Madden 2010 News Post

Check out the Madden NFL 10 blog, which talks about the preliminary details of the 2nd title update.

"In this second title update we focused on some of the more debated topics from our loyal and passionate fan base. We appreciate all the feedback so please keep it coming! In this update you will be happy to hear that we have tuned our Flat Zone assignments to cover the flats more effectively. Defenders will not chuck a WR if another receiver is running a route towards their zone. This will help the defender be in better position to react to a quickly throw flat route and allow him to make a play. The flat zone defenders will also play the ball better if a pass is thrown behind the line of scrimmage as well as taking better pursuit angles after the catch to prevent the ball carrier from being able to get around the corner. This has been one of the top complaints that we have heard about and realized it was definitely something that we needed to address."

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
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Member Comments
# 421 JMD @ 11/18/09 08:36 AM
Originally Posted by ms24forever
I said this in another post. You are always looking for a way to put down EA in a backhanded way. I give you credit, you always do it in a way that does not violate the TOS. I hope this patch makes the game playable for you. That way you can enjoy it, and give EA credit for a good game.
# 422 ODogg @ 11/18/09 08:46 AM
Honestly I am enjoying the game a lot in it's current incarnation, I don't see why so many act as if the patch is needed to make the game "playable" or whatnot.
# 423 RGiles36 @ 11/18/09 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by ODogg
Honestly I am enjoying the game a lot in it's current incarnation, I don't see why so many act as if the patch is needed to make the game "playable" or whatnot.
Don't try to figure it out--I've given up a long time ago .

The same people that are vehemently requesting the patch will be the same ones still saying the game is broken once it's released. I've said a few times already; if you don't already halfway enjoy this game, I can't see a couple (while important) fixes changing your entire outlook. For some of us, the game is already solid. The fixes just make it that much better.
# 424 StoryBook @ 11/18/09 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by ForeverYoung
... and 3rd party means that it is in internal EA testing.
If it would be in Sony & MS hands he would have said 1st party.

I'm sorry but this means that we won't see the patch until mid december at best.
3rd party means it is in FINAL QA at Sony/MS. EA is the first party since it's their game.
# 425 ThaShark28_316 @ 11/18/09 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by ForeverYoung
... and 3rd party means that it is in internal EA testing.
If it would be in Sony & MS hands he would have said 1st party.

I'm sorry but this means that we won't see the patch until mid december at best.
Hey smart guy, you DO realize that EA's game is a 3rd party game, RIGHT?
# 426 pointNumberOne @ 11/18/09 10:56 AM
My take:

1.) Microsoft is the first party
2.) EA is a 3rd party developer for xbox/ps
3.) Their game would be in MS's 'final 3rd party approvals'

...but what do i know... *shrug*

Ian also 'tweeted' that their putting together the final list of what's in the patch for a blog post. That list would tide me over for a couple days
# 427 greenegt @ 11/18/09 11:02 AM
It's been a loooong wait, but I'm looking forward to starting my franchise when patch 2 drops. Madden is already solid as is, but I wanted to wait for these last few fixes.
# 428 RGiles36 @ 11/18/09 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by Flamehead
For Franchise people of whom reasonable statistical accuracy is just as much a part of the game as the play on the field, the game is not solid. That's one reason why multiple posts exist of people saying they're waiting on this to start playing.

If you believe the game is "solid", more power to you.
Well then sir, you don't hate the game do you? That was my point.

There's a group of people who hate just about everything about this game (or at least that's what I'm lead to believe). For those people, the patch is not going to change their mind. So why should those people bellyache about how long the patch is taking if they've already made their mind up about this game?
# 429 huskerwr38 @ 11/18/09 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by ForeverYoung
... and 3rd party means that it is in internal EA testing.
If it would be in Sony & MS hands he would have said 1st party.

I'm sorry but this means that we won't see the patch until mid december at best.
3rd party is a relative term, meaning outside of your group. To EA, Microsoft testing is a 3rd party. To Microsoft, EA is a 3rd party developer.
# 430 djslimk @ 11/18/09 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by marktg30
From Ian's Twitter

At least that is something... Too bad MW2 has made Madden into little more than a coaster at this point.
# 431 Saber @ 11/18/09 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyJote
Good luck with that. It'll take a while. On the plus side, you have a major advantage the real Browns don't - you're not Eric Mangini.
Maybe he is Eric Mangini. And in his world, everyone's a pony... and they all eat rainbows!... AND POOP BUTTERFLIES!
# 432 Bgamer90 @ 11/18/09 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by rgiles36

