Madden 2010 News Post

We're having some export problems today - the ball keeps showing up rotated 90 degrees in the guys hands. In the meantime, I can show one run style that was slightly adjusted by Simon...this one is still in progress but I figured people would like to see it and give feedback.


Also to compare, I uploaded the sprinter style (that no one seems to like)...this is the 09 version so hopefully I'll have a comparison video of the new one soon once we sort out Simon's export problems.

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Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 261 Alacr1ty @ 06/24/09 11:04 PM
Nflhitman, I get what you are trying to say, but at this point in the game its to late to fix the animations. The game is either done/near done, and they are more than likely focusing on tuning/fixing bugs. Ian updated his twitter with a comment about the animations are one of the top things for 11.

So right now you are just beating a deadhorse about animations. The animations are much improved over 09 for sure, unfortunately they do not have time to fix animations.

is there anything at all that madden 10 has done right this year? Is it all negative? are you not happy with the problems they have fixed? or the fact that Ian has taken what the community wants into consideration? Is none of that good enough?
# 262 kmart2180 @ 06/24/09 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by NFLHITMAN
This post is right from the guy who does the animations on Madden 10.


Originally Posted by Anim8or

I would love some more feedback on this from you guys. (Animation Director of Madden (Simon) Here BTW).

The stiffest cycles I went through personally and touched up myself over the last month or so (which was after this video was captured I believe, and the sprinter run cycles were the ones I gave the most love to with some back and forth with Ian Cummings).

FIFA locomotion is amazing, coming from FIFA they spend more time on locomotion than anything else, it's pretty much what FIFA is and they do it better than any game in the world ever has. I am planning/hoping to take their entire locomotion engine next year (it was on the table this year but I felt prioritizing gang tackles would be much more of a game changer and the animation and technical work associated with going from 3 to 9 man gang tackling was pretty immense). Running changes would be purely visual and i really wanted to finish the tackle engine design (2 years in the making) and we wanted much better blocking plus presentation focus was a huge thing from the community. However, we have loads of cycles we could tune up visually, it's certainly not too late for that.

I would like to know of other games that do it better visually as comparison for visual style in the cycles themselves that you guys are talking about, some youtube videos would be a huge help (of games with better run cycles). Even pointing out the moments in our trailer where you think they look bad... To me the WR and DB at the end look great running together and since our loco system got a complete overhaul last year with a lot of positive response we focused on other areas this year (can't redo loco every year...), but maybe I have just be staring at this stuff for too long... More feedback (clips of games that do it better, or pointing out where in our video it looks particularly bad would help us narrow down what you guys are directly talking about here).

I am posting the Anim8tors original post and in no way am I attacking this man. I am just pointing out that it was a decision on 9 man gang tackling or running animations and they chose 9 man gang tackling instead.
If you dont think gang tackle's /better offensive blocking/ qb pocket forming /ability to steer blocks/tackles is better than a simply run animation than I would have to question how much you like football. I'd give up run animation's in a heart beat for what Pro Tak is doing for Madden 10. (Its not even close).

Think about all sports games ever. There has never been a game with these great run animations so I dont understand all the "They shoulda did run animations before anything". In my opinion OL/DL was the biggest gripe last year over anything else. And although not perfect, Pro tak is making that part of the game much better.

PRO TAK > run animations - Im fine with them waiting for Madden 11 to spend the time with Locomotion/Run animations. Cause I appreciate all that Pro Tak has done for the game.
# 263 unisol_us @ 06/24/09 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by NFLHITMAN
Not trying to rain on anyones parade but the videos I have seen of the gang tackling reminds me of this instead of NFL football....

Pro-Tak IMO looks more like a rugby scrum than a NFL Gang tackle.

Again Pro-Tak is much more than this ridiculous photo you put up here. Not sure why you fill your posts with so much negativity when you are only talking about a small part of the Pro-Tak tech.

And yea no one has even played the stupid game yet so how the heck does anyone know if the game is going to suc* or not??
# 264 NFLHITMAN @ 06/24/09 11:11 PM
You tell me what looks more like Pro-Tak Gang tackling...

Here is Madden 10 Gang tackling ( Pro-Tak )

Here is a rugby scrum...

Here is the NFL...

In the NFL players come in FAST, STRONG, HARD and with MOMENTUM. Not dancing around like a rugby scrum. I have NEVER seen a gang tackle the way it is in Madden 10 in the NFL.

