NBA Live 10 News Post

Da_Czar recently had an opportunity to head out to EA Canada and played a ton of NBA Live 10. Check out his impressions, right here. Two Czarisodes will be available next week.

"Recently your man Da_Czar was invited to go up to EA Canada to have a look at NBA Live 10. While elated to have an opportunity lay my hands on the game early I also had a few demands of the LIVE team on my visit.

I wanted to be certain no one was spiking my kool-aid (berry blu), so I requested that outside of my tour I be locked away and allowed to play with no one telling me “hey this is cool look at this”. To my surprise they had the exact same thing in mind. I was shocked by how open they were with their product. As I always do I will give it too you straight... No chaser... But to the haters of the series that also includes things I enjoyed about the experience."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 141 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 08:30 AM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
Thanks, I hope they got Aldridge's jumper right. I've already seen Roy's, which looked great, so I hope the same goes for LA.
Man it looked right to me. even felt right. But I went to school in Portland so I KNOW how serious blazer fans are about their squad so I will just say I'm not sure
# 142 TMagic @ 09/04/09 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Man it looked right to me. even felt right. But I went to school in Portland so I KNOW how serious blazer fans are about their squad so I will just say I'm not sure
Great impressions Czar.

Quick question:

Do you really talk like you do in your videos normally in your everyday life? Always wondered that. LOL
# 143 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 08:45 AM
Originally Posted by Jano
How was the post game Czar? Did guys like Duncan and Shaq feel like beasts down there?

Also did you feel like you had a variety of moves to go to in the post or was it limited like in Live 09?

Could you feel any difference between the power guys and the finesse guys?
Originally Posted by tanner99
lmao was brand shooting a lot or was he being more of a defender/rebounder czar?
LOL I only played like 3 minutes of that game so there wasn't much time. I got the footage I needed really quick. So I am NOT saying brand wasn't a factor ! i just didn't play long enough.
# 144 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 08:54 AM
Originally Posted by donkey33
Great read and really looking forward to this.

Czar, you mentioned it briefly but were there real battles in the post? Like a lot of collisions or were players still get pushed around by the more powerful offensive force even if it Dwight was defending the post?

I have been waiting so long for a game where the defensive players matter so I can build my super defensive team. Especially in the post also. Did you get the feeling that post defense was evident?

How was the weight of the players also when in the post? Can the big weighted guys push people around down there or back a smaller player down?

Thanks for the great preview and congrats on the bub.
Originally Posted by Jano
How was the post game Czar? Did guys like Duncan and Shaq feel like beasts down there?

Also did you feel like you had a variety of moves to go to in the post or was it limited like in Live 09?

Could you feel any difference between the power guys and the finesse guys?
I was not great at the post defense and most of my focus was on perimeter players so to be accurate let me just tell you what i remember.

When playing as the blazers vs boston I was NOT successful backing down and hitting turnarounds with Aldridge. He was much better served Hitting the face up jumper in that matchup with garnett.

I definitely felt the weight of Shaq but I didn't play with the brusers enough to be able to state that for a fact.

That is something else that can go in that bucket of as soon as I get it I can verify. But It wasn't something where I felt it wasn't right. Just need more time with that area.

Post game was Much better than live 09 it felt more complete. I really just need more time with this area.

As a side note I have a supreme amount of respect for guys who go see a game months ago and can still make accurate comments about what is or is not in the game. i was just there last week and with some of these questions is like ...Dang it i should have a better feel for that... Ah well. I am supposed to have the game soon stay on marcus if you think thats a good idea
# 145 Gmoney2002 @ 09/04/09 08:54 AM
I believe you mentioned this earlier in the thread but I am very curious about the net/ball/rim interaction. How is it compared to '09?
# 146 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by goh
This was alllllllll straight up out the box on all-star? Not spending 45 mins messing around with sliders to get it playing like that?
I did not even look at the sliders. straight out of the box.
# 147 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:01 AM
Originally Posted by cxmz_18
Congrats Czar!!