There's a group of people who hate just about everything about this game (or at least that's what I'm lead to believe). For those people, the patch is not going to change their mind. So why should those people bellyache about how long the patch is taking if they've already made their mind up about this game?
# 433 mm boost @ 11/18/09 03:51 PM
Care to elaborate about the visor issue? If the visor issue was the only problem I had with the game, I would be one happy camper. I love the game, but there are alot more problems than a visor fitting issue that I have noticed.
# 434 jimbo1215 @ 11/18/09 04:20 PM
the visor clips are upside down I believe and so the visors look backwards.
# 435 Gossennator @ 11/18/09 05:14 PM
Visor clips fit the DNA's correctly...on the other helmets they're either too much under or over the actual facemask.
# 436 swanlee @ 11/18/09 07:37 PM
Yep this is clearly where the ball has been dropped this year. Last year''s game was worse but we got a patch day one and a second patch within a reasonable timeframe.

This year the game is released the first patch took WAY to long and now the second patch is hitting half way through the NFL season.

This years game was very good but the ball was seriously dropped with the patch schedule whihc has left this years game with a bad stigma.
# 437 jimbo1215 @ 11/18/09 09:07 PM
Let me clarify by saying I can care less about visors/equipment as well. I was just doing my best to answer a question.
# 438 harnalien @ 11/19/09 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by ProjectSRT
It's "couldn't care less". Saying i could/can care less means you actually could care a little bit less.

Thanks for trying to clear everything up tho, i think you pretty much understood my gripe.

No, im not kidding, in the slightest. I dont have a problem with the other areas of the game. I think the visor issue should be an easy fix, if they fix it, awesome.

Im not saying that should be a priority, im just stating that i dont have a problem with the state the game is in now, the only thing that bugs me is the visor fitting issue.
# 439 grismosw @ 11/19/09 07:10 AM
Originally Posted by Flamehead
So here's what I'm wondering:

Will everyone here who's frustrated with the fact that a) patches are needed to fix some fairly significant issues, and b) the fact that they're taking so long, remember this in the summer and clamor to include questions about quality assurance if/when EA takes questions about Madden 2011?

Inevitably I'm sure EA wants to get this patch done, for among other reasons, so that things calm down a bit and they can begin turning everyone's attention to Madden '11--you know, the traditional "look what we have coming guys!"

My hope is that this frustration is not forgotten in the hype of the next game, and that effective quality control PRE-release becomes a legitimate issue for discussion. Not the sexiest thing in the world, but are we not impacted by it well into November?

While not probable, I believe this is possible if EA is not given COMPLETE free reign to COMPLETELY dictate the course of those discussions based on public feedback. Of course, they could still choose to ignore those questions or comments because they wouldn't fit into the marketing message and talking points that must be adhered to. And if so, then ce' la vie.

IMHO, Madden '10 was a better effort, but not solid. And I'm not even talking new features, because those inevitably come in time. I'm simply talking about releasing a product in August that is tantamount to beta, then announcing to the community that you'll just let them bring to your attention what needs to be fixed, i.e., the "cream rising to the top" comment thrown out there (by yes, Ian). We effectively become paying QA testers, and lnumerous threads appear regarding patches and their status as time goes on.

We can debate the merits of patches all we want, but if this is their idea of QA, it is horribly lacking and becomes more prevalent with each release. Do the developers lack the skill set to "get it done"? Given the repeated history with this, I submit these are valid questions regardless of any mods with itchy trigger fingers or fans who (in extreme cases) are the "Bagdad Bobs" of Madden (everything's fine; nothing to see here; everything is under control. Please go back into your homes and be happy with your beta).

So, even if you get what you want in this patch, will you be willing to go through it again next year? Or will it be important enough to tell that them that you care about this at the beginning? Or will you care at all then, though you may care now?
Either way I'm done but I'm hoping to salvage something out of my $60. Lets hope they fix more than they break.
# 440 R.Moncrief @ 11/19/09 07:51 AM
Originally Posted by harnalien
Originally Posted by ProjectSRT
It's "couldn't care less". Saying i could/can care less means you actually could care a little bit less.
I can totally agree here with ProjectSRT. That's one of my major pet peeves because the phrase is usually used in arguments where one person aims to become passive and sarcastically nonchalant all a sudden - in effect, usually ignoring the topic at hand. Which is made all the more annoying when said person exclaims "I could care less!!!" which, as said, only means said person actually cares a whole lot.

It's similar to the silly people out there who say "irregardless" and then start a whole rant when they're angry. "Irregardless" isn't even a damn word.

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