Madden 2010 News Post
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 241
whoady4shoady @ 05/28/09 11:28 PM
# 242
MelMan1486 @ 05/28/09 11:29 PM
# 243
PantherBeast_OS @ 05/28/09 11:29 PM
LIke Adem said and Ian said as well. This video was made a few weeks ago. Ian said alot of tuning has been done since then. I think people need to chill out. Yes the commatary sounds old as crap. But besides that the video look great. We will get a better veiw next week at E3.

You've already made up your mind on the game from a 2 minute video of an Alpha build, so there's obviously nothing that I can tell you to make you feel differently. I hate to sound like a dick, but you come off as a typical EA basher. Good day sir.
# 245
adembroski @ 05/28/09 11:32 PM
-Tom Hammond
+slowed down game play.
I don't know about anyone else but I would like it to be 1-2% slower without having to touch the sliders. Its better from what I see but maybe I have to watch this video more to soak it all in.
The dev team is going in the right direction though. I've bumped this game up to rental status until I see more from E3.
+slowed down game play.
I don't know about anyone else but I would like it to be 1-2% slower without having to touch the sliders. Its better from what I see but maybe I have to watch this video more to soak it all in.
The dev team is going in the right direction though. I've bumped this game up to rental status until I see more from E3.
# 247
whoady4shoady @ 05/28/09 11:32 PM
It's still looking like a good step up though.
The Cowboys stadium looks amazing. The gameplay wasn't impressive, however. I hope the final version is better and looks like a semi-real football game.
I thought it looked pretty good. Definitely room for improvement but if Madden 10 ends up being a game I can enjoy for about a year then I'll feel that my purchase was justified.
I hate to beat a dead horse but Hammond sounds (like a dying horse) horrible. I hate talking so negatively about a man I've never met. Maybe it's not his fault, but I don't think I've ever heard anything that bad in a video game before. I can't overstate how bad he sounds. It's really holding the presentation back. He's going to be a constant reminder of Madden 09, so much has changed for the better but we still have the same old Hammond.
On an unrelated note, I really freaking hope online franchise is in. I don't know why but I had myself convinced that it would be in and that alone had me (and all the friends that I told about it) extremely psyched. Now that we're getting close to the "big" online announcement I'm starting to get nervous
I hate to beat a dead horse but Hammond sounds (like a dying horse) horrible. I hate talking so negatively about a man I've never met. Maybe it's not his fault, but I don't think I've ever heard anything that bad in a video game before. I can't overstate how bad he sounds. It's really holding the presentation back. He's going to be a constant reminder of Madden 09, so much has changed for the better but we still have the same old Hammond.
On an unrelated note, I really freaking hope online franchise is in. I don't know why but I had myself convinced that it would be in and that alone had me (and all the friends that I told about it) extremely psyched. Now that we're getting close to the "big" online announcement I'm starting to get nervous

Some of the people on here are going to hate the game no matter what. They will hate hate hate. Then they will go get the game on the day it is released just so they can continue to say how much they hate it. The game could be 100% perfect and they would still hate it. I don't get some people. Some people need to grow up.
The game has come a long way and looks amazing.
The game has come a long way and looks amazing.
# 252
MattIntellect @ 05/28/09 11:35 PM
# 253
whoady4shoady @ 05/28/09 11:35 PM
This is a legitimate question, that should have been addressed years ago.
# 254
lostintravise @ 05/28/09 11:37 PM
I haven't played a Madden more than 2 weeks since last-gen so I'm on the same boat as you man but I'm still willing to wait until at LEAST E3 and a demo before I start "bashing" anything. Wait till you get it in your hands to feel it out man..just a little more've already waited a year

# 255
MelMan1486 @ 05/28/09 11:37 PM
I don't see why everyones bashing the vid... I think it shows serious improvement from last year and alot of stuff is being left out, and on a lower difficulty level. I wish I could just get two 8 min quarters of gameplay on All Madden.

