NCAA March Madness 09 News Post
NCAA Basketball 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 483
HustlinOwl @ 12/04/08 10:11 PM
# 484
HustlinOwl @ 12/04/08 10:31 PM
Duke, North Carolina, Kansas and Louisville all got Number 1 seeds and all advanced.
I can't remember if that was pre-patch or post man. That would be totally awesome if the patch fixed it though. Maybe someday a 16 will beat a 1 seed, but we have been saying that for a long time now and it hasn't happened.
Picked up this game tonight. I wasn't planning on buying it, since I still like CH2K8, but I am getting a little tired of the same old engine. I just needed a change.
I'm glad I got the game. I played one full game and had a lot of fun on All conference default. What I really liked about the game was the spacing. That has always been my problem with CH2k8. The defense seems to always close in too quickly most of the time. I also enjoyed the transition game. The game definitely has a different feel to it than CH2k8 which is nice right now.
While the game is not perfect, I haven't had this much fun with a basketball game in some time. Maybe its just fresh to me, and I'll start seeing the warts soon however.
My one big gripe so far is that I can't tell who the CPU guys are unless I memorize numbers, and then it depends on whether I can read them or figure out who they are based on how they look. I just don't understand how you can leave out the names or positions under the CPU players. This goes beyond aesthetics really.
All and all EA is starting to make some good basketball games again. Kind of makes me want to buy NBA Live 09 now.
I'm looking forward to starting a season.
I'm glad I got the game. I played one full game and had a lot of fun on All conference default. What I really liked about the game was the spacing. That has always been my problem with CH2k8. The defense seems to always close in too quickly most of the time. I also enjoyed the transition game. The game definitely has a different feel to it than CH2k8 which is nice right now.
While the game is not perfect, I haven't had this much fun with a basketball game in some time. Maybe its just fresh to me, and I'll start seeing the warts soon however.
My one big gripe so far is that I can't tell who the CPU guys are unless I memorize numbers, and then it depends on whether I can read them or figure out who they are based on how they look. I just don't understand how you can leave out the names or positions under the CPU players. This goes beyond aesthetics really.
All and all EA is starting to make some good basketball games again. Kind of makes me want to buy NBA Live 09 now.
I'm looking forward to starting a season.
Sorry not everyone loves this game.
I think everyone starts playing this game with a subjective and predecided opinion of EA. If you really just play this game with an open mind it is great. To me, it is much more fluid and realistic than 2k8. Yes, the dynasty needs to be deeper, but I can deal with it for now. The gameplay is what matters most in a game and EA did a good job of recreating the real life counterpart. If you pop in 2k8 after playing this for awhile, you will notice that the 2k8 game just seems to be a last gen game.
For me, as long as you can play your schedule, recruit, and have end of season awards that's pretty much all I require. Does NCAA '09 at least capture those 3 aspects pretty decently? What do guys mean by 'lack of depth in dynasty mode?'
# 493
countryboy @ 12/07/08 09:40 AM
Dynasty mode isn't as shallow as people are making it out to be.No, its not as deep yet as 2k8, but it is very solid. My biggest gripes with dynasty mode is how difficult it is to navigate through some of the menus and how they don't have all the in-season tournaments yet. Thats about it.
I proceeded to tell her she just had just peed herself because it happens to alot of pregnant women (and it was like 2 weeks before her due date).
I just wanted to get back to my sports video game. Needless to say, it didn't go over too well, I was threatened with bodily harm, and her water did indeed break

Yo arichzona. Go to EA Basketball sliders and check the thread labeled Jason2112 sliders. I promise you man at first, I was a little bummed about this game, but after my slider adjustment and bustin' my chops getting to know the game, it is definitively better than 2k8 as far as gameplay. Dynasty options need a little more depth, but to recreate real life stats in a simulation on the court......this is the game for you!
That was a good honest and fair "initial impression" arichzona. I agree with some of the things you said...I bolded what I disagree on.
