NCAA Football 10 News Post


Fans Awaiting the Release of NCAA Football 10
Create Over 80,000 Custom Teams via TeamBuilder

June 18, 2009 –Electronic Arts is proud to announce that the demo of NCAA Football 10 is available today for Xbox 360 and PS3. Fans who download the free demo will experience all-new gameplay features including:
  • Defensive Keys—Prior to the snap during the pre-play, hold the left trigger while pressing the analog stick in the direction you think will stop the run. If you think the offense will pass the ball, press upward. Or, you can press the icon associated with a receiver (X, Y, A, B, LB, RB) to spotlight that individual. This will focus the defense on making sure that the chosen offensive player does not make a play.
  • Defensive Player Assist—By holding A (on 360) or X (on PS3) on defense your player will be put under CPU control so you have time to read a play and decide the best course of action.
  • Enhanced Defensive Lineman Moves—With new animations, take control of your defensive linemen using the right stick to fight pass blocks and put pressure on the quarterback.
  • Gameplanning—There are six defensive and five offensive individual game planning options, or you can globally set your offense and defense. Each option changes the way your team will perform. For example, be aggressive and try and strip the ball every time and you run the risk of getting more facemask penalties.
  • Player Lock—Player lock allows you to lock on to a specific player in order to control that position during the play. When you lock on you'll get a whole new camera angle that puts you closer to the action.
  • Set Up Plays—Set up plays allows you to run one play in order to set up another. When picking a play, you will notice that some plays have a chain link between them, which indicates that one play can set up the other. Every time you use one particular play throughout the game, you are setting up for the play that is chain linked to it. Once the play is 100% set up (as shown in your playbook), the defense is at its highest likelihood to fall for that play action.
  • 1000 new animations like throw out of a sack, new shotgun snaps/hand-offs, WR/DB interactions, tackles, double team run blocks, catches, broken tackles, and slipping in bad weather.
In anticipation of the release of NCAA Football 10, thousands of fans have logged on to teambuilder.easports.com to create custom teams that can be shared and used in-game when the full product launches on July 14th. One of the year’s most highly anticipated video game features, TeamBuilder was announced and went live at E3 and has been a huge hit with fans ever since, generating over 80,000 user-created teams to date.

TeamBuilder is an all-new, online create-a-school feature that revolutionizes the user’s ability to produce personalized content for NCAA Football 10. With the capability to upload logos and numerous customization options for uniforms, fields, rosters, and much more, TeamBuilder gives users the opportunity to design completely original teams with infinite possibilities. Plus, preloaded logos for several Football Championship Subdivision schools will allow users to add more teams to NCAA Football 10. With its intuitively designed online database that is searchable across several fields, TeamBuilder allows users to share their unique, customized content with ease. A football fan’s dream, TeamBuilder will enable users to experience the excitement and pageantry of college football, defined by their own personalized creations.

The original packaging of NCAA Football 10 will contain a code that unlocks 12 TeamBuilder slots, allowing users to save up to 12 created teams to the console hard drive. Those who pre-order NCAA Football 10 prior to the July 14th in store date will receive a code for an additional 13 slots, allowing them to save 25 created teams directly to the console hard drive.

When the full NCAA Football 10 product hits stores on July 14th, the all-new Season Showdown mode will bring the excitement of college football to fans across the nation like never before. In this new mode, every game counts as fans declare their loyalty to a favorite school and give the ultimate show of support in a nationwide competition for pride. After choosing a school to represent, players will earn credits in-game through head-to-head online matchups and single player modes. Credits not only accumulate in-game but players can also earn credits for their school via new web-based games. Millions of college football fans around the country will be on a mission to prove their school is number one with NCAA Football 10’s Season Showdown.

With all 120 Football Bowl Subdivision schools represented in the game, NCAA Football 10 offers fans an exciting way to experience the thrill of authentic college football year-round. NCAA Football 10 brings the college football atmosphere to life with enhanced stadiums packed with school colors, cheerleaders and mascots. Enjoy the sights of game day with new field goal nets, flags waving in the wind and camera flashes exploding during pivotal moments.

