MLB 2K10 News Post

Check out the new Major League Baseball 2K10 screenshots.

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Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 WaddupCouzin @ 01/25/10 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by miamimarlins1
a- I think your trying to start a war for no reason

b- anyone that blindly defends a game, whether it is the SHow, Madden, 2k, etc needs to have their head checked. Why would someone support any company blindly? Do you have stock options? Are you an owner? Is there any financial rewards for supporting a company? I support companies that make good games, whether it is SCEA, EA, or 2k. Those with blind loyalty do so much damage to the product and to the consumers
Wow, I come in make a joke, and 10 post later, I've started a WAR??? Too funny.


It's not that deep. Since neither company pays me, I don't take it that seriously. I wouldn't call it WAR SERIOUS. Maybe midnite refrigerator raid serious, but not WAR!
# 22 nemesis04 @ 01/25/10 11:30 PM

With regards to the hitter's eye, it actually tells you the pitch that early? Also that blue line running down the side of the strike zone is that guess location feature?

For presentation purposes, instead of just listing attribute numbers they should have his splits up there for a LHP showing avg, etc. Just an observation.
# 23 Blzer @ 01/25/10 11:35 PM
Absolutely hate the camera. It's not the angle, but it's the same problem with last year's camera... wasted space on the bottom for absolutely no reason, and cuts off at the top where there is actually information to look at (the batter, etc).

Also, please don't tell me that the Batter's Eye has us reading pitches before they actually come, as well as location.
# 24 Galvatron @ 01/25/10 11:40 PM
Think it looks okay...better than last year. Atmosphere looks a bit meh, but hopefully it looks better in motion. Everything just seems to be scaled so small, like a last-gen game. And that batter's view needs to GTFO!
# 25 WaddupCouzin @ 01/25/10 11:40 PM
If I may MiamiMarlin...

I don't really care for the camera angle, reminds me of a "fish-eyed" lens used in Mid-90's rap videos (Busta Rhymes comes to mind) and wedding photos! It's Zoomed Too Much! "Step on Stage the girls Boo Too much"
# 26 SoxFan01605 @ 01/25/10 11:46 PM
Well, I'm not overly impressed, but I will say it seems to be upgraded from 2K9 (the equipment has more texture). That's good enough for me if they actually addressed the more important stuff for a change (please note that I'm not implying visuals don't matter or shouldn't matter to anyone in their decision...only pointing out MY thoughts on it)
# 27 SoxFan01605 @ 01/25/10 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
Cause they send me free games? but i will point out flaws. I do have somewhat of a connection with them. lol
lol...Well, when it comes to defending 2K, I don't think you count since you're practically Ronnie's forum missionary.
# 28 ckarlic @ 01/25/10 11:55 PM
In my mind, the game and player models look very polished and much improved. I like it so far. Still reserving judgement until i see this game in action.
# 29 Trevytrev11 @ 01/25/10 11:58 PM
Originally Posted by kcxiv
i actually like the new batting angle. Thats how i tried to set it up in 2k9. level and up close as possible. Just makes it feel like i can see the pitch better.
Up close? Don't you mean far away? In the pic with Longoria vs. Sabathia there is a ton of space between the camera and Longoria...if it were zoomed in (to say a 10 last year), his foot would be below the camera and the front of the plate wouldn't be seen.
# 30 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/26/10 12:01 AM
My only concern now too is the game is 30 FPS and not 60. And hoping the PC version is not locked or can be unlocked for frame rate.
# 31 bluengold34_OS @ 01/26/10 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
My only concern now too is the game is 30 FPS and not 60. And hoping the PC version is not locked or can be unlocked for frame rate.
Well from most reports it says its running at least at 30...but cant guarantee 60. I am also hoping this for the pc version...with all the mods out there, I still play 2k9 on the pc to this day. It looks absolutely stunning in 1900x1200.........

Also agree with Jim big time...
Here is to hoping there are two great games of baseball this year.....I'm starting to feel good about 2k10!!
# 32 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/26/10 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by bluengold34
Well from most reports it says its running at least at 30...but cant guarantee 60. I am also hoping this for the pc version...with all the mods out there, I still play 2k9 on the pc to this day. It looks absolutely stunning in 1900x1200.........

Also agree with Jim big time...
Here is to hoping there are two great games of baseball this year.....I'm starting to feel good about 2k10!!

Yeah, I am definitely looking forward to baseball again on he PC with more modern graphics. My GTX 285 wants this to be screaming @ 1920x1200.

My fingers are crossed. No check swings I am sure modders will get it in there. If the mod community is at all prevalent.
# 33 SoxFan01605 @ 01/26/10 12:16 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Yeah, I am definitely looking forward to baseball again on he PC with more modern graphics. My GTX 285 wants this to be screaming @ 1920x1200.

My fingers are crossed. No check swings I am sure modders will get it in there. If the mod community is at all prevalent.
I'm VERY skeptical on that. Last year, there was NO significant gameplay mods. Everything was uniforms, stadiums, visual aids, etc. 2K9 was not as wide open as some others before it and it also takes some time for these guys to unlock the deeper stuff (time many of them didn't want to invest on such a subpar game).

I just think checkswing functionality is a tough thing to modularly add. I hope I'm wrong though, as the PC version would be the one I go with if I decide to pick up the game.
# 34 bluengold34_OS @ 01/26/10 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
Yeah, I am definitely looking forward to baseball again on he PC with more modern graphics. My GTX 285 wants this to be screaming @ 1920x1200.

My fingers are crossed. No check swings I am sure modders will get it in there. If the mod community is at all prevalent.
Oh...I am sure the boys at MVP Mods will be all over this again. I do wish it was a little more moddable then it is. With 2k9 it was pretty much accessories, stadium art, uni's, and face textures. It would be nice if they could crack it and actually create new stadiums, year specific rosters, and add photos for all the minor leaguers..

We shall see Enigma

Hopefully we can throw down a game or two online on the pc!
# 35 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/26/10 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I'm VERY skeptical on that. Last year, there was NO significant gameplay mods. Everything was uniforms, stadiums, visual aids, etc. 2K9 was not as wide open as some others before it and it also takes some time for these guys to unlock the deeper stuff (time many of them didn't want to invest on such a subpar game).

I just think checkswing functionality is a tough thing to modularly add. I hope I'm wrong though, as the PC version would be the one I go with if I decide to pick up the game.
Yeah I don't know how prevelant the mod community is for this game. Just making a guess.

I assume check swing code would still linger in the game, even though it isn't there. So possibly making the modding easier. But I can only hope.
# 36 CommunityCollege @ 01/26/10 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Yankee stadium did not look very inspiring. Especially after showing us the stadiums in the developer blog.
IDK Yankee Stadium actually looks like YS this year in MLB 2K, it looks good too me.
# 37 rock85 @ 01/26/10 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by CommunityCollege
IDK Yankee Stadium actually looks like YS this year in MLB 2K, it looks good too me.
To me it looks good too, but that pic in the jumbotron does look cheesy
# 38 Blzer @ 01/26/10 01:25 AM

I hope this was a foul tapper up the first base line and not a 420 foot blast off of Mickey Mantle's plaque in center field.
# 39 PVarck31 @ 01/26/10 01:39 AM
Graphics look much improved this year. I am sure there will be camera options. They had them last year. Can't wait to see the game in motion.
# 40 KeMiKaL @ 01/26/10 01:41 AM
my player looks promising from pics, but it seems like a remake from NBA's version. i thought they would add a different style to it.

the graphics seemed to improve a bit, and i think i like the new camera at the plate. hopefully i can zoom in a little to remove the extra space behind the batter

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