NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 demo is now available at the Marketplace. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 VDusen04 @ 09/29/09 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by erickonasis
Dude like i said its a new control...when just running and going into a spin move last year u never had to use LT to do a spin move except when doing it in the Post
Last year RT had to be held in order to complete isomotion spin moves (not post spins). Since RT doubled as Turbo last year, it likely felt natural and as if you were not pressing a specific button to pull off the spin.

This season LT is the button you press to complete a spin move (as well as other isomotion moves). This change was made in order to prevent players from having to expend their limited turbo just to bust a crossover or spin. Holding LT + RT will still modify a move however, turning what would be just a spin using LT into a behind the back, for example.
# 162 TMagic @ 09/29/09 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
oh ok i was jusf wondering b/c i havent seen it...i thought you meant it was constant
Na, it's not constant at all man.

There are actually a lot of instances where I really think he has a dunk, but goes up for a lay in instead.

Originally Posted by Dtownballa
You need to let go of TURBO .He wont dunk if you let go of turbo.
It's not about holding turbo at all. They shouldn't be happening in the first place. Turbo or not.

But, as I've said, is not always happening. SO...
# 163 bizcanos @ 09/29/09 10:53 AM
Love the cpu ball movement...the best 2k has ever had. The new defense takes some getting use to...auto/manual defense. But I thing I got the hang of it.

BUT..just like my beef w/Live...WE NEED A POST UP BUTTON. I got he hang of it for the most part (thanks to the Live demo) but sometimes I end up doing a dribble move when all I want to do is post up...frustrating.

Also demo seems weird w/no commentary. The atmosphere is severely lacking in the demo...guess they saved that for retail.
# 164 baseballguy @ 09/29/09 10:54 AM
Wow the shooting percentages are out of control. From what I've been reading, this seems to be an issue even on the higher difficulties.

The Lakers shot 90% and the Magic shot 80%.
# 165 RubenDouglas @ 09/29/09 10:55 AM
i feel like im baby sitting my entire defense. I can control only one guy. Mismatch 50% of the time. Why is lewis guarding gasol. players get cluttered and soon mismatches everyone. im not even talking about screens taking place. strictly everyplay movement. CPU defensive rotations are NICE on drives where the scoring may happen within a second. but far too often in this short time frame am i seeing movement on perimeter players or just general confusion.. this only leads to one thing on higher levels, lead passes into the paint.

ill give this game its due as I do every year . just be forewarned. these early symptons arent looking too great..

we shall see.

just now, automatic "double teams" i guess is in too. CPU teammate vince helped out on dwight howard who was guarding bynum for a 6 foot post move. CPU passed it out to an open kobe.. Constantly are my teammates doing things I dont want. thats not smart basketball. let DWIGHT guard him one on one. dont leave KOBE of all people open.
# 166 aholbert32 @ 09/29/09 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
It's not about holding turbo at all. They shouldn't be happening in the first place. Turbo or not.

Actually it should be happening. This demo isnt for us (The OS community). Its for ****** fans. ****** fans like highlight dunks. I refuse to overanalyze either games demo because they both arent geared toward hardcore fans who are probably going to buy the game anyway. If 2k or Live has to create a demo like this to increase sales then I'm happy because more sales means they can release another game.
# 167 Pared @ 09/29/09 11:00 AM
Originally Posted by bizcanos
Love the cpu ball movement...the best 2k has ever had. The new defense takes some getting use to...auto/manual defense. But I thing I got the hang of it.

BUT..just like my beef w/Live...WE NEED A POST UP BUTTON. I got he hang of it for the most part (thanks to the Live demo) but sometimes I end up doing a dribble move when all I want to do is post up...frustrating.

Also demo seems weird w/no commentary. The atmosphere is severely lacking in the demo...guess they saved that for retail.
Completely agree about the button. Although, try this:

When you get close to a player (while dribblling), hold the LT button. It's not supposed to initiate a backdown, but it certainly helps.

The demo doesn't have commentary? You really need it to see this game shine, IMO. Never thought I'd say that about a 2k bball game...
# 168 Pared @ 09/29/09 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by RubenDouglas
just now, automatic "double teams" i guess is in too. CPU teammate vince helped out on dwight howard who was guarding bynum for a 6 foot post move. CPU passed it out to an open kobe.. Constantly are my teammates doing things I dont want. thats not smart basketball. let DWIGHT guard him one on one. dont leave KOBE of all people open.
This is on by default. Can you turn it off in the demo?
# 169 aholbert32 @ 09/29/09 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
This is on by default. Can you turn it off in the demo?

Nope. No options in the demo.
# 170 erickonasis @ 09/29/09 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by VDusen04
Last year RT had to be held in order to complete isomotion spin moves (not post spins). Since RT doubled as Turbo last year, it likely felt natural and as if you were not pressing a specific button to pull off the spin.