Developed in Orlando, Florida by EA Tiburon, NCAA Football 10 will be available for the Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system, the PlayStation2 and PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment systems and the PSP (PlayStationPortable). NCAA Football 10 has been rated “E” for everyone by the ESRB.

For more information, please visit www.ncaafootball10.com.

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Game: NCAA Football 10Reader Score: 6.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 61 - View All
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Member Comments
# 621 BroMontana82 @ 06/19/09 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Strummer101er

I don't get it: I don't think we asked for a new gameplay camera (or a new coach cam) and I'm sure we didn't ask the dev team to get rid of L-stick jukes. Weird design choices there.
yeah epic fail. people can say how great these small improvements and team builder are but for me, you can sell me all the gadgets and gizmos for that american made car but if the car itself hasn't been fixed from last year and the car's going to break in a month...i'm not going to be happy and i'm not buying.
# 622 Marv_Levy @ 06/19/09 01:13 PM
i remembered how much dynamic camera sucked lol. We better still be able to turn on classic
# 623 GoBlue10 @ 06/19/09 01:25 PM
i hate all the tackles around the shoulders, when they have the players of the game it doesn't show how much time is left on the playclock, on no huddle the clock stops entirely, the running game is hard as hell (even w/ a 96 spd rb)

but it is a demo so i'll wait till the actual game comes out to make a final judgement
# 624 StormJH1 @ 06/19/09 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by Koolie G
--Overall I think this is gonna be a solid game. There are some issues with the pass rush, but the bottom line is this game is gonna be fun. The game is not perfect, it probably will not be as good as Madden, but it will be a solid game. I think people are so caught up in the improvements with Madden, that they just automatically are downgrading NCAA. I'm no NCAA apologist, I just know that I'm gonna really enjoy Online Dynasty with the groups of guys that I played with last year. I played 09 from July to March, which is probably the longest I've ever played NCAA, so I more than got $60 worth of entertainment out of it, and I expect the same for 10. I also expect to buy Madden this year, whereas I've not like it at all, and not purchased it for the last 2 years.
This is my first post on this thread, and I played the demo yesterday. I quoted an excerpt from this post because I agreed with almost all of it.

NCAA '09 had a ton of flaws, but it also introduced two HUGE features (online dynasty and roster sharing) that really added to the experience. And looking back on that, we're still playing an online league that's been running with 7-12 guys since August 2008...that's insane! Also, if you look back on all the crazy issues NCAA '09 had (roster crashing, online dynasties disappearing, zero punt coverage), those issues WERE patched and fixed to the point where they became a distant memory!

So I think it's only fair to evaluate NCAA 10 compared to that experience (with '09) and ask how it improves the experience...

I thought the demo was somewhere around a "good" (between average and excellent). It's tough to evalute it through the lens of the dynamic camera b/c it makes everything feel like Madden 09, even if the actual product is stll very much NCAA 09.

But I noticed several things immediately in the animations and gameplay that could make a significant difference. The "misfires" on throws are HUGE, and something that even the PS2 versions didn't properly deliver on. Thing is, we can only play with Tebow and Bradford...the true test will be seeing how much more accurate those guys are than some FBS scrub or a lesser QB.

This is still very much an animation-to-animation game. All of EA's products have suffered from that to some degree, but I think we're getting to the point where developers are realizing the limitations of that approach. Games like NHL 09/10 are far less "pre-canned" than they were in the past, and it should continue to improve. In NCAA '10, the clunkiness of animations one into the other is a complaint of mine, but it's not terrible. And it helps that some of the animations are damn cool (like the over the shoulder catches). I remember the first time I threw a long bomb in NCAA 2004 and the guy looked back for it, I thought that was so cool. Kinda sad that we're getting excited about it again here in NCAA 10, but it is what it is.

