MLB 2K10 News Post

2K Sports has just posted their Major League Baseball 2K10 MLB Developer Insight, focusing on art direction.

"We went through all the stadiums and scrutinized the architectural details and nuances, in an effort to correct anything we saw that has changed since the previous MLB season. We also introduced some new stadiums not in last year’s game. I’m sure you’ll all be excited to see the new Target Field in Minnesota. We worked off of the blueprints of the actual stadium so our stadium will be spot on in terms of accuracy for Twins fans.

We paid a lot of attention to the fields this year, introducing new technology to the dirt which better portrays wetness, degradation, moisture, rake, wear, and traffic. The grass is equally as sophisticated. We took into account the same lighting properties with our dirt, as well as the actual mow patterns for each stadium. We even went as far as taking into consideration the type & length of grass, and the direction it is mowed. I guess you can say we are a little obsessed with grass tech from our football days. We are sticklers for accuracy because we aim to please our simulation fans everywhere!

The environments capture each ballpark’s look and feel and showcase their specific celebrations, ads, scoreboards, and fans accordingly. We made sure to balance the ads within the parks and colors to mimic life, and you will see more real life advertisement slots and sizes than in MLB 2K9. In general, we wanted the environments to capture the real essence of baseball, but differently for the various stadiums across the league."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K10Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 33 - View All
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Member Comments
# 221 stlstudios189 @ 01/23/10 07:39 PM
It seems to me that 2k has too many chefs in the marketing kitchen and they are screwing it all up. Pick a date to hype up some info release and then ........ release it.

I am super excited about this game and want it to be good so bad. Last season was the 1st year since 2004 that I did not finish a season or 2 of my franchise. I want my baseball back.

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