NCAA March Madness 09 News Post

NCAA Basketball 09 has been released, post your impressions here.

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Game: NCAA Basketball 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 29 - View All
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Member Comments
# 301 K_rob11 @ 11/21/08 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by crques
Well those aren't encouraging things that you've mentioned and really have me on the fence about picking this game up now. Since I'm a sim guy, those are definite areas of concern for me. I'm assuming there are no sliders to adjust shot tendencies or minutes played? Do you think editing individual player fatigue would help the minutes and points per game for some of the star players? The rankings have been a concern of mine since I watched the dynasty video a few weeks ago. How are the NCAA Tournament brackets? Do they seem reasonable and fair? Also, what in season tournaments are on the game? I read somewhere a while back that there were only 4 or 5.

Same here. I think the main thing holding me back is the dynasty mode (which is pretty much all I would be playing). It seems the top 25 rankings have no rhyme or reason from everything I have seen and read so far. I don't want a game with a messed up ranking system. I don't know, i am just so torn on whether to get this game or not.

I am waiting to here more about recruiting really. I am hoping its like NCAA football 09. ....if it is, and if its not too easy to recruit 4 and 5 star recruits with a small school, i think that will push me to go out and buy this game. I really enjoyed the challenge CH 2k8 gave me in recruiting....i just hated seeing so many 7'2" players coming in.....
# 302 Behindshadows @ 11/21/08 02:38 PM
OMG!!! This on the fence thing is getting old! If your not going to get the game then don't. But to keep waiting to hear others opinions on Recruiting and all that crap come on Crques...go rent it and get it over with. Same with you K_Rob...

you guys have more post about I would but, I would but!!! Than I've ever seen...lol

Go rent the damn thing or just go buy it! It's the only NCAA Basketball out period with everything current. And it's not a bad game in no way!

Go rent and use your own judgment don't let online opinions be your swaying. Live 09 was good and so is this it's more polished without a patch!!!
# 303 crques @ 11/21/08 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
OMG!!! This on the fence thing is getting old! If your not going to get the game then don't. But to keep waiting to hear others opinions on Recruiting and all that crap come on Crques...go rent it and get it over with. Same with you K_Rob...

you guys have more post about I would but, I would but!!! Than I've ever seen...lol

Go rent the damn thing or just go buy it! It's the only NCAA Basketball out period with everything current. And it's not a bad game in no way!

Go rent and use your own judgment don't let online opinions be your swaying. Live 09 was good and so is this it's more polished without a patch!!!

A) Unfortunately the 2 blockbusters within 20 miles of my house do not have the game yet, therefore I cannot rent it.

B) I'm curious about recruiting because I spend a majority of my time simming and recruiting. I do play games during the season, but I normally don't play all of them. I liked the gameplay of the demo but for me there are far more things that make a sports game worthy of a purchase, and dynasty mode is one of those.

C) I'm sure that money isn't an issue for some guys on here, but shelling out $65 for something that I'm unsure about isn't something I like to do, especially considering that you only get about 2/3 of that back if you try to sell it after you buy it. By no means am I poor or anything like that, but I try to spend my money wisely especially when Christmas is a month away and I have a family that would enjoy some nice gifts from Santa. LOL

D) There are several guys on here whose opinion I trust and value so asking questions about certain aspects of a game when deciding to buy it isn't any different than researching a product and reading customer reviews on any other website, which most good consumers do.

E) I know that you are strictly "EA Basketball" all the way and that's fine. We all are entitled to our opinions and I'm sure the game is decent from the impressions I've seen, but unsure if it has enough good qualities and features to warrant a purchase from me. I've been burned too many times in the past by this company just to run out and throw away money on a college b-ball game just because it's the only one available this season and they advertise "if it's in the game, it's in the game." I'm sure we all can attest that their motto is nowhere near being accurate and their games have become quite glitchy and careless as of late.