Can anyone show proof of a NFL Gang tackle that looks like a rugby scrum???
# 265 kmart2180 @ 06/24/09 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by NFLHITMAN
Not trying to rain on anyones parade but the videos I have seen of the gang tackling reminds me of this instead of NFL football....

Pro-Tak IMO looks more like a rugby scrum than a NFL Gang tackle.
Those were early vids showing off its power. Show me one video that looks like that from E3. Heck in all the vid's Ive seen Ive barely seen plays that involve many tacklers at all.

My friend you are just a *****.
But in business you can never make everyone happy so I understand..........But the lack of appreciation is what kills me.

# 266 Scott @ 06/24/09 11:13 PM
you mean this?

# 267 Colladie @ 06/24/09 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
you mean this?

Looks like Scott just shut somebody up.
# 268 kmart2180 @ 06/24/09 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
you mean this?

Wait thats not football thats rugby...........lol! Ohhhh I love it! Cant wait to see what he says to this.
# 269 NFLHITMAN @ 06/24/09 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by Alacr1ty
Nflhitman, I get what you are trying to say, but at this point in the game its to late to fix the animations. The game is either done/near done, and they are more than likely focusing on tuning/fixing bugs. Ian updated his twitter with a comment about the animations are one of the top things for 11.

So right now you are just beating a deadhorse about animations. The animations are much improved over 09 for sure, unfortunately they do not have time to fix animations.

is there anything at all that madden 10 has done right this year? Is it all negative? are you not happy with the problems they have fixed? or the fact that Ian has taken what the community wants into consideration? Is none of that good enough?
Things I love about Madden 10...

  1. Online Franchise which includes trading, leagues, and more.
  2. Adaptive AI
  3. Over the shoulder catches
  4. Leading a WR with the pass
  5. refs
  6. pass rush fixes that Ian has fixed
  7. Ratings stretched
  8. No Jordan esque type of defenders
  9. Defenders supposedly having to be looking at the ball to make a play on it instead of having eyes in the back of there head
  10. presentation
And much much more and that is why it is already paid for at Gamestop.

I like what Ian and his crew have done but I was posting my thoughts on how important the running animation is and when some guy posted he doesn't think they just said screw running animations and did something else I posted what the Anim8tor posted to show they did do that.

Whether it is as important to you as it is with me is the question. Remember I did not start this thread and I have yet to start a running animation thread either

Sorry if I offended any of you with my post but I was just posting facts and my opinion.
# 270 NFLHITMAN @ 06/24/09 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by Scott
you mean this?

I stand corrected but I wish I could see the video of this tackle. In all the gang tackling videos I have seen they are all line dancing and it takes a while to get the player down. I bet in that video Jamal Lewis went down pretty quick when they jumped on him at once.

Like I said I would not have an issue at all with Pro-Tak if it was not chosen over Running animations.

You have your priorities and I have mine along with opinions. In my gaming world of football the running animations should always be 1st!

EDIT: In that picture I am also sure that momentum had the pile moving one way or another but in the Pro-Tak gang tackles that I have seen they stay in one place and line dance until either the RB breaks free or goes down.
# 271 iBlievN5 @ 06/25/09 12:20 AM

the gang-tackling aspect of protak in those vids purposely was set to zero in order to show the power. rbs wont come to a standstill on every tackle
# 272 bukktown @ 06/25/09 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by NFLHITMAN
I stand corrected but I wish I could see the video of this tackle. In all the gang tackling videos I have seen they are all line dancing and it takes a while to get the player down. I bet in that video Jamal Lewis went down pretty quick when they jumped on him at once.

Like I said I would not have an issue at all with Pro-Tak if it was not chosen over Running animations.

You have your priorities and I have mine along with opinions. In my gaming world of football the running animations should always be 1st!