Just expressing my opinions and observations that will hopefully help the gameplay tweaking that is still going on
1) The presentation looked really outstanding. From the coin toss to Romo using the phone. It truly looked like a TV broadcast. The attention to detail on the players is looking good so far. It is going to be impossible to please everybody but they are doing a good job so far
2) I thought that the pile-up for the fumble looked outstanding as well although I will be one of those people that turns the mini-game off.

Can someone of that weight and size jump that high?!?! I also feel sorry for the people in the pile.
3) Players move without much weight and momentum. When Hamlin tackled Macklin, all of Macklin’s momentum seemed to have ended at the moment Hamlin joined in. I am pretty sure Ian state that he is working on this. Also, defenders are still able to insta-turn and change directions on a dime. I am not really seeing the improvements mentioned in the player momentum blog. This is probably a major disappointment for me I think we will have to wait until M11 for any hope of this.

4) I am not sure if the o-line should be as spread out as it is. The running lanes are MASSIVE and pocket is quite large. From seeing actual gameplay footage I can see were LBzrule is coming from when he says that DEs and OLBs should be getting upfield faster. Also the play of free blockers needs some fixing.

5) Tackle animations looked decent. They were not amazing but they were not that bad either. I thought the last one were the CB tackled the WR after the TD looked particularly nice.
6) Personally, I still don’t dig the running animations. Tweaking them might have IMPROVED them but I want them to be FIXED. It’s hard to specifically point out what I don’t like about them but they seem bobbing up and down too much. Also they are holding out the ball too far from his body. Lastly, it does not look like they are running very hard but rather leisurely jogging. A lot of people seem to be fine with the running, but I don’t know, I just don’t like it.

7) Graphics were okay. I wasn’t impressed with them like I was with the screens and the Pro-Tak documentary. I guess the game will look best in replay mode. I still think that the ankles look too thin although the colored gloves and cleats look nice.
Edit: 8) Forgot to add that I am kind of disappointed that it appears they are not using a new mechanism for kicking
1) The presentation looked really outstanding. From the coin toss to Romo using the phone. It truly looked like a TV broadcast. The attention to detail on the players is looking good so far. It is going to be impossible to please everybody but they are doing a good job so far
2) I thought that the pile-up for the fumble looked outstanding as well although I will be one of those people that turns the mini-game off.

Can someone of that weight and size jump that high?!?! I also feel sorry for the people in the pile.
3) Players move without much weight and momentum. When Hamlin tackled Macklin, all of Macklin’s momentum seemed to have ended at the moment Hamlin joined in. I am pretty sure Ian state that he is working on this. Also, defenders are still able to insta-turn and change directions on a dime. I am not really seeing the improvements mentioned in the player momentum blog. This is probably a major disappointment for me I think we will have to wait until M11 for any hope of this.

4) I am not sure if the o-line should be as spread out as it is. The running lanes are MASSIVE and pocket is quite large. From seeing actual gameplay footage I can see were LBzrule is coming from when he says that DEs and OLBs should be getting upfield faster. Also the play of free blockers needs some fixing.

5) Tackle animations looked decent. They were not amazing but they were not that bad either. I thought the last one were the CB tackled the WR after the TD looked particularly nice.
6) Personally, I still don’t dig the running animations. Tweaking them might have IMPROVED them but I want them to be FIXED. It’s hard to specifically point out what I don’t like about them but they seem bobbing up and down too much. Also they are holding out the ball too far from his body. Lastly, it does not look like they are running very hard but rather leisurely jogging. A lot of people seem to be fine with the running, but I don’t know, I just don’t like it.

7) Graphics were okay. I wasn’t impressed with them like I was with the screens and the Pro-Tak documentary. I guess the game will look best in replay mode. I still think that the ankles look too thin although the colored gloves and cleats look nice.
Edit: 8) Forgot to add that I am kind of disappointed that it appears they are not using a new mechanism for kicking
# 257
countryboy @ 05/28/09 11:38 PM
# 258
whoady4shoady @ 05/28/09 11:39 PM
What is wrong with the football?
P.S. Im talking pure gameplay.
They only showed 2 players.
Also, it has been said in an article that they will show players going to their seats w/ their hot dogs and stuff before the game.
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