NBA 2K10 News Post

IGN has posted videos of NBA 2K10.

Game: NBA 2K10Reader Score: 8/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
NBA 2K10 Videos
Member Comments
# 41 Flightwhite24 @ 09/22/09 12:42 AM
2K10 looks like B-ball. Plain and Simple!!!! It's competition looks pretty good at times also but at the end of the day you know you are getting a solid title with 2K. Peace!!!! NBA2K10 for me.
# 42 noshun @ 09/22/09 12:43 AM
Looks good to me. Saw a few things but not enough to really bother me. Intro got me amped like a game was coming on TNT.

Commentary is def better. They dont sound like theyre just having a normal convo. There's laughter and emotions.

Semi intros are back from the 2K1-2 days.

Sound/stadium sounds are crisp.

Court spacing/player size ratio.

Help defense, esp on the user trying to dunk with Lebron from the baseline.

A few left handers, but Im okay with that.

Colors could be a tad brighter, but its not too big a deal.
# 43 ripper9100 @ 09/22/09 12:43 AM
Presentation and comments looked to have been greatly improved. I especially liked the commentary with the Gasol trade and the Shaq dunk. Another thing I noticed which I don't think was in 2k9 was the way the ball was deflected off the net from a kobe pass.
# 44 Hotobu @ 09/22/09 12:47 AM
Originally Posted by Wiffyjustus
Very hard to gauge the game on this video.

1. Who knows what difficulty it is at... (Looks like Rookie)
2. User doesn't appear to know how to play the game.

Nice to finally see some gameplay, but impossible to make a definitive opinion on it though.

Can a mod make this the first post, close this, and tell everybody to go the **** home?

OS should really be ashamed of itself for the crap that's spewing forth from this thread.

"I don't see any new animations" - from a 3 min vid, that DID have new animations (the putback dunk being one)

"Game is unresponsive" - Yeah I hate how it doesn't react well to my controller inputs... oh wait.

"Game is unpolished" - I'm amazed that people come to that conclusion from a low resolution internet vid that doesn't run at 60 fps.

Even talking about "good things" such as improved facial animations is silly because you barely got to see that at all.

This game could be fantastic, or it could be **** on a stick. A 3 min video from a novice who doesn't seem to be familiar with the game playing against the CPU isn't evidence. In spite of the posh snooty demeanor many of you carry yourselves with this comes off as the 2K forums with better spelling and grammar.

I hope some of you never serve on a jury. "Look at that walk and that suit he's wearing. He's CLEARLY guilty."

edit: LOL at the irony of the ad at the top of the page. "20 Books that changed America - 'Common Sense by: Thomas Paine' " These are the times that try [foolish men's] souls.
# 45 Furq @ 09/22/09 12:52 AM
I posted in the other thread too.. I don't understand why Bynum was setting a screen for Gasol out at the 3 point line. I don't even understand why Gasol was standing out there in the first place to be honest
# 46 chance @ 09/22/09 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by Furq
I posted in the other thread too.. I don't understand why Bynum was setting a screen for Gasol out at the 3 point line. I don't even understand why Gasol was standing out there in the first place to be honest
Like someone else said to answer you it was for Kobe go look at it agian
# 47 NumberOneRB @ 09/22/09 12:58 AM
Some were criticizing me a bit for jumping the gun on my belief that there really weren't any new animations present in that video. Most were saying "Its only a 3 minute video, do you expect to see ALL the animations in that little time?" That's not necessarily my concern. My concern is that when you tout that you have 9,000 (or 4,000) new animations added to the game, it shouldn't matter that its only a 3 minute video you should see a pretty good amount of new animations from the get-go.

It shouldn't be "Oh, I saw three new animations, so you need to show patience Number." With 9,000 (or 4,000) new animations, it should be apparent by the general movement and locomotion of the players on the court. Everything from the on-ball, off-ball, and general player movement looked exactly like 2K9 and gave no indication of the suggested 9,000 (4,000? Which one is it?) animations implemented. We shouldn't have to see a 10 minute video to support 2K's claims, it should have been apparent immediately.

On a more nit-picky note, I also wish 2K would have finally done something about the uniform models. You notice it a bit more in the screenshots, but the jerseys lack a true "fit" on the players and it gives the players a more "boxy" upper body apprearance. It's something that has bothered me ever since we moved to these current-gen consoles and it slightly annoys me that 2K avoids attending to it each year.
# 48 CX1329 @ 09/22/09 01:00 AM
The sheer amount of blind loyalty astounds me.

If Live has a flaw, everybody is quick to say "OMG WORST GAME EVER, GO 2K!!!"

However, everytime someone mentions anything bad about 2K, they get called Live fanboys or nitpickers.

Seriously, it's time to stop acting like kindergartners. I'm happily getting both games as soon as I am able to.
# 49 tanner99 @ 09/22/09 01:00 AM
i think 3,000 of the new animations are facial expressions lmao
# 50 Rockafella2x @ 09/22/09 01:01 AM
like i said b4 this whole HD generation is messing up the industry back in the day people weren't so focused on graphics like they are today
# 51 Goffs @ 09/22/09 01:01 AM
anybody got a Hi res version of the gameplay vid?
# 52 tanner99 @ 09/22/09 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by CX1329
The sheer amount of blind loyalty astounds me.

