MLB 10 News Post


First thing we did was play a FULL game when I arrived today. Russell would choose the Minnesota Twins and I chose the St. Louis Cardinals (No Holliday). After playing him yesterday for 5 innings and only seeing a run between us I knew we were going to be in for another pitcher's duel. Starting Pitcher Brad Penny (Cards) and his opposing pitcher(Slowery? - Not sure if it was him or Baker) would battle it out for 7 innings. In the 4th(thereabouts), Slowery would give up a lone solo HR to Bengie Molina. Molina got ahead in the count and hit a knee high curveball into the LF bleachers. This would be all the Cards would need. The Twins had a couple opportunities in the game but their biggest came in the bottom of the 7th when Span would lead off with a base hit. Mauer would come up and drive one DEEP to LF-CF to the track but it would be hauled in by Rasmus who had to run a long way and Span was caught by a hair as he was almost to third base. Penny was on top of his game with 8 K's. Penny's curveball was hitting the low strike zone early in the game but was falling out of the zone later and Russell wasn't able to lay off. Penny also threw inside fastballs for K's on a few occasions that locked the Twinkies out. The Twins next opportunity to score would be when Penny was taken out of the game. Ryan Franklin would be pulled with a runner on 1st and no outs in the 9th. Motte came in and slammed the door. The Cards other run came on a bases loaded 3-1 pitch by Pat Neshak (I swung too). Neshak was MASTERFUL. I couldn't figure out the submariner who was just plain hard for me to pick up the ball out of his hand. I believe Russell had 10 hits to my 8.

An outstanding game and Russell was a First Class Act taking the loss. I wouldn't have expected it any other way!


There is no quick pitching!!! The pitcher cannot hit a button to speed up ONLY the batter!

Saw 2 fans at the same time down the RF line reaching over the wall near the ground trying to scoop foul ball.


The meter looks the same but somehow just feels better. It does seem to penalize you worse the more you miss the meter. But the good part about it is when you do hit the meter you are hitting your spot, near or very near where you wanted the ball to end up. When hitting pause you can observe each pitch and it will tell you near or very near or not.

Fireworks display after hometown HR are only if the team actually does it in real life (i.e. there wouldn't be any for the New York Yankees.


Now that I've seen the game again I conclude that they are close in comparison to last year's graphics. I'm used to ONLINE which isn't nearly as good as OFFLINE graphics. However, this isn't a bad thing as far as I'm concerned. It's still more immersive to me this year due to the LIGHTING. It's easier to see the ball too. The animations are so smooth and there are many many new ones. I think the game is drop dead gorgeous.


This is for you to decide. You may or may not like it. Your choice. There were a couple times where we should of made plays on balls but for the most part its not too difficult and after some more practice maybe we both would of made those plays.

There were new stat overlays that I hadn't seen before. I really couldn't tell you what any one of them were because for the most part we sped through those. I do recall one about about average mph for both starting pitchers.


The last day of CES wasn't so busy and therefore we could hear it better this time as you'll see in the videos. The crowd is WAY more lively for the home team.


The sign in MIN will be animated when the game is released. I know someone asked that question.

Saw the 3D version of the game and as Rman said it is pretty cool. Have no idea if it will play on current PS3 with firmware.

The video recorder I was using is 720P. Have no idea why the contrast was blooming in these videos. The color therefore isn't as good as my previously posted videos.

Videos ( Keep checking back here as video links will be posted here. Some are lengthy so the videos probably won't show up for at least another 40 minutes)

1. Rman/Chris playing (Throwing strikes purposely):
2. Daylight Transition #1:
3. Daylight Transition #2:
5. HR Derby #1:
6. HR Derby #2:
7. Pitching Knockout:
8. Pitching Training/Simulation Game:

Game: MLB '10: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3Votes for game: 66 - View All
MLB '10: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 321 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/13/10 09:18 PM
Sounds to me that it is unknown because it is still being worked on.
# 322 Blzer @ 01/13/10 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by swaldo
I had sent him the link to the All Star Baseball 2005 Home Run Derby video (which I posted earlier) in case he's not keeping up with this thread. His response was that I should save it for next years wish list thread. The current status of the camera angles are unknown, and if there will be further tweaks or changes on their part is also unknown.

