NCAA March Madness 09 News Post

NCAA Basketball 09 has been released, post your impressions here.

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Game: NCAA Basketball 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 29 - View All
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Member Comments
# 381 green94 @ 11/24/08 01:17 PM
Quick question to anyone with the game:

I know they mentioned that starting with smaller schools you'll see a lot more empty seats until you start building your program up.

Is this the case? Is dynamic attendance included? And if so, is the crowd noise any different from a smaller gym to say somewhere like the Carrier Dome? Thanks in advance.
# 382 K_rob11 @ 11/24/08 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by skinfan31
This really was a great post. I've pretty much been against EA basketball titles the last couple of years. So when it was announced that CHOOPs wouldn't be back, of course you can imagine my disappointment. I decided to give the demo a try and to my surprise I found it to be a really good experience. It sounds like we both look for the same things in basketball games and your write up not only re-affirmed what I found playing the demo, but answered some questions that I had as well.

Some other likes/dislikes I forgot to mention in that post......

- Playcalling! The playcalling system in NCAA 09 is great! It took me awhile to figure it out (never really figured it out in the demo) but now that I have, it is awsome. The variation you get off of each play is nice! Plus the ease and smoothness of the whole system is really good is very welcome.....its alot easier on the eyes than having the play diagram art show up all over the court while you are playing. This system makes it easier to remember who goes where on plays and what to look for...i should know all my teams plays by heart before the end of my first season!

-Passing Lanes. I like the fact that you can't just carelessly pass the ball. You must create a passing lane or the CPU will get a steal. I preach this to my team all the time and its just nice to see in a video game. I was able to skip pass at will in CH 2k8...not the case here.

- Is he tired? It took me a while to figure out that the green bar under each player is the fatigue. Glad its there, because you can't view your player's fatigue anywhere else unless you pause the game and go to the substitution screen....this is very annoying to me. On a positive side, it doesn't take forever for a player to regain his energy as it seemed it did in CH. Its easier to get a "quick" breather in this game.

- Defense - not much has been said about the defense. I am still trying to get used to it, but so far its a mixed bag for me. After getting over the initial awe of the CPU offensive ball movement, I began to realize my players would be out of position more than I would like them to be when I am playing zone. It seems that I am always having to control the next guy over from the ball (rather than play on ball) to keep him from trapping. I can't seem to figure out a way to make my players NOT trap in the corners or on the wing....or even at top at times when I am running a 2-3. I just want my guys to stay put and rotate correctly. But like I said, I am still trying to figure stuff out here.

Offensive Rebounds - still don't see enough. I have OFFENSIVE rebounding slider maxed out at 100 while Def rebounds at 10 for both the USER and CPU. Not really a game killer though.

This is not really an issue to me, but it's worth mentioning (again) that the player editing stinks. I'm glad I ran into this site a few years ago and I will take full advantage of the hard work (and trust me, it will be hard work) of these roster editing masters here at OS. I edited one team (Jacksonville Dolphins) and it took waaaay too long. I'm glad for the roster sharing and such dedicated people on this board.

Graphics - just wanted to say again how great this game looks. Love seeing the sweat fall off the players...the skin textures are almost perfect. The arenas look great! Even though Jacksonville Memorial Areana is a crappy GENERIC . I wish they had a stadium editor...or atleast give us the option to choose between different types of generic areans. Jacksonville's arena looks like a High School gym.

I really thought 2k had superior graphics, but now I see what people are talking about when they say 2k looks a bit cartoony. Good call Behindshadows on this one.

Ball/Rim Physics -

I still love this game though. The more I play, the more I get used to the feel of it, the more I enjoy it.
# 383 Da_Czar @ 11/24/08 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by green94
Quick question to anyone with the game:

I know they mentioned that starting with smaller schools you'll see a lot more empty seats until you start building your program up.

Is this the case? Is dynamic attendance included? And if so, is the crowd noise any different from a smaller gym to say somewhere like the Carrier Dome? Thanks in advance.
dynamic attendance is in the game . i've played at ASU and had empty seats so its not just the small schools. Can't answer about the crowd though as I wasn't focusing on that so I have no idea.
# 384 CS10029 @ 11/25/08 12:24 AM
Actually picked this up today. Played one game and was not feeling to confident in the game. Gonna play a few more games then it might be ebay time.