Hey Czar its cool if you cant answer my 2 questions, but did you thought Derrick Rose was really quick to the hoop and did he have some nice signiture layups/dunks that look like they fit him. Im a big Rose.

My other question is, does Ray Allen and KG have new jumpshots? I heard you mentioning Ray Allen earlier, so I was wondering if they fix both of these guys shots and do they look like their real life jumpers.
I would have to have them side by side to see. But every jumper I saw looked and felt right. I loved chucking it up with Big sheed for BOS they have a Squad man. Its really fun playing with or against a great team because you feel fully armored.

Piece mid range game is death walking. KG and that long and deadly 15-20 ft jumper and then rondo's speed. just felt good and the games had a really intense feeling to them when you had two superstar teams.

I felt all the jumpers were really good. I can't remember if I saw anything sig that no one else had but I very well could have.

i think when you guys get the game you will see that It very subtle sig stuff from live this year. They have tons of sig stuff like diff jumpers for some guys I think piece has 2 jumpers and a fade that i have seen.

Know this that Derrick is a problem. super quick with the dribble and can change direction quickly. I don't know if it was just the matchup or not but I was def getting to the rack with him more than other point guards.

Playing as chicago your going to want to be careful about just running the pen and pitch all game. When I didn't run sets even when I broke the defense with Rose the only person open to throw to was Noah. When they brought the help he was Wide open. hehe I don't have to tell you that's not a good thing...LOL
# 148 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by VilleCity101
Czar is tha blocking responsive meaning can u shut down tha paint with a d howard or yao or anybody with great inside defense.
The blocked was much improved. I was not a fan of Live o9's blocking at all. if you are using a player with those abilities you def will get more blocks than with a guy who is not a shot blocker.

i saw a few chase down attempts by the cpu but they missed the ball trying to swat it. Blocks feel good. I didn't get a lot as I was mostly accepting the challenge of guarding the perimeter players which is a real challenge this year.
# 149 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by illwill 12
I know you focused on the gameplay and stuff, but is there anyway you can discuss how the highlights look. That meaning do they show off highlights after quarters and at halftime and stuff. And if so do they look better than live 09?
Highlights received the necessary touch ups man and they look very nice last year they were just very very poor. It looks like a broadcast man. feels good and looks good. Not even comparable to last year. you should like it. I was mostly taking notes or something during most of them but they were very very much improved and I was happy to see that.
# 150 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:09 AM
Originally Posted by ronimous
Czar how about the arena audiO, the announcer? Can you tell something about it?
Ahhh for most of my capture session they prefer for you to have the announcer and arena sounds down ( this is from the capture team not the live team, these things are handled by separate departments)

So I didn't hear enough to accurately comment on that. Sorry bout that ronimous !
# 151 green94 @ 09/04/09 09:12 AM
Czar - I think you mentioned that you played a game where you were blowing out a team. Did the CPU correctly adjust lineups in the 4th quarter (IE. put in subs, 12th man etc...).

Also, do we know if progressive fatigue has made it in?
# 152 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
Great impressions Czar.

Quick question:

Do you really talk like you do in your videos normally in your everyday life? Always wondered that. LOL
LOL yeah man that is the natural tone and pitch. I am adding a lil bit extra to convey some meaning but That's how i sound man... In fact when I was at EAC one of the dev's who didn't know I was there though someone was playing one of my shows out loud with audio he hadn't heard... then he came around the corner and saw it was me... It was hilarious.... Side note the Live 10 dev's and engineers are some real Cool Dudes man. I wish I had more time to sit with them but literally after my tour I was in a literal basement separate from them the whole time. i spent most days with the Awesome media department.
# 153 Mintsa @ 09/04/09 09:19 AM

