
Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

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Old 11-19-2009, 05:00 AM   #625
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

So here's what I'm wondering:

Will everyone here who's frustrated with the fact that a) patches are needed to fix some fairly significant issues, and b) the fact that they're taking so long, remember this in the summer and clamor to include questions about quality assurance if/when EA takes questions about Madden 2011?

Inevitably I'm sure EA wants to get this patch done, for among other reasons, so that things calm down a bit and they can begin turning everyone's attention to Madden '11--you know, the traditional "look what we have coming guys!"

My hope is that this frustration is not forgotten in the hype of the next game, and that effective quality control PRE-release becomes a legitimate issue for discussion. Not the sexiest thing in the world, but are we not impacted by it well into November?

While not probable, I believe this is possible if EA is not given COMPLETE free reign to COMPLETELY dictate the course of those discussions based on public feedback. Of course, they could still choose to ignore those questions or comments because they wouldn't fit into the marketing message and talking points that must be adhered to. And if so, then ce' la vie.

IMHO, Madden '10 was a better effort, but not solid. And I'm not even talking new features, because those inevitably come in time. I'm simply talking about releasing a product in August that is tantamount to beta, then announcing to the community that you'll just let them bring to your attention what needs to be fixed, i.e., the "cream rising to the top" comment thrown out there (by yes, Ian). We effectively become paying QA testers, and lnumerous threads appear regarding patches and their status as time goes on.

We can debate the merits of patches all we want, but if this is their idea of QA, it is horribly lacking and becomes more prevalent with each release. Do the developers lack the skill set to "get it done"? Given the repeated history with this, I submit these are valid questions regardless of any mods with itchy trigger fingers or fans who (in extreme cases) are the "Bagdad Bobs" of Madden (everything's fine; nothing to see here; everything is under control. Please go back into your homes and be happy with your beta).

So, even if you get what you want in this patch, will you be willing to go through it again next year? Or will it be important enough to tell that them that you care about this at the beginning? Or will you care at all then, though you may care now?

Last edited by Flamehead; 11-19-2009 at 05:03 AM.
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Old 11-19-2009, 07:05 AM   #626
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Flamehead, I've been put in time-out before for asking some of those very same questions (notably, the talent one), but obviously I think yours is a very good post. I will point out that Madden's overall sales have slid for 5 straight years now, while sales for The Show, NBA2k10, NHL10 and FIFA have gone up, so I think it's safe to say that a number of sports gamers have already reached their breaking point with the series, even if the quality did go up some this year.
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Old 11-19-2009, 07:10 AM   #627
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Originally Posted by Flamehead
So here's what I'm wondering:

Will everyone here who's frustrated with the fact that a) patches are needed to fix some fairly significant issues, and b) the fact that they're taking so long, remember this in the summer and clamor to include questions about quality assurance if/when EA takes questions about Madden 2011?

Inevitably I'm sure EA wants to get this patch done, for among other reasons, so that things calm down a bit and they can begin turning everyone's attention to Madden '11--you know, the traditional "look what we have coming guys!"

My hope is that this frustration is not forgotten in the hype of the next game, and that effective quality control PRE-release becomes a legitimate issue for discussion. Not the sexiest thing in the world, but are we not impacted by it well into November?

While not probable, I believe this is possible if EA is not given COMPLETE free reign to COMPLETELY dictate the course of those discussions based on public feedback. Of course, they could still choose to ignore those questions or comments because they wouldn't fit into the marketing message and talking points that must be adhered to. And if so, then ce' la vie.

IMHO, Madden '10 was a better effort, but not solid. And I'm not even talking new features, because those inevitably come in time. I'm simply talking about releasing a product in August that is tantamount to beta, then announcing to the community that you'll just let them bring to your attention what needs to be fixed, i.e., the "cream rising to the top" comment thrown out there (by yes, Ian). We effectively become paying QA testers, and lnumerous threads appear regarding patches and their status as time goes on.

We can debate the merits of patches all we want, but if this is their idea of QA, it is horribly lacking and becomes more prevalent with each release. Do the developers lack the skill set to "get it done"? Given the repeated history with this, I submit these are valid questions regardless of any mods with itchy trigger fingers or fans who (in extreme cases) are the "Bagdad Bobs" of Madden (everything's fine; nothing to see here; everything is under control. Please go back into your homes and be happy with your beta).

So, even if you get what you want in this patch, will you be willing to go through it again next year? Or will it be important enough to tell that them that you care about this at the beginning? Or will you care at all then, though you may care now?
Either way I'm done but I'm hoping to salvage something out of my $60. Lets hope they fix more than they break.
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Old 11-19-2009, 07:51 AM   #628
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Originally Posted by harnalien
Originally Posted by ProjectSRT
It's "couldn't care less". Saying i could/can care less means you actually could care a little bit less.
I can totally agree here with ProjectSRT. That's one of my major pet peeves because the phrase is usually used in arguments where one person aims to become passive and sarcastically nonchalant all a sudden - in effect, usually ignoring the topic at hand. Which is made all the more annoying when said person exclaims "I could care less!!!" which, as said, only means said person actually cares a whole lot.

It's similar to the silly people out there who say "irregardless" and then start a whole rant when they're angry. "Irregardless" isn't even a damn word.
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:11 AM   #629
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Originally Posted by R.Moncrief
I can totally agree here with ProjectSRT. That's one of my major pet peeves because the phrase is usually used in arguments where one person aims to become passive and sarcastically nonchalant all a sudden - in effect, usually ignoring the topic at hand. Which is made all the more annoying when said person exclaims "I could care less!!!" which, as said, only means said person actually cares a whole lot.

It's similar to the silly people out there who say "irregardless" and then start a whole rant when they're angry. "Irregardless" isn't even a damn word.
Mine is when people say "For all intensive purposes."
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:14 AM   #630
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

Mine is when people say to when they mean too
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:20 AM   #631
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

For all intensive purposes,irregardless,of when he say what he meant to say the patch will come out , I could care less how long it takes
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Old 11-19-2009, 10:34 AM   #632
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Re: Madden NFL 10 Blog: 2nd Title Update Preliminary Details

It's "intents and purposes"!!
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