Also, what camera are you guys playing on? I hate all of them a lot...
# 385 Behindshadows @ 11/25/08 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by CS10029
Actually picked this up today. Played one game and was not feeling to confident in the game. Gonna play a few more games then it might be ebay time.

Also, what camera are you guys playing on? I hate all of them a lot...
CLASSIC and Just adjust the zoom for your preference!
# 386 Behindshadows @ 11/25/08 03:34 AM
Originally Posted by jtdribbles25
I was with you all the way up to this point. unless your talking ch2k8.... cuz 2k9 is all over this, matter of fact live is even over this. the graphics are good, but not nearly as polished and detailed as either above mentioned. solid, solid game though.
He is comparing it College game vs College Game....don't bring the NBA in the equation it doesn't count. Considering the NBA games have player licenses and are suppose to make every player look like the real people.

Not to mention the college games are all generic models to mimic real players but not close enough for a lawsuit.

Don't find fault in what he is saying because he's right. NCAA 09 graphics are killing 2k8's! Hell you want to get technical. March Madness 08's detail was better than 2k8!

I know everytime you boot it up JT you be like lol
# 387 michigan21 @ 11/25/08 08:46 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
He is comparing it College game vs College Game....don't bring the NBA in the equation it doesn't count. Considering the NBA games have player licenses and are suppose to make every player look like the real people.

Not to mention the college games are all generic models to mimic real players but not close enough for a lawsuit.

Don't find fault in what he is saying because he's right. NCAA 09 graphics are killing 2k8's! Hell you want to get technical. March Madness 08's detail was better than 2k8!

I know everytime you boot it up JT you be like lol
While the graphics may be better, the movement of players in EA's b-ball games are horrendous. Not natural at all.
# 388 crques @ 11/25/08 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by michigan21
While the graphics may be better, the movement of players in EA's b-ball games are horrendous. Not natural at all.
The jumpshots all look generic and unnatural and take some getting used to.
# 389 countryboy @ 11/25/08 09:06 AM
Originally Posted by michigan21
While the graphics may be better, the movement of players in EA's b-ball games are horrendous. Not natural at all.
they are a lot better than they used to be. Again, I can't make comparisons to the other game as I've never played it, but judging from last year to this year, they are a big improvement.

With that said, they still need work, especially some of the animations.(jumpshots, funky shooting animations when shot has been altered..etc..)
# 390 K_rob11 @ 11/25/08 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by jtdribbles25
I was with you all the way up to this point. unless your talking ch2k8.... cuz 2k9 is all over this, matter of fact live is even over this. the graphics are good, but not nearly as polished and detailed as either above mentioned. solid, solid game though.
Yeah, I was talking CH 2k8. I think NBA 2k9 looks fantastic! I was strictly comparing the college games.....but as BS said, the NBA games have an unfair advantage because of the licenses. But NCAA 09 generics look better than CH's generics...the authentic courts look alot better than CH's courts, and its not even close.

Now the animations and transition between animations in NCAA 09 ....thats another story. 2k is still the king when it comes to that. I really wish the Ball/rim physics were better in NCAA....it seems I rarely get anything more than a swish or a brick.
# 391 ehh @ 11/25/08 09:48 AM
I don't think I'm going to be able to wait til Dec 4th to start a dynasty. If I start one tonight I'll probably be finished with my first season by Dec 4th!

Fake schedule, here we come.
# 392 countryboy @ 11/25/08 09:53 AM
Originally Posted by ehh
I don't think I'm going to be able to wait til Dec 4th to start a dynasty. If I start one tonight I'll probably be finished with my first season by Dec 4th!

Fake schedule, here we come.
thats what I did. I mean, after the first season its all generic anyways. Plus due to the omission of many in season tournaments and smaller schools omitted, authentic schedules aren't so authentic anymore.

I was able to get UofL's non-conference schedule close to the real thing. I am playing @WKU, @Minnesota, and @Ole Miss since they were all neutral site games and Ricky P decided we needed the Duke treatment where its either home or neutral site until January.

The conference schedule is correct in that you play 3 teams twice in the Big East. I am playing Marquette, Seton Hall and Rutgers twice this year.

