NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 patch has been released for the 360. Please post all your impressions here.

The PS3 patch will be released at a later date.

What fixes are in the patch? Click here to find out.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 301 23 @ 11/06/09 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
People are saying they have, but in my only PnR attempt, I got a layup. This was with a good offensive team against a bad defensive team though. I think a fair assessment would be to test this with a middle of the pack PnR team vs. Sacto and Boston, and gauge the results over the length of the entire quarter.

Scoring on them is fine, getting through is fine as well, but it was just unusually at the offenses advantage no ifs ands or buts.
# 302 NumberOneRB @ 11/06/09 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by BCJMU99
I'm currently at work...

Has the framerate slowdown been fixed in the Sixers arena in the new patch? Thanks!
I'm actually playing there now in my NBA Today game and I have noticed no frame rate slowdown whatsoever. I take that back actually, during actual gameplay: NONE. A brief moment after timeouts: Yes, but its only for a second or so and I've noticed no frame rate issues during actual gameplay.
# 303 Keaton @ 11/06/09 03:31 PM
Oh yeah, i almost forgot:
The glitch where the game freezes ant the freethrow animation, u know where the Ref wont pass the ball and the player on the bench shake their heads like mainacs? Its still there, even more often, I had it 4 times in 3 games...of course its solved woth a timeout, but still annoying.
# 304 erickonasis @ 11/06/09 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Pyro
No, I have XBOX live silver and have been able to download the patch. Good Luck!
THANK YOU!!!..So soon as i turn the game on it should ask me to download a patch? i am at work cant check now
# 305 BCJMU99 @ 11/06/09 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by NumberOneRB
I'm actually playing there now in my NBA Today game and I have noticed no frame rate slowdown whatsoever. I take that back actually, during actual gameplay: NONE. A brief moment after timeouts: Yes, but its only for a second or so and I've noticed no frame rate issues during actual gameplay.
This is great news! Can't wait to try it out this evening!
# 306 Boilerbuzz @ 11/06/09 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by RubenDouglas
Feels like CHRISTMAS DAY. I didnt have to pause once to check on my teammates. infact, I had to pause to make sure I wasn't missing any instances. Double and triple takes on that front.

I got one 10 minute qrt, DEFAULT everything PRO game.

Pistons (cpu) vs. Magic(user)
-first off on a presentation front:
HIGHLIGHT custom music works for end of qrt breaks.
HALFTIME kicks in for the entire halftime sequence.
POTG kicks in as the game ends, and that music stops after the POTG highlight/montage. Entering the game track highlights its the 2k10 music.
Player music works. I set Dwight to have superman theme and that plays for made FGs. (not FTs)

Onto the game, first off. THIS IS HOW THE GAME SHOULDVE RELEASED. I'm just a happy little schoolboy right now lol

IN game Screenshots are finally working:

Playing on Default PRO, even with default FOUL sliders and living rosters. A few things come to mind.

-STAMINA -now needs to be adjusted down. guys just dont tire that much
-SHOOTING sliders- CPU shooting slightly above what they should. User shooting just a pinch above that. I will alter sliders on those real soon. CPU around 47/48/49 and user 48/49/49.
-FOUL sliders- I may have to go back to what Pared bad in 75-75-80-80-100. although i did see a charge on default. I may try out everthing-10 on his, wihth 65-65-70-70-90 my next game.

Some video highlights:
I'm the magic. I see Dwight get semi open. prepatch, thats a lead pass for a dunk. NOW.. its a deflection and TO. BE smart with your passes folks!

Here I take control of Dwight and help out on the double team. I HAVE CONTROL OF MY PLAYER. It's accurate, precise, effective. im amazed.

not too common but a perfectly executed fastbreak type play. Animations are not a hinderence here..

this replay starts too soon but I take vince, get around one guy, and charlie is ther efor the CHARGE.. THEY CALL IT!

WHat wouldve been one of those ugly sequences where a double comes and a player cuts, BASS , a cpu controlled TEAMMATE, reverbs back to the paint and gets the BLOCK!

