NBA 2K10 News Post

Patch #2 for NBA 2K10 is now available for the PS3. The 360 and PC patches, will be released at a later date.

Details for the patch, can be found here.

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Member Comments
# 421 GaryT531 @ 01/21/10 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by Eddie1967
So let me get this straight, If I decline the patch it will sign me out of XBOX live meaning that I can never use the NBA TODAY feature again? Is there any way around this.

that is correct. i don't think there is a work around. I declined the patch, the game loaded up, went to the menu, clicked on features, clicked on 2k share, and once I clicked on 2k share the download patch box popped up every time I tried to get on 2k share

this is what kills it for me. I only play quick games vs the cpu, and some have said they never saw the 3 pt glitch during that mode, others said they have. so who knows anymore. i'm just going to hold off on the patch for now. well done 2k.

My gut feeling is that there will be a 3rd patch. They can't leave the game like this, although the the patch has done a lot of good. With live actually improving (slightly) instead of getting worse every year, 2k should be thinking about 11 and knowing some new glitches b/c of the patch may possibly turn some customers away for 2k 11.
# 422 Chi Town Boss @ 01/21/10 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by Illustrator76
I have messed around with the sliders a good deal and honestly I still don't get what people see in this patch (not saying you're wrong, I just don't see it). I honestly feel like it made the game worse. Player control seems less tight than before and my guy will just randomly run in the wrong direction for no reason at all, field goal percentages and scoring are way too high (even with adjusted sliders), the CPU seems way more spazzy on offense and even worse on defense. I did set each teams "Runs Plays" slider to 80 and that seemed to help a lot with the spazzy offense, but I am still getting guys like Jarrett Jack (57 shot tendency) shooting 3 times as many shots a game as Andrea Bargnani (75 shot tendency) and this happened for 3 straight games. Also, what's up with the new "I'm gonna go for a steal and leave you a wide open lane" animation? That was happening so much that I had to turn On The Ball steals down to 10 to keep this happening so much. I don't see how 2K thought that enhanced the game in any way shape or form.

The CPU seems to have reverted back to the old "quick pass through traffic to the cutter down low" trick again resulting in way too many points in the paint. Pick and roll defense is even more jacked up; if I go around the pick and stay with my man (to avoid the switch), my other defender covers the same guy as me, leading to the cut down low, quick points issue again. On defense the CPU also gives up way too many open baskets down low and never really seems to adjust or do anything about it. I just don't get why 2K felt the need to jack with the game. It was great after the 2nd patch, my FG percentages were spot on as was my scoring too and I was having some awesome games; I honestly could not put the game down, now I'm almost ready to move on to something else. I simply don't feel any amount of sliders can fix the issues with the game now, and that is sad because I was LOVING it prior to this....
Horray, thank you man, I knew I was not the only person seeing this, they have completely killed the realism of the CPU, it is definitley back to 2k9 status, and I am damn near getting rid of the game now, I spent all that time praising how the CPU played and 2k just killed it, the CPU rushes into everything, I dont see what these other posters are talking about, this patch made the CPU play worse, matter of fact, it killed every single thing that made the CPU play realistic, no more midrange jumpers, no more pick and rolls, no more jumpers out the triple threat, nothing, only thing they did was make bigs do more down low in the post.

I am soooooooooo fustraited at this, when the rest of the OSers notice this, 2k will have a sever backlash because the way the CPU played was probally the biggest plus about the game, without that, this game has shot down to average, smh, better than the comp still, but no longer a great game.
# 423 Eddie1967 @ 01/21/10 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by GaryT531
that is correct. i don't think there is a work around. I declined the patch, the game loaded up, went to the menu, clicked on features, clicked on 2k share, and once I clicked on 2k share the download patch box popped up every time I tried to get on 2k share

this is what kills it for me. I only play quick games vs the cpu, and some have said they never saw the 3 pt glitch during that mode, others said they have. so who knows anymore. i'm just going to hold off on the patch for now. well done 2k.

My gut feeling is that there will be a 3rd patch. They can't leave the game like this, although the the patch has done a lot of good. With live actually improving (slightly) instead of getting worse every year, 2k should be thinking about 11 and knowing some new glitches b/c of the patch may possibly turn some customers away for 2k 11.

