MLB 10 News Post

Overall, Defense, Pitching, Batting

Yankees--------1st, 6th, 1st, 1st
Red Sox--------2nd, 1st, 3rd, 2nd
Phillies---------3rd, 5th, 7th, 3rd
Dodgers-------4th, 4th, 2nd, 10th
Rays----------5th, 8th, 12th, 5th
Braves--------6th, 22nd, 4th, 9th
Angels-------7th, 16th, 10th, 7th
Rockies------8th, 24th, 16th, 6th
Cubs----------9th, 26th, 9th, 8th
Rangers-----10th, 11th, 23rd, 4th
D’Backs-----11th, 27th, 5th, 13th
Twins------12th, 23rd, 11th, 11th
W.Sox--------13th, 7th, 6th, 18th
Giants-----14th, 21st, 13th, 16th
B.Jays-----15th, 10th, 25th, 12th
Cardinals--16th, 13th, 15th, 20th
Mets--------17th, 2nd, 22nd, 15th
Brewers----18th, 28th, 17th, 19th
Reds-------19th, 19th, 21st, 17th
Orioles----20th, 12th, 29th, 14th
Mariners----21st, 3rd, 19th, 22nd
Astros------22nd, 9th, 24th, 24th
Athletics---23rd, 17th, 8th, 30th
Tigers-----24th, 14th, 14th, 29th
Padres-----25th, 30th, 18th, 26th
Marlins----26th, 29th, 30th, 21st
Royals-----27th, 15th, 20th, 27th
Nationals--28th, 18th, 26th, 23rd
Pirates----29th, 20th, 27th, 25th
Indians----30th, 25th, 28th, 28th

These are some of my favorite threads every year because we all get to debate on why so and so is rated this and that. It's all arbitrary and opinions when you think about it though (which is why I enjoy these threads so much), but for the sake of understanding I'm game lets dig a little deeper.

The Cardinals batting being ranked 20th in the game, but before I talk about their rating let me shed some light on how the game determines this.

1. It's an avg. of your starters and your bench and that's for your starting pitching and lineup. Kolbe gave me a number around 60% to 40% with your starters making up 60% of that rating.

2. Player ratings are not done by human hands its all done by a program that looks at the players past three years with the most recent year weighing in the highest.

Now that we have that out the way back to the Cardinals and this 20th batting ranking which made me scratch my head a little when I first saw it. As most of you and I'm guilty of this myself I think Pujols and Holliday that has to at least make them better than 20th. Not so fast

The Mets are ranked 15th a good 5 spots ahead of them I've uploaded some images to help make this easier.

Image #1

Image #2

If you notice the Cardinals bench is relatively weak compared to the Mets. This is a very important factor in the Cardinals current 20th batting rating. For the sake of science I swaped F.Tatis for S.Robinson on these two teams and their batting rankings changed. This one player swap propelled the Cardinals to 13th overall in batting and dropped the Mets to 21st in batting. What you have to remember is your starting lineup is only half of the story (about 60% give or take) you have to take into consideration your bench and your bullpen for pitching. Hope this helps.


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Member Comments
# 61 rbaker1979 @ 02/18/10 04:36 PM
The Cardinals are severely underrated, but it'll just make it that much more satisfying when I whip the 93% of people who play as nothing but Yanks/Sox with a 16th ranked team
# 62 pezone @ 02/18/10 04:38 PM
wow...Mariners 19th in pitching??
# 63 jdr4693 @ 02/18/10 04:38 PM
Marquis was an all star at one point and Wang has something to prove.. Strasburg will play in the bigs this season, but your right it won't be on opening day... I still think they have more in that department than those Metropolitan's
# 64 kevjones @ 02/18/10 04:40 PM
The Mariners have the best defensive in my opinion, with one of the largest outfield in the game to cover. Also 19th in pitching? King Felix, Cliff Lee, and Aardsma warrant a much higher rating. Plus Safeco is a great pitchers park.

That being said, our offense may be even worse than 22nd...
# 65 mvb34 @ 02/18/10 04:41 PM
The Twins 23rd in defense??
# 66 Brewhaha @ 02/18/10 04:43 PM
St. Louis is too low, the Cubs are too high as usual. Brewers defense isn't that bad, it's actually pretty good and they scored the 3rd most runs in the NL last year and didn't get that much worse.
# 67 Ronstr @ 02/18/10 04:46 PM
Just don't think the dodgers are that high.
# 68 AtlantaBraves22 @ 02/18/10 04:54 PM
Im happy about the Braves being 6th and all, but why do they keep puting the braves so low on defence, their not t hat bad at defence. we were 28th on 09 at one time on defence. what gives?
# 69 rbaker1979 @ 02/18/10 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by RedbirdFan18
Yeah, we got screwed. 20th in offense, 15th in pitching, while the cubs are 8th in pitching and 9th in baing (or 9th in pitching and 8th in batting)?
I'm gonna guess Matt Vasgersian is in charge of ratings since we know how much he loves St. Louis
# 70 Eman5805 @ 02/18/10 05:03 PM
Nice to see the 'Stros got the 9th D. I like a steady fielding game. I can handle all the rest when I play my RTTS, but I can't do squat about my D aside from my player.
# 71 firktaf @ 02/18/10 05:06 PM
Meh, the Cards got screwed last year as well in the rankings and it didn't stop them from being good in the game(though I did use Knight's rosters most of the year so maybe he adjusted for that). I won't make too much of this and am anxiously awaiting March 2nd to prove them wrong!
# 72 Tovarich @ 02/18/10 05:13 PM
Yikes, these are going to need to be overhauled before I can start a franchise. Roster guy is gonna have a blast.
# 73 Speedy @ 02/18/10 05:13 PM
Prospects don't mean anything since they aren't included...only fake players. Otherwise, you're talking about a 1-game performance like that will count toward anything and a player's potential for what he can do, not how they've performed lately.
# 74 Zorb @ 02/18/10 05:14 PM
Just curious...are these ratings based on the organization as a whole or just the MLB team?

