NCAA March Madness 09 News Post

NCAA Basketball 09 has been released, post your impressions here.

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Game: NCAA Basketball 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 29 - View All
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Member Comments
# 321 countryboy @ 11/22/08 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by duke776
I have one question before I buy this game. It probably won't effect my decision a ton(because I already know it's a great game by the demo), but are you able to move a player from one team to another?
# 322 countryboy @ 11/22/08 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by dbrandon
Ok, so where is it? If it works as well as the guy says. I would like to find it.

it think its in the up-tempo play style.
# 323 countryboy @ 11/22/08 09:51 AM
one annoyance I have with gameplay is that there isn't a option to automatically press after a made basket. I like to press and then once the ball is passed mid-court, fall into a zone. But with the game the way it is now, I have to try and quickly change my defense before they inbound the ball so I can set up my press.

If I am missing something, someone please let me know.
# 324 duke776 @ 11/22/08 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by countryboy
Okay, thanks for checking
# 325 sportyguyfl31 @ 11/22/08 02:17 PM
This is a very fine game. I really enjoy NBA Live, and this feels liek a more enhanced version of it, engine wise, but with an accurate collegiate feel.

The floor spacing, which is pretty near perfect in Live, seems even better here, and I didnt thing that was possible.

Playing with my UCONN Huskies vs G-Town..I had a very nice sequence of ball movement, leading to a wing jumper for craig austrie:

Here's a rebound and outlet pass from Thabeet leading to a breakaway dunk:

It's a bit tougher to score inside, which I liked. There are still some animation hitches here and there, sometimes when someone tries to set a pick, they will get stuck in place, or they will be facing backwards.

Stops in play are also a bit disorienting. I have had a handful of occasions where I think I have an "and 1" but it really turns out to be an offensive foul.

The game as a whole looks beautiful. Gampel Pavilion looks great, the crowd atmosphere is good, and the playbook for UCONN, was authentic, especially on defense with a lot of full court and half court man zone traps and presses.

Everything looks beautiful except for the coaches. Jim Calhoun looks NOTHING like him.

All and all, Im pleased...especially since I pawned madden off and was able to get this with no cash out of pocket I have a lot to keep myself occupied with until baseball season.

Its' not perfect, but it is FUN, and keeps my interest.

It's funny, Im a "old man" in gaming years. I dont feel like spending more time with slider fixes and testing then playing the dang thing. All I want these days is a game that reasonably depicts the sport accurately, is fun to play, at the end of the game gives me realistic score totals and stats, and has a difficulty level that will keep me challenged.
# 326 countryboy @ 11/22/08 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by dbrandon
Sorry for being so dumb, are you talking about at the beginning where you have to pick 3 of the 5? One that says "up tempo play style" helps with offensive rebounding. I am really struggling trying to understand where this is and what you guys say I am supposed to be doing?

choose a team that plays an up tempo style and when you are selecting 3 things to focus on, crashing the boards should be one of the things you can choose.
# 327 HustlinOwl @ 11/22/08 04:19 PM
Has anyone seen a jump ball call yeah? I noticed the possession arrow in a stat overlay and realized I have yet to see a jump ball
# 328 HustlinOwl @ 11/22/08 05:32 PM
I really like the ESPN gamecast in dynasty mode, too bad that did not at least give us this option for other team's games in dynasty mode.
# 329 J-Unit40 @ 11/22/08 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by HustlinOwl
Has anyone seen a jump ball call yeah? I noticed the possession arrow in a stat overlay and realized I have yet to see a jump ball
Nope. I was wondering that myself last night. I played 3 games last night (18 minutes halves) and didn't see a single jump ball.
# 330 HustlinOwl @ 11/22/08 06:09 PM
Hopefully next year after the game ends when you are watching it in ESPN gamecast they will give you the option to see play by play and all player stats.
# 331 bears5122 @ 11/23/08 01:26 AM
Been playing for a couple days now. The best word to describe the game is mediocre. Yes it's miles ahead of March Madness, but it still feels like a first release of a game that has been completely re-done. I just feel that this should have been the game that we saw a couple years ago on the 360.

Gameplay wise has it's good and bad. I like the flow at times but get tripped up by the weird and out-of-place animations that sometimes take place. Scoring inside is tougher, but I have found it's really easy to destroy zones. The player rotation doesn't always seem right and it can be exploited.

Dynasty wise is a bit of a disappointment too. Sure it does what it needs to, but there are no extras. The attention to detail is completely missing. I guess it's tough coming over from the 2K series that seemed to focus so heavily on these small things. I also find recruiting to be really easy which is a disappointment.

