NBA Live 10 News Post

Da_Czar recently had an opportunity to head out to EA Canada and played a ton of NBA Live 10. Check out his impressions, right here. Two Czarisodes will be available next week.

"Recently your man Da_Czar was invited to go up to EA Canada to have a look at NBA Live 10. While elated to have an opportunity lay my hands on the game early I also had a few demands of the LIVE team on my visit.

I wanted to be certain no one was spiking my kool-aid (berry blu), so I requested that outside of my tour I be locked away and allowed to play with no one telling me “hey this is cool look at this”. To my surprise they had the exact same thing in mind. I was shocked by how open they were with their product. As I always do I will give it too you straight... No chaser... But to the haters of the series that also includes things I enjoyed about the experience."

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 21 RayDog253 @ 09/03/09 06:08 PM
Awesome preview Czar....

Can't wait to play this game, just reading about it gets me all excited.
# 22 pepp32 @ 09/03/09 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by DOPESQUAD V3NOM
no **** they have different development teams....they are still EA
Sounds like some one has it out for EA......

Don't hate the game cause you hate the company.
# 23 GSW @ 09/03/09 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by FlyBri
Of course I will have to wait until the demo comes out before I truly say how the game plays, but I just have a feeling it's still going to be crap. Even looking at the gameplay videos, the ball still behaves unrealistically when coming off the rim, and the animations are still horrible (pretty choppy). They really need to revamp the entire game and start from scratch...
how many games have you developed in your life?

you seem to have such an understanding of the industry.

i wish i could sit down and pick your brain for a while.
# 24 Bornindamecca @ 09/03/09 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
That's terrible logic homie, seriously.

I get this distain for EA, I really do, but we're here talking with all of you. We aren't evil, we aren't a "machine." We're human beings making a basketball game. Nothing burns me more than guys instantly dismissing our work b/c of the company we work for. Again, it's your money, but I think you'll be missing out on a fun experience.
This is the one point that separates constructive, informed critics from mouth-foamed fanboys. Fanboys don't understand the long hours, the individual goals, and the technical, personal and logistical limitations involved in a project. They just blindly put a big brother face on every individual working for a company, and this allows them to vilify human beings.
# 25 crm968 @ 09/03/09 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by GSW
how many games have you developed in your life?

you seem to have such an understanding of the industry.

i wish i could sit down and pick your brain for a while.
^straight up. We could have learned a thing or two if he said something intelligent.
# 26 Muzyk23 @ 09/03/09 06:22 PM
we are only 4 pages deep in a great thread with our man Czar doing it for us and the trolling already starts on pg 2..it's seriously ridiculous..can we just have one ONE single thread free of it and not getting locked again

had to rant..don't respond

fantastic writeup..thanks Da_Czar
# 27 RayAllen20 @ 09/03/09 06:25 PM
Originally Posted by FlyBri
Of course I will have to wait until the demo comes out before I truly say how the game plays, but I just have a feeling it's still going to be crap. Even looking at the gameplay videos, the ball still behaves unrealistically when coming off the rim, and the animations are still horrible (pretty choppy). They really need to revamp the entire game and start from scratch...
Believe me if the Czar likes then it is good...This guy is a genius when it comes to basketball. Just watch his videos. And if this game is going to be as good as every review says it is then why would they start from scratch, when they can finally over take 2k this year (not saying it will happen, just a possibility. With no gameplay vids from 2k i cant say anything).

Great write up Czar. Now I know whos getting my $60. Player and Team individuality is key for me so I have a feeling I will be playing this game all the time.
# 28 Jano @ 09/03/09 06:26 PM
Great write up Czar very informative.
# 29 RipCity71252 @ 09/03/09 06:29 PM
Can't wait to delve into Live's new authentic playbooks.

Check this Blazer fans amazing post breaking down their offense with a bunch of video.


I'll be sure to use this as a reference to make sure Live got my Blazers offensive sets in the game.
# 30 bonannogiovanni @ 09/03/09 06:33 PM
"Players can walk, run, and sprint all dependent on the right stick pressure"

Did you mean right trigger? Excellent writeup anyways....
# 31 Stumbleweed @ 09/03/09 06:34 PM
Good stuff, Czar. Can't wait to try this beast myself next Thursday -- everything I've been thinking seems to be the case (mainly that you won't really appreciate the game until you get your hands on it). I love that you said that we have to play "basketball" not a video game... I think that's what almost all of us here in the sim community want. Finally games are starting to deliver on that, and hopefully both games do that this year. Glad to hear Live is heading in the right direction.

EDIT: Yeah, I was gonna ask about that bit. He could've meant left stick (movement) or RT (turbo pressure)... probably worth clarifying Big Czar.
# 32 Haval93 @ 09/03/09 06:37 PM
Great write-up Da_Czar...Did anybody have that feeling of hearing Czar voice while reading the article? lol
# 33 NINJAK2 @ 09/03/09 06:39 PM
Thanks DaCzar. Good read. looking forward to demo.
# 34 LingeringRegime @ 09/03/09 06:39 PM
Great read. Cannot wait for October!!!
# 35 Rocboyz101 @ 09/03/09 06:41 PM
Man, this just made it evident that Live is gonna be a great game..
# 36 Peninc @ 09/03/09 06:43 PM
Best Live 10 Preview on the Web.
# 37 DW3 @ 09/03/09 06:43 PM
This is why you are the CZAR! great write-up man!
# 38 crm968 @ 09/03/09 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by Peninc
Best Live 10 Preview on the Web.
what he said
# 39 Da_Czar @ 09/03/09 06:48 PM
Yeah stumble I meant left stick that controls player movement. Sorry about that guys diff pressure on the left stick and it was very consistent. forgive typos I'm at the hospital mrs czar just delivered a brand new future sim gamer so I'm on my phone. It was really a fresh and new experience. I played my left thumb raw. Not trying to overhype just pour what I thought as purely as possible out there for you to hopefully get what you need indivually from an information stand point.

I was reminded the most of inside drive when playing that. New passing control is the Bidness can't believe I left that out complete game hanged As far as passing controls go.
# 40 SageInfinite @ 09/03/09 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Yeah stumble I meant left stick that controls player movement. Sorry about that guys diff pressure on the left stick and it was very consistent. forgive typos I'm at the hospital mrs czar just delivered a brand new future sim gamer so I'm on my phone. It was really a fresh and new experience. I played my left thumb raw. Not trying to overhype just pour what I thought as purely as possible out there for you to hopefully get what you need indivually from an information stand point.

I was reminded the most of inside drive when playing that. New passing control is the Bidness can't believe I left that out complete game hanged As far as passing controls go.
Congrats Czar!!!!!! Much Love my dude!

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