I read through this thread and am left astounded at some people. I understand everyone is different and have ideas about what they feel is authentic.

Team Stats:
pistons- magic
final score:
101- 90
46-84 fg 39-78
54% fg% 50%
4-11 threes 2/8
5/8 fts 10/12
32 assists 31
7 turnovers 6
6 team fouls 7
38 total rebounds 31
6 off. boards 5
6 steals 6
3 blocks 6
50 PIP 50
31 bench pts 14
6 second chance 8
10 fb pts 8

Overall, Im quite impressed.

fine tuning just a few sliders and this game is as perfect as we will have seen EVER in NBA video basketball games
This post is quite impressive. Not just impressions but videos to back up his statement. Great job man!
# 307 triballeo @ 11/06/09 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by SimBaller
Would you mind elaborating on the framerate issues you are seeing?

Current framerate issues:

- The hitch on the pass-in after the camera transitions on 2k cam (what is it about 2k cam that causes so much trouble?)
- The first of two free throws is still laggy
- During timeouts, the spotlights still will cause massive framerate drop. I think it would be better without these spotlights at all.

But that is being very nitpicky. For the most part the game runs perfectly.
# 308 Jukeman @ 11/06/09 03:36 PM
Solid patch other than the bone head move to make my created draft class players over 1000 years old...Yes I now it was "suppose" to be the birth date but the game is reconizing it as there age and now EVERY prospect I created retires after one year.....We had a workaround already...:
# 309 BroMontana82 @ 11/06/09 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by triballeo
Current framerate issues:

- The hitch on the pass-in after the camera transitions on 2k cam (what is it about 2k cam that causes so much trouble?)
- The first of two free throws is still laggy
- During timeouts, the spotlights still will cause massive framerate drop. I think it would be better without these spotlights at all.

But that is being very nitpicky. For the most part the game runs perfectly.
too much crowd in the background. why can't they just make 1 FT camera angle? Just have both FT attempts in the 2k cam view that you see on the 2nd attempt. i would trade the "cool" presentation view on the 1st attempt for 0 lag!!
# 310 NumberOneRB @ 11/06/09 03:43 PM
Plays seem to set up a little quicker, but its still NOWHERE near what it should be. I still find myself mostly avoiding calling any of the plays besides the quick PNRs and such. There's still that "set up" animation from your ball handler after you select a playcall that causes you to not have control of your player for a moment, but the animation period seems to be reduced a little; still not enough to my liking. FG%s overall are a little better (mainly because of the nice increase in contact animations), but I think this will still need to be slightly tweaked via sliders (but just the main shooting sliders).
# 311 DC @ 11/06/09 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Jukeman
Solid patch other than the bone head move to make my created draft class players over 1000 years old...Yes I now it was "suppose" to be the birth date but the game is reconizing it as there age and now EVERY prospect I created retires after one year.....We had a workaround already...:
# 312 Chessboxer1 @ 11/06/09 03:49 PM
I loaded my association after downloading the patch and i still can't send any more players down to the d-league. I'm in year two of an association i really like and don't want to start over. Am i missing something here? Is this a roster issue?

Update: Just started a game and my team had white headbands on the road so i'm gonna assume this is a roster issue. It sucks because i really liked this association.
# 313 Epiffani @ 11/06/09 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2

This is my last line of questions guys-My next post here will be an impression: How do you guys feel about the playcalling execution post patch? Are guys getting to their spots faster? Are plays still breaking down too soon?
Wondering the same thing as a person who primarily scores the ball by running offensive plays; I haven't seen anyone address this post, but I'm getting ready to head home in a few, so I'll make sure to check this out, and include it in my overall impressions to see if it's improved.

Edit: post#345 touch on it a bit, but I'll see if I see the same thing when I play.
# 314 NumberOneRB @ 11/06/09 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by Epiffani
Wondering the same thing as a person who primarily scores the ball by running offensive plays; I haven't seen anyone address this post, but I'm getting ready to head home in a few, so I'll make sure to check this out, and include it in my overall impressions to see if it's improved.