Overall, I just don't think I'll get deep into this game. Sure I'll play it here and there and maybe even get through a season or two in dynasty. But I won't get completely wrapped up in the game like I did with the 2K series. It just doesn't have enough personality and feels too raw. I'm not disappointed in the game as I was expecting very little, but I am disappointed in EA for letting this series die for so long that they are going to need years to catch up to where they should be.
# 332 countryboy @ 11/23/08 10:28 AM
I absolutely love the trophy room in the dynasty mode. Showing the:

National Player of the Year
Final Four MOP
Defensive Player of the Year
Coach of the Year
Freshman of the Year
NCAA Champs
Conference Winners
NIT Season Tip Off MVP
Maui Iniviational MVP

from last year and all the way back to 1998. Thats sweet.
# 333 oldman @ 11/23/08 10:34 AM
Well, I have missed feelings about this game after spending a few hours playing it. Let me preface what I am going to say with I am coming from 2k, so I am going to be doing a lot of comparisons between the two.

Menus: I haven't completely got the hang of the menus yet, so far, especially the menus in your dynasty, I am not a big fan. They are hard to bring up and the thing I hate the most about them is the fact that if you go into something, lets say Manage Rosters, once you exit it the game takes you all the way back to the Dynasty HQ instead of the menu that you were on.

Dynasty mode: I haven't got to mess around with it a whole lot yet. It will be a lot more fun once you have authentic schedules. It seems to have pretty decent depth which is very important to me. Another thing I like is if your team sucks and you are playing another crappy team, their isn't going to be ESPN at your game! On CH2k8, it didn't matter how bad you were, your game was on TV. It is a nice change of pace.

Gameplay: This has a lot of positives and negatives in my mind. A good word for it would be "clunky". Now I know that word means everything moves awkwardly, and the players do, but at the same time its like you can actually feel the weight of the players moving with every movement. I'm still undecided on this, I never noticed how fluid ALL of the players moved on 2k until this. I don't know which one is more realistic but both have their pluses and minuses.

Shooting: Played Buffalo as Army on All Conference. I shot 55% throwing up crazy shots because I didn't have any idea what I was doing yet. Buffalo shot 72%!!! Now, part of that has to do with the fact that I am terrible at defense right now, but still, 72%! This was with default sliders so needless to say, some adjustments are needed. As far as human shooting goes, I didn't feel like you had a lot of control over the shot. I don't know if release point matters or not but it didn't feel like it. It felt like when you shot the ball, it was either going in or it wasn't regardless of what you did.

Defense: I am very intrigued by the defense. First off, the players move a lot slower than 2k so that makes it a lot harded. Second, since you can't just hold down L2 and expect to stay in front of your man you have to actually figure out what you are doing. I am going to have to spend some more time messing with this but as of right now I am awful at! This though is probably the part of the game I am most excited about.

Pick N Roll: I haven't come anywhere close to mastering or even using this half way decent.

I will continue to add to this post as I play the game more.
# 334 crques @ 11/23/08 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by oldman
Shooting: Played Buffalo as Army on All Conference. I shot 55% throwing up crazy shots because I didn't have any idea what I was doing yet. Buffalo shot 72%!!! Now, part of that has to do with the fact that I am terrible at defense right now, but still, 72%! This was with default sliders so needless to say, some adjustments are needed. As far as human shooting goes, I didn't feel like you had a lot of control over the shot. I don't know if release point matters or not but it didn't feel like it. It felt like when you shot the ball, it was either going in or it wasn't regardless of what you did.
So what level are you playing on?
# 335 countryboy @ 11/23/08 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by crques
So what level are you playing on?
he's playing on All Conference
# 336 CS10029 @ 11/23/08 12:11 PM
Does this game have something similar to 2K? Where you start as a lower level school and work your way up.
# 337 tgray225 @ 11/23/08 12:13 PM
I'm so mad i rented this game!!! Has EA spinkled a few bucks to my trusty friends here @ OS.This freakin game is HORRIBLE! DAM DAM DAM!!!

Freaked up Dynasty
Game play ok at best
Not worth $60 bucks for dam sure!
2k is still the champ for sim junkies!

"Dis some fragileNackle Bull"
# 338 CS10029 @ 11/23/08 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by tgray225
I'm so mad i rented this game!!! Has EA spinkled a few bucks to my trusty friends here @ OS.This freakin game is HORRIBLE! DAM DAM DAM!!!

Freaked up Dynasty
Game play ok at best
Not worth $60 bucks for dam sure!
2k is still the champ for sim junkies!

"Dis some fragileNackle Bull"
You type silly.
# 339 crques @ 11/23/08 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
he's playing on All Conference
Duh....I see that now that I read his post again. I had a ******** moment there. Thanks.
# 340 countryboy @ 11/23/08 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by tgray225
I'm so mad i rented this game!!! Has EA spinkled a few bucks to my trusty friends here @ OS.This freakin game is HORRIBLE! DAM DAM DAM!!!

Freaked up Dynasty
Game play ok at best
Not worth $60 bucks for dam sure!
2k is still the champ for sim junkies!

"Dis some fragileNackle Bull"
yes all of us that are enjoying the game have been paid $500K apiece by EA to say nothing but good things about the game. Hey maybe we lied, but we are now $500K richer.

Just to elaborate a bit, what about the Dynasty makes you call it "freaked up" because I am curious to know. Plus I am intrigued to see what other cool catchphrases you come up with.

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