The only problem I have is that its impossible to get smaller schools to play you when you're a top dog team. So my advice would be leave the 2 or 3 cupcakes on your schedule that it automatically gives you and schedule around them. Because its difficult to get one back on your schedule.
# 393 PhantomPain @ 11/25/08 10:28 AM
Do certain conferences, like the SEC, have more than one division? Like East and West?
# 394 GSW @ 11/25/08 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
She's hot and blonde....does it really matter what's shes talking about..

Actually they did, it pops up at the bottom of the screen sometimes...its random.
damn shes bad.

not super bad...

but shes bad.
# 395 Stumbleweed @ 11/25/08 11:30 AM
Heh, her commentary is pretty rough... she puts emphasis on the wrong words and it cracks me up... like she doesn't read the commas correctly or something hah.

Just picked this up for $26.54 via GameFly. They're having a $10 off thing until December 1st -- combined that with my $5 coupon and the normal member discount and got myself a cheap-*** game that I really enjoy. I'm not in to college basketball enough to worry about the scheduling and the deeper parts of dynasty, so this is right up my alley. Just having a great time playing it.
# 396 green94 @ 11/25/08 01:18 PM
Can someone comment on the CPU's propensity to turn the ball over when you play a 2-3 zone. I've played the demo way too many times, and it seems this is an issue.

I saw the other thread and posted in there, but got no response.
# 397 countryboy @ 11/25/08 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by green94
Can someone comment on the CPU's propensity to turn the ball over when you play a 2-3 zone. I've played the demo way too many times, and it seems this is an issue.

I saw the other thread and posted in there, but got no response.
I don't see it. The most turnover's I've created in a game was vs South Alabama I forced them into 25 turnovers. Since then I've played Creighton(17 turnovers) and UNLV(11 turnovers)

Now granted, I don't play zone the entire game, but I press and trap after made baskets and play zone after each made basket, well at least attempt to. I play 2-3 trap, 3-2, and 1-3-1. Something that maybe I'm doing that others don't is that I switch to the player guarding the ball and I switch while the ball is being passed. Maybe its the cpu controlled players jumping the passing lanes, I don't know, but I have yet to see the outlandish turnover issue vs zone that people have experienced.
# 398 Pared @ 11/25/08 04:01 PM
I just can't get into this game. Doesn't have the same "wow" factor I had with NBA Live. I like the more realistic shooting %'s and such though. That really kills Live for me.

If you compare this to the previous March Madness, I think you come away impressed.

If you compare it to what it should be for college basketball, I don't feel it's solid enough. There aren't enough team specific nuances for me and that's what makes college basketball so great.
# 399 MBMavs20 @ 11/25/08 05:29 PM
Pared, I have never played CH 2K8. Do the teams have their own personality? This was always the problem with Madden, and still is.

I was probably going to pick up both NCAA 2009 and CH 2K8. Why not have 2 college games to play. Should tie my over until MLB 09 in March.
# 400 ehh @ 11/25/08 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by MBMavs20
Pared, I have never played CH 2K8. Do the teams have their own personality? This was always the problem with Madden, and still is.

I was probably going to pick up both NCAA 2009 and CH 2K8. Why not have 2 college games to play. Should tie my over until MLB 09 in March.
Not really, there are no team sliders like in NBA2K8. You can use individual player edits (each player has a tendency rating for close shots, mid-range shots, 3PT and driving to the hoop) so you can get individual players to play pretty well. You can find awesome 07-08 rosters on here and 08-09 ones are in the works.

As far as whole teams though in terms of tempo, it's pretty much all the same. Playing Princeton won't feel different from playing UConn in terms of that, which is nice that NCAA 09 does this aspect very well. So it's kinda a trade off between the two games, in 2K8 you'll see Michael Beasley or OJ Mayo shooting 20+ shots every game. In NCAA 09, you'll see Wisconsin slowing things down all game and UNC pushing the ball like crazy.

I would definitely get 2K8 though, esp since it's so cheap these days, it is the best next-gen sports game out there and if you are new to it you will absolutely love it, I bet a 90% of the time you'll play 2K8 over 09. I'm really enjoying 09 so far but I'm sure I will still play my fair share of 2K8 this winter as well.

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