Sounds to me like they are satisfied with what they have in place for this years version, but that's just a guess.
I don't know if anyone's really looking to get ASB's camera angles, but we just need something that tracks the ball. Like I said, I'd much prefer seeing something that I'd see on TV (essentially, a broadcast cam that follows the ball's flight).

But hey, if it beats a shadow, I'm in.
# 323 gbx34 @ 01/13/10 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by EnigmaNemesis
No pitcher cam online this year, sadly.
Wow what a joke.
Why cant they make the pitcher cam the default?

And please tell me you can at least use the new "broadcast" fielding view online that i saw.
# 324 CommunityCollege @ 01/13/10 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
This is what Pared means by 'slight delay in camera angle transition from batter to ball-flight.'

I love Braun's followthrough swing here:






I know that's a lot of examples..But I want you guys to see get the picture LOL.
wow this game looks frikken epic, the commentary...omg! beautiful! but the batting looks way easy.
# 325 FindingTim @ 01/13/10 11:19 PM
that Japan vs. US game looks fun. it has some good things going for it (mostly, the swing followthroughs and the way the outfielders track down balls)

by the way, can any one direct me to last year's Developer Blogs? I searched the forums and couldn't find them. and I could only find one through playstation.com

any help would be appreciated. this seems like an appropriate time to re-read what made last year exciting.

thanks in advance,
# 326 bhurst99 @ 01/13/10 11:29 PM
My goodness I can't believe the lengthy discussion about the HR derby camera. It's probably going to be something that most of us play less than 10 times.

I agree it would be nice to have a camera that shows the majesty behind some of our big flies and a graphic showing where all our HRs were hit but I have to believe the development team has bigger issues/bugs to deal with this late in the development cycle.

I mean what would you rather have them work on: the HR camera or perfecting the broadcast camera that we might use every game.

I agree with Nemesis who said about 30 pages ago that SCEA probably just wants to get it in the game this year and will work out the bells and whistles over the course of the year for MLB 2011.
# 327 toolapc1978 @ 01/13/10 11:29 PM
I was wondering if they fixed the attendance issue too. you start a game and it says 31,000 22,000 or so and then when you look at the paper thing at the franchise screen the number is totally different.
# 328 Eman5805 @ 01/14/10 12:29 AM
Gah, the waiting is killing me. I want to hear more about RTTS mode and namely about if the logic system for how the game handles your player will be tweaked. Nothing more annoying than how the game will call you up from dominating in AAAs only to sit on the bench behind an All-Star as if that's some kind of step up. Especially when the the AAA All Star game is coming up and I get called up and miss it and the extra skill points. Or how no matter how good a pitcher you are in the minor league you're almost never higher than the #5 pitcher in the rotation.
# 329 BatsareBugs @ 01/14/10 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Eman5805
Gah, the waiting is killing me. I want to hear more about RTTS mode and namely about if the logic system for how the game handles your player will be tweaked. Nothing more annoying than how the game will call you up from dominating in AAAs only to sit on the bench behind an All-Star as if that's some kind of step up. Especially when the the AAA All Star game is coming up and I get called up and miss it and the extra skill points. Or how no matter how good a pitcher you are in the minor league you're almost never higher than the #5 pitcher in the rotation.
On the same vein as your concerns with RTTS, I hope that in MLB 10 if I finish the season being a starter in AAA and I am right behind the ball clubs best rated player at that position, there is no excuse for me to start my next season in AAA as a bench player, especially if the player they are starting is significantly worse ratings-wise.

Some people would like to have a chance to win a batting title in the minors you know.
# 330 scooteristkai @ 01/14/10 06:58 AM
I will probably play it a lot! Mostly because I don´t want to mess up when the real HR Derby comes along in my franchise.
AND I will play it a lot with a friend of mine who is not so much into baseball at all (if that is even possible I mean 2 Player 1 console HR Derby???). But hopefully he will experience the beauty of it by playing HR Derby

Originally Posted by bhurst99
My goodness I can't believe the lengthy discussion about the HR derby camera. It's probably going to be something that most of us play less than 10 times.

I agree it would be nice to have a camera that shows the majesty behind some of our big flies and a graphic showing where all our HRs were hit but I have to believe the development team has bigger issues/bugs to deal with this late in the development cycle.

