MLB 2K10 News Post
Major League Baseball 2K10 Videos
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It has nothing to do with it "looking better than 2k9" and everything to do with it looking like baseball.

I must not be as picky because the colors look ok to me *shrugs*.
Also, Ronnie tweeted that all visual aids can be removed in 2k10.
But yes, we are supposed to be able to turn it off, so that's good, and it makes it not really a big deal if we don't like it. And yeah, for someone who wouldn't even use this feature, it seems kind of pointless to complain about it at length.
Whoever is doing the art at 2k needs a better eye. NBA 2k players got shafted by the horrible attempt at "pink" for the Philadelphia 76ers.
The game would look YEARS better with an appropriate color palette. And you don't realize that now, but if I showed you the same image with the RIGHT colors, you'd see it.
It's like if they had a Spanish option for audio. Would I use it? No. Is it a problem? Well, it kind of is. You see, they would have to spend a lot of time, resources, and memory to put in said audio, when it could have been spent improving the actual English commentary. I hope that little analogy makes sense.
And finally, if this is defaulted in online play, I would prefer that neither I nor the other player use/abuse this feature.
# 108
bigfnjoe96 @ 01/26/10 02:21 PM

Looking @ these screens they've changed Color Palette again as I stated earlier. Why developer's don't develop games with Accurate Colors in mind is baffling, especially when these games are made to played on HDTV's.

What makes me wonder is how others don't see it and realize just how off the colors are. That looks NOTHING like the traditional Yankees blue.
# 111
Trevytrev11 @ 01/26/10 03:01 PM
I thought MVP nailed it with their timing (right as the pitcher was bringing his arm forward) and have never really heard any complaints about it, so I was hoping this would be similar with the twist of words flashing instead of colors.
Who knows, maybe we'll find out that you can also tweak the timing of the message, and all will be good, but we only have what little pieces of info we are given to speculate on.

The colors are way off and will continue to be by this game's release, and next year things will yet again change. I'm not sure what causes them to do this yet they cease to ever get it right, but they somehow do. Look at the difference between the real Phillies' red and the in-game Phillies' red:

I mean, you can't get much more off than that without changing the color. The dirt at the stadiums is also very "patted" dark, at least in this stadium compared to real life.
I don't know what they base any of these things on (images, real life, style guide), but they need to change it up.
# 113
EnigmaNemesis @ 01/26/10 03:10 PM
I would have to agree with this.
As for the frame-rate others are hoping. Don't bet on 60FPS. They upped the graphics, the frame-rate will drop (it is the case with their engine). As with 2K7 it was 30FPS, this will probably be the same. This close to launch and the frame-rate is not locked down and mostly 30FPS by Chase's preview, it wont be locked down at 60. We go through this every year with this game. Last year 60, with frame drops to 30 and the graphics suffered, same with year before, better graphics as with 2K7, 30 FPS.
To me that is kind of a big deal in a baseball game with fluidity. It detracts from the overall feel when it is 60 then dips to 30. They would be smart to have it locked at 30FPS with no dips in frame-rate, rather than bounce from 60 to 30. That is such a distraction to me.
Thus I will get the PC version if it is any good, so I can hack the frame-rate lock (if there is one) and run it at 60+.
You will have to excuse me if I am not holding my breath for them to be a solid frame-rate game, they have yet to prove it with this series in 4 iterations now. And we are getting the exact same preview reports about it as we do all those other years.
Now that I look at the colors closer, I can definitely see that they are indeed off. I guess my thing is that I don't notice it unless I'm making an effort to be critical (different people focus on different details), so it honestly doesn't bug me much, but obviously it would be great if they got details like this more accurate.
The graphics are acceptable to me. Not outstanding, but acceptable. At this point, my main concern is how the game actually plays.
The graphics are acceptable to me. Not outstanding, but acceptable. At this point, my main concern is how the game actually plays.
That's what kills me about this game jeffy. As you said, you don't notice it... so it's one of those things where you don't notice, it doesn't bother you, etc.
Imagine if they got all those features/details right without some random guy on a message board having to point that out to them. I mean, if you're an artist, shouldn't that be your strong suit? Replicating art... you have something to go off of, you compare the two and they don't look the same, you change it until it does.
If this were someone handing in homework for a course, they'd get a C.
Imagine if they got all those features/details right without some random guy on a message board having to point that out to them. I mean, if you're an artist, shouldn't that be your strong suit? Replicating art... you have something to go off of, you compare the two and they don't look the same, you change it until it does.
If this were someone handing in homework for a course, they'd get a C.

But yeah, it's like this for everything. And really, people can call us nitpickers all they want, but it takes those thousand little things to get right to make the game look drastically better by comparison. I remember nagging issues about the rims in basketball video games not being orange enough. To some, it's one of the dumbest complaints ever. To me, it's a very valid issue to point out otherwise it will never be addressed.
And it's not like we're calling these gamebreakers, either. However, there was a thread a year or two back asking us about what is the most important aspect in a sports game. Many people will say gameplay, graphics, AI, etc... I say authenticity. Now that's a large and general package that I'm talking about... but aesthetically, soundly, and realistically it needs to do its best in portraying the sport that I watch on TV. I can understand why Yankees fans were up in arms with World Series Baseball 2K3 when they had that royal blue color, or in NFL 2K3 when the Vikings' purple was off. These things make sense, it's an authenticity thing. This is why I want visual aids off, this is why we want to hit with broadcast cameras.
You can tell us that we're complaining, but then we can show you a sub-forum for another baseball game that has thousands of posts devoted solely to the "little things" that all make the game much better in the long run. And rest assured, we don't even have to make note that the color palette is correct in the game, as that should be a given.
Woah there. I wouldn't say we're in the same boat. I know the things look wrong but I don't go writing a thesis on it.

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