NCAA March Madness 09 News Post

NCAA Basketball 09 has been released, post your impressions here.

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Game: NCAA Basketball 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 29 - View All
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Member Comments
# 261 fishepa @ 11/20/08 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by dbrandon
You guys having any luck with offensive rebounds, I get about 1 per game and the cpu maybe 2.


Just had a great double overtime game. Butler VS Indiana I was IU and number 51 nailed a 3 pointer with 2 seconds left to win 76-74
I've never gotten more than 2 per game, and I have defensive rebound sliders set at zero and offensive rebounds set full.

I don't think it can be fixed.
# 262 Chappy @ 11/20/08 08:24 PM
Tried that..

Still avg only 3 a game
# 263 ehh @ 11/20/08 09:32 PM
Have you adjusting your shooting sliders? If you haven't and both teams are still shooting 65% you're obv gonna have a lot less offensive boards. I've got the shooting sliders very low and both teams are in the 40% area most games so that leads to more rebounds.
# 264 countryboy @ 11/20/08 09:35 PM
the more I play this game, the more I enjoy and appreciate it. Damn its good.
# 265 Flightwhite24 @ 11/20/08 09:48 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
the more I play this game, the more I enjoy and appreciate it. Damn its good.
Man CB I want to go over to WalMart right now and pick this up. Just scared I am going to be unhappy with it. Gonna wait probably for a few more impressions, I am not so much looking for fun as much as I am looking for a sim game of B-ball. I love my sports games to be more sim than more arcade. Am happy that a lot are enjoying. Peace!!!!
# 266 Da_Czar @ 11/20/08 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Man CB I want to go over to WalMart right now and pick this up. Just scared I am going to be unhappy with it. Gonna wait probably for a few more impressions, I am not so much looking for fun as much as I am looking for a sim game of B-ball. I love my sports games to be more sim than more arcade. Am happy that a lot are enjoying. Peace!!!!
JSKY what sim elements are you looking for ? like sim stats or what specifically gameplay wise are you hoping to get out of this title.
# 267 countryboy @ 11/20/08 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Man CB I want to go over to WalMart right now and pick this up. Just scared I am going to be unhappy with it. Gonna wait probably for a few more impressions, I am not so much looking for fun as much as I am looking for a sim game of B-ball. I love my sports games to be more sim than more arcade. Am happy that a lot are enjoying. Peace!!!!
I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to sim and this game does a tremendous job of capturing the game of college basketball imo. CPU running plays, mixing up defenses, mixing up offenses, calling timeouts to stop runs, seemingly giving the ball to the guy with the hot hand, etc...

Is there something specific you're looking for?
# 268 catfish9-5 @ 11/20/08 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
the more I play this game, the more I enjoy and appreciate it. Damn its good.
I have not picked up game yet, still a little skeptical. There are only a few guys in these forums that I trust with "rating or reviewing a game", if you will, and cb is one. I'm starting to lean towards getting game tomorrow.

Anyway cb, I want Pitino back! I was at UK during his regime and it's just not the same.
# 269 Flightwhite24 @ 11/20/08 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to sim and this game does a tremendous job of capturing the game of college basketball imo. CPU running plays, mixing up defenses, mixing up offenses, calling timeouts to stop runs, seemingly giving the ball to the guy with the hot hand, etc...

Is there something specific you're looking for?
Nothing in particular, I just didn't want to play a game where everyone plays the same, Centers bringing the ball up court w/sick crossover moves, or just straight run n gun. I wanted teams to play to their true to life counterparts. For the most part it seems to capture that from what I am hearing and B-ball is in my blood more so than Football. Been playing the game for over 30 years. I wanna play against Princeton and be backdoored to death and a serious halfcourt offense, then take on Memphis and get ran out the gym. These are the things I am looking for before I make my purchase. I know in CH2K8 you could get the players to pretty much look similar to themselves and is this possible in this game? Are the rosters gonna be all jacked up and no way to fix it? Peace!!!!
# 270 crques @ 11/20/08 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Man CB I want to go over to WalMart right now and pick this up. Just scared I am going to be unhappy with it. Gonna wait probably for a few more impressions, I am not so much looking for fun as much as I am looking for a sim game of B-ball. I love my sports games to be more sim than more arcade. Am happy that a lot are enjoying. Peace!!!!
I'm with you on this one. I've put off buying the game for a few days now and I keep telling myself that I'll get it this weekend but something's holding me back. I had planned on picking it up after work tomorrow but now I'm getting cold feet about it all of the sudden. With Christmas coming up, I really hate to go out and spend $60+ on something that I'm so unsure about.

Aside from March Madness the past 2 years, I've picked up every single college basketball and football game on it's release day for the past 8 years. This one feels different though and I don't know why. I'm seeing all these encouraging impressions, mixed in with a few bad ones here and there but I just haven't been able to pull the trigger yet. Can someone give me some information on dynasty and recruiting, such as how realistic is the recruiting as far as 5-star guys going where they should be going and so forth, sim statistics, in season tournaments, and the rankings and tournament seedings. The videos I saw of the rankings and RPI looked pretty bad. How does it actually play out after a season? Any input would be great. Thanks.
# 271 catfish9-5 @ 11/20/08 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by crques
I'm with you on this one. I've put off buying the game for a few days now and I keep telling myself that I'll get it this weekend but something's holding me back. I had planned on picking it up after work tomorrow but now I'm getting cold feet about it all of the sudden. With Christmas coming up, I really hate to go out and spend $60+ on something that I'm so unsure about.