I'm probably a first day buyer anyway, but this demo probably has me more encouraged about that fact than I was 2 days ago.
# 625 StormJH1 @ 06/19/09 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by boucher
WOW! The controls are so sluggish! There is no pressure to be found and the ps3 graphics look weird
You're definitely not the only one to bring this up, but I'm not seeing it...at least not compared to '09. I mean, the responsiveness of controls on all sports games since the HD era began is down compared to PS2 titles, IMO, but that's basically just because they're focusing on more complicated animations, which take time to execute.

I know what you're talking about, but I didn't see anything that would cause MORE of a problem than we had before.
# 626 JAKEHB20 @ 06/19/09 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by SilverChaosVII
Has anybody else experienced the glitch where you hike the ball. It goes flying back past the quarterback, the play is called dead and called an incomplete pass.

I've played 3 total games and had it happen twice. Pretty crap
Yes I've played the demo once and it happened twice in my game. I was pumped when it happened and then threw up ???? when they ruled it incomplete. haha.
Hopefully this is fixed.
I like the bad snaps though.
# 627 RoyalBoyle78 @ 06/19/09 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by Drocks
Alright, even though everyone else has pretty much broken this thing down to bits and pieces, I thought I'd give my two cents from the perspective of someone who is probably more of a borderline casual/hardcore gamer who just wants a fun game to play:

This is something that means so many things to so many people. But in any event, here are some of my thougts:
+ The game is slowed a bit, there's really no denying it and I don't understand how people can say it hasn't. It's not a lot, but it is there, and to me, it is a plus.
+ The catching is very solid IMO. The fade route work to perfection for me, where I lobbed it up with Tebow, and the receiver went up (not rocket style, but very naturally) and pulled it down and got a foot down in the corner of the end zone. It looked incredibly sweet. Maybe this was possible in 09 in some way, but I never got it as smooth and tight looking as I did in this demo.
+ Pocket definitely forms, no doubt about it. A vast improvement there.
+ QBs misfire, I likes A LOT. I overshot an open dude once that could have been six and I was mad, but happy all at the same time lol.
+ CPU burnt me deep and it wasn't just one of those wide open looks, but it actually challeneged me deep one on one, and won.
- Pass rush is struggling. It's more on my end though (of course lol) where I can't get as much pressure. The CPU got to me on many occassions though.
- The running period needs to be addressed. Momentum and physics will help this game immensely. When a guy cuts, there has to be an animation to address that foot plant and push. Not just a simple change of direction of the usual running animation. CPU is more guilty of this cause they'll be twitchin sometimes and it's just not good.
- Along with that, running animations need overhaul. Specifically for fast guys. That high knee thing is a trip lol. Ya'll need to take care of that EA!

+ Bands were a good addition, better camera angles on that part would be good though.
+ I love the new look of the score layout and stats banners. I would recommend keeping something similar for future iterations.
- Pretty much same style commentary, this needs to be overhauled to freshen it up.
- Just the overall presentation needs an upgrade. I want to see players entering from the tunnels. Instead of just a pic of a player profile, show the player warming up like back in the day. Post game, I'm not sure if that really it or not, but something's gotta happen after the game as far as players leaving the field, coaches shaking hands, etc. The replay thing is cool, but I needs more.

Overall Impressions
The game IMO, is not even close to nearly as bad as people are making it sound. There are issues like pass rush (my only real main beef) that need addressing in the future, as well as tweaking the running and stuff. I can understand why people call it NCAA 9.5 (which I hate, cause it's so stupid, but whatever lol), but the game definitely feels different than it looks. The way the game is played is not like 09, but it defintely looks similar. If that bothers you, then you will never be able to get into this game. If you are a real HARDCORE SIM guy, you will also have problems because of some of the issues I noted. Like I said, I'm more borderline so although I notice these things and they kind of bother me, they don't ruin my experience with the game because overall it is a fun game to play.

BTW, this is on PS3 and I really didn't notice any graphical issues. The game looked and ran very smoothly. Not a bunch of jaggies at all for me, unless maybe my eyes just deceived me. And also, Uniform Mix-n-Match is the greatest thing EVER LOL.

