NBA Live 10 News Post

Da_Czar recently had an opportunity to head out to EA Canada and played a ton of NBA Live 10. Check out his impressions, right here. Two Czarisodes will be available next week.

"Recently your man Da_Czar was invited to go up to EA Canada to have a look at NBA Live 10. While elated to have an opportunity lay my hands on the game early I also had a few demands of the LIVE team on my visit.

I wanted to be certain no one was spiking my kool-aid (berry blu), so I requested that outside of my tour I be locked away and allowed to play with no one telling me “hey this is cool look at this”. To my surprise they had the exact same thing in mind. I was shocked by how open they were with their product. As I always do I will give it too you straight... No chaser... But to the haters of the series that also includes things I enjoyed about the experience."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 161 Mintsa @ 09/04/09 09:37 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
i did play against them for a quarter or two. I just remember calderon bangin and 3 running back with his hands up... I THINK he was doing that three fingers up on each hand thing...LOL Derozon was nice. I really don't remember much other than that.

Live 10 is such a full experience that there is a lot going on... seemingly all the time. I was difficult for me to take it all in and process it as it was going on. especially mixing in capturing and scripting a show while trying to play and scout the ai. Sorry I can't remember more about the raps but like I said It may have only been 1 5 minute quarter.
Thanks for the answer man. Looking forward to your vids.
# 162 aholbert32 @ 09/04/09 09:40 AM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I would say yes green but honestly besides looking at kobe not being aggressive I couldn't tell you who else was on the floor.

From what I saw in general the sub patterns looked very good. that laker blow out game was on 5 minutes quarters so I'm not sure how to extrapolate that over a 12 min game. In the few 12 min games I played the subs did feel right and I don't remember having any head scratchers..
This is one of the remaining things thats keeping me from buying Live and its one of those things that people dont pickup on until they have played the game for a while. Its strange to say but if the sub patterns arent right then that could ruin the game for me long term no matter how good the gameplay is. I hope its either fixed or EA gives us the ability to control the CPUs subs.
# 163 XxX syntax XxX @ 09/04/09 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
I think the score is higher then that..Live got it down packed!!!
# 164 SageInfinite @ 09/04/09 10:05 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic
Man you must of made the women melt back in your heyday...LOL

And congrats on the little one. Mrs. Czar is never gonna have a problem with the baby crying as he/she will instantly stop anytime that you speak to him/her. lol

***Baby crying***

"Hold up. What seems the be the problem my young one? Yo man Da_Czar is not really feeling the noise your making right now. Keep it cool." (In Czar voice)

***Baby stops crying***
That is great.
# 165 inkpimp007 @ 09/04/09 10:07 AM
Thanks for the information and congrats .
# 166 baron_warriors @ 09/04/09 10:17 AM
Hey Czar one question:

I don't know if you happened to check this out but did you see if it was possible to edit a player and give them a different signature shot? Last year that option was locked.

Thanks and congrats!
# 167 Gmoney2002 @ 09/04/09 10:32 AM
Thanks for the response Czar...I really appreciate it. The interactions animations is not a major issue for me(prevent me from buying the game) but it was a concern for me this year. If there even a few more varying animations, I will be more than satisfied and I am from what you've said. Thanks again
# 168 greenegt @ 09/04/09 10:53 AM
Oh. My. Goodness. I can't wait to try this game next week! Great preview, Czar!
# 169 dragon4thQ @ 09/04/09 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by TMagic

Thanks for the score update mate I enjoy seeing these updates when either game has info/media released.
# 170 PuntNL @ 09/04/09 11:10 AM
Great preview Da_Czar...

Thanks for taking the time to answer all the questions. Just very happy that Live is finally shaping up again and will be a contender this year.

Congrats on the little one and enjoy it... It's something very special! Not much sleep for you with the little one and the new NBA (videogame) season around the corner :-)..
# 171 navyboy09 @ 09/04/09 11:20 AM
great write up! Loving everything you said.

Finally!! It seems like my boy wade got the respect he deserves in these video games cause every other year he just didn't seem as good as he should be.

Im loving how you said some of the stars took over the game. Now that is too realistic and im loving it.

Hey czar did you play with any team twice? and if so did you see the same pre game ritual or was there different ones for each team?
# 172 Stumbleweed @ 09/04/09 11:27 AM
My favorite bits: the different tempos and authentic playbooks seemingly being all they were cracked up to be, the different feels for each player, and having a game where 12-minute quarters can actually work. All of that is incredible.

BUT -- the talk of player movement has me over the moon. I was so tired of feeling not in control of basic movements (mostly in 2K, but also in Live 09 when you got stuck in the lowered shoulder defensive interaction), and all this talk about slight LS pressure, varying cutbacks depending on your speed, angle, and how you move the stick, players having different speeds for different moves... WOW. Add to that being able to break out of dribble moves at any time and I'm completely sold. Can't wait to try it myself next Thursday, but at this point, it's a release day buy for sure... I trust my man Da_Czar too much and know we're on the same page more often than not... can't ignore the positivity and excitement coming from him.
# 173 deebo2246 @ 09/04/09 11:35 AM
I must say it is nice to see how the basketball landscape is blossoming right before our eyes. It looks as though Live may have its swagger back and it has been sorely missed by the ol' skool gamers. I look forward to learning the nuances of this game and its competitior. I am leaning toward Live for my franchise play and 2K for its "My Player" mode.

Best of Both Worlds
# 174 cxmz_18 @ 09/04/09 11:56 AM
Thanks for the info Czar. Pierce actually has different sets of jumpshots. Thats just plain awesome right there. Im also glad to see that KG's jumper looks good. Live 10 is sounding incredible right now. I cant wait for the demo.
# 175 RoyalBoyle78 @ 09/04/09 11:57 AM
It has almost been a tossup on which game to get this year. Live was my game of choice last year over 2k for the first time in like forever. Now with this read up I must say that I only have time for one game, and LIVE seems to be what I will be settling on, one of the main reasons being I bought the NBA combine yesterday and came away really upset, it was blah to me, if I could get a refund I would ask, I;m not saying I won't still mess with it but to me it's really not worth it.

From some of the videos I have seen to far, Live just looks just to good to pass up this year.
# 176 ehh @ 09/04/09 11:57 AM
I'm not surprised to hear the tempo works well, it was great in NCAA 09 last year. Nothing more frustrating in that game than being an up-tempo powerhouse playing a mid-major trying to slow the game down. I'd be screaming at my TV for the opposition to take a shot lol. Nice and realistically frustrating. It's also great as Czar mentioned that if you play into another team's strength (Spurs trying to run w. the Warriors) you will pay for it. I'm really glad this is in Live 10, should go a long way in making the game more fun and realistic.
# 177 cxmz_18 @ 09/04/09 11:57 AM
Cant wait to play with Derrick Rose!!!
# 178 cxmz_18 @ 09/04/09 12:04 PM
Hey Czar did you play wih the Mavs. I just want to know how is my boy JJ Barea looking in Live this year? Does he move fast across the floor and does it seem that Live has different running styles this year? I hope he moves his legs way quicker than JKidd.
# 179 Jasong7777 @ 09/04/09 12:56 PM
Great write-up Czar. I really respect your basketball IQ when it comes to gaming so this was a treat. Had both games last year, but only getting one this year. Leaning toward Live. Thanks again man.
# 180 JkA3 @ 09/04/09 01:01 PM
Czar - you did the damn thang w/ your write up. Thanks for taking the time to lay it out. Very insightful, well put together, honest, and had the Czar flavor. What more can you ask for.

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