I mean what would you rather have them work on: the HR camera or perfecting the broadcast camera that we might use every game.

I agree with Nemesis who said about 30 pages ago that SCEA probably just wants to get it in the game this year and will work out the bells and whistles over the course of the year for MLB 2011.
# 331 Hoos @ 01/14/10 08:47 AM
I don't know if anybody can answer this question here or not, but here goes.............

My biggest single gripe with this series over the past three years that I have played it is that the fielding is just too "automatic" for my taste, meaning that even set to MANUAL, the AI will make initial moves to the ball for you and in some cases makes a bone-headed decision to let an easy groundball just scoot by I want full control of my destiny on the field defensively and not have the AI screw me over more times than I care to see!!!!

Does anyone know from the information that's been shared thus far and the impressions from hands on gameplay if they have freed up the fielding at all, giving the user more control??? OMFG, I HOPE SO!!! Having the lack of control that MANUAL should allow for a fourth year straight may just be enough to make me not buy it this year.

The online lag is another concern but will not impact my decision to buy like the fielding will.
# 332 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/14/10 09:04 AM

No information yet. All we know so far is that "fielding has received love".

Will have to wait for developer blogs and other information to come out in the coming weeks.
# 333 Skyboxer @ 01/14/10 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by Hoos
I don't know if anybody can answer this question here or not, but here goes.............

My biggest single gripe with this series over the past three years that I have played it is that the fielding is just too "automatic" for my taste, meaning that even set to MANUAL, the AI will make initial moves to the ball for you and in some cases makes a bone-headed decision to let an easy groundball just scoot by I want full control of my destiny on the field defensively and not have the AI screw me over more times than I care to see!!!!

Does anyone know from the information that's been shared thus far and the impressions from hands on gameplay if they have freed up the fielding at all, giving the user more control??? OMFG, I HOPE SO!!! Having the lack of control that MANUAL should allow for a fourth year straight may just be enough to make me not buy it this year.

The online lag is another concern but will not impact my decision to buy like the fielding will.
Reason #1 why I do play 2K from time to time.
Like what was just said the fielding has "received some love" but I'd venture to bet we will still just be guiding animations and not really feel like we are in control of the fielding as much as we'd like.
# 334 Soul2zion @ 01/14/10 10:17 PM
Man, that broadcast camera is absolutely beautiful. That's the first time I've watched a video game and actually felt like I was watching a real game. I can tell though that the authentic broadcast perspective will make it a bit more difficult to field, just a slight learning curve probably.
# 335 Stikskillz @ 01/15/10 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by Soul2zion
Man, that broadcast camera is absolutely beautiful. That's the first time I've watched a video game and actually felt like I was watching a real game. I can tell though that the authentic broadcast perspective will make it a bit more difficult to field, just a slight learning curve probably.
I agree! I was watching the video and kept saying how 'realistic' it looked. From the videos, fly balls look like they will have more opportunities to get over OF's heads with regularity. Also, the richochets off the walls should present challenges as well. It will be interesting to see how infield play has been tweaked to make it feel more user controlled. That dev. blog on fielding can't come soon enough!
# 336 monk31 @ 01/15/10 01:43 PM
Anybody notice this from the videos shakedowncapo posted?


How clever! Something I've wanted for RTTS for a while.
# 337 BoSox Rule @ 01/15/10 01:44 PM
Is there going to custom gloves and bats this year? Two toned bats, different webbing and colors for the gloves?
# 338 rodperezto @ 01/15/10 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by monk31
Anybody notice this from the videos shakedowncapo posted?


How clever! Something I've wanted for RTTS for a while.
I've always wanted that too. I have to adjust to the new pitcher's mechanics and get pounded real bad.
# 339 Shakedowncapo @ 01/15/10 02:50 PM
Yea, warmup pitches(if not put in this year) is a must for '11.. For both RTTS and Franchise players.

Good find.
# 340 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/15/10 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
Yea, warmup pitches(if not put in this year) is a must for '11.. For both RTTS and Franchise players.

Good find.

Agreed, to be able to throw the 8 pitches would be huge for getting the feel of your new pitcher.

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