If Live has a flaw, everybody is quick to say "OMG WORST GAME EVER, GO 2K!!!"

However, everytime someone mentions anything bad about 2K, they get called Live fanboys or nitpickers.

Seriously, it's time to stop acting like kindergartners. I'm happily getting both games as soon as I am able to.

# 53 Liquid_SwordZ @ 09/22/09 01:08 AM
One thing i noticed was the big improvement on the Crowd. I just hope that it was very loud because of the lakers. I mean i would kind of be dissapointed if it sounded the same for the Nets because that place is dead almost every game unless its close down the stretch
# 54 badmrfrosty7 @ 09/22/09 01:08 AM
Not sure how I'm the only one around that's excited! Presentation was awesome, added commentary with that branching stuff they used in their MLB game (but hopefully the color commentator doesn't go into that long Gasol comment every game if I'm using the Lakers in franchise, if so, oh well I guess), waaaay better crowd noise and reaction which will add to the drama and life of games hopefully, and finally Kobe pulls up for a jumper without me having to wait till someone does a player tendency overhaul. Game looked solid to me and I don't have any problems with "sluggish" animations because it's not moving at a lightning fast NBA Jam er I mean NBA Live 10 pace, but maybe I'm an optimist. And the dribbling looked like, well, the way it looked like in the Draft Combine game. Surprised!? I'm not blown away ofcourse, cause I wasn't expecting a brand new game like some of you seem to be. And if that's what you're looking for, you're going to have to wait 'till a new console comes out to be honest 'cause both camps will just be refining their current engines till then. I'm pumped though! And yeah, why do the user players in these videos usually play like it's the first time they ever played a sports game? Show me a cpu v. cpu matchup next time, or 2 people that know what they're doing at least.
# 55 thriller92 @ 09/22/09 01:09 AM
My main concerns for 2k10 were the spacing(and help defence), player size, player control, and most importantly the players actually playing like they do in real life.

Judging from the draft combine, and the vid especially, the spacing looks much much better in this vid than the DC even though DCs wasnt all that bad, but in the vid you dont really have the players on the same team running infront of the ball which was a major flaw last year. And to go with that, obviously making the players smaller helped a lot in this regard. The fact that there was a lot of drive and kick action where perimeter players helped off their man was very encouraging to see.

The player control is yet to be determined obviously as its hard to tell from the vid.

But from what I've read from the poster who played the game and this vid, the guards isolating now is going to be a major factor in why I get this game and hopefully play it for more than 3 months. My biggest concern, besides the control which sucked last year, was the stars playing like their real life versions. If the players tendencies really do make that big of a difference and you can NOTICE how much different Kobe plays compared to say, Wade, then I'll be thoroughly satisfied.

Playbooks often dont matter in the NBA especially come playoff time where most teams run the 'give it to our star player and play off them', and not a play out of the UCLA offence or the triangle offence. Theres only a few teams that really run complex offences the entire game, the Lakers obviously being one of them. But again, as long as the stars play like the stars and the player packages are on point I'll be very happy as I'm mostly an offline player. I want playing the CPU to be a challenge this year, and not only that but having to differentiate my defence and how I play against certain teams based on having to slow down the other teams best players, who generally are their teams entire offence.

Hopefully CP3 runs pick and rolls all game long, whereas a guy like Granger is coming off of screens and taking pullups all game. If thats the case and the player control is better we're in for an amazing game. I really hope 2k fixed the warping and lack of control.
# 56 tanner99 @ 09/22/09 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by HOF_PLAYA
Guys like Kobe and Lebron look authentic
# 57 Hotobu @ 09/22/09 01:09 AM
Originally Posted by CX1329
The sheer amount of blind loyalty astounds me.

If Live has a flaw, everybody is quick to say "OMG WORST GAME EVER, GO 2K!!!"

However, everytime someone mentions anything bad about 2K, they get called Live fanboys or nitpickers.

Seriously, it's time to stop acting like kindergartners. I'm happily getting both games as soon as I am able to.
No the issue is people not knowing how to reasonably measure their complaints. Many of the things people are complaining about have to be backed up with their share of corroborating evidence.

Complaining about too many PIP in a 3 min video is stupid. Yet I've seen people doing it.

A responsible complaint would be noting how Kobe hit the backboard on the cross court pass to Artest. This is a 3 year legacy issue that's still in the game.

Another complaint that could miss the mark is talking about the Laker purple. Maybe it is messed up, or maybe between the inaccuracies of color depth on video capture equipment and video compression the colors may not be what they should.

A RESPONSIBLE complaint would be Gasol using a hook shot when no one was even close to him.

There is a difference. Is sad that the people here don't get that.
# 58 XenoZograscope @ 09/22/09 01:12 AM
As of right now off this short vid Im not impress one bit, but u cant really gather too much from that vid. 2K is 2K so I already know what to expect and not expect from them by now.
# 59 bball_1523 @ 09/22/09 01:15 AM
that kevin harlan moment at 1:24 was awesome!
# 60 tanner99 @ 09/22/09 01:19 AM
wheres the mods when we need them? some people really deserve the banhammer.

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