Anyway with all that being said, I probably will pick the game up tonight and form my own opinions because I'm bored with my current games and anxious for some college basketball. Hopefully the wife will understand and not question why I can't wait another month and get it for Christmas.
# 304 K_rob11 @ 11/21/08 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by Behindshadows
OMG!!! This on the fence thing is getting old! If your not going to get the game then don't. But to keep waiting to hear others opinions on Recruiting and all that crap come on Crques...go rent it and get it over with. Same with you K_Rob...

you guys have more post about I would but, I would but!!! Than I've ever seen...lol

Go rent the damn thing or just go buy it! It's the only NCAA Basketball out period with everything current. And it's not a bad game in no way!

Go rent and use your own judgment don't let online opinions be your swaying. Live 09 was good and so is this it's more polished without a patch!!!
lol....i'd rent, but there's no blockbuster close to where i live and i am waaaay too lazy to go to the nearest one. Not worth the trip.

I rather just keep posting about how much i am on the fence!

lol nah...i just watched ur vid (in ur arena) and i think i will end up getting it. But for me, I only have time to play one game (or I should say, I would like to get fully immersed in only one game since my life restricts my gaming time)...because of this, my gaming library consists of APF 2k8 (keeper forever), Madden 09, NBA 2k9, and CH 2k8....thats it. ....I am seriously on a tight budget (wife and I are saving up for the holidays...), sooooo if i do get it, I would probably have to trade in madden 09 & NBA 2k9.... not sure my wife would appreciate me spending $60 on another game (yeah, i know, i am whoooped!)....

Normally, around this time I am just playing CH. This is the most games I have ever had in my gaming library at once! I just want to make sure it is worth trading in Madden 09 (which i hardly play anymore since it is starting to bore me to death) and NBA 2k9 (which i do still play, but not nearly as interesed in playing as much as I used to because college basketball season has started). I guess i don't mind owning just APF and NCAA 09.

But yeah...you're right...i don't think i have ever posted this much in a forum for a game that i didn't own. lol. I'll stop now and just read....the next time i post in here will be when i give my impressions of the game.
# 305 K_rob11 @ 11/21/08 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by crques
A) Unfortunately the 2 blockbusters within 20 miles of my house do not have the game yet, therefore I cannot rent it.

B) I'm curious about recruiting because I spend a majority of my time simming and recruiting. I do play games during the season, but I normally don't play all of them. I liked the gameplay of the demo but for me there are far more things that make a sports game worthy of a purchase, and dynasty mode is one of those.

C) I'm sure that money isn't an issue for some guys on here, but shelling out $65 for something that I'm unsure about isn't something I like to do, especially considering that you only get about 2/3 of that back if you try to sell it after you buy it. By no means am I poor or anything like that, but I try to spend my money wisely especially when Christmas is a month away and I have a family that would enjoy some nice gifts from Santa. LOL

D) There are several guys on here whose opinion I trust and value so asking questions about certain aspects of a game when deciding to buy it isn't any different than researching a product and reading customer reviews on any other website, which most good consumers do.

E) I know that you are strictly "EA Basketball" all the way and that's fine. We all are entitled to our opinions and I'm sure the game is decent from the impressions I've seen, but unsure if it has enough good qualities and features to warrant a purchase from me. I've been burned too many times in the past by this company just to run out and throw away money on a college b-ball game just because it's the only one available this season and they advertise "if it's in the game, it's in the game." I'm sure we all can attest that their motto is nowhere near being accurate and their games have become quite glitchy and careless as of late.

Anyway with all that being said, I probably will pick the game up tonight and form my own opinions because I'm bored with my current games and anxious for some college basketball. Hopefully the wife will understand and not question why I can't wait another month and get it for Christmas.
ok...that will be my final post....
# 306 Scoop 24 @ 11/21/08 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by crques
A) Unfortunately the 2 blockbusters within 20 miles of my house do not have the game yet, therefore I cannot rent it.

B) I'm curious about recruiting because I spend a majority of my time simming and recruiting. I do play games during the season, but I normally don't play all of them. I liked the gameplay of the demo but for me there are far more things that make a sports game worthy of a purchase, and dynasty mode is one of those.

