tatis for S.Robinson on these two teams and their batting rankings changed. This one player swap propelled the Cardinals to 13th overall in batting and dropped the Mets to 21st in batting. What you have to remember is your starting lineup is only half of the story (about 60% give or take) you have to take into consideration your bench and your bullpen for pitching. Hope this helps.


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Member Comments
# 41 Speedy @ 02/18/10 03:40 PM
Why are the Indians fans crying? Who do they have worth anything (that isn't a prospect) besides Sizemore & Choo?
# 42 SLVRSLGR. @ 02/18/10 03:40 PM
true, giants bullpen is mediocre... but i saw multiple things pop out on these ratings....cardinals not even in top 10 in pitching? blue jays 15 overall????? guy must have messed up, he meant 25...lol
# 43 TN - BRAVES FAN @ 02/18/10 03:41 PM
I'm I the only Braves fan that remembers we have McCann?
# 44 BravesBoy @ 02/18/10 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by metsman8669
That was a shock to me too! They're improved and will be just by having key players healthy as well as Blanco and Barajas (so it seems)...but 2nd???

Haha, your like me tho, we'll take what SCEA gives us!!!
# 45 Hitman3315 @ 02/18/10 03:42 PM
As much as I love my Dodgers... 4th is pretty generous considering their quiet offseason.
Overall, Defense, Pitching, Batting
Dodgers--4th, 4th, 2nd, 10th
2nd in pitching? The bullpen is good, and some of the young arms have potential, but they definitely do not have one of the elite starting rotations in baseball (let alone a bona fide ace). Defense I agree with... batting sounds about right.

Whatever though. Bring on the NL West in Franchise!
# 46 bk7987 @ 02/18/10 03:44 PM
I don't agree with the Red Sox offense being rated higher than the Phillies offense.

The Red Sox certainly have better pitching...and slightly better defense...but I think the Phillies definitely have the better lineup.

Also, the Giants' pitching is better than 13th. It should probably be top 5 or 6.
# 47 TN - BRAVES FAN @ 02/18/10 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by metsman8669
They kept talking about our power hitters being Chipper, Glaus and Heyward...What about McCann?
# 48 Majingir @ 02/18/10 03:50 PM
If the Jays are 15th WITHOUT halladay but 16th(last year) WITH him?

Last time I checked, Halladay was main reason Jays won so much games. If it wasn't for him, they'd lose 8-10 more games.

Though this does mean playing franchise mode as the Jays will be fun because they're this good without any real star player, imagine what one off season could do for them
# 49 Speedy @ 02/18/10 03:51 PM
Extremely way too much scrutiny.
# 50 Braves Fan @ 02/18/10 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by TN - BRAVES FAN
I'm I the only Braves fan that remembers we have McCann?
LOL, no I know we have him but I know what we are going to get from him. He's not a question mark.
# 51 jdr4693 @ 02/18/10 04:06 PM
How the HELL do the Mets have better pitching than the Nationals? Even Mets fans I know admit we atleast have a better rotation than them (from top to bottom) Lannan, Marquis, Wang, Zimmermann, Strasburg that beats Santana and the rest is junk IMO
# 52 Bigworm @ 02/18/10 04:07 PM
lets face it, there will never be team ratings of any kind that everyone will be perfectly happy with. Like many have said though, these seem to be a bit 'odd' to say the least. Personally I think the Twins should be higher up (at least top 10) - but hey, the Twins never get any 'love'. Also, with the Twins the defensive rating should be higher then it is (23rd???) and pitching should probably be slightly lower. The batting should probably be moved up slightly as well. Oh well, still can't wait for the game.
# 53 Coop @ 02/18/10 04:19 PM
Marlins get screwed again. 30th in pitching? give me a break
# 54 Russell_SCEA @ 02/18/10 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by TN - BRAVES FAN
Ramone, where's the sounds of show blog that was gonna be posted on Wed? Would like to see that before you all put up more stuff....hopefully it will be up tonighht.

Jesus christ dude really
# 55 TN - BRAVES FAN @ 02/18/10 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Jesus christ dude really
You're the one that said Wed...not me. Also, they said on the blog comments that it would be up around 2/15.
# 56 N51_rob @ 02/18/10 04:21 PM
Thanks Russ, man all these young arms the O's have it should make for an interesting year.
# 57 tabarnes19_SDS @ 02/18/10 04:23 PM
Thanks Russell for the info....can't wait till March 2nd.
# 58 Proff56 @ 02/18/10 04:25 PM
I am sure these will change as roster updates are made. So if your team is better than you think they should show it during the season.
# 59 tyler289 @ 02/18/10 04:27 PM
Originally Posted by jdr4693
How the HELL do the Mets have better pitching than the Nationals? Even Mets fans I know admit we atleast have a better rotation than them (from top to bottom) Lannan, Marquis, Wang, Zimmermann, Strasburg that beats Santana and the rest is junk IMO
Zimmermann had TJ surgery and probably won't pitch this year. Strasburg won't be in the rotation to start the year unless he's nasty in spring training.

Opening day is probably going to be:


That doesn't scare a lot of lineups. I don't even know who the Mets have other than Santana, but few teams have a worse staff than the Nats.
# 60 fenwaymike @ 02/18/10 04:28 PM
Maybe it is because the Cards hired a hitting coach who could only hit .260 while on steroids :-)

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