I think you can still play quick games without downloading the patch, my HUGE issue is being able to play NBA Today games and you must be logged into XBOX live to do so. I'm a huge 2k fan but this is awful. I like the game post patch # 1 and the majority seem to be saying this patch is screwy. I guess I'll just wait and hope like you said that a third patch comes out.
# 424 J-Clutch1 @ 01/21/10 07:50 PM
Well I'm getting the game, and I am wondering if there's any way to download the patch before this one. Is that possible?
# 425 BroMontana82 @ 01/21/10 08:03 PM
Originally Posted by V!n$an!+y
Despite the new problems formed with the second patch, is it still worth getting this game? Note: Yes, I will be downloading the second patch and I mostly play offline.
i would say yes.
# 426 JohnDoe8865 @ 01/21/10 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by V!n$an!+y
Well I'm getting the game, and I am wondering if there's any way to download the patch before this one. Is that possible?
No, once a new patch comes out it updates the game to the latest patch. I wish (hope) that in future console generations we are given the opportunity to "rollback" patches.
# 427 Kully @ 01/21/10 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by V!n$an!+y
Well I'm getting the game, and I am wondering if there's any way to download the patch before this one. Is that possible?
The game is definately worth it. The only issue I have with the game is the 3pt shooting, and that can be overlooked if you have enough fortitude.
# 428 Illustrator76 @ 01/21/10 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by Chi Town Boss
Horray, thank you man, I knew I was not the only person seeing this, they have completely killed the realism of the CPU, it is definitley back to 2k9 status, and I am damn near getting rid of the game now, I spent all that time praising how the CPU played and 2k just killed it, the CPU rushes into everything, I dont see what these other posters are talking about, this patch made the CPU play worse, matter of fact, it killed every single thing that made the CPU play realistic, no more midrange jumpers, no more pick and rolls, no more jumpers out the triple threat, nothing, only thing they did was make bigs do more down low in the post.

I am soooooooooo fustraited at this, when the rest of the OSers notice this, 2k will have a sever backlash because the way the CPU played was probally the biggest plus about the game, without that, this game has shot down to average, smh, better than the comp still, but no longer a great game.
Gotta agree 100% with everything you said, I honestly don't know what they were thinking....the game was near perfect before this patch. Here's hoping that maybe a 4th patch to address the 3pt issue comes out and reverts the game back to how the 2nd patch made it play....I'm getting dizzy talking about all of these patches, lol.
# 429 J-Clutch1 @ 01/21/10 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by Kully
The game is definately worth it. The only issue I have with the game is the 3pt shooting, and that can be overlooked if you have enough fortitude.
Okay, thanks. I can live with that issue. Can't wait to get this. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.
# 430 Goffs @ 01/21/10 10:54 PM
Jeez the game is playing perfect for me...again I can't stress this enough but try the game with default sliders!! The very first thing pared noticed when the game came out was that when you mess with the sliders too much it messes something else up...so with this new patch the old sliders will definately alter how the players play!!

I'm going to take pics of the final stats and show you guys that I don't have ridiculous shooting percentages...I don't play association so the 3pnt bigman is a non issue with me when I only play nba today games......
# 431 Bornindamecca @ 01/21/10 11:01 PM
Ya'll got me terrified of this patch. I mostly play My Player. I'm not DLing it until I hear something more encouraging. It's not perfect the way it is now, but I'm having a lot of fun. These new issues seem to be a step back towards the release version, which I was not a fan of at all.
# 432 Illustrator76 @ 01/22/10 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
Jeez the game is playing perfect for me...again I can't stress this enough but try the game with default sliders!! The very first thing pared noticed when the game came out was that when you mess with the sliders too much it messes something else up...so with this new patch the old sliders will definately alter how the players play!!

I'm going to take pics of the final stats and show you guys that I don't have ridiculous shooting percentages...I don't play association so the 3pnt bigman is a non issue with me when I only play nba today games......
Honestly, I did that and the game still plays terrible to me. I am not totally done trying to tweak the game, but I'm getting close to being done. Are you noticing that guys like Hedo Turkoglu and Vince Carter are backing guys down in the post (basically right under the basket) and using hook shots way too much? That stuff simply wasn't happening before this patch. Things just don't seem right with this game now.

Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
Ya'll got me terrified of this patch. I mostly play My Player. I'm not DLing it until I hear something more encouraging. It's not perfect the way it is now, but I'm having a lot of fun. These new issues seem to be a step back towards the release version, which I was not a fan of at all.
Dude, I sooo wish I could go back, you are doing the right thing by waiting!
# 433 questlove76 @ 01/22/10 06:30 AM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Ok then, thanks for the heads-up. We'll take a look and assess.
I'm late to the game on this but I have only played on Myplayer and this has happened too. The bigs are taking fadeway 3s and catch and shoot 3s
# 434 Illustrator76 @ 01/22/10 08:33 AM
OK guys, in the interest of fairness I will say that mrnoobie may be on to something. I reset all of my sliders and the game (after 1 quarter) is feeling MUCH MUCH better, I will continue to test this out throughout the day. The thing that scares me is the fact that my slider tweaks were very minimal and even that seemed to wack the game out and turn Hedo Turkoglu in to the second incarnation of Shaq as well as bring back the laser pass to the paint for cheap points issue. That may suck if subtle tweaks need to be made through sliders to really tighten things up.
# 435 Lawless66007 @ 01/22/10 09:46 AM
From what it sounds like, it sounds like 2K just sent out a patch that set it back to release day default. People are praising the same things that they liked back when the game released and people are complaining about the same problems when the game was released. I don't know cuz I haven't played it with the new patch but it just sounds like from everybody's feedback and inpressions 2K didn't do anything big but reset everything and sent it back out.
# 436 Goffs @ 01/22/10 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by Illustrator76
OK guys, in the interest of fairness I will say that mrnoobie may be on to something. I reset all of my sliders and the game (after 1 quarter) is feeling MUCH MUCH better, I will continue to test this out throughout the day. The thing that scares me is the fact that my slider tweaks were very minimal and even that seemed to wack the game out and turn Hedo Turkoglu in to the second incarnation of Shaq as well as bring back the laser pass to the paint for cheap points issue. That may suck if subtle tweaks need to be made through sliders to really tighten things up.
yeah thats the big negative with the 2k sliders...when Pared mentioned messing around with certain sliders it just changes some players for some whacked out reason...