-As for the charging, there is an abundance of charging calls, but this has alot to do with learning the game (controls) and getting the 2k way of thinking out of your head. We are all so used to just backing down our man in the post until the CPU will not just let us back down anymore. Hell, at first, I kept backing down with the LT while pushing the L-stick towards the basket wondering why I always had a guy come and try to set a pick! It took me a while to get used to using the R-stick for all my post moves. You have to control your agression when it comes to backing someone down in the post. Sliders also help with this. Max out the Charge/Blocking foul frequency slider and you will not get as many charging calls (you will get more blocking calls). The only real problem I am having is when I am called for a charge when my guy collides with the defender IN THE AIR. I don't see why I am being called for a charge when both of us are in the air.
-The pump fakes.....again, as you said this has everything to do with getting used to the controls of the game. I never have this problem.
-The Crossover dribble is where I totally disagree, but everyone has their own preferences when it comes to this. I love the quickstrike control much better than the isomotion. It just flows much smoother to me. It does take some time to get used to after using isomotion for years....but I have always HATED isomotion (it was just too complicated for my simple mind).
I really think that this is NOT a game that will WOW anybody...nobody is going to get blown away after their first COUPLE of games (especially against the CPU). This, I think, is a game that takes time to get used to. Once you master Dynamic Post Control, once you get used to the shooting motion, and the play-calling system (which is great btw), it is a really fine game. This is a game that will have to grow on you, so for some , that means that it requires more patience than what we are used to (from 2k). Me personally, I am having a blast with this game (but it should be said that I just love college basketball period)....
I agree with you that the potential is there and that is what has alot of people excited about this game. Sometimes we see potential because a game has all the little extras (like CH did) and if they could just tweak this or that with the gameplay, it would be a great game. Well, with NCAA 09, its almost the opposite. The core gameplay is really good, but we are missing all if the little extras.....which seems like an easy fix for next year.....or atleast you would think so
With the crossover moves in this game you need to have a lot more space than in 2K. You can't bust out an isomotion move when the defender is all up your grill which I like. No one IRL does a cross over when the guy is right up on you. Jab step or do the explosion move out of the triple threat and you'll be fine.
# 499
Behindshadows @ 12/10/08 01:50 AM
Good post!!!
One thing I can't stand about the tempo thing, is that the announcers talk about it too damn much!!!
I mean how many times can you speak of the damn tempo! We get it! It's in the
But as far as the tempo itself, great feature! It really does balance out and shows different team style and playsets I love that about this game. Gameplay is balanced, Up-Tempo, Slowed etc. And you can see it while playing it. CPU makes great choices, instead of SUPER PG and unstoppable Centers. They actually move the ball around and run plays to get open looks.
I love the game just for that alone!
One thing I can't stand about the tempo thing, is that the announcers talk about it too damn much!!!
I mean how many times can you speak of the damn tempo! We get it! It's in the
But as far as the tempo itself, great feature! It really does balance out and shows different team style and playsets I love that about this game. Gameplay is balanced, Up-Tempo, Slowed etc. And you can see it while playing it. CPU makes great choices, instead of SUPER PG and unstoppable Centers. They actually move the ball around and run plays to get open looks.
I love the game just for that alone!
Off-ball movement is what sets this game apart from any other I've played. In college basketball off-ball movement is critical, but no so much in the NBA because it's more spread out because of the influence of the deep 3 point arc and skillful guard play. This game really looks and feels like a true presentation of the college game and it gets the pace right. I do agree that the announcing is horrible and not because of my disregard for Neslar or Vitale, but the fact that ALL THEY WANT TO TALK ABOUT IS THE TEMPO! I've always felt like the commentators were ACTING when they recorded their lines on video games, and I just want them to BE THEMSELVES! I think they read the lines or something and it comes off as BAD ACTING. This game is definitely rocking right now though. I am having soooo much fun with my dynasty. I've been blogging about every game if anyone wants to check out my season. I've had crazy real results too.
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