NBA Live 10 News Post

Lead Gameplay Designer, Mike Wang, has just posted another NBA Live 10 blog. This one featuring dribble moves.

"Today we’re going to talk a bit about the Dribble Moves in NBA Live 10. As you saw in Jeff’s blog, we spent a lot of time working on the ball handler’s movement this year. So as you move around the court and make hard changes of direction, your player will pull off contextual crossovers and planted turns based on which hand he’s dribbling with and where he’s trying to go. But everyone loves to pull off ankle breaking crossovers and spin moves so we had to beef up what was formerly known as “Quickstrike Ballhandling.”

So let’s start by talking about size up moves. Whenever we’re in mocap and we ask the talent to go 1-on-1, the first thing these guys always do is pull off a series of stationary dribble moves before starting their drive. These moves, or size ups as we call them, are the first step in creating space for yourself as a dribbler and getting your defender off balance."

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Member Comments
# 21 Nephilim @ 08/14/09 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by bls
Yeah, the movements weren't really as fluid as I would have like for them to have been in that video and that same shooting foul animation and alley oop shot I really didn't prefer in 09. I guess that's what I was trying to say. Dribble animations are good, just the player movement still bothers me.

Player movement looked a lot better in the dribble moves video posted yesterday.
Funny how different opinions we can have. This year EA (FIFA, Madden and NBA,NHL) all gave me a feeling that I'm seeing real players running. I respect your opinion, it is just interesting how different it can get.
# 22 Supersonic_BR @ 08/14/09 05:37 PM
Was looking at some of the celtics videos from live 09, you guys got their unis color right last year.
# 23 Mobster06 @ 08/14/09 05:38 PM
once again, saw the player forcefields
# 24 Aces15 @ 08/14/09 05:38 PM
I dont know, I still think it looks like there is too much dribbling in one place. For example the first video, Rose would never dribble that much in one place, all for nothing, since Rondo didn't budge, and Rose himself didn't go anywhere. Past that point though, it looked nice with the contact and the foul. Just my opinion though.
# 25 Nephilim @ 08/14/09 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Aces15
I dont know, I still think it looks like there is too much dribbling in one place. For example the first video, Rose would never dribble that much in one place, all for nothing, since Rondo didn't budge, and Rose himself didn't go anywhere. Past that point though, it looked nice with the contact and the foul. Just my opinion though.
Probably user controlled Rose?
# 26 zfinley @ 08/14/09 05:40 PM
Cant wait to shake somebody online with the Iverson crossover. He needs a team first lol
# 27 Supersonic_BR @ 08/14/09 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by Aces15
I dont know, I still think it looks like there is too much dribbling in one place. For example the first video, Rose would never dribble that much in one place, all for nothing, since Rondo didn't budge, and Rose himself didn't go anywhere. Past that point though, it looked nice with the contact and the foul. Just my opinion though.

I'm not worried about that, though, they were just showing the driblling animations and how you are more likely to lose the ball if you abuse the size up moves.
# 28 Aces15 @ 08/14/09 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Nephilim
Probably user controlled Rose?
No I figured that, its just that there should be something to break up the fact that he's just dribbling in place so much. Like some sort of reaction from Rondo.
# 29 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
In NBA Live 10, by simply holding down a button, your player will start to pull off these moves. Think of it as a way to “charge up” your player. The longer you do it, the better your chance of beating your guy off the dribble when you begin your drive.

=/ That's not sim
Ray, it's the size up mechanic. It works fine, trust me.
# 30 Jano @ 08/14/09 05:44 PM
Another great blog I'm really liking the animations this year they look so smooth, and the size up mechanic looks great.

Playing 1 on 1 on the perimeter whether you're on defense or offense should be pretty fun this year. I just hope that the post game got similar treatment though because if it did I know this game is going to get a lot of burn from me this year.