Edit: post#345 touch on it a bit, but I'll see if I see the same thing when I play.
I answered this a bit in my last post.
# 315 KG @ 11/06/09 03:56 PM
Damn, I was gonna sell this game but all the impressions has me thinking twice.
# 316 NumberOneRB @ 11/06/09 03:59 PM
I definitely think adjusting CPU shooting sliders is best since it appears they are the only ones shooting at an unrealistic percentage now. I also think as a result, the CPU is a little too successful on their And-1s so the shooting sliders on their side will have to be reduced. I'd really like to run more plays to get more effective shots but they still seem to be a bit too much on the sluggish side for my tastes. 2K really needs to just steal NBA Live's play-calling system because this has been an issue with their basketball games for years.

Edit: Actually, we may not need to reduce the mid-range and 3pt shooting sliders for the CPU because those seem to be relatively realistic. It appears the inside shooting slider is the one that needs to be reduced. That way, the And-1s are less apparent, and the lower paint success should reduce the overall team FG% by a good margin.
# 317 amedawg00 @ 11/06/09 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by jeebs9
I stop posting there...just because of that. 2kforums has a lot of children on there...And it is very sad.

But yea I want to hear impressions on human opponents and/or about online play...Anyone?
Momentous and I just played an online game 10 min quarters. No Lag whatsoever in what was a gem of a sim exhibition between the Jazz and Bulls. Pre-Patch online, I honestly felt that my defenders were ice skating, especially when I use the crowding feature or defensive assist with LT. This was due to the poor framerate in general that allowed for easy blow bys to the rim. Post-patch, a good defender can really lock down players with the LT defensive assist, even while I have my defensive assist turned down to 0. I just love how the framerate improvement has made online play that much better, resulting in tighter controls as well as tight player movement. The amount of body contact that I saw when attempting drives to the hoop leads me to believe that there is a "hidden" collision detection slider that 2k tweaked for the patch. I havent tried any team up or pick up games to test the viability of multiplayer online, but with ranked and custom matches, there has been a VAST improvement to the gameplay online. All that is to test now is my online league and make sure that things are smooth on that front as well.
# 318 Pyro @ 11/06/09 04:04 PM
Alright first game played, lost in a blowout 74-90. Mostly in part of bad free throw shooting 48%. Sent to the line 33 times, but its mostly because of my style of play of using my wing players to beat off defenders off the dribble and drawing the foul. I also had a crazy amount of turnovers, most of them warranted, the days of lead passing over half the length of the court for a fast break are gone. A lot of deflections passing into inside which i like, but i' am having glitches where when i try to kick it out to my perimeter guy and the ball just "loses air" and falls right to the ground.

Btw, playing with a fantasy draft team in association and with pared's slider tweaks. Now back to more playing.
# 319 dano562003 @ 11/06/09 04:06 PM
Now it's definitely harder to score points in the paint now, the defense plays a lot tougher too. Patch did make a difference to the game... for the better.
# 320 triballeo @ 11/06/09 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by amedawg00
Momentous and I just played an online game 10 min quarters. No Lag whatsoever in what was a gem of a sim exhibition between the Jazz and Bulls. Pre-Patch online, I honestly felt that my defenders were ice skating, especially when I use the crowding feature or defensive assist with LT. This was due to the poor framerate in general that allowed for easy blow bys to the rim. Post-patch, a good defender can really lock down players with the LT defensive assist, even while I have my defensive assist turned down to 0. I just love how the framerate improvement has made online play that much better, resulting in tighter controls as well as tight player movement. The amount of body contact that I saw when attempting drives to the hoop leads me to believe that there is a "hidden" collision detection slider that 2k tweaked for the patch. I havent tried any team up or pick up games to test the viability of multiplayer online, but with ranked and custom matches, there has been a VAST improvement to the gameplay online. All that is to test now is my online league and make sure that things are smooth on that front as well.

good write up dude

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