BTW the Cards are underrated and the cubs are waaaaay overrated!
# 75 PLite14 @ 02/18/10 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Zorb
BTW the Cards are underrated and the cubs are waaaaay overrated!
I think the reason the Cubs always seem overrated is because they really are that good, they just always find a way to underachieve.
# 76 osori @ 02/18/10 05:26 PM
As a sox fan, I think our batting is too high. We should probably be a bit higher than average in terms of run production this year, with Bay gone and Ortiz getting older. (Not sure how much Fenway would affect Beltre)

But I do think our pitching rating could be higher. We probably have the best rotation and pen assuming Dice-K and Delcarmen regains their health.
# 77 EnigmaNemesis @ 02/18/10 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by TribeLifer
Ramone- you guys need to fire whomever does your ratings ASAP. I could have done a much better job mysefl on this. I know my team is not the greatest, but there is no way we are dead last in every catagory. Our offense is one of the best in the game. This years will even be better.

I can understand the pitching. But DEFENSE? Acab at short and Luis at second- is outstanding...Sizemore in center, and Choo in RF are gold glovers.....horrible ratings. Most of our stars were injured- you can't base off that. Then you guys have the Mariners who are going to be killer- rated way too low as well.

I know these are based off of last years teams stats and such, but my Lord in heaven your guy is way off on a lot of teams here. Horrible. Thank God for Knights edits.


Really man really?

Too many armchair analysts out here. These threads always breed stuff like this. Especially when in retrospect it is virtually meaningless when you play the game.

FYI, a computer does the ratings from data they use from tons and tons of professional saber metrics systems over a 3 year span or so. Something I am sure you are not as fluent in judging by your demeanor.

Good Grief.

Originally Posted by osori
As a sox fan, I think our batting is too high. We should probably be a bit higher than average in terms of run production this year, with Bay gone and Ortiz getting older. (Not sure how much Fenway would affect Beltre)

But I do think our pitching rating could be higher. We probably have the best rotation and pen assuming Dice-K and Delcarmen regains their health.
Then as a Sox fan you would know the offense production was actually upgraded, from the 4th best in runs scored last year with players they added.

Ortiz still produces 100 RBIs and almost 30 HRs with a "decline" and a slow start, I will take it. His average is a bit lower, but that all started since Joe Maddon started to get the league on the shift bandwagon. You will notice a lot of power hitters averages are down who deal with the same shift.

Have to stop focusing on Bay, they are better off without him, defensively, economically, and offensively. Saber Metrics systems will beg to differ from the run of the mill fan.
# 78 bk7987 @ 02/18/10 05:28 PM
My thoughts exactly. I don't see how the Phillies' batting is ranked under the Sox.

But your pitching is certainly one of the best, if not the best, in the league.
# 79 Jeffery 09 @ 02/18/10 05:46 PM
lol, the Braves have one of the best 1-4 in baseball, KK comes and goes, if they can scratch across 5 runs 4 out of 5 games, they have a good chance to win. As for the question marks, not really, McCan will put up his typical silver slugger type numbers, McClouth is so much better than people give him credit for, Glaus splits Chipper and McCann which means he wont get pitched around nearly as much. Even if Glaus doesnt have a huge year, his presence with greatly impact the atbats of chipper and McCann. Escobar is ranked the 3rd best shortstop in the National league by mlb.com! I usually try to keep my mouth shut about stuff like this, but do you really think that the Braves just fall off of the earth after winning 14 straight divisional titles? they havent forgotten how to win, just havent had the pieces, they have a lot of things together right now.
# 80 BatsareBugs @ 02/18/10 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by jdr4693
How the HELL do the Mets have better pitching than the Nationals? Even Mets fans I know admit we atleast have a better rotation than them (from top to bottom) Lannan, Marquis, Wang, Zimmermann, Strasburg that beats Santana and the rest is junk IMO
Strasburg does not count because he did not pitch an inning last year. He will not be on the rosters when the game comes out.

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