So yeah, those are just my thoughts on it. Those who loved 09 will defintely still like 10, and those who hated 09 beyond just the issues of pursuit angles and stuff like that will probably still hate 10 lol.
It's not that the game is bad, it's just not improved very much and some annoyances from last year are still lingering.
# 628 dsciara21 @ 06/19/09 01:58 PM
# 629 Pared @ 06/19/09 02:03 PM
Turn off the caps lock, please.
# 630 Skyboxer @ 06/19/09 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by dsciara21
Give me an example of someone who said coverage was bad last year and the same person said it's too good this year. Just post the quotes here so I can check it out.
# 631 Tovarich @ 06/19/09 02:12 PM
The 3 timeouts in a row is legal in college guys. That's not a glitch. The only real problem with it is that they shouldn't do it before you call the play, they should wait until you're lined up. But college you can call 3 in a row, the NFL you can only call 1 per play and you get penalized.
# 632 mikeveli20 @ 06/19/09 02:19 PM
Just played a great game on AA using the Gators. Won 14-13 with a TD with 8 seconds left. Here are some thoughts after the game:

- Getting a little more used to the camera but still prefer the classic cam

- Once again too many of the horse collar type tackles

- Still can't get a good pass rush with my d-line. Had zero sacks in the game and only got close to the QB maybe once.

- Had some fun adjusting my game plan mid way through the game as I was getting beat through the air pretty badly.

- One instance where I got stuck in a sack animation and couldn't throw the ball away. I though NCAA was using the same branching technology as Madden? I was wrapped up around the waist and being pushed backwards for about 2 seconds before being taken down and couldn't get rid of it.

- One instance where my lead blocker ran about 10 yards behind the ball carrier to block a guy that was already beat, thus leaving two incoming blockers for the ball carrier to deal with by himself.

- CPU nailed a 54 yard FG with room to spare.

- My run game was non existent except for an 8 yard TD run by Tebow with 8 seconds left. It was actually a called Pass play but coverage was really good so I just took off. Any time I called an actual run play I was taken down for no gain or for a loss.

- Love the passing game and the coverage feels almost perfect (except when I was getting burned on aggressive zone play before I switched to conservative lol).

- One instance where I threw to my receiver and he was hit a split second after he caught and it was ruled a fumble. The CPU recovered and there was no challenge. Should have been ruled an incomplete catch. Even if I was able to challenge manually I don't think it would be overturned because if it's the same challenge logic as NCAA 09, the challenge would just check to see if my knee was down or not (which of course it wasn't), not if I had possession before fumbling.

Even though it sounds like there were more negatives than positives, I still enjoyed the game very much. These are just some things that stuck out in my head.
# 633 nxt @ 06/19/09 02:21 PM
Originally Posted by Tovarich
The 3 timeouts in a row is legal in college guys. That's not a glitch. The only real problem with it is that they shouldn't do it before you call the play, they should wait until you're lined up. But college you can call 3 in a row, the NFL you can only call 1 per play and you get penalized.
If that's the case, OK... but the implementation in game is terrible. If it's supposed to reflect icing the kicker, than you are right, they should call the time out after we've already lined up. The way it is now, the CPU called three consecutive time outs before I even selected my play. Just odd and ugly.
# 634 nxt @ 06/19/09 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by SA1NT401
My BIGGEST issue with the DEMO is being able to move the ball at will on heisman. Since sliders are broken...YET AGAIN...what does this mean for the game itself in the long-run?

I know they are patching the sliders and rosters, but what are the chances we get at least the sliders patched for LAUNCH?

There was stuff i liked overall and things i hated. But it does play better..mostly. I, however and NOT SEEING overthrows/underthrows etc. and FG are SILLY easy even on heisman.

There is hope, but i am worried that heisman is easy and AA is a complete cakewalk. Passing to me seems even easier than last year.

