Madden 2010 News Post

We're having some export problems today - the ball keeps showing up rotated 90 degrees in the guys hands. In the meantime, I can show one run style that was slightly adjusted by Simon...this one is still in progress but I figured people would like to see it and give feedback.


Also to compare, I uploaded the sprinter style (that no one seems to like)...this is the 09 version so hopefully I'll have a comparison video of the new one soon once we sort out Simon's export problems.

Game: Madden NFL 10Reader Score: 7.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 76 - View All
Madden NFL 10 Videos
Member Comments
# 321 Methlab @ 06/28/09 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by shift9k
We're stuck with what we have, its gonna be better than 09. Lets accept that, and be content.
I'm sorry, but no I will personally not do that. I would rather buy another game to pass the time with then fund a game that ends up in the used bin after 1 month every year.
# 322 liltee23 @ 06/28/09 09:14 PM
Every body on this page is right can yal please make the running animation better please little thing really make a different please get everyone together at ea an make this game the best if you just really look at the running animation it looks like they are tron jogging cum on please
# 323 cowboy_kmoney @ 06/28/09 11:06 PM
Originally Posted by liltee23
Every body on this page is right can yal please make the running animation better please little thing really make a different please get everyone together at ea an make this game the best if you just really look at the running animation it looks like they are tron jogging cum on please
Good point bro I also wish EA would look at 2k and take there system and put it in madden, and we would have football at its best.
# 324 Soul2zion @ 06/29/09 08:20 AM
Yup, it's unequivocal in my opinion, APF 2K8 has the most beautiful animations. If Madden weren't the more fun game, I'd be in love. Generating animations like these in Madden would go a long way. Ian Cummings, I beseech you!
# 325 Methlab @ 06/29/09 12:48 PM
I actually think APF is also more fun then Madden. I have no dog in this fight except that I want to have a killer football game like everyone else.

There is something cool as hell about going online in APF and seeing some guy's uniforms that he thought of..the team he built and how he chooses to run his offense.

I can run my west coast offense, the screen pass actually is devastating against the blitz..swing passes are caught in stride if thrown properly.

I could buy madden again this year.****n the wildcat and be into it for a week or 2..but then you go back the 2k game and it just makes you sour on Madden. You can buy APF for 5 dollars used, and I personally would reccomend it if you are on the fence about Madden. Save your money and make a statement that you are not going to settle for average games. There is really not that much innovation in Madden until their vids can blow you away like that APF one just did.

The sad part is that EA turned around their NHL franchise because of the 2k competition. I assure you if 2k had the NFL rights, a lot of folks would not even be on this forum right now. They would be looking at the 2k guy's twitters and wanting to see screen shots of that game.
# 326 Methlab @ 06/29/09 04:31 PM
Somebody made a good point about the button tapping vote. It is a complete loss for Madden because the button tapping makes running the ball so much better. You can hold it down and charge your guy or just tap it, but it makes the handling of the runner far superior to just holding down turbo and letting go to make turns. It's not button mashing in anyway, in fact it contributes to the feel of the run play.

Another good point was that hardcore Madden people do not want to change the game at all. Thats a shame..if FIFA or NHL did not change, the games would be very stale. The very hardcore userbase that buys Madden every year w/out fail are many of the same people who have kept the series from progressing IMO.
# 327 Cutler2Hester23 @ 06/29/09 04:37 PM
The links to the vids on the first page are dead. I'm looking through all 40 pages but can't seem to find new links...
# 328 Warren_Peace @ 07/03/09 01:29 AM
So are they going to work a little on the run annimation before release...I'm still not feeling it!!

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