NBA Live 10 News Post

Lead Gameplay Designer, Mike Wang, has just posted another NBA Live 10 blog. This one featuring dribble moves.

"Today we’re going to talk a bit about the Dribble Moves in NBA Live 10. As you saw in Jeff’s blog, we spent a lot of time working on the ball handler’s movement this year. So as you move around the court and make hard changes of direction, your player will pull off contextual crossovers and planted turns based on which hand he’s dribbling with and where he’s trying to go. But everyone loves to pull off ankle breaking crossovers and spin moves so we had to beef up what was formerly known as “Quickstrike Ballhandling.”

So let’s start by talking about size up moves. Whenever we’re in mocap and we ask the talent to go 1-on-1, the first thing these guys always do is pull off a series of stationary dribble moves before starting their drive. These moves, or size ups as we call them, are the first step in creating space for yourself as a dribbler and getting your defender off balance."

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Platform: PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 48 - View All
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Member Comments
# 181 jstnw89 @ 08/15/09 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by 23
and noone said that it does...matter of fact he said it would get you ripped, and we've seen it happen so that comment was off base
# 182 frostbyte06 @ 08/15/09 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
I think almost every hoop fiend will end up getting both.

By the way Welcome to the OS Baby !!!!
I'm tempted to get both this year, but you know how it is with League Pass thrown into the mix, just not enough time for it all
# 183 frostbyte06 @ 08/15/09 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
I LOVE the idea with the arrow for directional passing and how you described it (seeing their weight shift).. awesome. That should make defense and offense nicer -- you can fake them right then cross left, and it'll still help the defense sometimes, especially if you start to know their patterns (humans... unless DNA tracks this sort of thing... eh eh?).
That's the exact same thing I was thinking, seems like you can recreate "no-look" passing and such. You push the directional stick in one direction to "look" in a direction, pull up icon passing and then whip a pass to somebody else (of course this would be with the great passers...nash, kidd, lebron, etc).
# 184 shadox @ 08/15/09 02:10 PM
Damn EA!
There were years over years were I could have spent countless months over playing their games...but just now when I barely have any time at all, they finally bring it on with new and absolutely great dev teams for their games...argh.

If I can enjoy Live10 (and FIFA) as much as I do Madden for now...oh dear...

And for what I saw and read so far, I am really happy that I planned my long holiday for the octobre *g*

@New live team:
Great work! As far as I know, Live hasn't changed the engine...but still the game looks completly different (in a positive way). Can't wait for more info...more blogs..more vids..the demo and finally holding the final build in my hands!
# 185 DW3 @ 08/15/09 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
the ai puts up a strong fight this year. In fact, most people were finding it too unforgiving and kept complaining to me that it was too hard. I think we found a good balance. If you execute properly, you'll find success but I guarantee that every game will be a challenge.

thats all i have been waiting to hear. A challenging game without a cheap A.I. Steph, please tell me the rubberband a.i. is gone.
# 186 navyboy09 @ 08/15/09 03:30 PM
Hey marcus or mike as yall continue to put new vids up can yall put up a real life clip of someone doing their size up move then drive the lane and dunk or drive the lane the pull up for a jumper then show a clip of live doing the same thing???

I think that would shut up some of the people in this forum who say stuff like in real life people don't do that or they don't sit there and dribble for a while then drive and shoot.

Obviously them people don't watch basketball but at the same time it would show us how much more authentic the game is to real life if yall do a comparison video.

Im not saying that it will be a perfect match to the video but i personally think it will be pretty damn close...cause we all know them nit pickers are gonna be like in the real life video lebron drove left and smashed it hard but in live's video lebron drove left and his foot didn't plant like in the real video. TOO FUNNY!!

Do anybody else think that would be a great idea??? so ea can show how much realistic their dribbles are this year.
# 187 Greene_Flash03 @ 08/15/09 03:38 PM
Hey Beluba, I just want to say great job so far! Love the gameplay improvements in Live 10.

Quick question, did you guys add any mid-air animations this year? For example, a player goes for a lay up then decided to pass...Does he do a special pass animation in mid air? or still default over the head pass animation still?

I like driving in the lane with a guard and drop the pass in the paint to the big guy for the flush...I hope this is in Live 10.
# 188 Muzyk23 @ 08/15/09 03:44 PM
^ good question
# 189 marcoyk @ 08/15/09 04:14 PM
Eww, please don't tell me that Ray Allen and Rondo are going to be wearing green sleeves in Live 10. Is it too hard to make an option for white sleeves at home and black sleeves away?
# 190 Beluba @ 08/15/09 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Greene_Flash03
Hey Beluba, I just want to say great job so far! Love the gameplay improvements in Live 10.

