NBA 2K10 News Post

The NBA 2K10 demo is now available at the Marketplace. Please post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
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Member Comments
# 121 erickonasis @ 09/29/09 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by broy07
how do you do the behind the back move on 360?
this LT thing must be a new way you have to do it (even though i havent tried yet) I could do spin moves effortlessly in 2k9 WITHOUT holding LT... and im not talking about Post move spins
# 122 TMagic @ 09/29/09 10:10 AM
Just had this glitch where the referee couldn't get the ball to the inbounder.

He kept bounce passing to Gasol, Gasol would reach out for but wouldn't catch it. Then Kobe would walk over, pick the ball up, and pass back over to the ref.

This process was repeated over and over.

There were actually a few instances that Gasol actually did catch the ball. But then he'd pass it right back to the ref and the process would start over again.

Has anyone else had this happen?
# 123 DakkoN @ 09/29/09 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by erickonasis
this LT thing must be a new way you have to do it (even though i havent tried yet) I could do spin moves effortlessly in 2k9 WITHOUT holding LT... and im not talking about Post move spins
If you really want to know how to do it, just download the draft combine (or draft combine trial), and go to the section in it that tells you ALL of the controls in the game. I believe it's called "How To Play"
# 124 broy07 @ 09/29/09 10:11 AM
can somebody post how to do most of the new isomotion moves i can't do a few of the 2k9 ones i could do
# 125 broy07 @ 09/29/09 10:12 AM
i live in australia
# 126 RubenDouglas @ 09/29/09 10:14 AM
that was quick and easy. i wont be wasting my time on this demo.

unplayable for me.

too easy to score ruins any sort of flow.. i think la is shooting 9-10 on contested shots.

I did see some great animations. control is decent I know this isnt what the final product will be like so its just hard seeing this game like this where i and the cpu make everything.. fun for the teenage demographic i suppose
# 127 Melman @ 09/29/09 10:17 AM
Oh yeah another thing that really was a bummer to me is the Walk the Dog trick....they dont roll the ball far enough for it to be effective.
# 128 Tully @ 09/29/09 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by broy07
can somebody post how to do most of the new isomotion moves i can't do a few of the 2k9 ones i could do
Just hold LT and work the Left Stick.
# 129 Wiffyjustus @ 09/29/09 10:18 AM
After playing it I am very comfortable with my decision to go with Live this year.

It feels like 2K though. I think 2k fans will generally be happy.

Post game seems definitely deeper than Live.
# 130 TMagic @ 09/29/09 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by RubenDouglas
that was quick and easy. i wont be wasting my time on this demo.

unplayable for me
Why so?
# 131 DGuinta1 @ 09/29/09 10:20 AM
IMO, 2K10 plays and looks better then Live. But from the demo, nothing really stood out and wowed me. Just another quality bball game by 2K. Weird seeing VC in a Magic uni.
# 132 Tully @ 09/29/09 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by Wiffyjustus
After playing it I am very comfortable with my decision to go with Live this year.

It feels like 2K though. I think 2k fans will generally be happy.

Post game seems definitely deeper than Live.
Live just made a huge jump this season. I haven't brought Live since 06. I will say its a legit debate this season. Not sure which one I will buy and which one I will rent.
# 133 Dantecamp21 @ 09/29/09 10:22 AM
I'm abusing the D with Kobe on the post using the head fake and the going for the fade away. Of course it's going in all the time because it's on Pro difficulty...

The "Get up" chant is pure trash though...also, LOL at the Adam's Family song being slightly modified for copyright reasons (I believe)...
# 134 broy07 @ 09/29/09 10:23 AM
the new hopstep animations are sweet
# 135 NDIrish98 @ 09/29/09 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by RubenDouglas
that was quick and easy. i wont be wasting my time on this demo.

unplayable for me
same here, but damn, if your gonna put a demo out, at least put in a few more options than this, no plays, subs. but if you take into effect that the demo's gameplay is usually how the full game plays, i think 2k9 is a lot better, but thats just me. i noticed a TON of fast breaks off the rebounds and it seemed that i had to take control to get someone down the court, as my teammates just would not get down to defend. but at the end of the day, my AI defense is just horrid, the cpu just seems to get into the paint at will, which was a problem in 2k9. maybe w/ a patch they'll fix a few things, but it's just not the year for 2k for me. but, dont take anyones word for it, there's a demo now so you can judge for yourself.
# 136 TMagic @ 09/29/09 10:23 AM
- Pick and rolls are way too easy to execute. There is no defensive rotation on the screener.

- Too many And 1's and not enough contact/tough shot animations in the paint.
# 137 rckabillyRaider @ 09/29/09 10:24 AM
Game speed is too fast. I feel like the user doesn't have the greatest control on jump shots. Not that much has really changed from last year based on this demo, but I'm sure the retail version is much better.
# 138 ctu130 @ 09/29/09 10:25 AM
Does anyone have an XBL Gold subscription trial for me ? lol
# 139 NDIrish98 @ 09/29/09 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
- Pick and rolls are way too easy to execute. There is no defensive rotation on the screener.

- Too many And 1's and not enough contact/tough shot animations in the paint.
the and 1's i thought lacked in 2k9, yeah you would get fouled in the act, just barely any of the shots would go down. this would be a welcome addition for me.
# 140 erickonasis @ 09/29/09 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by DakkoN
If you really want to know how to do it, just download the draft combine (or draft combine trial), and go to the section in it that tells you ALL of the controls in the game. I believe it's called "How To Play"
Dude like i said its a new control...when just running and going into a spin move last year u never had to use LT to do a spin move except when doing it in the Post

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