C) I'm sure that money isn't an issue for some guys on here, but shelling out $65 for something that I'm unsure about isn't something I like to do, especially considering that you only get about 2/3 of that back if you try to sell it after you buy it. By no means am I poor or anything like that, but I try to spend my money wisely especially when Christmas is a month away and I have a family that would enjoy some nice gifts from Santa. LOL

D) There are several guys on here whose opinion I trust and value so asking questions about certain aspects of a game when deciding to buy it isn't any different than researching a product and reading customer reviews on any other website, which most good consumers do.

E) I know that you are strictly "EA Basketball" all the way and that's fine. We all are entitled to our opinions and I'm sure the game is decent from the impressions I've seen, but unsure if it has enough good qualities and features to warrant a purchase from me. I've been burned too many times in the past by this company just to run out and throw away money on a college b-ball game just because it's the only one available this season and they advertise "if it's in the game, it's in the game." I'm sure we all can attest that their motto is nowhere near being accurate and their games have become quite glitchy and careless as of late.

Anyway with all that being said, I probably will pick the game up tonight and form my own opinions because I'm bored with my current games and anxious for some college basketball. Hopefully the wife will understand and not question why I can't wait another month and get it for Christmas.

does that seem like a "EA Basketball" all the way kinda person
# 307 crques @ 11/21/08 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Scoop 24

does that seem like a "EA Basketball" all the way kinda person
My mistake. I remember him talking about March Madness a lot last year and defending the hell out of this game when the doubters started talking about it. I had never seen the link above. I retract my "EA Basketball" comment then. LOL
# 308 sportdan30 @ 11/21/08 03:41 PM
I think those looking for a complete game (dynasty, recruiting, etc.) will be disappointed. Now, if you're looking to play a season and can look past some of bogus issues (rankings, etc.) then I think you'll find yourself enjoying this game. The game play is fun!

With all that said, I too was on the fence. However, I've really given up FPS and other action type games for the most part. Sports games are the only tried and true games that I'm buying, with the exception of a game here, a game there. I'm looking at what's out right now, and I don't have any desire for another game at this point. The next game I buy will be The Show '09. Therefore, I took the chance and bought this game. I have been very pleasantly surprised thus far.
# 309 scdb12 @ 11/21/08 04:55 PM
as far as rankings and Tourny brackets go......what game doesnt have it messed up, nothing will be perfect it is just a videogame. CH2k8 was a great game but at the same time legacy was flawed to with messed up schedules (playing 3-4 games a week, playing a team back to back) and the tourny brackets was messed up too (games against conf foes in the tourney. Just go and buy the game if you are a College Basketball fan it will be worth it. It has all the essentials Pre-season tournys, recruiting challenges, conf tournys, Post NIT, and TOurney, plus has the MCdonald's all-american game. This is a solid title.
# 310 Hurricain @ 11/21/08 06:06 PM
Originally Posted by J-Unit40
I like the game for the most part. It definitely feels different from previous games. However, the sim engine is pretty bad. I simmed 2 seasons to get a feel for the sim engine:

Highest team points per game: 79-81
Highest individual points per game: 19-21
Highest individual assists per game: 5.5-6.5
Highest individual rebounds per game: 9.5-10
Highest individual steals per game: 1.7-1.9
Highest individual blocks per game: 2.6-3.0

Those are pretty weak numbers in my eyes. The problem for the individual numbers is superstars aren't getting enough minutes. Stephen Curry was only averaging 27 minutes per game. Same for the other star players. I don't recall seeing one player average more than 30 minutes per game.


Oh, and the Top 25 polls are pretty bad too. I saw St. Mary's at #2 with a 16-4 record at one point. WTF. Every team had at least 6 losses too by the end of the regular season.
This is why I'm going to pass this year. Hopefully they put some work in Dynasty mode next year, sounds like the gameplay is pretty good.
# 311 countryboy @ 11/21/08 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by dbrandon
Where is that? Is that one of the tempo things you are supposed to pick?