Aside from March Madness the past 2 years, I've picked up every single college basketball and football game on it's release day for the past 8 years. This one feels different though and I don't know why. I'm seeing all these encouraging impressions, mixed in with a few bad ones here and there but I just haven't been able to pull the trigger yet. Can someone give me some information on dynasty and recruiting, such as how realistic is the recruiting as far as 5-star guys going where they should be going and so forth, sim statistics, in season tournaments, and the rankings and tournament seedings. The videos I saw of the rankings and RPI looked pretty bad. How does it actually play out after a season? Any input would be great. Thanks.
I'm in the same boat crques. Something is holding me back. But like I said in an earlier post. The few guys that I trust in their views are having good things to say about this game. So I'm starting to break the grasp of the hold.
# 272 countryboy @ 11/20/08 11:02 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Nothing in particular, I just didn't want to play a game where everyone plays the same, Centers bringing the ball up court w/sick crossover moves, or just straight run n gun. I wanted teams to play to their true to life counterparts. For the most part it seems to capture that from what I am hearing and B-ball is in my blood more so than Football. Been playing the game for over 30 years. I wanna play against Princeton and be backdoored to death and a serious halfcourt offense, then take on Memphis and get ran out the gym. These are the things I am looking for before I make my purchase. I know in CH2K8 you could get the players to pretty much look similar to themselves and is this possible in this game? Are the rosters gonna be all jacked up and no way to fix it? Peace!!!!
they did an excellent job with the tempo meter. I'll be honest, I thought it was going to be a lame, overblown feature much like the momentum meter in the old NCAA football games. Much to my surprise, the tempo not only works well, but makes a huge difference in the course of the game when you have two teams that play oppoosite tempos.

I haven't had the joy of playing Princeton yet to see if they do the back door screen plays. But from having played teams that run a halfcourt offense, I can tell you that they are a pain to deal with because its hard to force them into an up tempo game, as it should be. They will not run unless they have a clear jailbreak fastbreak.

Big guys can bring the ball up the floor, although they are prone to being pick-pocketed by guards or quick hands players. Yes, they can still make the crossover moves and such without much penalty, but honestly, the quick strike and ball handling moves are really toned down, so you can really exploit having a big man bring the ball up the court. No its not really sim, but its not something you can cheese your way through a game with either, so I can deal with it.

Getting players to look like their real life counterparts is damn near impossible with the limited resources you are given with this game and that pisses me off to no end. I don't really care about all the players, but I want my Cards and a few select other players to look like themselves. Probably my biggest beef with this game is the player editor feature. Its so limited that its almost useless. As far as ratings and such, you can adjust the ratings of any player and set the value to anything you choose. Also, the rosters, outside the classc teams, are pretty much accurate. I've come across a few that were a little odd, but nothing too major.

My thing is this, if you are a true fan of college basketball, then you owe to yourself to at least try this game out. With that said, I'll say this, if you're going in expecting this game to be as deep and "complete" as 2k, then you're going to be disappointed. This game isn't barebones by any stretch of the imagination, but its not as robust as 2k either. Its a solid title that given the correct TLC over the next development cycle, could be something special.
# 273 Hurricain @ 11/20/08 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by crques
I'm with you on this one. I've put off buying the game for a few days now and I keep telling myself that I'll get it this weekend but something's holding me back. I had planned on picking it up after work tomorrow but now I'm getting cold feet about it all of the sudden. With Christmas coming up, I really hate to go out and spend $60+ on something that I'm so unsure about.

Aside from March Madness the past 2 years, I've picked up every single college basketball and football game on it's release day for the past 8 years. This one feels different though and I don't know why. I'm seeing all these encouraging impressions, mixed in with a few bad ones here and there but I just haven't been able to pull the trigger yet. Can someone give me some information on dynasty and recruiting, such as how realistic is the recruiting as far as 5-star guys going where they should be going and so forth, sim statistics, in season tournaments, and the rankings and tournament seedings. The videos I saw of the rankings and RPI looked pretty bad. How does it actually play out after a season? Any input would be great. Thanks.

I would like to know this as well. Also, how is player progression and the ratings of freshmen. How difficult is it to recruit?

Right now, I started up 2k8 with updated rosters and I still think it is a great game. If Ncaa 09 is better then it might be something to consider. The above is very important to me though.
# 274 jfsolo @ 11/20/08 11:14 PM
Like others in this thread I'm resisting the urge to rush out and get this game until more impressions drop. I feel like a lot of basketball heads here, who in the past would have been more forthcoming with the problems of the game, seem to be treating the EA b-ball games with kid gloves. This makes it difficult to get a solid read on this game.
# 275 VTPack919 @ 11/21/08 12:26 AM
I swear the more you play, the better this game gets. I just lost in a blowout as Winthrop and it was one of the most satisfying feelings I ever got from playing a video game. Even while I was getting blown out I just couldn't stop thinking how fun it was.
# 276 baseballfaannatic @ 11/21/08 07:59 AM
I love this game, once I get the sliders adjusted a little more and get the named rosters it will play even better.
# 277 crques @ 11/21/08 09:04 AM
No one is mentioning this but it's something that really bothered me in the demo. Are all made jumpshots nothing but net? In the demo I never saw a made jumpshot go in with any variety. They were all swished. Is this something that has changed on the retail version. The demo reminded me of Doube Dribble when it came to making jumpshots and how they all were swished.
# 278 GO IRISH @ 11/21/08 09:13 AM
Sorry to bug guys but I would like to see if someone can help me here picked this game up yesterday started a dynasty and when i am recruiting it lets me offer a scholorship to some players but some other players i want to offer it is grayed out but i am high on there list and help here would be great thanks
# 279 scdb12 @ 11/21/08 09:27 AM
go irish you only have a certain amount of scholarships so when they are grayed out it is because you dont have anymore scholarships to give out.
# 280 GO IRISH @ 11/21/08 09:32 AM
thats what i thought at first i have offered 3 players and it shows i have 5 scholorships so to me it shows i have 2 more to hand out

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