Did you use the Raptors or play against the Raptors in any of your games ??
# 154 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
LOL yeah man that is the natural tone and pitch. I am adding a lil bit extra to convey some meaning but That's how i sound man... In fact when I was at EAC one of the dev's who didn't know I was there though someone was playing one of my shows out loud with audio he hadn't heard... then he came around the corner and saw it was me... It was hilarious.... Side note the Live 10 dev's and engineers are some real Cool Dudes man. I wish I had more time to sit with them but literally after my tour I was in a literal basement separate from them the whole time. i spent most days with the Awesome media department.
Originally Posted by Gmoney2002
I believe you mentioned this earlier in the thread but I am very curious about the net/ball/rim interaction. How is it compared to '09?
completely different and new and fresh. I hated that part of live 09 and it was NOT an issue at all. It may not be the best you have seen but in comination with everything else it does not take away from the game. I was able to see all types of makes and misses and it never felt limited like live 09.

If this is a huge area of focus for you then you may find something to dislike. I hated last years and felt the upgrade was appropriate however I would expect that they continue to improve in this area. Its not broken anymore to me.
# 155 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:26 AM
Originally Posted by green94
Czar - I think you mentioned that you played a game where you were blowing out a team. Did the CPU correctly adjust lineups in the 4th quarter (IE. put in subs, 12th man etc...).

Also, do we know if progressive fatigue has made it in?
I would say yes green but honestly besides looking at kobe not being aggressive I couldn't tell you who else was on the floor.

From what I saw in general the sub patterns looked very good. that laker blow out game was on 5 minutes quarters so I'm not sure how to extrapolate that over a 12 min game. In the few 12 min games I played the subs did feel right and I don't remember having any head scratchers..

remember guys I was capturing as welll so there were several games I didn't finish because I had what I needed. I think I and the live team agreed that if I am ever to go again we need more time so i can play as much as capture.
# 156 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:29 AM
Originally Posted by Mintsa

Did you use the Raptors or play against the Raptors in any of your games ??
i did play against them for a quarter or two. I just remember calderon bangin and 3 running back with his hands up... I THINK he was doing that three fingers up on each hand thing...LOL Derozon was nice. I really don't remember much other than that.

Live 10 is such a full experience that there is a lot going on... seemingly all the time. I was difficult for me to take it all in and process it as it was going on. especially mixing in capturing and scripting a show while trying to play and scout the ai. Sorry I can't remember more about the raps but like I said It may have only been 1 5 minute quarter.
# 157 TMagic @ 09/04/09 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
LOL yeah man that is the natural tone and pitch. I am adding a lil bit extra to convey some meaning but That's how i sound man... In fact when I was at EAC one of the dev's who didn't know I was there though someone was playing one of my shows out loud with audio he hadn't heard... then he came around the corner and saw it was me... It was hilarious.... Side note the Live 10 dev's and engineers are some real Cool Dudes man. I wish I had more time to sit with them but literally after my tour I was in a literal basement separate from them the whole time. i spent most days with the Awesome media department.
Man you must of made the women melt back in your heyday...LOL

And congrats on the little one. Mrs. Czar is never gonna have a problem with the baby crying as he/she will instantly stop anytime that you speak to him/her. lol

***Baby crying***

"Hold up. What seems the be the problem my young one? Yo man Da_Czar is not really feeling the noise your making right now. Keep it cool." (In Czar voice)

***Baby stops crying***
# 158 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:31 AM
Originally Posted by green94

Also, do we know if progressive fatigue has made it in?
I can't confirm or deny this one. didn't play dynasty and certainly not enough to see. Also I left without getting any wrap up time with the dev's so i didn't really have a question and answer session.
# 159 Da_Czar @ 09/04/09 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
Man you must of made the women melt back in your heyday...LOL

And congrats on the little one. Mrs. Czar is never gonna have a problem with the baby crying as he/she will instantly stop anytime that you speak to him/her. lol

***Baby crying***

"Hold up. What seems the be the problem my young one? Yo man Da_Czar is not really feeling the noise your making right now. Keep it cool." (In Czar voice)

***Baby stops crying***
LOL that is hilarious....
# 160 TMagic @ 09/04/09 09:32 AM
Originally Posted by dragon4thQ
All we need now is TMagic with the latest score update

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