1 on 1 is the name of the game in the NBA, so if Live nails it in both the post and perimeter I think we are going to have one hell of a game this year. This one area I think CH2K8 nailed so if Live can pull that off and couple that with improvements to the halfcourt and transition games I'm going to be in Bball heaven.
# 31 l_rob_the_great32 @ 08/14/09 05:45 PM
Did anybody pay attention to D-Rose's shot? It looks alot better great this year compared to last year's.
# 32 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Mobster06
once again, saw the player forcefields
do tell -- where are you seeing it?
# 33 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
It's flawed in its basic design... in no way does sizing up longer give you a better chance to get to the basket in real life.
Not going to defend it at this point. We've discussed size ups ad nauseum here. When the demo comes out, try it for yourself my man.
# 34 Nephilim @ 08/14/09 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by Aces15
No I figured that, its just that there should be something to break up the fact that he's just dribbling in place so much. Like some sort of reaction from Rondo.
Once again they are just showing us some parts of game play, so other parts have to be dumbed down. But I think you mean do something about it in this fashion... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z_F9Zzyi6U
# 35 Nephilim @ 08/14/09 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
It's flawed in its basic design... in no way does sizing up longer give you a better chance to get to the basket in real life.
NBA 2k has the same thing.. It worked just fine for me...
# 36 l_rob_the_great32 @ 08/14/09 05:53 PM
Yo Steph, any hints on what the next blog or video will be on???
# 37 blingballa333 @ 08/14/09 05:55 PM
Not really what I was expecting from the gameplay blog. We pretty much knew everything that was said in the blog. And I think where the guy is mentioning the "player forcefields" was when Tyrus caught the alley, Ray Ray bounced off of him when he attempted a block. The animations overall do look much improved though.
One more thing, when Rose made that jumpshot, the net barely moved, while when Tyrus tossed the ball in on the alley the net swished like a jumper would. Just seemed wierd.
# 38 stephensonmc @ 08/14/09 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by blingballa333
Not really what I was expecting from the gameplay blog. We pretty much knew everything that was said in the blog. And I think where the guy is mentioning the "player forcefields" was when Tyrus caught the alley, Ray Ray bounced off of him when he attempted a block. The animations overall do look much improved though.
One more thing, when Rose made that jumpshot, the net barely moved, while when Tyrus tossed the ball in on the alley the net swished like a jumper would. Just seemed wierd.
did you notice the ball hitting the rim then going into the net? Probably the reason for not having a "swish"

As for Ray vs. Thomas -- If you call that a "forcefield," sure -- we do have plenty of contact at the basket animations though.
# 39 thesniper321 @ 08/14/09 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
It's flawed in its basic design... in no way does sizing up longer give you a better chance to get to the basket in real life.
TOTALLY false IRL good ballhandler always perform some moves to see how the defenders react before attacking him maybe not 8-10 but people like Drose wade and co perform 3 or 4 moves before attacking the hole becuz you won't know or see a opening if you don't analyze the defender's ability to follow you or not that's why 1 or 2 moves are not enough UNLESS of course you play against that guy everyday. Correct me if I'm wrong but nobody spend his time playing against the same guy in the nba
+ performing more moves add to the stress of the defender, to create doubt in his mind, you need to show him your handle you need to create fake ways in his mind, you need him to think "is he going to the left? to the right? pull up? without 3 or 4 maybe more move you WON'T scare any good defender (I'm not talking about Triple threat but when you're dribbling of course) I'm really dissapoint rayap19
# 40 Stumbleweed @ 08/14/09 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
It's flawed in its basic design... in no way does sizing up longer give you a better chance to get to the basket in real life.
It also gives the defender a better chance to steal the ball. This was again a video showing the dribble moves... if it wasn't a demonstration video on low difficulty, the defender would've reacted in some way, probably poking at the ball... if Rose sat there playing with him, he'd probably get ripped like Rondo did in the other video.

I get what you're saying about "sizing up longer doesn't make it easier to get to the basket", but I think it's being misconstrued based on what I know about the system. Sizing up just lulls your defender (especially a human) and then you can explode out of the moves using the combination of LS and RS moves... I think that's what they mean by "makes it easier to get to the basket", not like it's actually "charging up" and magically making the following moves more effective.

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