Quick question, did you guys add any mid-air animations this year? For example, a player goes for a lay up then decided to pass...Does he do a special pass animation in mid air? or still default over the head pass animation still?

I like driving in the lane with a guard and drop the pass in the paint to the big guy for the flush...I hope this is in Live 10.
you'll get unique dish off or kick out passes if you break out of a dunk to pass the ball. You have to pass out before your guy is completely airborne though.
# 191 Da-Man @ 08/15/09 05:21 PM
hey Beluba this might be off topic but do players fill the lane on a fast break and can you do quick touch passes?
# 192 RayAllen20 @ 08/15/09 05:38 PM
i just hope there is a way to choose between passes. Like bounce, chest, lob, lead, and maybe even flashy.

also if i drive to the lane, can I fake a pass, or do a fake behind the back with Rondo. Would be sweeet
# 193 kel16harris @ 08/15/09 06:53 PM
so will joe be able 2 do the moves at 20secs of this video in live10 ?
# 194 Jonesy @ 08/15/09 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
C'mon man, i'm not PR -- that's an insult
Lol none intended. Didn't you used to be community relations manager or something along those lines though which = PR.

I'm seriously loving the sound of that arrow indicating direction for the offensive player. Will make passing and dribbling more effective and like others have mentioned will assist in making both offense and defense more fun to play.

I'm hoping it's like real life where the jet quick guys like CP, rose etc where sometimes the defender knows exactly where they want to go but they are just too damn quick for the defender to do anything about it. With the true stars you often know exactly where they want to get on the floor and which move they would prefer to do but stopping them is a whole nother thing entirely.
# 195 stephensonmc @ 08/15/09 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by marcoyk
Eww, please don't tell me that Ray Allen and Rondo are going to be wearing green sleeves in Live 10. Is it too hard to make an option for white sleeves at home and black sleeves away?
We have two options for colored accessories:

Team = go with the team color at both home and away

Black = self explanatory.

Which do you prefer? If I put team on Ray Ray, he'll at least have white somewhere.
# 196 blingballa333 @ 08/15/09 07:18 PM
Originally Posted by stephensonmc
We have two options for colored accessories:

Team = go with the team color at both home and away

Black = self explanatory.

Which do you prefer? If I put team on Ray Ray, he'll at least have white somewhere.
Sort of confused here, so If I select black he will wear black sleeves home and away. Or just away?
# 197 navyboy09 @ 08/15/09 08:10 PM
Hey marcus or mike as yall continue to put new vids up can yall put up a real life clip of someone doing their size up move then drive the lane and dunk or drive the lane the pull up for a jumper then show a clip of live doing the same thing???

I think that would shut up some of the people in this forum who say stuff like in real life people don't do that or they don't sit there and dribble for a while then drive and shoot.

Obviously them people don't watch basketball but at the same time it would show us how much more authentic the game is to real life if yall do a comparison video.

Im not saying that it will be a perfect match to the video but i personally think it will be pretty damn close...cause we all know them nit pickers are gonna be like in the real life video lebron drove left and smashed it hard but in live's video lebron drove left and his foot didn't plant like in the real video. TOO FUNNY!!

Do anybody else think that would be a great idea??? so ea can show how much realistic their dribbles are this year.

Marcus do you think yall would be able to do this???
# 198 cam21224 @ 08/15/09 10:03 PM
Damn Live devs sweet job.

Yall are making it hard for me though, I haven't played a full retail version of Live since Kidd was on the cover, I gave 07 a shot(I don't even want to talk about that game). Also played 09 demo alot.

You guys comepletely made me lose any memory of the past Live's that made me switch, but looks like I will be folking over $120 for both games but if I'm not lucky enough to spend that, I will gladly only buy Live.

In the words of Dwight...

Live is looking sick, flat out ridicolous better then ever.
# 199 koolaszkidd @ 08/15/09 11:15 PM
i really would like to see how you guys improved freethrows .... i would love to see players interact with each other at the freethrow line after a first made freethrow
# 200 Absoluttte @ 08/16/09 12:01 AM
With freethrows I hope they bring back the freethrow system from 08 because 09's free throw system was way too easy. In 08 you could either shoot the yourself with the analog stick or press B and it would use the freethrow shooters FT percentage to see if the shot would fall.

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