NBA Live 10 News Post

Game: NBA Live 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
NBA Live 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 221 lindo9595 @ 08/30/09 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by IamLEGENDsince87
2k players still look and move better...Live has made tremendous strides to improve but their player models r still stiff N slumped over N it looks like they're on ice......gonna be a tough choice this yr
2k models are too big. Take this pic for example. Look at KG. Way too buffed.
Attachment 19879
# 222 ogbigant @ 08/30/09 12:56 PM
You quaids on the board with this 2K this Live that are funny. I personally will buy both games this year. The first time I've bought Live since 07 but the way because of the features I've read about & the new features. I personally like the 2K series more and that is the game I've purchased every year for current gen systems. But I do not see why these conversations get so heated. Just my opinion
# 223 LB23 @ 08/30/09 01:03 PM
# 224 theanswer34 @ 08/30/09 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by LB23
Why are you writhing in bold and cap, and the rim does bend.
# 225 SaltyBlackWorm @ 08/30/09 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by lindo9595
2k models are too big. Take this pic for example. Look at KG. Way too buffed.
Attachment 19879
those are still WAY early models. but anyway we should stay on topic. this is the live forum not 2k. anyway, the court in this video looks absolutely perfect compared to the court to live 09. anyone agree?
# 226 WTF @ 08/30/09 01:09 PM
Any chance we can get this vid in pure HD?
# 227 LB23 @ 08/30/09 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by theanswer34
Why are you writhing in bold and cap, and the rim does bend.
when have you seen it bend? on the KG dunk, he dunked hard and the rim didn't even move....
Also why do the blocks still have that sound effect? Blocks don't sound like that....
# 228 brs2305 @ 08/30/09 01:18 PM
The video hasn't impressed me as much as playing the demo...Surprise!!! but it's still great. The different sig shots are spot on. LBJ's moves are absolutely authentic and once again...the crowd sounds...A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.!!!

Also you could see again how hard the game is in terms of punishing you for bad passing. That's what I expect from a great BB-Game!!

Looking foreward for dynamic commentary...and everything else ...October 6th...or 15th...?
# 229 crm968 @ 08/30/09 01:22 PM
6th. where did you get 15 from?
# 230 23 @ 08/30/09 01:27 PM
brs the demo drops on the 10th so you can play it again
# 231 brs2305 @ 08/30/09 01:27 PM
oh for Germany...I went to GameStop the other day and asked and they had the 15th for release in their system...so that's just my problem not yours
# 232 IamLEGENDsince87 @ 08/30/09 01:31 PM
O, and Live needs to do something about the sig shots or even the generic shot....everybody doesn't kick their legs out like that N fade back...wat will it take??? geez!
# 233 Rocboyz101 @ 08/30/09 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by IamLEGENDsince87
O, and Live needs to do something about the sig shots or even the generic shot....everybody doesn't kick their legs out like that N fade back...wat will it take??? geez!
# 234 theanswer34 @ 08/30/09 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by IamLEGENDsince87
O, and Live needs to do something about the sig shots or even the generic shot....everybody doesn't kick their legs out like that N fade back...wat will it take??? geez!
If he can't figure it out by know don't waste your time tellin him.
# 235 crm968 @ 08/30/09 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by brs2305
oh for Germany...I went to GameStop the other day and asked and they had the 15th for release in their system...so that's just my problem not yours
oh i see. damn that sucks. at least it's not like a month later.
# 236 VDusen04 @ 08/30/09 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by YankeePride
His legs are moving as he pump fakes, then he takes a step before dropping the basketball as he turns off the post.

The game looks good, but it's a walk. It's mostly just animations branching together too quickly and too smoothly. When I think of weight, I think of situations like that where weight should limit movement from the user's hands. That branching animation proves that while it may, it doesn't always when it should.
Yeah, I see that. He has a little bit of a body spasm before executing his move. I also feel like the rim, backboard, support system, something should have reacted a little to his one hand tomahawk dunk. It just appeared very stiff, like dunking on a non-breakaway rim screwed into a brick wall.

Otherwise, there's some other small things of concern but a lot of good in the video, especially in comparison to previous editions of Live. It is encouraging.
# 237 LIGHTNING @ 08/30/09 02:28 PM
I really liked the video although the game pace was fast. I like the authentic play sets and the improvments from NBA Live 09. The postives from the video are apparent such as the smooth and fluid animations, the player spacing, and the help defense. Maybe this is the year for NBA LIVE? I have not bought an NBA LIVE game since NBA LIVE 2001 for PS2.

So far it looks good, but I will wait until a few days or weeks after the game releases before I decide to buy.
# 238 bls @ 08/30/09 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by left4dead
Other than Paul "Wheelchair" Pierce's sig shot, I wasn't impressed by that video at all. As previously mentioned, the players' movements are still robotic/stiff. The issue with sliding/skating is still present. The rim and net animations are unchanged as well. It appears that the majority of made shots are all 'net'....which is not realistic.

Also in the animation where Cavs SF #23 (who one day will be exposed for using PEDs) fell to the floor was way off. He didn't appear to be falling in the gameplay....then all of a sudden the cut-scene showed him on the floor. WTF.

Lastly, while the graphics and spacing look great.....the colors on the players and the jerseys are way too "cartoonish" and fake looking. Maybe it's the new lighting system, but it doesn't look right.

The demo better blow me away because from what I've seen thus far, Live10 is definitely not a day 1 purchase for me.

Sorry to hear that, too bad for you.
# 239 idrisguitar @ 08/30/09 02:42 PM
looks good, obvisouly ill be buyign nba 2k10, but if the nba live 10 demo is as great as it seems to eb ill be buying live too

to have two great basketball games will make my gaming year for sure, i will never be bored
# 240 WTF @ 08/30/09 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by left4dead
Other than Paul "Wheelchair" Pierce's sig shot, I wasn't impressed by that video at all. As previously mentioned, the players' movements are still robotic/stiff. The issue with sliding/skating is still present. The rim and net animations are unchanged as well. It appears that the majority of made shots are all 'net'....which is not realistic.

Also in the animation where Cavs SF #23 (who one day will be exposed for using PEDs) fell to the floor was way off. He didn't appear to be falling in the gameplay....then all of a sudden the cut-scene showed him on the floor. WTF.

Lastly, while the graphics and spacing look great.....the colors on the players and the jerseys are way too "cartoonish" and fake looking. Maybe it's the new lighting system, but it doesn't look right.

The demo better blow me away because from what I've seen thus far, Live10 is definitely not a day 1 purchase for me.
Really? May want to take another look at it. It's all gameplay, no matter how much you want to mask your dislike for it... Devs even said, you can turn off the zoom, and watch them fall from the broadcast cam.

Can't please everyone though I guess.

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