MLB 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has just posted their Major League Baseball 2K10 MLB Developer Insight, focusing on art direction.

"We went through all the stadiums and scrutinized the architectural details and nuances, in an effort to correct anything we saw that has changed since the previous MLB season. We also introduced some new stadiums not in last year’s game. I’m sure you’ll all be excited to see the new Target Field in Minnesota. We worked off of the blueprints of the actual stadium so our stadium will be spot on in terms of accuracy for Twins fans.

We paid a lot of attention to the fields this year, introducing new technology to the dirt which better portrays wetness, degradation, moisture, rake, wear, and traffic. The grass is equally as sophisticated. We took into account the same lighting properties with our dirt, as well as the actual mow patterns for each stadium. We even went as far as taking into consideration the type & length of grass, and the direction it is mowed. I guess you can say we are a little obsessed with grass tech from our football days. We are sticklers for accuracy because we aim to please our simulation fans everywhere!

The environments capture each ballpark’s look and feel and showcase their specific celebrations, ads, scoreboards, and fans accordingly. We made sure to balance the ads within the parks and colors to mimic life, and you will see more real life advertisement slots and sizes than in MLB 2K9. In general, we wanted the environments to capture the real essence of baseball, but differently for the various stadiums across the league."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 201 brendanrfoley @ 01/23/10 10:44 AM
The frustration is understandable.

After the first insight, Ronnie told people he had several insights approved and there would be no more delays. Five days later... delays due to an unapproved screenshot. He clearly did not have the Insights approved in that case and I find it curious why he told all his Twitter followers he did.

That said, I feel badly for him. I often get the impression he is one man dealing within a dysfunctional management structure.

Take2 and 2K are two disorganized companies from the top down. Just look at the refusal to sell to Electronic Arts. EA offered to buy the company at three times its current stock value and T2 refused. The decision cost shareholders millions (if not billions) and employees their jobs.

Regardless, other insights are coming. I'm still excited about the direction 2K10 is taking and the only blemish (for me) so far is the lack of a check swing (which for me, is not a killer).
# 202 SoxFan01605 @ 01/23/10 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
That said, I feel badly for him. I often get the impression he is one man dealing within a dysfunctional management structure.
I agree with most of what you said, with this exception. I can't feel sorry for him as he's made himself part of the problem. I certainly don't blame him for all the miscues and dysfunction, but he could take simple steps (really, one extremely simple step) to ensure that he's not exacerbating the issue.

I dunno...He may be a decent enough guy, and I do believe his intentions are very likely in the right place. He's defensive, not accountable, and disorganized though...none of which is the fault of anyone but him.
# 203 jeffy777 @ 01/23/10 12:44 PM
Looks like Ron may have learned his lesson, though I can't say I like his defensive attitude:

RT @jean1991@Ronnie2K New MLB Insight today?->No longer giving advance notice. People are mad over something that didn't even exist last yr via Twitter

lol, ok Ron......seems kinda like a snobby tweet, no?
# 204 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/23/10 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Looks like Ron may have learned his lesson, though I can't say I like his defensive attitude:

RT @jean1991@Ronnie2K New MLB Insight today?->No longer giving advance notice. People are mad over something that didn't even exist last yr via Twitter

lol, ok......

What? What is this guys problem?

Man, 2K needs to get their act together. This is not how you treat your user-base.
# 205 jeffy777 @ 01/23/10 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
What? What is this guys problem?

Man, 2K needs to get their act together. This is not how you treat your user-base.
Completely agree.

And I'm pretty sure I remember reading at least one developer insight last year, about the franchise changes they made in 2K9....so yeah....unless I'm just imagining it?
# 206 Blzer @ 01/23/10 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Looks like Ron may have learned his lesson, though I can't say I like his defensive attitude:

RT @jean1991@Ronnie2K New MLB Insight today?->No longer giving advance notice. People are mad over something that didn't even exist last yr via Twitter

lol, ok Ron......seems kinda like a snobby tweet, no?
I'm actually glad. This will be a good test for him, to see if he can deliver info without an announcement. I think he'll see that, until he can prove that his released info can make their dates and exceed expectations, that this is the route to go for a while.

And is he saying that check swings weren't in the game last year? I wouldn't know because I didn't own last year's game, but if that's true, that's just terrible.
# 207 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/23/10 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
I'm actually glad. This will be a good test for him, to see if he can deliver info without an announcement. I think he'll see that, until he can prove that his released info can make their dates and exceed expectations, that this is the route to go for a while.

And is he saying that check swings weren't in the game last year? I wouldn't know because I didn't own last year's game, but if that's true, that's just terrible.
No, I think he is referring to the developer insights not being there. And he is being unprofessional, and slandering the user-base and potential customers, because they can not get their act together over a "screen-shot" (whatever).

There are better ways of handling things, and in this instance, he should have just said nothing at all.
# 208 brendanrfoley @ 01/23/10 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
What? What is this guys problem?

Man, 2K needs to get their act together. This is not how you treat your user-base.
I thought the same thing; he's made a few snarky comments on the 2K boards about the Insight.

He's the community manager for 2K Sports, and one would think he'd be a bit more professional no matter his frustration with customers. Sarcasm and rude put-downs are not the path to building a well-liked and respected franchise.