before the patch the only sliders i touched were the shooting, close, medium and the layup (i hate easy and 1's) i left everything else default...er except the alley oop one which i had at 10...at the moment i have everything at default, the only sliders that needs some changing is probably the foul sliders..

from the default slider you can work from there to your liking...hopefully you find what you want

i have played 4 games where the cpu player starts out hot but later on in the game they will miss some open shots so dont get discouraged if one player drops 15 points on you in the first quarter...ive actually out rebounded the cpu for once..PiP imo is still a bit high though..

EDIT: i player 12 min games at superstar level...
# 437 Illustrator76 @ 01/22/10 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by mrnoobie
yeah thats the big negative with the 2k sliders...when Pared mentioned messing around with certain sliders it just changes some players for some whacked out reason...

before the patch the only sliders i touched were the shooting, close, medium and the layup (i hate easy and 1's) i left everything else default...er except the alley oop one which i had at 10...at the moment i have everything at default, the only sliders that needs some changing is probably the foul sliders..

from the default slider you can work from there to your liking...hopefully you find what you want

i have played 4 games where the cpu player starts out hot but later on in the game they will miss some open shots so dont get discouraged if one player drops 15 points on you in the first quarter...ive actually out rebounded the cpu for once..PiP imo is still a bit high though..

EDIT: i player 12 min games at superstar level...
Yeah, I am still having some issues, but not as bad as before....my Field Goal percentages are still kinda high and my Points-Per-Game are way too high. Even with adjusted sliders I am seeing about 20 points more a game (per team) than I was seeing before.
# 438 d12orlando @ 01/22/10 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Illustrator76
Pick and roll defense is even more jacked up; if I go around the pick and stay with my man (to avoid the switch), my other defender covers the same guy as me, leading to the cut down low, quick points issue again
Pick and roll or pop is the cornerstone for most teams. Its effective and hard to stop but you can if you concentrate. The cpu plays much better and smarter. They take what you give them. If you give them easy shots they will take it. Like real life. You play good D and they force shots. Superstars really do take over as well when their team is struggling.

With your pick and roll issue, if you see your cpu teammate go with the handler why don't you go with the roller? Like real life. Or you can icon switch to the other player and make sure he doesn't follow the ball and stays with his man so he can't roll to the basket. Pick and roll isn't just about rolling to the basket but also to create switches for mismatches. Like do you try to go with Nash or do you switch? You often see teams irl actually switch since Nash is knockdown shooter and they end up with a point guard on Stoudamire. Pick your poison. But if you have a strong defender who can slip the screen easily then go early. If you go early and stay completely with your man I find that the cpu teammate won't double and stay with the screen.

If you can get adept at icon switching on the fly and rotate yourself (don't have to do it too often, only when you feel like you need to, like when you switch to a big man for a weak side block if you feel you will get beaten off the dribble) the game plays realistic. Just remember that the opposition cpu will take what you give. So concentrate on their big guns and give their crapper players j's. I don't mean to sound pretentious. I'm not an expert at this game by any means and I do not defend pick and rolls with amazing consistency. But I do know how to stop it and when I apply it and pull it off it works. Sometimes it doesn't because of a delayed reaction from me or because my player is flat out bad at defending.

However I've been playing on default sliders for testing and I do agree that scores tend to be a bit high. But I only get about 35-45 cpu PIP per game (I play with Magic and DH actually scares them, when he is off the floor they try to drive relentlessly but when he is on they don't. I was impressed by that). I play on 12 minute quarters so I'm thinking of lowering the shooting sliders coz cpu gets about 50% shooting and if the high scores are volume based instead of shooting percentage then maybe lower maybe game speed or 11 minute quarters instead for lower scores.

Final note. I just find it unbelievable that 2k can completely break an important part of Association. Players roles help make association real and you simply have to turn it off if you want to play association. Well and truly disappointing.
# 439 mcseven @ 01/22/10 02:08 PM
The main trouble I'm having after the patch is computer defense. It's like my players keep leaving the shooters wide open. And like someone earlier said when I switch they run with me and leave someone open. Also when the computer runs pick and roll its becoming automatic bucket for a wide open shooter. This is all on pro level. The game was its best after the first patch, it seems like that are tinkering too much with these games. Oh well almost baseball season already.
# 440 jeebs9 @ 01/22/10 02:17 PM
I'm loving it!! Leagues are finally working....And I'm moving now..

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