But it is a demo, so who knows.
Yeah, Heisman feels more like AA of years past. It's too easy, especially the passing game. Working/Effective sliders are gonna be the key to making this game playable.
# 635 HamTonks @ 06/19/09 02:27 PM
The camera (as in 1 [one]) angle is awful. I took Tebow (sorry, QB #15) outside the pocket and had a 30-yard lane and the camera, instead of following behind him went into some strange, nosebleed-section fan's point-of-view -- then, because of the angle, the scoreboard/ticker at the bottom of the screen prevented me from seeing where QB #15 was. My first time playing the demo was just awful. EA needs to implement some sort of pursuit camera angle a la FIFA, Gears of War, etc. Actually, EA needs to implement a lot of camera angles, and let the user define what fits for them.
# 636 jeeve @ 06/19/09 02:33 PM
"Also, if you look back on all the crazy issues NCAA '09 had (roster crashing, online dynasties disappearing, zero punt coverage), those issues WERE patched and fixed to the point where they became a distant memory!

So I think it's only fair to evaluate NCAA 10 compared to that experience (with '09) and ask how it improves the experience..."

I can't give NCAA '09 bonus points for fixing online crashing, disappearing dynasties, and zero punt / kickoff coverage. "Fixing" them was merely patching awful errors that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

In the same way, I can't give the NCAA '10 team a high-five for fixing the broken rosters and broken sliders (assuming they can manage to do that)-- the first is an inconceivable screw-up, the second a head-scratcher considering the outcry over broken sliders last year.

I just can't judge '10 based on improvements from '09. Barring dramatic improvement, I won't be able to wrap my mind around the fact that the 4th installment nextgen is still way behind oldgen in virtually every way. NCAA '09 was a big improvement over '08 (an unplayable wreck of a game), but it had too many glaring errors for me to enjoy it for more than a few days of dynasty with my friends.
# 637 bengalboy1991 @ 06/19/09 02:39 PM

I will not be purchasing the game this year. Most people still have a 4:3 TV. I cannot see the flats. If they had multiple angles, I would purchase it.

EA will be missing out on my money this year all because of poor camera angles.
# 638 Von Dozier @ 06/19/09 02:48 PM
I played this last night on Heisman a few times, and wasn't feeling it.

Playing it today on All American with tweaked gameplan, the game feels very good.

As with two powerhouses, things were pretty even. Had decent runs, with 1 broken big one for 20+ yards, pretty much same for Florida.

D-line play was hounding my *** constantly when I was on O, but I only managed to pressure Tebow a few times on D. But far better than the "brick wall" people have been describing in here.

Overall, as someone said, it is NCAA 09.5, but a good one, not bad.
# 639 BallinVol @ 06/19/09 02:51 PM
I've played several games now and it's safe to say that I'm seeing more positive things. I play the demo on Heisman btw. I've read how a lot of you haven't seen a pash rush, haven't seen incomplete passes besides knockdown or drops, etc. Well, I've seen a pretty consistent pass rush in quite a few of my games. Yeah, sure sometimes the QB has all day to throw, but I've not seen anything absurd in that department. 6-7 seconds top. I'm pretty sure on the retail version that all teams will not be able to just hold the d-line at will. That's just my guess but if EA somehow screws it up again, then it may be the case because the demo last year played a lot better than the retail version IMO. Also I've seen balls sailing high, wide, hell I even seen Tebow (Computer controlled) sail a pass about 10 yards too deep. So I think some of the problems you guys are seeing are actually there, it's just not happening as frequent as others. Guys this is just what I'm seeing ... not callin any of you liars or anything but I've had a pretty decent time with the demo. Is it perfect? No, not by any means. Does it have flaws? Well, of course. I'd say almost every game made does. Sure some of the flaws left in this game are inexcusable i.e. the slider problem, the roster problem, but they are being addressed and hopefully being addressed in the right manner. Either way I can still have a decent fix of football with this as long as certain things are addressed correctly. Is this game better than 09 so far? I'd have to say heck yeah! Just my . 02 tho.
# 640 Happyvally74 @ 06/19/09 02:58 PM
Can someone please tell me what the deal is with the QB sneak? He falls over everytime.

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