MLB 2K10 News Post

Check out the new Major League Baseball 2K10 screenshots.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 Ckhoss29 @ 01/26/10 08:45 PM
To me the hitting cam this year looks a lot like some of the angle options that I used in MVP on the PC, although it does look far away if it allows you to read it like that game did I think many of you will be pleasantly surprised if that is the case. Also they said that they upped the speed of the pitches this year so having it zoomed back probably won't be that bad. That being said though I think there will be more angles than just that one.
# 142 Bellsprout @ 01/26/10 08:57 PM
Something I never see people comment on, but I really like that scoring bar at the top of the screen. Simple, but cool looking. Not overly huge either.
# 143 Blzer @ 01/26/10 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by WeAreAllWitnesses
Something I never see people comment on, but I really like that scoring bar at the top of the screen. Simple, but cool looking. Not overly huge either.
Meh, I like it but I also don't. It definitely looks cleaner than last year, but look at how much gray space the count is given. I feel like they could have either better designed that section or added more to it. Also, I don't understand their infatuation with having it so low on the screen. This caused an issue in from 2K5 - 2K8 when they had a huge baserunner display on the screen so that it would cut away, but even still it's a little obstructive when you want to see a bit more of the batter.

It would be nice if it was just on the top of the screen and there was a score ticker on the bottom.
# 144 jerm21 @ 01/26/10 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by WeAreAllWitnesses
Something I never see people comment on, but I really like that scoring bar at the top of the screen. Simple, but cool looking. Not overly huge either.
Good Call. I realized that too, nice new touch.
# 145 Skyboxer @ 01/26/10 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by cubsfan203
In two months if the only thing people are complaining about is the colors, 2k will be getting my $60.

I mean seriously, if you're playing the game and you take the time to notice the colors are wrong, you obviously aren't playing games for the right reasons. That's the one thing I don't like about OS, people complain about the little things. Who cares if the guys belt isn't lined up properly, as long as the game play is good? That's all that matters.
Well it's the "little Things" that make The Show great. No one is saying the colors are a game killer but if the little things aren't pointed out how you going to get them fixed.
# 146 Jamin23 @ 01/26/10 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Well it's the "little Things" that make The Show great. No one is saying the colors are a game killer but if the little things aren't pointed out how you going to get them fixed.
I don't see how you can get the colors wrong. It's part of your job to get the right colors for each team. It seems like an easy thing to do. Just look at pictures and match the colors.
# 147 PVarck31 @ 01/26/10 11:11 PM
I was just thinking about something as it relates to the hitting view. I think 2k set the default so low so you can see the break on the ball better. The extra space behind the batter may server to keep your eye from wondering to the field. Just a random thought.

Another thing I noticed with previous editions, is that the ball seems to disappear as its crossing the plate. Thus making it harder to read pitches. I can't help but wonder if this is some kind of flaw in the engine. Its kinda hard to explain what I am seeing I guess. Maybe someone else will know what I mean.
# 148 PVarck31 @ 01/26/10 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
I don't see how you can get the colors wrong. It's part of your job to get the right colors for each team. It seems like an easy thing to do. Just look at pictures and match the colors.
There are just so many things with 2k baseball that make people scratch their heads.
# 149 MukaMuka @ 01/27/10 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Well it's the "little Things" that make The Show great. No one is saying the colors are a game killer but if the little things aren't pointed out how you going to get them fixed.
I disagree...it's the BIG things that make the Show so great! It's the pitching, batting, and the realism of the gameplay! I never notice wrong colors/numbers/equipments/uniforms.scoreboards. I guess I am just not a big person on details and appearance.
# 150 MukaMuka @ 01/27/10 02:19 AM
I think the reason for all the extra space for the batting view is 2K might have been spending all their time working on visible worms and other insects crawling across the dirt as you bat instead of the AI. "Look at the details on the dirt...and there is the lady bug I told you about!"
# 151 Blzer @ 01/27/10 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by MukaMuka
I think the reason for all the extra space for the batting view is 2K might have been spending all their time working on visible worms and other insects crawling across the dirt as you bat instead of the AI. "Look at the details on the dirt...and there is the lady bug I told you about!"
Even if that were the case (and that would be weird), normally there is really a catcher and umpire right there. I don't think that ladybugs crawl around there often.
# 152 jeffy777 @ 01/27/10 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Blzer
Even if that were the case (and that would be weird), normally there is really a catcher and umpire right there. I don't think that ladybugs crawl around there often.
Wow......it was a joke man
# 153 Blzer @ 01/27/10 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Wow......it was a joke man
I know it was.
# 154 jeffy777 @ 01/27/10 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I know it was.
OK, just checking because it didn't seem like it. But I know you like to analyze everything, which is cool
# 155 Trevytrev11 @ 01/27/10 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by bulls23
You would think getting the team colors and uniforms right would be required by the MLB license. Especially after we were told by Ron that the reason the insights were delayed because of MLB approval. So MLB has to approve the insights but NOT the team colors???
Besides even being required to be right, it's like how could it even be wrong? You are in charge of colors so you pull up a picture of a real Yankee Hat and drag it next to an in game picture of a Yankee hat and it's off, so you tweak it until it's as close as you possibly can get. Then forever after that, that color is used for Yankee hats. Rince and Repeat for all teams until you have the correct color pallete.
# 156 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/27/10 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
Besides even being required to be right, it's like how could it even be wrong? You are in charge of colors so you pull up a picture of a real Yankee Hat and drag it next to an in game picture of a Yankee hat and it's off, so you tweak it until it's as close as you possibly can get. Then forever after that, that color is used for Yankee hats. Rince and Repeat for all teams until you have the correct color pallete.

I think a lot of it has to do with their lighting engine too. They have to find a healthy balance with it, and it can make the colors look off.
# 157 Blzer @ 01/27/10 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
I think a lot of it has to do with their lighting engine too. They have to find a healthy balance with it, and it can make the colors look off.
It's not even a "light versus dark" issue, there are some colors that simply aren't correct. The Phillies' red in this game is almost a burgundy, it's that off.
# 158 SoxFan01605 @ 01/27/10 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
It's not even a "light versus dark" issue, there are some colors that simply aren't correct. The Phillies' red in this game is almost a burgundy, it's that off.
Yup. It was the same for the Red Sox in 2K8 (burgundy reds) and their "new" Blue alternates in 2K9 were too light. Looked awful. The bright side for PC users at least, is the uniforms are pretty easy to edit and a slew of fixes got posted for 2K9 within a month or so of release. Still...it shouldn't come down to that and console players are obviously stuck.
# 159 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/27/10 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Yup. It was the same for the Red Sox in 2K8 (burgundy reds) and their "new" Blue alternates in 2K9 were too light. Looked awful. The bright side for PC users at least, is the uniforms are pretty easy to edit and a slew of fixes got posted for 2K9 within a month or so of release. Still...it shouldn't come down to that and console players are obviously stuck.

Well that stinks. Would be getting this on the PC anyhow, but in general, not cool.
# 160 KeMiKaL @ 01/27/10 10:47 PM
{Removed Quote}

for us xbox 360 users, we have no other MLB to get, so we have to look towards this one

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