Madden 2010 News Post

Madden NFL 10 patch #2 is now available for the Xbox 360. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 41 DGuinta1 @ 12/10/09 10:26 AM
How is the end of half AI? Does the CPU run out of bounds for now reason?
# 42 Hooe @ 12/10/09 10:38 AM
Does the clock stop on incomplete passes that go out of bounds now?
# 43 Hova57 @ 12/10/09 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by DGuinta1
How is the end of half AI? Does the CPU run out of bounds for now reason?
no they fooled me on a screen i thought they were going to run out and he continued on for 25 more yards
# 44 DGuinta1 @ 12/10/09 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by Hova57
no they fooled me on a screen i thought they were going to run out and he continued on for 25 more yards
Nice! Two of the reasons I haven't played in months.
# 45 mr_president @ 12/10/09 10:53 AM
the good:
-suction on the line(and in general) has been greatly reduced
-coverage is better..not great but definitely improved
-game feels smoother
-cut scenes do not cut off the end of plays as much
-ball rotates in replays
-kick returns are more difficult
-clock management by the AI: towards teh end of the half and the end of game the AI will try and work the sidelines. i had a TE catch a pass, run upfield for a few yards and then head out of bounds.
-rush D has been improved
-Ai stays behind center longer even with accelerated clock turned on
-teams appear to play to their strengths
-sliders seem have more of an impact on player performance

the bad:
-still some of the worse player time-warping in existence.
-psychic defenders still exist
-over the shoulder catch still happens to often
-chain gang comes out on plays where the 1st down is unquestionable
-QB slides unnecessarily
-ball carriers still break out of 4 man scrums(i know it's a rugby term but you know what i mean)
# 46 Skyboxer @ 12/10/09 11:07 AM
Good deal guys. Thanks for the gameplay impressions. Seems most of the issues I had were addressed and my hopes are high. Can't wait to get home and try it out.
# 47 greenegt @ 12/10/09 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Good deal guys. Thanks for the gameplay impressions. Seems most of the issues I had were addressed and my hopes are high. Can't wait to get home and try it out.
I can't wait either! I am so ready to get back into this game and get my Giants franchise going. Thanks for all of the impressions, guys.
# 48 Jump @ 12/10/09 11:24 AM
The 2 seconds extra after the snap was a good decision. I didn't think it would make much of a difference, but it really adds to the presentation.
# 49 BigD @ 12/10/09 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by buddha9009
i am seeing way more sacks by OLB's then before playing
Thank the man above. I was so sick of Demarcus Ware playing like an undrafted free agent. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 50 mavfan21 @ 12/10/09 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by BlueNGold
Just downloaded it. Loaded up my old Chargers Franchise and it has the Draft Info for all the players. Can't wait to play some games now. Finally after all these months.
So is it showing the draft info for the pre-made or imported rookies?
# 51 spfhelmiii @ 12/10/09 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by BigD
Thank the man above. I was so sick of Demarcus Ware playing like an undrafted free agent. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like James Harrison? I think I'd take that.
# 52 billsmetalbooze @ 12/10/09 12:33 PM
thanks for the replies, gentlemen.

it sounds like a great improvement with the cpu QB taking sacks, less all-out CPU blitzing and better blocking.


money > bitches
gameplay > stats

i don't care if the simmed DE's get 87 sacks a season; if my played games are fun and more realistic that's what counts.

kudos to the patch-makers and reporters.
# 53 mkeller25 @ 12/10/09 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by billsmetalbooze
thanks for the replies, gentlemen.

it sounds like a great improvement with the cpu QB taking sacks, less all-out CPU blitzing and better blocking.


money > bitches
gameplay > stats

i don't care if the simmed DE's get 87 sacks a season; if my played games are fun and more realistic that's what counts.

kudos to the patch-makers and reporters.
Well said.
Go Bills!
# 54 Tico Da Great @ 12/10/09 12:43 PM
This is a great patch they really play the flats tighter the game is way more fluid it plays lke a fb game now the ball does spin in replays. Inpressive Patch
# 55 PhilCrenshaw @ 12/10/09 12:52 PM
Just a small thing, but are the blocks on the back of the helmets for the Patriots and other teams gone?

# 56 Guffers @ 12/10/09 12:55 PM
I've played 3 games now and I'm absolutely loving how the CPU QB's hang onto the ball. I've even had them scramble when I get close, only to get stuffed anyway. It feels so much more natural now. I haven't seen a lame duck in 4 hours of play.

Also auto replays show up much more on 1st down passes and long runs. Still not enough on TD's for me. I've seen them twice out of perhaps 10 TD's, including long yardage ones.

The more I play the more I'm enjoying it, its definitely a nice patch. (Purely in game play terms, I'm covering my ears and singing as loud as I can to ignore the apparent statistical calamity.)
# 57 LBzrule @ 12/10/09 12:57 PM
I don't see any better blocking. I played for an hour, went to work out and have played for another hour. When you say better blocking give a scenario. I still see OLB's/DE's always collapse the edge on stretches. I still see max protect breaking down in 3 seconds vs a 3 man rush. Not too sure what you guys are seeing.

I do see:

Flats played better
QB Draw Glitch is gone
HB Direct takes a step backwards and slows it down but I'm not going to comment on the effectiveness or non-effectiveness of the play with league guys hovering around LOL.

I'll play more after work.
# 58 mkeller25 @ 12/10/09 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by treq21
Some people say stuff is fixed. Some people say nothing is fixed.

Which is it? I am work and cannot see for myself. Its gonna be a long afternoon.
Dude I totally feel your pain. I can't even work I'm just sitting here looking at peoples impressions of the patch. I think its pretty clear that the flats abuse has been fixed which makes me VERY happy. I hope lineman run block better etc etc but I'm not counting on it. My guess is when I run an ISO, my center will still get absolutely walked over by the DT and I will get blown up for no gain 99% of the time.
# 59 Hova57 @ 12/10/09 01:17 PM
for me every gameplay aspect seems fine other than line play one play my line blocks well tackle seals guards and fullbacks take on their blocks other times not. overall it really depends on what you want or how you chose to enjoy the game
# 60 DGuinta1 @ 12/10/09 01:18 PM
I think the end of the half AI has been improved. VY couldn't find anyone open and instead of forcing it on 4th he tried running for the 1st. Though he was DENIED!

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