EDIT: In that picture I am also sure that momentum had the pile moving one way or another but in the Pro-Tak gang tackles that I have seen they stay in one place and line dance until either the RB breaks free or goes down.
In my gaming world of football the running animations are meaningless. I don't care if the players legs even animate. Hell I don't care if the player models even have legs. All I care about is the feel of the L stick controlling the player's movement. It felt great on PS2 Maddens and it feels great on NHL 09 for the 360. It hasn't felt right yet on 360 Madden and that is that.
# 273 likesbacon @ 06/25/09 12:35 AM
So am I the only one that can't even see these videos?
# 274 NFLHITMAN @ 06/25/09 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by bukktown
In my gaming world of football the running animations are meaningless. I don't care if the players legs even animate. Hell I don't care if the player models even have legs. All I care about is the feel of the L stick controlling the player's movement. It felt great on PS2 Maddens and it feels great on NHL 09 for the 360. It hasn't felt right yet on 360 Madden and that is that.
And that has everything to do with Momentum and Physics which is tied in to the running animations.
# 275 NFLHITMAN @ 06/25/09 12:38 AM
Originally Posted by likesbacon
So am I the only one that can't even see these videos?
Sometimes if your using Firefox it won't load. I will use E internet to look at videos when that happens.
# 276 bang911 @ 06/25/09 02:31 AM
Originally Posted by bukktown
In my gaming world of football the running animations are meaningless. I don't care if the players legs even animate. Hell I don't care if the player models even have legs. All I care about is the feel of the L stick controlling the player's movement. It felt great on PS2 Maddens and it feels great on NHL 09 for the 360. It hasn't felt right yet on 360 Madden and that is that.
I agree. The visualization of the running is important, but if the control is there I wouldn't complain about the game. This is one of those things I can't ever learn from a game review, have to have my hands on the game myself.
# 277 droopizzle34 @ 06/25/09 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by bukktown
In my gaming world of football the running animations are meaningless. I don't care if the players legs even animate. Hell I don't care if the player models even have legs. All I care about is the feel of the L stick controlling the player's movement. It felt great on PS2 Maddens and it feels great on NHL 09 for the 360. It hasn't felt right yet on 360 Madden and that is that.
Originally Posted by bang911
I agree. The visualization of the running is important, but if the control is there I wouldn't complain about the game. This is one of those things I can't ever learn from a game review, have to have my hands on the game myself.
once again for these people who "don't care" about visuals, I guess EA can roll out stickmen and as long as they respond to your controller,you'll be happy right?
then you should go buy an old school electric football game instead of playing a "next gen" NFL game.
# 278 RGiles36 @ 06/25/09 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by NYGmen56
But......... What it did have was Excellent Gameplay animations & Running Animations which till till this day even Madden fans and non madden fans all agree with... Almost anyone that I have talked to that has seen 2K8 or 2k5 agree that no Football game out there comes close to 2K's animations system.. So what does that tell you??

IMO 2K did something right and it was to start with a strong core when creating a footabll game, and that was the Animations system(running, oline/dline, WR/CB, tackling, etc..). 2K's animations system is what made 2K Football, it's what makes it stand out from the other Football games created.. Nowadays People want Football games to run and play as realistic as possible.. And if 2K made it possible 4 years ago, I just thing EA should be able to do it as well now, especially with these Next Gen systems.. And if you still do get it.. Well...
Funny how people want to use NFL2K5 as a point of reference for running animations. Besides the ball carrier running animation that I thought was great, many of them were pretty bad looking. It doesn't deter me away from the game at all, but it's inaccurate to say NFL2K5 had GREAT running animations across the board. Have you ever looked at the defenders run in pursuit in that game?

I don't play APF2K8 to comment on that, but it seems people just throw stuff out there to make Madden's animations appear worse than they really are.
# 279 Hammerhunker @ 06/25/09 11:02 AM
Running mechanics and an attempt at proper momentum should be the essense of the animation system. The game can fall short in other areas, but if the players move realistically on the field, and is a joy to see, all will be well, for the most part.

I always felt that the new gen editions would hit a home run if the above was addressed along with signature QB throwing motions. The gameplay will be there overall, with some possible glitches, but with quality realistic animations with new gen graphics, oh boy. The lack of has probably been MY biggest disappointment with the new gen editions. Funny how I went back to the PS2 version last year because it looked better and in turn, played better.
# 280 NFLHITMAN @ 06/25/09 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by rgiles36
Funny how people want to use NFL2K5 as a point of reference for running animations. Besides the ball carrier running animation that I thought was great, many of them were pretty bad looking. It doesn't deter me away from the game at all, but it's inaccurate to say NFL2K5 had GREAT running animations across the board. Have you ever looked at the defenders run in pursuit in that game?

I don't play APF2K8 to comment on that, but it seems people just throw stuff out there to make Madden's animations appear worse than they really are.
2K8 not 2K5 set the standard for running animations. I play 2K8 still and will still see animations I have never seen. In 2K8 when you use Christian Okoye or Barry Sanders you can tell right away the difference between them. There is momentum, animations, and more that Madden 10 on next gen should have over all other things 1st.

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