NBA Live 10 News Post

Da_Czar recently had an opportunity to head out to EA Canada and played a ton of NBA Live 10. Check out his impressions, right here. Two Czarisodes will be available next week.

"Recently your man Da_Czar was invited to go up to EA Canada to have a look at NBA Live 10. While elated to have an opportunity lay my hands on the game early I also had a few demands of the LIVE team on my visit.

I wanted to be certain no one was spiking my kool-aid (berry blu), so I requested that outside of my tour I be locked away and allowed to play with no one telling me “hey this is cool look at this”. To my surprise they had the exact same thing in mind. I was shocked by how open they were with their product. As I always do I will give it too you straight... No chaser... But to the haters of the series that also includes things I enjoyed about the experience."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 81 Da_Czar @ 09/03/09 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by AD2084
this article sounds so good it makes me want to cry...I have waited so long for EA to bring Live back to it's greatness and from what I am reading and seeing they are getting that swag back.
swag is def back man. Just the sheer amount of jerseys and shoes and the new menu's all have a certain flavor. Its like they brought back that live 05 type flavor.

Visually I know i won't tire of this game. The player models to me (i'm no player model expert) are 10 times better than last year. when the game loads up I got that old excited feeling. It felt good and if nothing else the game was just flat fun to play. I think its all the variations.
# 82 brs2305 @ 09/03/09 10:00 PM
HA! I am glad to hear that my short demo impressions haven't fooled me. Did you see anything about Dynamic Season Mode since you played the final version? Well I guess even if, you probably wouldn't be allowed to talk about it. However superb write-up. Love reading your stuff...

and congratulations...!!!
# 83 TreyIM2 @ 09/03/09 10:02 PM
Czar - See, I JUST posted a comment or 2 in recent days about how the difference for Live 10 could the controls AND DNA/365 because we can get a good feel of how the game looks and animates by all the vids which is pretty damn good and you just CONFIRMED it.

No hate toward 2K but this game sounds like BASKETBALL and I had already thought that Live had a better control scheme and felt more like basketball as well as the play calling and other things although it lacked in animations, details and presentation but now EA is taking ish to a whole nuva level!! I am beyond siked for this game, now, as it already had me more interested than 2K's offering, this year. Next Thursday seems mile and miles away.

Great write up, Czar and you really sounded like you were keeping it real. Like someone said, it was as if I could hear your voice saying the words instead of me reading them. Nice...
# 84 Da_Czar @ 09/03/09 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
Great read! Everytime I read a word of it, I can just hear Czar's slow voice after each letter....I wanted to start laughing that I had that stuck in my membranes..

Overall enjoyed this write up, great news and info and entertaining!
Bshadows YOU... YOU are going to LOVE this game man. After all the lives you played that I thought were almost unplayable your in for a treat man !!!

if your a fan of the live series. This is the one to play. If you thought live 09 had any redeeming merit This is the live to play. (remember I am talking about fans here. Not that they will like anything. that is not what I'm saying. Just if your a fan you will really enjoy the effort put forth this year.
# 85 Tomba @ 09/03/09 10:05 PM
Interesting still haven't gotten to see much myself
# 86 Kully @ 09/03/09 10:09 PM
Thanks for the write up man, appreciated.
# 87 green94 @ 09/03/09 10:10 PM
This kind of review is why OS is the best on the net.

Great job Czar.
# 88 XxX syntax XxX @ 09/03/09 10:13 PM
I agree..Czar is a beast with basketball games and i know this year is going to be the year for nba live 10...
# 89 Da_Czar @ 09/03/09 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by inkpimp007
Did you play 12 minute quarters and if so in the past it would result in unrealistic stats and game scores. Can you explain how this ISN'T the case with Live 10. I'm a realism junky so i'm really loving the idea of the longer quarters resulting in a more authentic end result, just doesn't sound possible for a basketball game.

On another not EA you have to implement an in game save option, 48 minutes is a lot of time and I don't always want to leave the console on when my daughter or girlfriend bug me..... get my point. Can't wait for this game to consume me!
inkpimp I only played a few games on 12 minutes because of the time. I think i may have taken that part out of the article. The cpu just doesn't warp though the game. They will sometimes walk the ball up the court. Sometimes a star will get the ball and break a play and iso you and run clock out. It the most like playing another human I have seen since inside drive.

Again once I get the game here i can play and play and play and then get a true feel for how it does it. But it may through some of you off who are used to the cpu playing an 8 minute game scoring the same amount of points as a 12 min game in real life. It just a neat thing to see but it also takes some adjusting to get used to.

Now a golden state game might have a higher score than your averages because they do not mess around. I am very interested to go back in the with a half court team and see if I can command the tempo for 48 minutes.