its not available in the "balance" tempo.
# 312 Flightwhite24 @ 11/21/08 07:57 PM
I just went and picked it up. It's loading as I type, just hope it turns out to be solid not perfect just want a solid exp. Peace!!!
# 313 countryboy @ 11/21/08 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
I just went and picked it up. It's loading as I type, just hope it turns out to be solid not perfect just want a solid exp. Peace!!!
I was wondering how long it would take before you picked it up.
# 314 Flightwhite24 @ 11/21/08 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by countryboy
I was wondering how long it would take before you picked it up.
Just couldn't hold out any longer. Played my 1st game UC Bearcats vs The Orangemen. I played straight out the box on default and all I can say it was a fun as hell game. Back and forth all the way to the end were I ended up winning 40-37. I am glad I picked it up. Sure it has it's squirks which are evident but it is a solid,solid,solid game. I played it unbiased and did no comparison to CH2K8. I played it for what it is. No doubt the rosters are F$#^$#D up and I mean bad. Hopefully Behindshadows or someone can fix it because they are in terrible shape but the gameplay and all the other things mentioned before by those who like the game are true. Can't wait to get the roster set as soon as they are ready. Gonna get me a 12 pack of Bud Light Lime and get down and dirty with this game. Peace!!!!
# 315 Scoop 24 @ 11/21/08 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by JSKYWALKER1
Just couldn't hold out any longer. Played my 1st game UC Bearcats vs The Orangemen. I played straight out the box on default and all I can say it was a fun as hell game. Back and forth all the way to the end were I ended up winning 40-37. I am glad I picked it up. Sure it has it's squirks which are evident but it is a solid,solid,solid game. I played it unbiased and did no comparison to CH2K8. I played it was. No doubt the rosters are F$#^$#D up and I mean bad. Hopefully Behindshadows or someone can fix it because they are in terrible shape but the gameplay and all the other things mentioned before by those who like the game are true. Can't wait to get the roster set as soon as they are ready. Gonna get my a 12 pack of Bud Light Lime and get down and dirty with this game. Peace!!!!
told you it was a good experience enjoy man. i sure have.
# 316 K_rob11 @ 11/21/08 09:49 PM
I went ahead and picked it up....my wife and son are checking out the new netflix streaming movie thing on my 360 ....i will try it as soon as they get to bed. I will probably be up all night long. Hope I made the right choice cuz i just traded pretty much all my games for it . I decided that I would be able to withstand the barebones dynasty mode and all.....i just want a new experience gameplay wise after years and years of playing on 2k basketball engine. I figure that I was one of the few, if not the only one who did enjoy MM08 and I was pretty happy with that game before i popped in CH 2k8. Well, no turning back now.....
# 317 J-Unit40 @ 11/21/08 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by K_rob11
I went ahead and picked it up....my wife and son are checking out the new netflix streaming movie thing on my 360 ....i will try it as soon as they get to bed. I will probably be up all night long. Hope I made the right choice cuz i just traded pretty much all my games for it . I decided that I would be able to withstand the barebones dynasty mode and all.....i just want a new experience gameplay wise after years and years of playing on 2k basketball engine. I figure that I was one of the few, if not the only one who did enjoy MM08 and I was pretty happy with that game before i popped in CH 2k8. Well, no turning back now.....
K_rob, this game definitely has it's quirks and share of goofy movements/animations, but it's fun for some odd reason.

I wish the sim engine wasn't so off. It's one of those things that hold me back from enjoying it more. It ticks me off. It all boils down to the good (or any) players not playing more than 30 minutes a game in Dynasty. I wish we could tweak the player rotations or something.

# 318 duke776 @ 11/21/08 10:23 PM
I have one question before I buy this game. It probably won't effect my decision a ton(because I already know it's a great game by the demo), but are you able to move a player from one team to another?
# 319 BoDontThinkSo @ 11/22/08 02:48 AM
Sorry to bring up a random topic hear guys, but has anyone noticed how players never use the glass in this game????? I know its a nit picky issue, but i think it is essential to have this in a basketball game. they might as well not have even put a backboard in the game. Like I said, tiny issue, but still a fun game.
# 320 racerx @ 11/22/08 07:25 AM
One minor annyonce in Dynasty mode it doesn't show there Top 25 ranking in the bottom score overlay like NCAA Football 09 does.

Other wise this really is night and day compared to MM08, just really love the whole flow of the game.

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