Honestly, the entire industry (not just sports games) should take a page from The Show and Madden's play book; lots of community interaction is a good thing.
# 209 Jamin23 @ 01/23/10 03:38 PM
So technically we should get two insights next week, but I doubt that's going to happen.
# 210 brendanrfoley @ 01/23/10 04:07 PM
Wow, it would be great if we did.

Hit us with one insight Monday and another Friday. That will make everyone do cartwheels.
# 211 jeffy777 @ 01/23/10 04:23 PM
Well, I'm certainly not getting my hopes up for anything this coming week, lol.
# 212 jerm21 @ 01/23/10 04:25 PM
he has to dish out two next week. has to.

I wish Ronnie could update us like Ian Cummings does for Madden. He started doing weekly writeups in March/April and the game came out in August.

It's almost February and we've got some screens, a writeup, some plain reviews, and skits.

But i'm sure by February we will be flooded with information. And there will be no time for complaining..oh wait
2K fans=
# 213 SoxFan01605 @ 01/23/10 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Looks like Ron may have learned his lesson, though I can't say I like his defensive attitude:

RT @jean1991@Ronnie2K New MLB Insight today?->No longer giving advance notice. People are mad over something that didn't even exist last yr via Twitter

lol, ok Ron......seems kinda like a snobby tweet, no?
Ha! I saw that posted on the 2K site yesterday. This is what I mean about not getting it. People aren't mad because they didn't wake up to find no insight. They are mad because they were told to look for something in a given time frame and it didn't happen.

Those who are actually mad, of course. I think many have just learned to take theses "announcement announcements" with a grain of salt.
# 214 jeffy777 @ 01/23/10 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Ha! I saw that posted on the 2K site yesterday. This is what I mean about not getting it. People aren't mad because they didn't wake up to find no insight. They are mad because they were told to look for something in a given time frame and it didn't happen.

Those who are actually mad, of course. I think many have just learned to take theses "announcement announcements" with a grain of salt.
Yeah, I loved 2K7, so I remember getting infuriated by the failed announcements back around 2K8 (which, coincidently was around the time they hired Ron.....go figure), but then I just became numb to their empty promises. And now while I still like to read upcoming news about their game, I certainly don't get my hopes up in any way.
# 215 Jamin23 @ 01/23/10 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Yeah, I loved 2K7, so I remember getting infuriated by the failed announcements back around 2K8 (which, coincidently was around the time they hired Ron.....go figure), but then I just became numb to their empty promises. And now while I still like to read upcoming news about their game, I certainly don't get my hopes up in any way.
All who want competition back raise your hand.
# 216 SoxFan01605 @ 01/23/10 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
Yeah, I loved 2K7, so I remember getting infuriated by the failed announcements back around 2K8 (which, coincidently was around the time they hired Ron.....go figure), but then I just became numb to their empty promises. And now while I still like to read upcoming news about their game, I certainly don't get my hopes up in any way.
Yup. I generally tend to operate under a simple assumption: The higher the hopes, the farther the fall.

Originally Posted by Jamin23
All who want competition back raise your hand.
# 217 jeffy777 @ 01/23/10 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Jamin23
All who want competition back raise your hand.
I certainly do. I love The Show, but there is nothing wrong with having the option of another game to play, and 2K has done some good and noteworthy things throughout the series. Now if they could only stop un-doing those things and, instead, build upon them....
# 218 Jamin23 @ 01/23/10 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by jeffy777
I certainly do. I love The Show, but there is nothing wrong with having the option of another game to play, and 2K has done some good and noteworthy things throughout the series. Now if they could only stop un-doing those things and, instead, build upon them....
They need competition that is on the 360 as well as the PS3 like having MVP baseball back. If they had another game on the 360 and not just the show, than maybe it would push them to make a good game that represents the game of baseball and not under deliver. Maybe they wouldn't take features out that are part of baseball and make the gameplay better.
# 219 Jamin23 @ 01/23/10 04:59 PM
I think that the developers should just post the insights themselves. That way they can post them on time and might not have to get approval. EA and SCEA developers all post the insights themselves and think it would benefit the gamers and 2k if they posted the insights themselves.
# 220 Galvatron @ 01/23/10 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
Ha! I saw that posted on the 2K site yesterday. This is what I mean about not getting it. People aren't mad because they didn't wake up to find no insight. They are mad because they were told to look for something in a given time frame and it didn't happen.

Those who are actually mad, of course. I think many have just learned to take theses "announcement announcements" with a grain of salt.
I call it the "bare minimum" routine, doing just enough to warrant justification that this approach of theirs is good business. He pretty much said it himself, "mad about something that wasn't there last year". It's marketing a product, something you're supposed to be doing, not some extra credit work for brownie points. This a sports game, something that non-sports fans and even some die-hards complain is the same type of game every year with minor additions. Their responsibility is to dispel this type of perception by releasing tid-bits of info to convince otherwise. They ARE still charging $60 this year,correct? A year after the critical bashing of 2k9. And 2k8. And I agree he was better off not saying anything, because the response he gave sounds like the high and mighty attitude that they CANNOT afford to have this year.

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