This season LT is the button you press to complete a spin move (as well as other isomotion moves). This change was made in order to prevent players from having to expend their limited turbo just to bust a crossover or spin. Holding LT + RT will still modify a move however, turning what would be just a spin using LT into a behind the back, for example.
Thank you...I knew this had to be new because i pulled it off with ease last year and previous year
# 171 DGuinta1 @ 09/29/09 11:06 AM
Surprised to say after playing this then going back to LIVE, don't know. Might be first year I go with LIVE.
# 172 aholbert32 @ 09/29/09 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by DGuinta1
Surprised to say after playing this then going back to LIVE, don't know. Might be first year I go with LIVE.

Enough with the game vs. game talk. We didnt allow it in the Live demo thread and we wont allow it here.
# 173 RubenDouglas @ 09/29/09 11:07 AM
i dont think its something that can be turned off or on, its just inherently programmed into the cpu teammate it seems. Fisher blows by me, and what happens? Lewis whos guarding his man near the basket decides to "help" leaving the man he was guarding wide open for the dunk. thats basketball 101. GUARD THE HOOP. STAY at the HOOP! Don't help out 10 feet from the basket when your own defender is in better position.

maybe i overanalyze things. I want to know how and why I got beat so I can get better at these games. I can't get better unless I grow 4 more sets of hands and play as the entire team at this rate.
# 174 FatalHussien @ 09/29/09 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by baseballguy
Wow the shooting percentages are out of control. From what I've been reading, this seems to be an issue even on the higher difficulties.

The Lakers shot 90% and the Magic shot 80%.
Good point. I think this is another area where Live has beefed up their "gameplay" so to speak.

NBA 2K9 had a serious issue with controlling the %'s and it seems to be back again this year. I'm seeing realistic hot and cold periods with Live that I can't recall ever feeling with 2K. 2K8 was too hard. 2k9 was too easy. And the sliders that OS had last year helped, but it sacraficed lots of "gimme" baskets to make that happen.

Which is why I think Dynamic DNA and the partnership with 82 games is soooooo important....
# 175 DC @ 09/29/09 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
For whenever DC gets in here:

I literally, just now, just dunked on Dwight, Bass, Vince, and Rashard with Kobe. Didn't do any moves with Kobe. Just caught the ball and went to the whole immediately even with Vince staying with me the whole time. Dunked on all of them. They all jumped, going for the block too and were in good position. Got the And 1 call to top it off.

Not the first time either. I dunked on 3 Magic players earlier. And I've had a couple dunks on the man guarding me + Dwight.

There was one instance where I was on the break and tried to pull up for a 15 foot jumper with Kobe. But, Kobe went to the bucket and dunked on two people who were back on the break.

I wouldn't say it's a "dunkfest" though, in all honesty.

These were just some moments where I said to myself, "Yeah right." or "What the...?" Maybe it's because Kobe is the cover boy. I don't know.

I'll try some stuff with Vince and see if I get the same results. Lol
# 176 the_future420 @ 09/29/09 11:15 AM
Not liking these impressions so far...
# 177 jr2424 @ 09/29/09 11:20 AM
Spacing is WAY better. Players move without the ball so much. On a couple of 3-on-2 breaks or 3-on-1 playing with the Magic, Rashard will flare out to the three-point line while Vince will go to the hole. I love this.
The turbo meter is a GREAT addition. I am only holding turbo when it's needed: if I have a step on a defender or running on a fastbreak. That makes the game feel more realistic. The dunks are also toned down. I have not seen Rashard do a 360 on a break or anyone for that matter. If he has a dunk opportunity it will be a basic one-handed or two-handed dunk. Dwight throws down just like he does in real life: two-handed while kicking his legs out.
I am a little surprised you guys aren't feeling this game. The improvements are dramatic, granted not as dramatic as Live because 2k isn't playing catch up. This is a great year for basketball video games. You can't go wrong. It's just a matter of preference. But I LOVE THIS GAME.
# 178 and1product @ 09/29/09 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by Tully
I just played the demo and let me just say to the people who haven't played it yet. Wait
until you play it yourself before taking comments already posted in this thread seriously.
I thought it was going to be terrible after reading this thread.

But I don't know what game some of these people are playing. It doesn't feel like 2k9 at all. It's much
smoother and fluid. I'm impressed. But I will say for the first time in a long time, Its
a legit debate between Live and 2K

The game feels fresh and different to me also. I do not know what game some others are claiming they played. It is a lot better than the draft combine and 2k9 just from this demo alone. I cannot wait for next tuesday. WOW.

Exactly. Kobe came in and did some serious motion capture for 2k. So, if you don't his shot, blame it on Kobe - LOL!!! Tell Kobe he has his shot wrong.

Zoneblitz this is funny what you said. I can see osers telling kobe to shoot his jumper correctly because he shoots his shots wrong. LOL
# 179 Dantecamp21 @ 09/29/09 11:22 AM
Choppy replays are scaring me. Pared, were those cleaned up in the final version?
# 180 Pared @ 09/29/09 11:22 AM
Originally Posted by aholbert32
Nope. No options in the demo.
That sucks...

I've seen my teammates go over for a double, but that's because it's set to auto by default.

I turn it off and the issue subsides. Guess you have to deal with the demo. Can you change the difficulty?

As for the %'s... I've since gone back to default sliders (All-Star and Pro) and I'm seeing them even out over long games of 10 minute quarters. You really need to work on defense to keep them down. Initially I was seeing them as well.

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