Simply put live 10 is quite a different experience from what I can remember. Normally when I play I use my extensive game library (Shawdows may be the only one who has a bigger library than me LOL) to compare and contrast and that helps me get some context around what I am seeing. I was not able to do that in Canada so I truly look forward to gaining more perspective as I play here.
# 90 DW3 @ 09/03/09 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Yeah stumble I meant left stick that controls player movement. Sorry about that guys diff pressure on the left stick and it was very consistent. forgive typos I'm at the hospital mrs czar just delivered a brand new future sim gamer so I'm on my phone. It was really a fresh and new experience. I played my left thumb raw. Not trying to overhype just pour what I thought as purely as possible out there for you to hopefully get what you need indivually from an information stand point.

I was reminded the most of inside drive when playing that. New passing control is the Bidness can't believe I left that out complete game hanged As far as passing controls go.
Congrats on the baby fam. my little one just turned 3 months this week!
# 91 Da_Czar @ 09/03/09 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by DR Russell
Did you test the final build???

DR Russell
Yes I played the Final. I did not play the demo at all so hopefully that is very simular or I may get banned LOL
# 92 WTF @ 09/03/09 10:16 PM
Congrats on the future Sim Gamer...
# 93 XxX syntax XxX @ 09/03/09 10:16 PM
Im hyped...Cant wait untill next thursday
# 94 Da_Czar @ 09/03/09 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by pbz06
czar, are you allowed to answer gameplay questions yet?

I want to know how the shots felt. Different arcs? Balls rattling in? Bouncing around the rim etc.?

Were you able to use the freestyle passing effectively? Did it feel natural or was it too flashy?

Did you see the Triangle offense in action?
There are some things I can not answer yet so If i skip over it please know that was one of them. They exhibited a lot of trust in me by turning the whole game over to me so i def don't want to violate that .

For ME. I loved the raw feel of the different jumpers in the game. It is soon not live 09 in that regard. Its almost as if ( just a feeling i had) the shot captures were more that just the release. Like the whole body was taken into account. Just when you compare shaq's jumper with like Ray Allen's it just felt right to me.

As you guys know I'm a big fan of footplanting over sliding to achieve smoothness. So I loved the shots in live. It is a very noticable difference playing and shooting with different guys in the game. It just felt more real than other games I have played.

I have seen many variations on the shots going in. Get live 09 out of your mind in that regard. It was very very good. May not be the best this year but hardly a problem. But mind you I'm not a guy who just focuses on that although I can tell when its limited and I never once got that hunch or impression while playing.
# 95 krazyboy225 @ 09/03/09 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Yes I played the Final. I did not play the demo at all so hopefully that is very simular or I may get banned LOL
# 96 Da_Czar @ 09/03/09 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by Ermolli
It seems that NBA Live 10 is almost perfect.
I wouldn't say that at all. Just because that is too much pressure for a game. There are going to be issues especially since we all have different pet issues that may ruin an experience. control wise though I will be very interested to see if AnYONe especially considering the competition has an issue with the controls. Not that they shouldn't I would just find that very interesting.
# 97 dragon4thQ @ 09/03/09 10:25 PM
Great write up and as always the full Da_Czar experience (you can really hear you're voice when reading this review). Congrats for the new member in your family.

Definitely a few standout paragraphs that do stand out and just make you think whoa.

All we need now is TMagic with the latest score update
# 98 krazyboy225 @ 09/03/09 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by dragon4thQ
Great write up and as always the full Da_Czar experience (you can really hear you're voice when reading this review). Congrats for the new member in your family.

Definitely a few standout paragraphs that do stand out and just make you think whoa.

All we need now is TMagic with the latest score update
# 99 blingballa333 @ 09/03/09 10:27 PM
Thanks for the impressions Czar, I've got one quick question for you.
Did you play with the Blazers? If so, can you comment on how they played and what signature shots were good/bad (stretching it I know). If you didn't, did you notice anybody looking far off from their real life counterpart?

# 100 Da_Czar @ 09/03/09 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by ProfessaPackMan
Good write up and congrats on the new addition, Czar. I'll FedEx ya a baby Aaron Rodgers jersey for the little one as a token of my appreciation
LOL hey thanks packman and Everyone who said congrats it is really appreciated. Mother and child are doing extremely well.

I was honored to have the opportunity to represent our community and I really worked as hard as I could while up there. Some days we got started around 4: or 5 a.m. and went til about 10 at night. I was also capturing during that time..

Also as a side note. I did most of my captures on All star level. Not all but I tried to demonstrate on that level. So for every cross over move you see that was effective. there were many more times where the cpu D was just too good.

I got too excited on some of the dunks because you just don't get to the rack uncontested all that often. Which makes it ultra exciting when you do get there and make the right decision and bring it home.

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